Considering Matty can't read Cathayan it could be a manual on dung for all she knows.
Additional character sheet changes:
Books stolen from Clan Eshin, in what you guess to be Cathayan.
Inter-Eshin correspondence detailing the Civil War.
Possible, though it's also an option that the books are Nipponese and Dragomas only knows Cathay.Haha, nice.
We can probably talk to Dragomas for a primer at least, worst comes to worst. He's been there, he clearly has to know the language.
The Civil War books are probably the most immediately valuable for us though in terms of Favor generation. Not much immediate utility, but would probably let us gauge what the overall timeline on our campaign should be--if it's on the cusp of being won, it means we need to be extremely aggressive in this campaign because it means the Horned Rat is about to call it off, and we need to do our best to try and clear out the Skaven from Eight Peaks now, even at cost.
Basically, it tells us what the timeline is before the Skaven unite up again and it becomes one super faction fighting us instead of three or more fighting each other the most.
I consider this a win.
Mathilde puts her pen down. After three hard years of study and negotiating with Marienburg for rare books, she finally has a Nipponese lexicon. The Eshin books, written in a strange combination of the two languages, will yield her secrets to her at last. She turns to the first page and looks up the characters.Honestly, I'll be thrilled if we could steal some of whatever weird martial arts Eshin uses.
Huh. That's a new one. Means "Library Science." Rather appropriate for Mathilde these days.
And here's the books themselves.
Ciphering text that you actually want to reference is completely ridiculous. You use ciphers for letters, but never manuals.
So what you're saying is "What we got is good, but not the best. So it's fucking worthless"?Compared to what else was on the table? Yes it was. Information on the skaven civil war is useless, because it only happened because the Horned Rat went silent, and its already ended saved for the clean up. We can't make the Horned Rat fuck off, and we can't influence skaven to start another war, so the information isn't worth anything. Eastern Books 'could' be good depending what they actually involve, but with spell books being on the table they are second place at best, if not third.
Mathilde puts her pen down. After three hard years of study and negotiating with Marienburg for rare books, she finally has a Nipponese lexicon. The Eshin books, written in a strange combination of the two languages, will yield her secrets to her at last. She turns to the first page and looks up the characters.
"All right, let's see here... 影分身の術... need to remember to read it right-to-left... 'art' or maybe 'technique', good start... 'of'... hrm, this is complicated, but I think it's something like capturing the essence of a person, so 'avatar' or 'embodiment' or maybe 'clone'? and finally... 'shadow.' 'Shadow Clone Technique'?"
I'm pretty sure that Altorf University has people who know eastern languages that are less busy than a Supreme Patriarch.
That's what college favor is for.I'm pretty sure that Altorf University has people who know eastern languages that are less busy than a Supreme Patriarch.
Mathilde puts her pen down. After three hard years of study and negotiating with Marienburg for rare books, she finally has a Nipponese lexicon. The Eshin books, written in a strange combination of the two languages, will yield her secrets to her at last. She turns to the first page and looks up the characters.
"All right, let's see here... 影分身の術... need to remember to read it right-to-left... 'art' or maybe 'technique', good start... 'of'... hrm, this is complicated, but I think it's something like capturing the essence of a person, so 'avatar' or 'embodiment' or maybe 'clone'? and finally... 'shadow.' 'Shadow Clone Technique'?"
Compared to what was possible, and the unknown value of the Eastern books, no I'm saying its mediocre at best. I wouldn't call it good at all right now.So what you're saying is "What we got is good, but not the best. So it's fucking worthless"?
I am going to solidify my title as No Fun Guy and point out that what you're describing is actually 変わり身の術, the Body Replacement Technique, Kawarimi no Jutsu.Skaven-Bunshin-no-jutsu, you disappear and another Skaven takes the hit for you.
Obviously, only taught to the highest tier of Skaven.
Thanquol actually has a ward save that works like that.
Truer words have never been said. Believe it.This is the only way we'd get though our whole research backlog.
Which means they will cipher their communications once they realize that Queekish is known. Its also funny that even though skaven usually backstab one another, they don't practice much document security, probably due to the fact that most skaven ate illiterate.there language is supposed to be the cypher they dedicate a lot to keeping it secret we just bypassed it through divine magic of a thief god who seems very opposed to the Skaven by pure thematic nature.
"In comparison" is going to leave you salty on almost every role. Get over it.Compared to what was possible, and the unknown value of the Eastern books, no I'm saying its mediocre at best. I wouldn't call it good at all right now.