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Except the Elves are probably the most powerful nation on the planet, barring the lizardmen who don't really seem to leave Lustria very often. Hell, part of the reason Marienburg is considered the premier port and its houses the best merchants of the old world is that the elves trade there. And if they want to put pressure on someone why wouldn't trading directly with that person help them more? That way they could threaten it themselves instead of needing Marienburg to do the exact same thing. Also, Ulthuan isn't exactly in need of goods, so wouldn't mire markets be better, both for information gathering, and for reaching untapped markets?

Ulthuan seems like they'd consider trade merely a means to an end, and that end is the iron grip they have on Marienburg via the 'Continental Exarchate of the High Kingdom of Ulthuan'.
There's also Sjoktraken, though I think they had for the longest time no real way to connect to the rest of the world thanks to Chaos marauders.

Also, aren't the holds of Kraka Drak discovered at this time? That's the feet Thorgrim performed to be declared High King, right?

If not, I would Love to go looking around for them.

Failing that, I have recently checked a map of the Old World. Isn't Zharr-Naggarund right on the other side of Karak Azul and a little bit more away?
Also, aren't the holds of Kraka Drak discovered at this time? That's the feet Thorgrim performed to be declared High King, right?

If not, I would Love to go looking around for them.
They were found and then lost again, besieged by chaos warriors. It's theorized that that's the reason why Thorgrim is so... grim.
Ulthuan seems like they'd consider trade merely a means to an end, and that end is the iron grip they have on Marienburg via the 'Continental Exarchate of the High Kingdom of Ulthuan'.
Yes, but how does that aid them? How does that serve Ulthuan's interests? If they want closer realtions with the powers of the Old World, why wouldn't they trade with them all? Surely they wouldn't (as is true in the canon of Warhammer, though maybe not the quest) aid Marienburg's independence via having their wizards march with them while Wilhelm II tried to force the port back into Imperial hands? Especially as they had the Exarchate (fun word that) already. The whole thing has always just seemed really really weird to me.
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Mathilde looks at growing vote for ongoing tower and is seized with a uncontrollable urge: MOR DAKKA!! MOR DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA!!! WHAAAAAAGH!!!!

Everyone else starts easing away from her.

Mathilde coming back to herself looks up and shakes fist at the sky "RANALD DAMN YOU MOOOOOORRRRRRRRK!!!!"
Huh, just noticed Gretel's stats. Has her Intrigue always been that high?
No clue, we only had it revealed this turn; same with adela's diplo. We only get to see NPCs stats when we have a decent in character experience highlighting them; in this case, it was their tales of their escapades; Adela trying to convince dwarves, and gretel reiterating why she is the class favorite by way of proper paranoia and successful looting of enemies :p
[QUOTE="Glau, post: 13253249, memberI think we need to really sell the idea that dwarves in the Karak are not here to risk their lives. They are here to improve their craft, rebuild the holds, and above all else raise children and teach.

Humans get looked at for the bulk of the population and warriors. Basically K8P sans Karag Lhune is given over to other races, on a tiered own/lease system that all explicitly has the 'until the king needs it back' clause in it, for the thousand year future when the dwarves overflow their halls again.

And then just fcking keep pulling in mercenaries. Make doing a few tours of duty at K8P a sort of combination equipment upgrade, dwarven boot camp, and cash windfall for sellswords across the known world. The ones that are good enough get offers for citizenship, and get stamped with a variant on the same rune the Undumgi felt.

Halflings don't have to fight, dwarves trade an imposed culture of 'must be warrior' for a 'must be teacher' one (with tradition given its due by reference to the ancient dwarf choice to uplift humanity), and the whole side of order wins
The moment that you create a system that that puts more value on one group over the other you start having problems. Having the less valuable group making up the majority of your fight force is a great way to have that group rethink the relationship.

K8P that has a second class of humans develop is a K8P waiting to explode.
Ulthuan seems like they'd consider trade merely a means to an end, and that end is the iron grip they have on Marienburg via the 'Continental Exarchate of the High Kingdom of Ulthuan'.
Speaking as someone who's given this a fair amount of thought: That's certainly an end, but there's no reason for Ulthuan to stop there when extending its trading net allows it to exercise soft power across... Most of the Old World, honestly.
As a suggestion, what the Elves may not need in physical goods they'd probably enjoy in entertainment. I bet someone could make a killing translating fiction the Asur had never encountered before, trashy romance novels and all. The Colleges would be a natural choice to engage in it, since they have lots of people with the right language skills and would probably appreciate the funding. The EIC could work out a deal with them to manufacture and ship the translated books which the Colleges would get a cut of.

For Mathilde if things worked out it would mean the EIC making more money, College favor for giving the Colleges a nice new revenue stream, and contacts in Ulthuan.
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The moment that you create a system that that puts more value on one group over the other you start having problems. Having the less valuable group making up the majority of your fight force is a great way to have that group rethink the relationship.

K8P that has a second class of humans develop is a K8P waiting to explode.
While you're right that having a heavily armed lower class is a fast way to have your upper class disappear in a violent revolt, there's also no reason that groups have to be sorted as greater/lesser. If you have a Karak Eight Peaks where halflings farm, humans fight, and dwarfs craft, with some mixing of those professions based upon people wanting to break ranks with the usual standard of things... is that really a problem? Sure the king's a dwarf, but it's not like a human king would make anything better or worse for the citizen on the street. Sure the dwarfs own the mountain, but humans pay human landlords too.

Ultimately if we try to go for a full cultural reshaping in Karak Eight Peaks we're in for a long, hard road with a lot of work and uncertain reward ahead of us. But the general concept of "get the dwarf populace to fight less so they die less; humans can fill the gaps" isn't an unworkable one. In contrast the initial reconquest of the Karak had something like three times the dwarf casualties that we did human casualties, and that is unworkable long-term just due to relative populations and population growth rates.
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[QUOTE="Glau, post: 13253249, memberI think we need to really sell the idea that dwarves in the Karak are not here to risk their lives. They are here to improve their craft, rebuild the holds, and above all else raise children and teach.

Humans get looked at for the bulk of the population and warriors. Basically K8P sans Karag Lhune is given over to other races, on a tiered own/lease system that all explicitly has the 'until the king needs it back' clause in it, for the thousand year future when the dwarves overflow their halls again.

And then just fcking keep pulling in mercenaries. Make doing a few tours of duty at K8P a sort of combination equipment upgrade, dwarven boot camp, and cash windfall for sellswords across the known world. The ones that are good enough get offers for citizenship, and get stamped with a variant on the same rune the Undumgi felt.

Halflings don't have to fight, dwarves trade an imposed culture of 'must be warrior' for a 'must be teacher' one (with tradition given its due by reference to the ancient dwarf choice to uplift humanity), and the whole side of order wins
The moment that you create a system that that puts more value on one group over the other you start having problems. Having the less valuable group making up the majority of your fight force is a great way to have that group rethink the relationship.

K8P that has a second class of humans develop is a K8P waiting to explode.

To a degree I agree with this. a system that classes one race as lesser will eventually fail. However, hiring mercs to man your frontline and do the dying for you is what you are paying them for. That's not considering them lesser, you are paying them for a job they offered their services to do. it's a perfectly legitamate tatic to preserve your own standing forces/population. Having the resident human and halfling standing forces man the front line because you want to preserve dwarf lives would be a disaster however. just my opinion.
As a suggestion, what the Elves may not need in physical goods they'd probably enjoy in entertainment. I bet someone could make a killing translating fiction the Asur had never encountered before, trashy romance novels and all. The Colleges would be a natural choice to engage in it, since they have lots of people with the right language skills and would probably appreciate the funding. The EIC could work out a deal with them to manufacture and ship the translated books which the Colleges would get a cut of.

at last, teclis's true intentions have been laid bare

all is proceeding in accordance with the scenario
You can go there yourself and set up the contacts, but the decision was made to give up that level of control over the EIC. That said, expect it to be not terribly far in the future as the EIC suddenly has a very keen interest in river trade.
Yes, I'm sure Wilhelmina is relentlessly pursuing any and all docking rights she can get hold of, from Stirland to Marienburg, before they rocket up in value, volume of trade and price.
Tally for library is a bit borked. Some people vote for the plan by name, others included all the actions, so the votes are split.
I would like to take a moment to advocate for my plan over its most popular competitor, which is identical except for Antiquarian vs. Esoteric Skaven.

We have 19 Dwarf Favour and more coming from the plundered weapon Kragg is studying. We are not saving for anything in particular; next turn we'll want to spend Dwarf Favour on securing our penthouse, but I can't see that costing more than 10 Favour at the outside. This is 2 Favour for a measly +1 bonus, yes -- but it's +1 that will go on many, many rolls for the rest of the quest, because skaven aren't going to vanish from being a factor. We've failed rolls by 1 before; we've passed them by 0.

"We can just get it next turn for free, though!" That is true, we could -- at the expense of getting Antiquarian in something else. If we go into snake juice research after next turn, Antiquarian Chemistry would be pretty nice, for example. We aren't actually saving 2 Favour this way; we just delay the inevitable moment we give in and spend non-subsidized Favour, and get -1 to our skaven rolls in the meantime. If we have other uses for that Favour in the meantime, that's great! But I don't think we do.
Tally for library is a bit borked. Some people vote for the plan by name, others included all the actions, so the votes are split.
Yeah. We'll just have to manually combine the votes. Oh well.

I asked earlier if anyone had any idea why this happened or how it could be avoided in future, but nobody had an answer.
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