Mathilde's Mystical Matrix: A means of holding a spell in stasis inside a living creature. It is limited in that it can only contain spells that would normally be cast on someone else, and can't be used on Wizards or magical creatures, but it takes only an hour to set up and requires no instruments or ingredients. It was adapted from a similar mechanism used by Sylvanian necromancers to work with Ulgu instead; currently the Amber and Jade Orders are working on adapting it to their Winds.
Mathilde's Multidimensional Aethyric Projection: The 'MAP' provides a visual medium for depicting any low-resolution two or three dimensional shape the caster can picture. Long-lasting, easy to sustain, able to be edited on the fly, and simple enough that it is likely to be convertible into other Winds.
Aethyric Vitae: When the energy of the warp goes straight from the unreality of the Warp to an area where reality is largely uncompromised, instead of disintegrating into the Winds it condenses into a liquid. It can be converted to more conventional energies with the exposure of any of the Winds to break it into large and equal amounts of all eight Winds, or can be converted entirely into Dhar by exposure to Morrsleib or Warpstone. Currently, the only known source is a Wisdom's Asp caught inside a mirror-trap box under unknown but very unlikely circumstances.
Papers and books written and contributed to:
Ulgu/Spell/Other: Mathilde's Mystical Matrix, by J. Mathilde Weber (Grey), 2476.
Observations on Runecraft During The Expedition To Karak Eight Peaks, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), J. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), J. Esbern (Amber) & J. Seija (Amber), J. Panoramia (Jade), 2478.
Deployment of an 'Anvil Of Doom' During The Battle Of Karag Nar, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), J. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), J. Panoramia (Jade), J. Esbern (Amber) & J. Seija (Amber), 2478.
Dragon Ogres and Volcanic Lightning, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), J. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), J. Esbern (Amber) & J. Seija (Amber), 2478.
Preliminary Observations on the Eusocial Cave Spider, By J. Esber (Amber) & J. Seija (Amber), M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), 2479.
Ulgu/Spell/Simple: Mathilde's Multidimensional Aethyric Projection, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), 2480.
A Full and Accurate Census of All Varieties of Undead within the Hunter's Hills, 2476, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), E.C. Abelhelm Van Hal (Templar) (S·T·T·L), J. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), 2480.
The Properties Of and Countermeasures To an Observed Suite of Necrarch Control and Enhancement Spells, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), E.C. Roswita Van Hal (Templar), 2481.
Sevir/Spell/Lesser: Mathilde's Multidimensional Aethyric Polysevirric Projection, By L.M. Olenus (Bright), M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), 2481.