Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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The Karak Hirn competition angle makes some basic sense, but... The Silk is not going to compete with dwarven silk textiles; very different niche.

+Dwarfs outright playing actual sabotage - and let's not play wordgames there, every dwarf will consider an intentionally botched job to be straight sabotage - is like. No, that does not happen. Basic dwarven common culture aside, especially double specially between friends, and to heroes of their species to whom they owe much. Which we are with Ulthar and Mathilde Weber is.

Nvm actual consequences of sabotage being succesful. That's a capital G-Grudge. Belegar will fuck them up for that, and every dwarf in Karaz Ankor will nod and say aye, they deserved, that's a Grudge well-settled.
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You're not able to bask in the news you've become known to the Emperor himself, as you've suddenly realized where you've seen this woman before. "A pleasure to meet you!" says the woman who was once known as Countess Gabriella von Bundebad brightly, closing the gap between you before you can react and taking your hands in hers. "I'm sure we've so much in common!" And hidden by her hands, she folds one finger over another in the sign of the Gambler, and with a tiny sliver of divine attention that leaves you feeling giddy, an always-familiar presence gives confirmation.

"The pleasure is mine, your Majesties," you say faintly.

As you try to wrap your head around the magnitude of the plot Ranald appears to have expended his divine bounty upon, Dragomas and Algard explain the situation: a Vampire that has decided to share his knowledge freely instead of jealously hoarding it, and how it would have continued to go completely undetected if it not for fortune delivering the right Magister to the right spot at the right time - and the Empress gives you a cheeky, conspiratorial smile at fortune.
This is hilarious, and with our god literally vouching for her I see no reason that this woman should not become our new best friend. Based on how much the Emperor is listening to her strategic analysis she's doing a large part of running the Empire, which is just magnificent. She is a legend in her own time and Mathilde is one of a very select few who know it. It would also explain a lot about how she successfully pretended to be a vampire for years if she's got a god of lies firmly in her corner; he would absolutely love pulling that con (Deceiver for the lie, Gambler for the incredible risk involved, and Protector because by being "a vampire" she protects the populace from all the real vampires).

Also, I really want to get that Ranald-guided-teleportation research going as more than a random idea now, because he could almost certainly send us to any of his priests/artifacts/chosen ones. Which is to say, Mathilde could teleport to the Empress' side at any time, from anywhere. For anything from afternoon tea and biscuits to appearing out of nowhere in response to a divine alert button and saving her life. That's the kind of plot hook material I want to be caught by.

On other topics, pretty sure the beekeeper Loremaster would likely have the best grasp of We's native psychology, which is very important to culturally instructing them well. Spider expert would have misconceptions unlikely to apply and weaver would have too much focus on what we want out of them instead of how to communicate with them.

I am writing in a social for Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart on the grounds that he's the second most important human in the Karak Eight Peaks area so we should get to know him well. Very well. After a sufficient scoping-out period, possibly intimately.

Look, the point of social votes might not actually be shipping but it's still the best time and Mathilde needs to explore her options with muscular older men of authority, it can't all be cool dwarfs and fun ladies!

[X] Princess Edda, to pry for details about her illicit romance with Prince Kazrik.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiousity about Prince Ulthar.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, to check up on the Ulrikadrin and get to know him better.

[X] The best reading chair ever.
[X] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping
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[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[X] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping
@Redshirt Army made the exact point I wanted to make about this before I could. Spider guy is probably going to be thrown off by the fact that the spiders are very different from forest spiders, weaver guy is a terrible idea for reasons I already posted, beekeeper just needs to be told "they're bees that are spiders, a hive that is intelligent, and they make silk instead of honey" and away he goes.

[X] Princess Edda, to pry for details about her illicit romance with Prince Kazrik.
Mathilde needs to be low-key horny on main.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
I am intent on adopting him as Mathilde's grumpy uncle and you can't stop me.
[ ] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
Repairing this relationship is important. EDIT: But we get the favor anyway, so I'm dropping it, because I forgot that this turn is about who we want to hang out with.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
I was right about her hiding from the Grey College in one of her giant brass balls. I did not expect to be right about that.
[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
I don't want that to hang forever.
[X] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for

[ ] Store away for some future purpose.
This is probably not going to win, but I desperately want it to top our doom-tower. Burning Shadows can emanate from its mouth. It'll be such a fucking heavy metal album cover. EDIT:
[X] Canopy bed, except skull instead of canopy.
It has been pointed out to me that if we ever do hook up with anyone, the opportunity to have sex inside a skull-bed is too Mathilde to pass up.
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[X] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping

[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.

[X] On display in the Duckling Club.


[X] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
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...Vladimir. That was a test. That was a test all along. He guided Frederick all along against Nagash's traps and ploys... only to find out that no, no mortal being can weather Dhar at all.

I am unsure whether to rage at him for dooming Frederick to this end and the creation of Liber Mortis or pitying him for having lost someone who he respected and come to value as he slowly but surely become fully mad and crazed.
Also from what I can tell he basically mercy killed Frederick at the end, at least judging by how the writing cuts off.
Bugger, so there's nothing there to help with Theurgy.

That's not quite accurate, the book gave knowledge of how to wield one wind with another; so using Ulgu ti wield Ranald's divine power might be a valid avenue.

I suspect that plays a part in how they evolved, but I doubt it's needed to maintain it. Since they seem to have evolved a way to sharply limit the effects of ingesting warpstone. Those tumors sound a lot like an evolution to keep warpstone from further mutating the species.

The description of the tumors make me think of them warpstone 'pearls', though I don't think they will be useful apart from giving the answer on how the We handles warpstone.
[X] On display in the Duckling Club.
[X] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her
[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, to check up on the Ulrikadrin and get to know him better.
[x] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.
[x] Wolf, because he's a good boy, yes he is.
[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania
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She's also preggers. So it's highly likely that her child will be the next emperor.

So shoot for being the godmother to the future Emperor? That what you aiming at?

While I commend people willingness to give her a copy, spending two actions is rather too much I think :V
We could always send her the copy, the priority here is so that she won't freak out...much
My logic was partially also make sure she knows how to somewhat herd the wizards she's getting.
[X] Loremaster: Expert on weaving
[+] The Wizards of Karak Eight Peaks (locked in)
[X] Princess Edda, to pry for details about her illicit romance with Prince Kazrik.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] The best reading chair ever.

The We becoming the Weavers is what we really want them for--might as well have someone who knows how to Weave Good. Edda because it's high time we started socializing a little with our peers on the advisory council. Kragg because Kragg, and we might float the topic of the Snakejuice with him. Roswita because I want to have some kind of connection with Abelhelm's legacy, and she's starting to grow on me herself. Heidi because sweet fuckmothering Christ, woman! From countess to goddamned Empress. There is a Story there and I am dying to hear it.
[X] On display in the Duckling Club.
[X] Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her
[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Wolf, teaching him not to dig up the Halfling gardens and hide bones there.
[X] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.

[X] Check in on the Gong Farmers and the Niter Factory.
[X] Check in on your fief in Stirland.

[X] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping

So many choices, so many of them nice. I do believe we are about to see a positive debate. As in, an "I can't choose which one I want more for the feels" debate. Those are sweet.
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Technically a skull throne, Khorne approves?
I bet he'll be confused.
On one hand, it's used for reading and learning magic. And Khorne frowns upon mages.
On the other hand, it's a skull throne, used by a powerful warrior, who felled many enemies.
Except said warrior is a spy, only sometimes attacking the opponent head on, always trying to backstab or fling a surprise spell...
The results are conclusive. Nagash's Art cannot be safely wielded by even the best of mortals. May his Morr be more merciful than Usirian.
Okay, Vlad's got my respect now. I'm pretty sure he ended Van Hal before things spiraled out of control and he attacked the future Emperor. A final gift to a mortal he was willing to call friend? I mean, this is the same Vlad that legit fell in love with his mortal wife, and only turned her in order to keep her from dying of disease.
Also from what I can tell he basically mercy killed Frederick at the end, at least judging by how the writing cuts off.
That too but man. This puts to some perspective as to why Vlad gave Isabella the Blood's Kiss, I feel, and basically kickstarted the vC bloodline. Love is there as the main reason, but boy do I feel that he made it because he didn't want to see people he come to respect die off from something as banal as old age... or insidiously because you need to not be mortal to wield Dhar without getting insane.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
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Actually nvm, beekeeping is probably not mandatory. Need to think about it. Probably none of them will goo too bad with an actually decent roll... Might be a priority for the Gambler, there.
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