Obviously, the protagonist of the story is king Belegar. His is the story of a young king reclaiming his ancestral kingdom, it is an old and powerful story. Kragg occupies here a Merlin-like slot, a wise and ancient advisor and mentor (it doesn't need to be true in reality, it's just the literary role he will be shoehorned into because legends are traditional like that). And Mathilde is the favored knight and servant, one who goes out in the field and performs miracles in her king's name and by his command. And this kind of character is supposed to be greatly rewarded by the king, to show his wisdom, generosity and fitness for rulership. Well, that, or cast aside and insulted greatly (usually at the behest of an evil courtier), which will be used as a set up for a new ark, but I don't think we are going that way any time soon.