Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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@Boney a few questions about Lileath
  • Same question as about Ladrielle - Mathilde didn't know a ton about Her previously, now that we have books on Her what's Her deal?
    • In particular, what place does Lileath have in Eonir society? Like, under what circumstances would someone stop by a temple of Lileath?

She's the Goddess of Dreams and the Future. She is hope and foresight and ambition. You go to Isha to ask for your baby to be born healthy, but you go to Lileath to ask for them to become a good person.

  • Official art related to Lileath often uses upward facing crescents. Is a specifically upward facing crescent an important/common symbol of Lileath in-quest?

No. The symbol is the moon and the way that is most often depicted is just cultural flotsam, and there's plenty of other depictions of it if you go looking for it.

  • I see you've already said that She is considered the daughter of Isha. Is She ever said to be the daughter of Kurnous? In fact, is She ever said to have a father at all?

Kurnous is presumed in some places to be Her father, but it doesn't seem to actually come up in any of the myths or theology.

  • Does She have a horse?
  • Does She have wings?

She's... a deity? She usually doesn't normally have a physical form, and when She does it could presumably come with a horse and/or wings if she wanted it to. What are you getting at with these two questions?
[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X][COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
She's... a deity? She usually doesn't normally have a physical form, and when She does it could presumably come with a horse and/or wings if she wanted it to. What are you getting at with these two questions?
It's just that there's a horse called Cindermane mentioned one time as Lileath's celestial steed (I think in Uniforms & Heraldry of the High Elves) but afaik no where else, and a bunch of artwork depicting Lileath with wings. I was just wondering if that stuff is quest-canonical.
What does this mean, exactly? Does this mean that we are offering up our limited stocks of AV as a currency-desirable to the runesmiths so that the colleges have something to offer?

Something else?

[] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)
[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X][COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
What does this mean, exactly? Does this mean that we are offering up our limited stocks of AV as a currency-desirable to the runesmiths so that the colleges have something to offer?

Something else?

[] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)

It means we are paying in AV for a Very Serious Dwarf to tromp up to the Colleges and negotiate in good faith for the deal on opening the favor economy both ways. The rest is up to Dragonas and company.
I mean, that's fine too? All we're asking is that the same favor system that was so beneficial to Mathilde be available to the colleges. Mathilde didn't get most of her favor from enchanting, she got it from helping Dwarves, and if a Journeyman also wants to fight besides them in a battle or two in exchange for a new shiny then that's gravy.

I don't think anyone knows exactly how this could shake out, but there's nothing committed and zero harm in opening negotiations. Aside from not wanting to spare the wordcount, I guess.
Wouldn't someone who showed up in a battle to fight for the Dwarfs get Favor anyway? I'm legitimately struggling to understand what Mathilde would be changing here.

Also, I still think that if the thread wants this, it should be paid with the Kragg boon, not AV.
Wouldn't someone who showed up in a battle to fight for the Dwarfs get Favor anyway? I'm legitimately struggling to understand what Mathilde would be changing here.

Also, I still think that if the thread wants this, it should be paid with the Kragg boon, not AV.

Well yeah, this would give them another reason to be called. The local runesmith in Karak Kadrin or Azul or Karak Middle-of-Nowhere-Grey-Mountains will now know that his guild has an understanding with the guild of imperial wizards, so if he has a good account with other runesmiths he could summon though institutional channels something a lot more impressive than a random journeyman.
The whole tuition thing seems especially weird since legally parents don't actually have a choice about their wizard kids going to the colleges. They are going even if the parents refuse.
[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X][COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Wouldn't someone who showed up in a battle to fight for the Dwarfs get Favor anyway? I'm legitimately struggling to understand what Mathilde would be changing here.

Also, I still think that if the thread wants this, it should be paid with the Kragg boon, not AV.
It could be that telling Wizards about Dwarven battles they could help out with, and knowing they would be rewarded, is part of the point of the action. It could be that the Dwarf favor system is unavailable to those not immediately around Dwarves - IIRC Mathilde got some from her actions in Stirland, and if she didn't throw herself into the Karaz Ankor then she probably could never have cashed in on it. It could be that the point is Wizards being able to sell their Dwarf favor for College favor. It could be the Colleges in general being able to get their hands on Runic items without it being limited to a single person the Runesmith knows.

It could be none or all of these things. The point of opening negotiations is to check out what it would look like. If you end up balking at the AV cost, or don't think it's worth it, then Boney has indicated we'll be able to back out. But we lose nothing by talking. And personally, I think negotiations with the Runesmiths Guild is exactly the time when the Boon might be brought up.
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[x] [DWARF] No purchase.
[x] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[x] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[x] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X][COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
The whole tuition thing seems especially weird since legally parents don't actually have a choice about their wizard kids going to the colleges. They are going even if the parents refuse.
The idea being presented is twofold
  1. It helps prevent the prospective Wizard from having an antimagic influence in their lives in the form of magic disapproving parents. By either encouraging the Wizard's family to support their magical education by getting them materially invested, or if the parents refuse to pay the tuition then it drives a wedge between them and the Wizard and helps cut them off from their life.
  2. It motivates the Wizard to go out and seek profitable work if/when they start Journeying, either to pay back their supportive family, or to pay off their student debt. More profitable work is usually more exciting/useful work, but even if it isn't, a Wizard that earns more money pays a larger Tithe since it's percentage based.
The fact that the student is going to be enrolled regardless of whether the parents pay or not is accounted for, and is seen as things working as intended
If the student doesn't get support from their family then the College adds it as student debt

Mathilde further speculates that a large reason for the system is just inertia.
That it got its start back during a time that the Colleges didn't have a lot of funding and persists today because "If I had to suffer crushing student debt then so do you"
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It's just that there's a horse called Cindermane mentioned one time as Lileath's celestial steed (I think in Uniforms & Heraldry of the High Elves) but afaik no where else, and a bunch of artwork depicting Lileath with wings. I was just wondering if that stuff is quest-canonical.

There are depictions of Her that include those elements, and there are depictions that don't. That's one of the reasons why artists like depicting the Gods so much, because unless you get really wild with it, nobody's going to fact-check your take on them.
That's one of the reasons why artists like depicting the Gods so much, because unless you get really wild with it, nobody's going to fact-check your take on them.
Yeah, I can see how that will appeal to artists. And...
After being startled by a few sketched proposals that lean hard into reinterpretations of the nature of Shallya's Tears and the Goblet they were drunk from
...I can definitely see how it will appeal to a certain kind of artist...
[x] [DWARF] No purchase.
[x] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[x] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[x] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[x] [DWARF] No purchase.
[x] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[x] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[x] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[X] [DWARF] Open negotiations to allow the Colleges of Magic access to the favor economy of the Runesmith Guild on an institutional level (Pay with AV)
[X] [COLLEGE] Translations of Extensive/Obscure Asur Medicine and Anatomy texts into Reikspiel, to be donated to the Temple of Shallya (Pay with 6 College Favor)
[x] [DWARF] No purchase.
[x] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[x] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[x] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
[x] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X][COLLEGE] An Ulgu powerstone (5 CF)
[x] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[x] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations
I might have missed something but why are so many people voting for

[ ] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - The Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations, Prophecy

Is it part of a plan to eventually learn High Nehekharan so we can eventually translate Old One? Is it to learn how to read the Vampire Prophecies? Is it preparation for investigating Nehekhara's Waystone Network? Could someone explain? Sorry if this is a dumb question.
So it's been a few hours and I'd like to reiterate my question, why are so many people voting for

[ ] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic - The Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations, Prophecy
[ ][LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Liminal Pathways, Nehekharan Pantheon, The Mortuary Cult, Nehekharan Incantations

Could someone please explain? I asked earlier as you can see in the quote but it's been over 3 hours and no one's responded.
Voting is open