The Definition of Insanity
- Location
- Land of the Free
[X] Warder of Mathilde
[X] Champion of Champs
[X] Knightbringer
[X] The Dusk Rider
[X] Champion of Champs
[X] Knightbringer
[X] The Dusk Rider
That Dam Rider?I should clarify, I'm not exactly clamoring for the thread to name the Rider something snappier in quest, I'm asking for a snappier name for the Rider for discussion purposes, because I do not want to write Dammerlichtreiter every time I talk about our goon.
It is, in fact, so simple that after you sketch out your first draft for how to make that happen, you spend some time going over it for some hidden flaw, because it isn't supposed to be this easy
Communication -> communicating
Thank you for giving us what you can even if the bulk of the update is uncooperative. I am very sympathetic to this and it's greatly appreciated.
Though to update it to reflect what we now know:Fog Immersed Riders from Essence Bound Apparitions Located Liminally