So to edit
@Redshirt Army 's initial idea:
Turn 43
1: Morbs
2: Foundation Prototype
3: Control shadows
4: Weaponize Apparations (if needed, else grab more)
5: Seviroscope? (if done, then map something)
KAU: ???
EIC: Insert agents in Nordland
EIKE: Negotiations?, Tradecraft with Hochlander
Coin: Gambler on something
Basic idea behind this turn is to get buff, especially in Melee. We are about to do Elfcation, let's get some practice in. We have 2 weapons nearly ready to use (the Riders, and our shadow that's on auto-strangle mode). Both deal partially with our biggest problem of being swarmed, and our shadow is simply good in melee combat. We are going to be up against a lot of people
very good at combat, so we gotta be ready. I think that Elfcation has one of the highest chances of us dying. They are simply a class above what we have faced other than Alakazam and the Eshin in terms of personal combat ability.
The Seviroscope
Redshirts Turn 44 plan is mostly good IMO, with a slight swap to order regarding negotiations:
Turn 44
OW: Assemble Waystone ?
1: Druchii Negotiations
2: Johann: Punch Sylvania (Protector)
3: Max, Johann, Egrimm: Kislev tributaries, or map Bretonnia, or map Tilea/Estalia
WEB: Egrimm: Lothern Negotiations
4: Elfcation 1/3 (Protector)
5: Elfcation 2/3 (Protector)
Turn 44
1: Assemble Waystone ?
1: Druchii Negotiations
Johann: Use Riders on Sylvania (Protector)
3: Max, Johann, Egrimm: Map Bretonia, or if not possible without negotiations, Tilea, Estalia
WEB: Egrimm: Lothern Negotiations ? (maybe cut this)
4: Elfcation 1/3 (Protector)
5: Elfcation 2/3 (Protector)
Drucchi negotiation is later. Johann is off of Sylvania this so that we put full benefit onto the Dammerlicter. The overwork is delayed a turn because of a time dependent action.
Turn 45
1: Elfcation 3/3 (Protector)
2: Ulthuan Negotiations (Deceiver)
3: Druchii Negotiations (Deceiver)
4: Bretonia sale of Waystones (Deceiver)
5: Set up waystones in Kislev
OW: Set up waystones in Sylvania
Here is our big payoff: we get to harness the Deceiver in 3 negotiations. Honestly, I don't think it's even needed for Bretonia, but why not use it there also while we have it active. Also, the Overwork delay allows us to begin putting up waystones in Kislev and Sylvania at the same time, encouraging tighter ties. Obviously, Turn 46 should be about payoffs for the Karaz Ankor and Eonir.