Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Iirc boney heavily hinted that the true potential of windherding wasn't unlocked yet and that a better working model would show us new avenues of enchantment.

Sure, but how many people read much remember that one GM post? For that matter how many people just want to 'enchant' in general. The last full on enchanting action we had was the robes... which also did not go so good, they are good enough that no one wants to change them but not so good as to inspire new projects unless we need it for something like the towers... which we can unload on elven mages anyway.
Wait so Mathilde's Greatsword skill can be raised even further?

What sort of further avenues for improvement do we have for that? Is just more practice?

Or is it something more complex such as mastering a multitude of Greatsword styles and then further mastering the ability to seemlessly mix/switch between the various styles Mathilde has mastered mid sword stroke?

Do enough fighting with it or come up with an impressive enough addition to the style and advancing it further will become a possibility.
Sure, but how many people read much remember that one GM post? For that matter how many people just want to 'enchant' in general. The last full on enchanting action we had was the robes... which also did not go so good, they are good enough that no one wants to change them but not so good as to inspire new projects unless we need it for something like the towers... which we can unload on elven mages anyway.
Windherding iirc did pretty good the last plan vote and it has been at the back of the mind of a he threat a bit. Just ap hell has always thrown something more important or something to finish in there.
Wait so Mathilde's Greatsword skill can be raised even further?

What sort of further avenues for improvement do we have for that? Is just more practice?

Or is it something more complex such as mastering a multitude of Greatsword styles and then further mastering the ability to seemlessly mix/switch between the various styles Mathilde has mastered mid sword stroke?
Making full use of magic while swording would be one. I'm not just talking about casting magic from one hand while using her sword in another but as one cohesive whole.
Wait so Mathilde's Greatsword skill can be raised even further?

What sort of further avenues for improvement do we have for that? Is just more practice?

Or is it something more complex such as mastering a multitude of Greatsword styles and then further mastering the ability to seemlessly mix/switch between the various styles Mathilde has mastered mid sword stroke?
I think that was more of an 'if you dedicate time and AP to an skill, of course, it will go up.'

But while I would love to 'have' Grandmaster swordmanship+ skill.

I would not vote for 'spend AP' to get there, when the time/AP/research costs for each +1 goes up and up the higher you get to 'max Martal'.

the only one I'm vaguely interested in doing so is Learning, our magic stat.

because no matter how good you are at the sword. Battle magic is better.

... obviously, the best superpower is money, but we are a bit too late to hop on the stewardship train.
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We literally rolled like shit the second time and I don't even remember what the first time was. Judging it's potential value by that is not a good idea.

Edit: Actually, was it two times? Once with Egrimm, where we miscast to the point of Arcane Mark. What was the other one? Was there another one?

We attempted to do Windhearding once and use the trait in other research twice.

What makes me wary of Windhearding is that it seems to be very far away from results. AV is very near yielding massive results; we have Apparition research that is fairly predictable and then there's a number of other research projects.

There's also taking the elf invite which is going to bring new projects to the table.
Windherder: You've developed an intuitive grasp of how Winds interact, when they'll interfere with each other, and when they'll mix and curdle into Dhar. Makes basic multi-Wind Enchantment and Spellcasting possible, as long as other Wizards provide the other Winds.

Personally I like Windherder because of this. It feels like it can be a very interesting avenue of research. And hey, maybe later on Mathilde can somehow find a way to get around the "as long as other Wizards provide the other Winds" bit.
If anything can be levelled to Master and beyond, I wonder what that means for our Magical skills.

For example, will be develop Master grade Waystones and Hedges as we continue the Waystone Project, or be able to develop higher grades or Runecraft if we learn elven or the Kislevite traditions' runes.

Fated being a skill rather than a trait does make me wonder though…
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Maybe we could do Windherding instead of the Lustria action next turn? It's not like we are in any rush to do it and we could use the turn to acquire books about Linguistics and Lustria/Lizardmen
So earthbound magic is in essence the other ring in the teclisian model; now we have to figure out where does the Cathay magic fit exactly to have something closer to a complete model.

Cathay magic fits perfectly into that if you assume the casters aren't base line human. Yin and Yang are simply subsets of Qhayash magic which is 2+ winds used in a spell.
I know this is a bit early but I won't be around for the opening of the vote, so I figured I'll drop the current draft of my proposed write-in now. These are the basic ideas behind my write-in:
  • I really think we shouldn't do any bombastic gestures. Sofia is scared, she's been through a lot, and she knows full well that Mathilde has the authority and the ability to have her killed anytime she chooses. There may be a time she feels comfortable enough with Mathilde to engage in all sort of fun activities with her, but that time isn't now.
  • We shouldn't sugarcoat things. Just as with the Karak Vlag dwarves, we must acknowledge that Sofia's fears are legitimate, especially because in this case she really does have something to fear. She won't believe a word we say if we don't do this.
  • On the other hand we shouldn't overly emphasize that Sofia is one judgment call away from being executed. She knows, and this won't help matters. Make it clear that we are here not because she's done anything wrong, but simply because Mathilde is Panoramia's lover.
  • Explain to Sofia that she has been given a good opportunity, and that things could get better. Could, not would. Mathilde can't promise that and Sofia won't believe her if she did.
This is the wording I've currently settled on:

[ ] Plan Soft Touch
-[ ] Clarify that this is a social call by Panoramia's girlfriend, not an investigation by a Grey Wizard.
-[ ]Yes, Mathilde is a Grey LM and will act if Sofia gives her enough of a reason, but Sofia isn't under any more scrutiny then she already was; there are laws and no harm will come to Sofia unless she actually breaks the articles.
-[ ]With that uncomfortable business out of the way, tell Sofia about K8P and Panoramia. Be positive, but not unrealistically so: she's going to a nice place that is fairly accommodating to Wizards and she will have a good Master, but don't pretend that it's all smooth sailing from now on.
-[ ]Emphasize to Sofia that Mathilde's door is open to her, as it is to all the Wizards of K8P. Tell her she can feel free ask whatever questions she has.

I've decided against sharing any personal anecdotes about the hat or the time Mathilde was almost burned or the fact that Mathilde only ever judged one College Wizard in her 20 year long career and she cleared him of all charges. Also note the lack of any concrete offers beyond "feel free to ask stuff if you want", no offer to see the library or meet wolf or whatever. I think that those are all things that could definitely happen in the future, but here and now there's no getting around the fact that Sofia is afraid of Mathilde and not without cause. This isn't a meeting of equals, and if we make her an offer to see the library she might feel that she can't say no, and I fully expect her to answer Mathilde's request for questions with "no questions, Lady Magister". I think the best we can do is lie some groundwork which could maybe lead to trust in the future, and leave the door open to Sofia reaching out if and when she feels more comfortable.
On Sofia, I'm reminded a little of how we first met Qrech, who was also afraid of the scary grey wizard and suspicious of our motives. At least some part of our initial talk should emphasize the ideal of working with, and in support of, rather than against, her.
One of the big hits against windherding is that we have all our own item slots full, so personal benefits from the action are limited or null. In terms of rallying the thread for a vote for it, maybe think what might be useful for Eike instead, whose own slots are currently all empty, then make that. The Aetheric Armor/Guard of Steel robes are neat, though I suppose they would have been neater still had Eike not literally just finished getting Mathilde's mastery of that spell this turn.

And that's a combo that can be done with Max, so anyone wanting to get the Windfall paper from Egrimm finally box-ticked can still do that.
I fully agree on no bombastic gestures or personal anecdotes. Sofia is justifiably scared, and will go along with everything we suggest and listen to everything we say not because she actually wants to, but because she is scared. Any story we share will have her frantically trying to figure out the response she thinks we want to get, not just listening and reacting naturally. It'll stress her out regardless of what we say.
Is Max capable of enchanting? We need another enchanter.
Ah, can he not?
Well...there was talk about putting Eike on enchanting lessons, maybe put them both on it with an eye to windherding later. Lessons through WEBMAT are fine if we plan on putting them to practical use later, and so doing that practically locks in a 'windherd with max' within a few turns so as not to annoy him.

As you say, we need more enchanters on the payroll. A school-lesson segment isn't very exciting for update material, though.
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We attempted to do Windhearding once and use the trait in other research twice.

What makes me wary of Windhearding is that it seems to be very far away from results. AV is very near yielding massive results; we have Apparition research that is fairly predictable and then there's a number of other research projects.

There's also taking the elf invite which is going to bring new projects to the table.

Oh I wasn't arguing to put it on high priority. Orbflex should definitely come first. And I'm even okay to do the Elfcation soonish, though as an adventure it might take a long time IRL. I just balked at the idea that it is a general write-off. In fact I'd go as far as to say that after AV, Branarhune and Apparition Binding it makes for the obvious next long term hobby project. Hell, personally I'd even want to create and codify the Ulgu Sword spell first. Though thinking of it, maybe the Shadow Warriors of Nagarythe already have a spell like that which they might become willing to teach us.
Manann, Lord of the Seas +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Rhya, Earth Mother +2 - Extensive Imperial
Taal, King of the Wild +2 - Extensive Imperial
Dazh, God of Fire and Sun +2 - Extensive Kislevite
Addaioth, Bringer of Wrath and Fire +2 - Asrai, Asur
Hukon, the Sunderer +2 - Obscure Asur
Great Maw +1 - Imperial
Hashut +3 - Extensive Imperial / Dwarven
Given that it seems like the Elementalists were looking into Theurgy to fix the Wind-based flaw in their Tradition, should they have books on spirits/minor gods?
I do want to tell the hat story for two reasons. One is that I now find it neat and have gotten attached to the idea. The other is that emphasizing that we are not wearing it for philosophical or occupational reasons would definitely at least help alleviate some fears over time. A Grey Magister with a Witch Hunter's hat and no context is just damn terrifying for most Imperial citizen, no matter the status and background. Wearing it while meeting Sofia without an explanation is in some ways a bombastic statement in and off itself, even if it is one we've been fine making with everyone we meet.
Who was that again? I can't remember.
Barbitus, one of the members of the Light Choir that went with Egrimm on the trip to Karag Dum. He was suspected of maybe falling to Chaos, but Mathilde cleared him.
On Sofia, I'm reminded a little of how we first met Qrech, who was also afraid of the scary grey wizard and suspicious of our motives. At least some part of our initial talk should emphasize the ideal of working with, and in support of, rather than against, her.
I think there's a big difference between Qrech and Sofia. Well, there's a lot of differences between them, but an important one is that Sofia doesn't need to work with Mathilde. Mathilde was Qrech's jailor, but Mathilde isn't even Sofia's Master - she's just her Master's girlfriend. It would be good if they get along because Mathilde is an important person in Panoramia's life, but if Sofia really doesn't want to have anything to do with Mathilde she mostly doesn't have to. That's why I think we should emphasize that Sofia can reach out to Mathilde just as any Wizard of K8P can, but we shouldn't go further than that - it's up to her (and up to Panoramia) to decide how much to make use of that connection.
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