Because the colleges would never get involved with grey areas like this ever.
Please, ignore the bound apparitions, they are good doggos sir.
I'll be blunt, even in the case that they don't actively make use or find a way of reproducing AV, they can STILL be useful because you suddenly have a lot of people with a lot of different viewpoints that Mathilde, being a single human being with Biases and imperfect knowledge, would never have even considered, or would not have had the resources to think of.
Talking about this research as only being useful as a 'Dunk' is incredibly narrow minded and Protagonist Focused, and ignores that the colleges are made up of numerous capable people who do not shadowrun at the first mention of potential dark magic accusations, but instead sit down and carefully consider precisely how they could instead go about their research without having to risk that. There's already been shown several ways in which magisters navigate the webs of their obligations, we're even doing it with the waystone project since that involves Dhar as a key component.