Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Second are the books on prophecy, which are benign, and the Prophecies of Nospheratus, which is creepy but unknown, and so there's no obstacle to claiming them for yourself.
@Boney the Prophecies of Nospheratus aren't listed in our notable tomes. Are they just not significant enough, so that they just counted as part of the extensive Imperial and esoteric Vampiric bonus on prophecy?
[X] Revise
[X] Max
[X] Thorek
[X] Magister Tochter Grunfeld
[X] Gretel
[X] Middenland
[X] Karak Vlag
[X] Karaz-a-Karak
[X] Eike
[X] Amber College
[X] Gold College
[X] Skull River Ambush
As snooty and condescending as they mask themselves as, they had the choice between humility and extinction, the Eonir chose humility. As for biological differences, Mathilde is starting to hone in on the fundamental differences between Dwarves and humans after a decade with the Dwarves, so it's a bit early for her to be doing the same to the Elves. But if she had to guess, her current theory would be Elves are more culturally tribalistic than humans and aren't as prone to anthropomorphizing, or whatever you call it when an Elf does it. Unlike humans who will pack bond with anything, you really need some sort of cultural commonality with Elves to get a foot in the door before they start seeing you as people. And the same goes for other Elves, if perceived cultural differences grow too great they'll be as dismissive towards them as they are to humans. Right now Eonir sees Middenland humans as closer to being people than they do Ulthuan Elves.
well now I am curious what does she think the fundamental difference between dwarves and humans are?
It's worth noting Boney's said the Asur reaction to the Waystone Project would be to try and shut the thing down ASAP. So if Teclis does show up, we're likely to have bigger issues than just him taking over the project.

Boney's also said the Asur response would be a carrot because they can't whack us with a stick, so "issues" may be a little incorrect.

I am 99% sure there was a series of Boney posts/thread discussion response that boiled down to
  • Long Ago: The Asur response to people not them messing with the Waystone network is likely "fuck no."
  • The Asur are not launching a military invasion the moment they hear of Mathilde's project come-on
  • However, they have a ton of soft power they could use to shut down the project
    • The "nuclear bomb" of soft power they could hypothetically deploy would be sending Teclis back to take charge of the colleges (per his prerogative as the living First Patriarch) and shut the project down as head honcho
    • Pretty much everyone in the colleges, Mathilde included, would consider getting Teclis back to teach and do shit in exchange for the project's existence to be an absolute win state

Practice our Grumbling?

Good thing we've got a freshly minted beardling apprentice!
Pretty much everyone in the colleges, Mathilde included, would consider getting Teclis back to teach and do shit in exchange for the project's existence to be an absolute win state
That's true for the College members, but the Eonir members would be apoplectic. Or the HE could bribe them with lucrative trade deals or some such.
That's true for the College members, but the Eonir members would be apoplectic. Or the HE could bribe them with lucrative trade deals or some such.

And if the Eonir would be furious, let's not even start with the Dwarfs and Kislevites.

However, even if Teclis came back, we might still keep the project going if we convince the Emperor that it's worth it; between Matty's reputation, her deeds and her friendship with Heidi I'm sure Luitpold would at least hear us out. At worst, we could call upon our Great Deed and make our case before the Elector's Meet.
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And if the Eonir would be furious, let's not even start with the Dwarfs and Kislevites.

However, even if Teclis came back, we might still keep the project going if we convince the Emperor that it's worth it; between Matty's reputation, her deeds and her friendship with Heidi I'm sure Luitpold would at least hear us out. At worst, we could call upon our Great Deed and make our case before the Elector's Meet.
The best we can hope for in that situation is that enough of the electors are for the project that it becomes too ruinously expensive for Ulthuan.
But don't underestimate the depth of Ulthuan's coffers.

Two elector counts that they would definitely have to bribe are Boris and Roswita.

Boris because having the Eonir on good terms is very good for him. But Ulthuan likely also wants the Eonir on side, so they probably have a suitably large bribe for that...
And Roswita, because having the knowledge as the Empire is very good. "Where was Ulthuan when Sylvania was flooded with dhar?"

Idk about the rest of the counts.

But, I can't see the cost of the bribe for "We prefer if you remain ignorant about something so important" being cheap.
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Pretty much everyone in the colleges, Mathilde included, would consider getting Teclis back to teach and do shit in exchange for the project's existence to be an absolute win state
I don't know if it would still be the case, now that we're aware the continued survival of the Old World seems to rest on the last surviving leg of the network through Marienburg. Even elf daddy is going to struggle when put up against ignoring a critical vulnerability to the survival of the continent.
Teclis might be able to convince some people from the college to be in favour of shutting down the project in exchange of him coming in and teaching.
I doubt Mathilde would go for it.
There is too much at stake, and Mathilde is professionally paranoid.
Ulthuan sends Teclis to shut down the project
Teclis intentionally fails, because he wants to spend time with his Chiselfingers students and grand-students.

Roll: Duty vs Heart, dc 50: 35 + 100 [Chiselfingers students] + 25 [Pet project, 200 years later] + 15 [Overworked] = 175.
Critical success. Teclis takes a 20 year sabbatical to the Empire.
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Funny as it would be for Ulthuan's nuclear bomb of soft power to backfire on them, it's really only the last resort for them to know about what we have.

We only really need Ulthuan for the passwords that are needed to manage the leylines proper. Let's not poke that line of inquiry until we've covered every single other option.
The best we can hope for in that situation is that enough of the electors are for the project that it becomes too ruinously expensive for Ulthuan. But don't underestimate the depth of Ulthuan's coffers. Two elector counts that they would definitely have to bribe are Boris and Roswita. Boris because having the Eonir on good terms is very good for him. But Ulthuan likely also wants the Eonir on side, so they probably have a suitably large bribe for that... And Roswita, because having the knowledge as the Empire is very good. "Where was Ulthuan when Sylvania was flooded with dhar?" Idk about the rest of the counts.

The Ar-Ulric also has a vote, right? So that's three for us, one against (Nordland).
The Cult of Sigmar (3 votes) might be inclined to oppose it because of the Nordland-Middenland issue, but if there's anything that could make them reconsider is the official support of two Dwarf Kings (Belegar and Kazador) plus a Master Runelord showing up in person to tell them that, hey, this is actually important.

On everyone else, consider the following:
On one side, Ulthuan, who fought against the Empire not long ago and continually supports a rogue province.
On the other, Kislev, one of the Empire's best allies, and the Dwarves, who are The Empire's ancestral allies and which the Sigmarites are very friendly towards because their religion tells them to.

And, in the end, the only one we need to convince is the Emperor, because Article 1 states that the Emperor (Luitpold) explicitly overrules the Supreme Patriarch (Teclis, hipothetically)
I'm incredibly happy and excited to finally say that my Mathilde kitbash is officially in progress:
It looks sort of shoddy, but that's because the pieces weren't exactly meant to go that way. I took bits and pieces from Doralia and her brother Galen to create a simulacrum, and I'm using plastic glue to smooth over the edges. It's still a bit rough, but that's why I'm picking up solid green stuff (a type of putty) tomorrow to smooth over those rough edges. I'm thinking of covering up the holes at the top of the staff to stop it from looking like a torch and more like a staff, and thickening the staff to match the two pieces that I slapped together. I don't know if painting will be enough to transform the flames into smoke, so maybe that will need adjustment. I'm also thinking of turning the chestplate into Drake scales to represent Mathilde's robe and trying to transform the belt by giving it runes. I can't do much with the sword, but there is one available to put on her back.

I'm thinking about colour scheme, and man, Mathilde isn't that exciting colour wise isn't she? It's a bunch of blacks and greys, but I suppose I can mix shades and work on highlights/shadows to make the model pop instead of focusing on colour combinations.

EDIT: Side note, the reason I have a red spot on my thumb is that I was using the hobby knife two days ago and I slipped while grinding down a mold line, nicking my finger. I don't recommend hobby knives. Just get a nail file or something. Will probably do you better.
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Creating the orbs of sorcery would shore up Mathilde's position in case Telic comes back. What would also help is if Mathilde does other stuff. Create trade deals and use the opportunity of having so many factions working together to get other things done. There are orks in the middle mountains that both bretonia and the empire would like destroyed but would argue about who owns the mountains afterward. If Kislev and the empire traded more that would also help. More trade with the dawi would also be Valuable. Heck even the wood elves goods would make profit for the empire.

Besides trade there is also defense pacts, working together to fight the many factions out to get all parties, and just having relations normalized would help. Some kind of grand Alliance is a pipe dream and would have every destruction faction trying to stop it.

Anyways what I am trying to get at is Mathilde should use her position and this opportunity to build ties among the countries. Which would make it harder for telics or anyone else to end the waystone project.
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Creating the orbs of sorcery would shore up Mathilde's position in case Telic comes back. What would also help is if Mathilde does other stuff. Create trade deals and use the opportunity of having so many factions working together to get other things done. There are orks in the middle mountains that both bretonia and the empire would like destroyed but would argue about who owns the mountains afterward. If Kislev and the empire traded more that would also help. More trade with the dawi would also be Valuable. Heck even the wood elves goods would make profit for the empire.

Besides trade there is also defense pacts, working together to fight the many factions out to get all parties, and just having relations normalized would help. Some kind of grand Alliance is a pipe dream and would have every destruction faction trying to stop it.

Anyways what I am trying to get at is Mathilde should use her position and this opportunity to build ties among the countries. Which would make it harder for telics or anyone else to end the waystone project.
The Middle Mountains are the mountains in the middle of the Empire.

The Iron Orcs are in the Vaults, the Empire has no presence or claim there.
The Middle Mountains are the mountains in the middle of the Empire.

The Iron Orcs are in the Vaults, the Empire has no presence or claim there.
You are correct about the mountains. I meant the grey mountains. While the iron orks are in the vaults bretonia would benefit from the gettingg go rid of them and the possible trade route if that particular base was garrisoned.

Edit wait yeah it looks like Codex is right.
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Anyways, let's get to planning the next turn, it's only a few weeks away and if we don't meticulously plan it now then who knows what's going to happen. /S

I'm for doing the capstone (to give our goldies and dwarfs something to do) and maybe one of the leylines actions.