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Might be that athel Loren was looking for their target first and didn't want a random boyar to stumble into them, so they hid and waited for confirmation that this particular boyar is the one they want. (I'm guessing but I don't think the knowledge of kislevite boyar houses is a common dinnertree debate topic in athel Loren.)
Hmm it might be too late but is it wise to fight an Athel Loren Warhost?
We might end up cooperating with Athel Loren on the waystone project down the line, hope they don't hold a grudge.
If the host has been jumping the river to avoid detection, then they've got spies of some sort tracking the military movements around them. Add that to the fact that they've been moving for at least a year, and the 'choice' to allow messangers out now is very suspicious.

So do we know if there's any big rituals that are fed by having a bunch of people die within a certain bound? Because really the only thing I can see changed between two months ago and now is that the elves decided they wanted humans to come into the woods.

[X] Bring in the Kreml Guard
[X] Bring in Ice Witches
Hmm it might be too late but is it wise to fight an Athel Loren Warhost?
We might end up cooperating with Athel Loren on the waystone project down the line, hope they don't hold a grudge.
I'm not sure cooperation with Athel Loren is a realistic possibility.

They tend not to play well with others.

(If this is Drycha, then the Asrai would have no issue with Mathilde fighting her)
As far as stealth getting nerfed relative to the other winds- this is a common trope for games. Powerful stealth and mind control abilities both allow situations where the players just suddenly lose for no apparent reason, because they didn't see any of the moves made against them. As this is really bad for satisfaction with a game, those things are *heavily* de-emphasized both mechanically and narratively.

Idk. I get the why of it, but I feel like it does pretty massively skew the world away from how it should actually work.

IE, a lot more heroes and lords dead to assassins, at very least.
As far as stealth getting nerfed relative to the other winds- this is a common trope for games. Powerful stealth and mind control abilities both allow situations where the players just suddenly lose for no apparent reason, because they didn't see any of the moves made against them. As this is really bad for satisfaction with a game, those things are *heavily* de-emphasized both mechanically and narratively.

Idk. I get the why of it, but I feel like it does pretty massively skew the world away from how it should actually work.

IE, a lot more heroes and lords dead to assassins, at very least.
In the End Times, Deathmaster Snikch assassinates High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer, Avatar of Grungni and Incarnate of Chamon, because Thorgrim was writing stuff down on the Great Book of Grudges and he left the door open.

You cannot imagine the incandescent rage that particular event produced in the community.
We do not really know, though it seems unlikely. Tylos was inhabited by dwarfs and humans and for humans to have even gotten there it has to be founded after the War of the Beard ended the Golden Age. Odds are by then the dwarfs will have forgotten how to make waystones, if indeed they were even able to make them without elf aid, which unlike the reverse is not 100% proven, just inferred by the existence of Karak Waystones

From the way Tylos is talked about and the fact that the Skaven already existed in enough numbers and with enough weapons to be a big threat during the Time of Woes I am pretty certain the city existed during the Golden Age of the Karaz Ankor.
One point in favour of getting ice witches is that a scene featuring 2-5 ice witches being transported by Mathilde's shadowsteed sounds hilarious.

Maybe I'm the fool for expecting funny reactions from kislevites due to fast horses, but I don't think they are used to horses that are quite this fast
That is... certainly a huge comparison. A single Pulk consists of several Rota. I understand that Mathilde saved Liljiana's life and she's quite formidable, but man is that one hell of a retelling if that's the level she believes Mathilde operates in. I'm pretty sure Mathilde's involvement here pushed things up significantly.

I do find the mental image of Liljiana bragging about how climactically destructive the Kul fight was. And you know, to be fair, she wouldn't be wrong. If you think about it, two casters really destroyed a camp of high level Warriors of Chaos consisting of like 300 people. Sure they had the advantage of surprise and several Gods at their back, but it's understandable why the feat would snowball in retellings.

Mathilde also pulled Karak Vlag from the Warp - that's automatically going to give her a metric ton of Kislev cred.
Dwarf hero-incarnate of a Wind of Magic? Just how they invented and managed to justify that?
I haven't gotten to it yet, but Ungrim is the first Incarnate of Fire and Thorgrim is the first Incarnate of Metal. Neither could cast spells, but they had magical abilities. For example, Ungrim had a "bound spell" called "Lord of Fire" which was a flaming fiery magic missile.

There were other Incarnates who lacked spellcasting abilities. Karl Sigmar, Grimgor, Ungrim, Thorgrim and even Tyrion never figured out how to be actual spellcasters. Alarielle, Malekith, Nagash, and Gelt made the most of their Wind though, and all four of them became Level 5 Spellcasters (they all have a Note that says this shouldn't be possible but they can break the rules because they're strong).
So... A thought occurs...

I don't know if anyone has commented about it and apologize if it was brought up but…

I was thinking about what the wood elfs could possibly want with Kislev and, okay, there is the Waystone and all but… what if they are trying to go some other place and Kislev is just on the way?

More specifically: what if the wood elfs are trying to go to Karag Dum because they know of Morghur being there?
The idea of 'maybe this has something with Karag Dum and/or Morghur' came up after the update where we visited the Hedgewise. As Mathilde points out it seems that the Athel Loren forces are laying a trap for some Kislevite noble, and this behavior wouldn't make sense if they were just passing through, so even if this does have some connection to Karag Dum this wouldn't be it.

OK, friends, let's cross our fingers and hope Ranald slows down the Tzar so we have enough time to cover a few more bases.
Well, if the Tzar doesn't make it Boyar Kalashinivik will arrive in four days. So I would say Ranald's aid is likely.

That is... certainly a huge comparison. A single Pulk consists of several Rota. I understand that Mathilde saved Liljiana's life and she's quite formidable, but man is that one hell of a retelling if that's the level she believes Mathilde operates in. I'm pretty sure Mathilde's involvement here pushed things up significantly.

I do find the mental image of Liljiana bragging about how climactically destructive the Kul fight was. And you know, to be fair, she wouldn't be wrong. If you think about it, two casters really destroyed a camp of high level Warriors of Chaos consisting of like 300 people. Sure they had the advantage of surprise and several Gods at their back, but it's understandable why the feat would snowball in retellings.
I think a large part of it is the contrast between Liljiana's expectation and what actually happened. 'By your wind and your God I would label you a sneak', as she said. Ulgu doesn't really lend itself to a slugfest, and Liljiana probably expected Mathilde to grab the chalice and run for it. Instead Mathilde stayed and fought to save her, including the whole dueling a Champion of Khorne thing. And Mathilde's performance at the battle against the Kul was in fact kind of amazing: she got to the chalice, killed its guardian (a Daemonette, which Liljiana doesn't know but she probably suspects it was guarded by something) and then took down half of the camp on her own, ending with a duel against a Champion of Khorne. Mathilde didn't win that duel, true, but she did survive and slow him down for long enough.
I think a large part of it is the contrast between Liljiana's expectation and what actually happened. 'By your wind and your God I would label you a sneak', as she said. Ulgu doesn't really lend itself to a slugfest, and Liljiana probably expected Mathilde to grab the chalice and run for it. Instead Mathilde stayed and fought to save her, including the whole dueling a Champion of Khorne thing. And Mathilde's performance at the battle against the Kul was in fact kind of amazing: she got to the chalice, killed its guardian (a Daemonette, which Liljiana doesn't know but she probably suspects it was guarded by something) and then took down half of the camp on her own, ending with a duel against a Champion of Khorne. Mathilde didn't win that duel, true, but she did survive and slow him down for long enough.
I'm pretty sure the one doing the heavy lifting in the slugfest was more Liljiana, who was keeping the entire camp occupied and distracted so Mathilde could backstab them efficiently. I'm very certain that Liljiana knows that Mathilde cannot replicate that feat in a straight fight. Not to dismiss or downplay Mathilde's feats, because they were appropriately fantastical, but I think it bears mentioning (hah. Bears) that Liljiana was a gigantic factor in there that was essential to Mathilde's success. She was the one fielding half a dozen bonuses from four gods backing her up after all.

I have a feeling that the Kislevite Gods don't always pull through like that. If I had to take a guess, Liljiana was building up her strength on the entirety of the trip for that singular moment, which involved basically a Holy War, so they came in to back her up. I don't expect a repeat.
and then took down half of the camp on her own, ending with a duel against a Champion of Khorne. Mathilde didn't win that duel, true, but she did survive and slow him down for long enough.
She didn't took half the camp by herself. Liliana took nearly all of it and Mathy went around stabbing the disorganised warriors. It was impressive, sure, but we didn't do the heavy lifting in the fight.
Going to be honest, this is making me regret voting (and campaigning) against doing the project in Kislav.

Boeny seems to have a nack for making interesting and entertaining not-18th-century Poland.
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