Your plan is to make something so complicated that nobody who isn't deeply immersed in the art of metalworking can hope to understanding it, so that you will need to take Max directly to the artisans in question - the Smith-Priests of Vaul - and thus gain better insight into them. While this proves to be impossible, Laurelin's explanations for why that is are as enlightening as you could have hoped for. Laurelorn's Smith-Priests labour in the tunnels and caverns below the Rainbow Falls, where the magic in the waters from the Tarn of Tears flows through after being shattered upon the rocks of the falls. To even enter them takes a great deal of training to allow an utterly neutral mindset, or else part of the flowing Winds will be drawn to that person's soul and cause turbulence that can quickly grow into a vortex of Dhar. Part of that preparation is the ritual blinding common to Priests of Vaul, and the time spent in such close proximity to the constant tumult of the falls as they wield the Winds to bend mundane materials to their will renders these craftsmen as deaf as they are blind, only able to communicate with other members of the Cult of Vaul through methods protected as holy secrets. This creates a virtually unassailable monopoly on craftsmanship, as these artisans communicate only with their correligionists, which is under the unofficial but almost total control of House Miriel.