[X] Kill: Branulhune
Alberic must die today. And I don't trust the Shadow Knives to do the job.
As for the Dragonflask, I'm not much worried about the collateral, but I am worried that if for whatever reason that fails to disable him then we are left temporarily blinded and unable to cast spells with a vocal component.
@Boney Which spells can Mathilde still cast without a vocal component?
Our last attempt to pull a fancy sword manoeuvre on a Slaaneshi demon did not go as planned, nor did dragonfire make an MVP performance. We don't exactly have a radiance beam, but the marksdwarf pistol is the next best thing and comes with absolutely no warning and negligible possibility of failure.
We'd have to wait till he exits the sedan.
@Boney What, if anything, does Mathilde see with her Windsight when it comes to the porters?
Hmm. Well, you know, I'm fine with that. I suppose I was a bit spoiled with Alkharad. Even when we caught the guy off guard, investigated him for weeks, saw him teaching his students, studied his methods, used Nightprowler to learn everything possible, then systematically broke down his plans by killing every single one of his apprentices, and we then surprised attacked him, he still put up one hell of a climactic fight and almost killed Mathilde despite all her advantages, and if it weren't for her ridiculous overpreperation and gear she would have died.
In this case, Mathilde has even more advantages than she had back when she was fighting Alkharad, and perhaps I was overestimating Alberich to put him on the same level as him. Mathilde is more well trained, and has even greater prep than the Alkharad situation, and has far, far more assistance than just herself.
I respect your dedication to your players Boney.
We are still one bad roll away from initiating a climactic battle.
I think one thing to stress is that this quest is old and long. Throw enough dice and eventually its expected that unusual circumstances will happen.
And yet how many massive and compounding failures or snake eyes during supernatural events with large consequences have we had? I can only think of one of note, which then proceeded to completely alter the Quest's trajectory. Two if you don't count Roswita firing us as still part of the same "Van Hals rolling shit" cascade. Imagine if any other climax had gone a bit more like that. Mathilde might not necessarily be dead, but we definitely wouldn't be where we are now.
also has a number of acts that are sneaky and highly classified (Queekish; Sylvannia's necromancer college)
Yeah, but no one knows about those.
- a knight of Stirland in fact -
I like how this remains the case in spirit and not just on paper.
Unfahiger with some weird two dot thing somewhere in there. I don't do German. They call themselves the Krieglitz now.
Do they? All we know is that they call their home that. Many noble families throughout history have lived in homes not named after them for one reason or another, no?
Also, the dots are over the ä. It makes it be pronounced more like the ea in "weather" instead of like the a in "wall". Oonfeaheeger. Ya know, if it were modern German instead of Stirlandian Reikspiel.
His associates might still know something inconvenient when they are caught.
Won't that be true even if we swiftly kill Alberich right here and now?
Aside from the fact that I'm super uncomfortable with asking someone for payment for something we did that they didn't ask for
It's called asking for a reward. And as long as one just asks and doesn't demand I don't see what's wrong with it. Pretty much like a finder's fee after somebody lost something.
and she's friends with the Empress, who is ostensibly from the same family. Getting Alberich dealt with looks to Mira like a request from the Empress. Can't have the public learn that a Haupt-Anderssen was behind the murders.
That's already more info than I want her to have.
and should we kill him then, we really can say with 100% honesty that this guy's killed while resisting arrest.
Wait, why does this matter?