Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character). If Kragg is upgraded with an Anvil of Doom he counts as a War Machine and follows all the rules for the Anvil of Doom.
Special Rules: Armor Piercing, Magic Resistance (3), Relentless (Can march within 8" of an enemy), Resolute (+1 Strength on the turn of a charge), Shieldwall (+1 to parry saves against charges), Rune Lore (can channel dispel dice), Unbreakable (Immune to Psychology, always passes Break Tests, can't join units that aren't Unbreakable)
Forgefire: All friendly units joined by Kragg the Grim count as having the Armor Piercing special rule as long as he is part of that unit.
Aura of Negation: Kragg the Grim is the most powerful living Runelord in the Karaz Ankor, and his ability to shut down enemy spellcasting is unmatched. Kragg the Grim automatically succeeds at channeling Dispel dice. Kragg the Grim counts as a Level 4 Wizard for the purposes of dispels (adds +4 to dispels, this doesn't stack with the Dwarf Army's innate +2 to dispels).
In addition, no enemy spellcaster within 6" of Kragg can cast spells, and no Bound Spells from enemy models may be cast within that range, whether it is innate or from an item. If an enemy is further than 6" from Kragg, they can cast the spell and target Kragg, but Kragg also confers his Magic Resistance to all Friendly Units within 6" of him.
Unbelievably Old Grumbler: Kragg the Grim is the oldest living Dwarf in the Karaz Ankor, and that means a lot to Dwarfs. Kragg the Grim may not be the army general unless he is the only character model in the army. All friendly dwarf units within 12" of Kragg may reroll failed panic tests. In addition, while Kragg is Unbreakable, he can still join units of Longbeards and Hammerers, and he conveys the Unbreakable special rule to them as long as he is part of that unit.
Disapproval: Kragg the Grim disapproves of everything, as befitting a Dwarf of his age. Kragg the Grim adds +1 to the Ancestral Grudge roll at battle start, and regardless of the result, counts as having Eternal Hatred (rerolls failed to hit rolls against all enemies in every turn of Close Combat).
Magic Items:
Kragg's Hammer: Kragg's Hammer bears Kragg's Master Rune. This will be the Old Runesmith's greatest legacy to the Dwarf realms when he releases it, if he ever does. Kragg devised his rune to aid him when forging. It heats up the hammer till it glows red hot and then transfers the heat to whatever it hits. It also drives the hammer forward with crushing force. The hammer is so hot that any enemies affected by fire are affected by the hammer as if it were actually burning. All hits from Kragg's Hammer count as S10 and have the Flaming Attacks special rule. In addition, if Kragg's Hammer wounds a model with the Chariot, War Machine or Monster troop type, or deals damage to a Building or similar structure, then Kragg deals Multiple Wounds (D3) instead of just one wound.
Kragg's Armor: Kragg's armour is forged from heavy gromril. Over the years the Runelord has laboured long and hard on it, turning each separate component into a lovingly crafted work of art. Kragg's Armor gives him a 2+ armor save. While Kragg's Armor is active, all Killing Blows, Heroic Killing Blows and Multiple Wound attacks are treated as a single Wound, regardless of the source. Poisoned Attacks do not automatically wound Kragg and he has a 2+ Ward save against Flaming Attacks. In addition, the first time in a battle that Kragg is about to die from an unsaved wound, he can roll a special D6 after the wound is resolved. On a 2+ the wound is discounted, but the ability may not be used again.
Runestaff - This ancient staff of oak is adorned with the skull of a minotaur which Kragg slew while still a youth of just a hundred winters. The Skull has been coated in brass to preserve it. If Kragg successfully dispels a spell cast by a Wizard, then the spell's caster suffers an automatic D6 strength 5 hits.