Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character)
Magic: Choirmaster Stephen is a Level 3 Wizard who uses spells from the Lore of Light, but he has unique rules to represent the Choir. For each full Rank of Acolytes (Stephen included) in his unit, Stephen adds +1 to casting and dispelling rolls, up to a maximum of +3.
Special Rules:
Choir of Acolytes: Stephen has a number of special rules to represent the Choir that he's a part of. While Stephen is a character, the Choir is a Special unit choice that he must be deployed with. He may not leave this unit for any reason, and if he were to die, then all the Acolytes would be removed as casualties. For a unit of Acolytes to qualify as a choice for deployment, you must have a minimum of one full rank (minimum frontage of 5) and a maximum of four full ranks of 5 (for a total of 20 models including Stephen).
As mentioned above, the Choir adds a bonus to Stephen's casting and dispelling attempts in the Magic phase, but they do not count as Wizards individually, only Stephen does. This means that all spells must be cast through Stephen and through his line of sight. When a miscast occurs, do not roll on the Miscast table. Instead, deal D6 Strength 10 hits to the Choir, distributed as for shooting. At least one of those hits must be allocated to Stephen. One of the Acolytes may be upgraded to a Musician, and another can be upgraded to a Standard Bearer. Stephen counts as the Unit Champion.
Guardians of Light: The Light Order are trained to deal with fear in the face of adversity. All failed Psychology tests caused by Daemons, Undead or Nehekharan Undead are rerolled, and when fighting units with those rules, the Choir counts as Stubborn.
Chants of the Choir: In addition to the regular spells that Choirmaster Stephen has access to, the Choir has two Innate Bound Spells with a Power Level of 3. They are as follows:
Protective Chant: Augment Spell. Choirmaster Stephen and his Choir have a 5+ Ward Save until the start of the next friendly magic phase
Healing Chant: Augment Spell. The Choir heals a friendly unit within 6" for D3 wounds lost earlier in the game, including slain models.
Purifying Light: The Choir is capable of making a shooting attack during the Shooting Phase. This attack has a range of 18" and a Strength of 3 and counts as a magical attack. It requires line of sight and to be in the forward firing arc as normal for shooting attacks, and is subject to all the rules for shooting. The difference is that the number of shots is determined differently. For each full rank of at least 5 models, D3 shooting attacks are dealt, up to a maximum of 3d3. Against Undead, Nehekharan Undead and Daemons, the shooting attack is dealt at Strength 4 and deals double the number of hits that it would normally do. This special shooting attack can be used to Stand and Shoot.
Equipment: The Acolytes are only armed with hand weapons and may not wear armor, use shields or be upgraded to use different weapons. Only Choirmaster Stephen has special equipment.
Magic Items:
Amulet of Warding: This talisman protects Stephen from creatures of darkness. All models with the Undead, Nehekharan Undead or Daemonic special rules take an automatic Strength 5 hit at the start of the Close Combat phase before any attacks are resolved if they are in base contact with Choirmaster Stephen.
Circlet of Clarity: Magic Armor. This circlet is particularly effective at revealing the unseen. No model with the Scouts special rule may deploy within 20" of Choirmaster Stephen. In addition, any Hidden unit within 12" of Stephen must be revealed. If a Unit is in close combat with Stephen, then at the start of the Close Combat phase, all magical items the unit has must be revealed.
Staff of Tactical Retreat: Arcane Item. This staff was made by Stephen for emergencies. One use per game. This staff may be used at any point in which Stephen is alive and his unit is about to flee. Activating it makes it so that no unit may pursue Stephen or his Choir, and that their flee distance is equal to 3D6, discarding the lowest result. Stephen and his choir also pass any Dangerous Terrain tests they have to take, and they can move through hostile units without being wiped out for that phase only. Panic tests don't have to be taken, thanks to the incredible speed in which things occur leaving little room for reaction.
Average Acolyte: