The March to Karak Eight Peaks - Week 2 - Through Black Fire Pass
Spend time with your Journeymanlings:
[*] The Amber Wizard journeymanlings.
[*] The Gold Wizard journeymanlings.
[*] The Jade Wizard journeymanling.
[*] The Amber Wizard journeymanlings.
[*] The Gold Wizard journeymanlings.
[*] The Jade Wizard journeymanling.
As the Expedition begins to march, you resolve to spend time with the wizards you're now more or less in command of. Black Fire Pass is one of the most carefully-watched areas in the entire Empire; there can be no better time to turn your full attention to your charges.
Amber Wizards are those that are in touch with the savagery of nature, and as such many think of them as only tenuously part of the Empire. They have no College within the walls of Altdorf, instead calling the caves of the Amber Hills home. Despite this, they work closely with the Imperial Army, as the heart of the wilds they call home is also home to the terrible Beastmen, to the loathsome Greenskin, and to various feral horrors of the Undead. The call of duty is strong amongst them.
These Amber Wizards are the most mismatched pair of wizards you've ever met, and despite that seem to be inseparable. The woman seems almost your age, and is as muscled as you, though instead of being hidden by robes hers are displayed by furs that leave her arms and legs bare. What you initially take to be her staff is instead (also?) a spear with a wicked jagged point of some sort of glinting black volcanic rock. The man - and you have to keep yourself from thinking of him as a boy - is wiry and lean and has the nervous energy of a rabbit, and always seems to be doing something with his hands - usually knapping stones into arrowheads or turning the corpse of some beast or another into usable meat and skins. They usually keep to themselves, but acknowledge you as you approach - though they deny most of the trappings of civilization, the Amber Order has always kept ties with their sibling Orders.
When you introduce yourselves to them, they give their names as Esbern and Seija. Their reasons for joining the Expedition were simple: they had been working with the Knights of Taal's Fury, and when they left the Empire they decided to tag along. "It is easy to be a Shaman in the depths of the forests," Esbern says as he carefully fletches an arrow; he usually speaks for the two of them when required. "If we can continue to be so in the Badlands, we are truly worthy of the title."
Both are some way into their journeyings, though they have taken different paths; Esbern has been learning the more battle-appropriate magics while Seija seems to prefer spells that improve her control over wild animals. Both can most often be found alone on the outskirts of the camp or among the Knights of Taal's Fury, but they also spend time among the Demigryphs of the Knights of the Vengeful Sun and the titular wolves of the Winter Wolves. They seem irreligious, but respect the veneration of Taal.
The difference between the Amber Order and the Jade Order is often lost on those unfamiliar with the Orders, but it is straightforward: The Brown Wind, Ghur, is the Wind of Predator and Prey, of the savagery of nature. The Green Wind, Ghyran, is the Wind of plants and rivers and seasons, of the cycles of nature. A farm rich in Ghyran would be blessed with rich soil and bountiful harvests; a farm rich in Ghur would be overrun by wolves.
While this is the main difference between the Amber and Jade Orders, it is far from the only one. When Teclis founded the Colleges, he gathered together all the formerly outlawed practitioners of magic, and among them were the ancient remnants of the Druids that worshipped the Earth Mother, long supplanted but still lingering on in secret. Upon being shown the pure energies of nature in the form of Ghyran, the majority of the Druids answered the call and became the founders of the Jade College. Theirs is a tradition that dates back far beyond the birth of Sigmar, and they are strongly aware of it.
The Jade Journeyman has the silver sickle of their rank on their belt, and their staff still bears leaves and cherries upon it, and if they stand still for too long their staff begins to put down roots and needs to be convinced to release its grip on the earth. And, to your surprise, she's heard of you.
"I was with the forces of Ostermark as they marched on the Dead Wood," she says breathlessly, apparently awestruck. "We truly did plan to strike into Sylvania, but the horrors of that place! Mordheim was supposed to be long dead, but it was a battleground between Beastmen and Vampires and swarmed with the dead and with chaos alike. By the time it was pacified and every last building was pulled down, Stirland's campaign was over and the Drakenhofs had fallen." She stares at you wide-eyed, somehow giving the impression of looking up at you despite being an inch taller. "Is it true that when the Elector Count fell, you seized command of the Army and forced them to continue? That with magic and sword you toppled the Castle of Drakenhof from the mountain it perched upon and fell to the floor below?"
"Artillery deserves a significant part of the credit," you admit, "but apart from that, yes, that's how it happened."
She squeals, and breathlessly quizzes you about the campaign, and when Asarnil is mentioned she dashes off to her bags and comes back with a copy of his memoirs and you reluctantly sign it. You manage to squeeze a few questions in directed back at her, and she gives her name as Panoramia, apparently named after one of the most skilled potion-makers of her order. She admits her own abilities in that with some reluctance, but says that she couldn't bring her bottles due to their fragility so it's unlikely she'd be able to make more on the road; you admit that you have spells to generate heat (or, technically, to concentrate sunlight) sufficient to melt sand into glass, and she starts squealing all over again. Most of her spells seem focused around plant growth, and she's hoping to find new and exotic types of plants on the expedition, but rapid plant growth does have combat possibilities to go along with the logistical boon they represent.
You find the first of the Gold Order Wizards is named Maximilian and is nestled inside one of the dwarven carts; apparently he's bartered transportation for himself in exchange for 'fuelling' the portable forges the dwarves have brought with them. He seems barely more than a teenager, and is disdainful towards you until, after quizzing you on your abilities (which, you suppose, is only fair, since you're also quizzing him on his), he learns that you've some ability as an enchanter. After that, he treats you with respect.
"I," he says with some self-importance, "am a craftsman. Temporary transmutation is a skill known to any of my Order, and permanent transmutation is sought after by all. I have found it in creation. Permanent transmutation is achieved when that which is transmuted is used to create." He waves a hand at the marching dwarves around you. "It is said that dwarves are among the greatest of craftsman. As such, I intend to learn from them, and aiding them in retaking their Karak will be the coin with which I purchase an education." He claims as much ability with martial weapons as he has with the blacksmiths hammer, and says that he forges new weapons for himself with some regularity. You spend some time discussing swords, and your esteem grows in his eyes as you match his knowledge; when the topic moves to blackpowder weapons and you show him your revolver, he goes quiet with awe. "This," he declares, "is the artistry I wish to emulate."
When you leave Maximilian and search for the other Gold Wizard, you find him among the artillery crews. Johann is his name, and to your surprise he's already begun to endear himself to the usually touchy dwarves; those of the Black and Grey Mountains are usually less closed-off than those from the dwarf heartlands of the World's Edge Mountains, but it's still quite the achievement. The man appears around your age and seems surprisingly charismatic for a wizard; it's only your natural suspicion that prevents you from talking easily and naturally to him like you were old friends. He asks about the enemies that you expect to find at Karak Eight Peaks, and when you speak of greenskins he gives you a searching look and then agrees. He says he's here to learn what he can about artillery and ranged weaponry, though when you say that the dwarves tend to be touchy about such things, he says it shouldn't be a problem. The greenskins aren't exactly known for technologically advanced artillery, so you're not sure what he could be looking for, but he doesn't seem inclined to discuss the matter any further, steering you away from the topic such that you almost miss that that's what he's doing.
While you occupy yourself with getting to know your charges, the march through Black Fire Pass came and went, and you emerge into the Border Princes - an anarchic region of tiny fiefs and ambitious warlords. The Expedition outnumbers the army even the most powerful of them could bring to bear by a factor of ten, so the possibility of any of them being an issue was not even considered, especially since a large part of what little wealth the region has is from trade with the Dwarfholds that surround it. However, the relative lack of power of the Border Princes has allowed greenskins to flourish in their lands, and as the army marches through the portion of the road flanked by the Forest of Gloom, reports trickle in from the scouts and hunters of the Expedition of minor skirmishes with the inhabitants: the Black Spider tribe of Forest Goblins.
For the first time, the War Council gathers, but the matter at hand is easily decided: the South Road to Barak Varr has the Skull River running between it and the Forest of Gloom, and while its width alone may not deter the Forest Goblins, the ravenous skull-marked piranhas that give it its name will. Hunting parties are an unnecessary luxury, as the food stores of the Expedition will be restocked at Barak Varr. The scouts will watch the river, so that any attempt to bridge it can be met with arrow and bolt. '
Belegar also has an announcement: runners have reached Karaz-a-Karak, and a gyrocopter has answered, bringing not only themselves but also a precious cargo. You feel reality congealing as the tenth member of the War Council enters the tent, for his position equal to any on the expedition could never be in doubt. As his disapproving gaze scans over each member and reaches you, you feel Ulgu shrink away in fear. His staff is topped with the skull of a minotaur preserved in brass, his hammer glows red with heat that never fades, and the armour he wears has each scale marked with a separate rune of power. For the first time in centuries, Kragg the Grim has left Karaz-a-Karak.
Currently, Barak Varr is two weeks of marching away. The three of the below with the most votes will be your actions over the coming week.
Campaign Contributions:
[ ] Work with Head Ranger Ulthar Alriksson and Marksman Codrin Petrescu to scout the river bank for crossing Forest Goblins.
[ ] Work with Grand Master Sigwald Kriegersen and the demigryph knights to ensure the road ahead remains clear.
[ ] Work with Thane Skaroki Grimbrow in the Rearguard to ensure that the bridge across the Skull River remains unused by the greenskins.
Spend time with the Council of War:
[ ] King Belegar Ironhammer
[ ] Master Runelord Kragg the Grim (?)
[ ] Thane Skaroki Grimbrow
[ ] Head Ranger Ulthar Alriksson
[ ] Master Engineer Durin Wutokri
[ ] Grand Master Sigwald Kriegersen
[ ] Grand Master Ruprecht Wulfhart
[ ] Marksman Codrin Petrescu
[ ] Marshal Titus Muggins
Spend time with your Journeymanlings:
Esbern and Seija of the Amber Order
[ ] Test their skills in battle.
[ ] Join them as they probe the greenskin infestation in the Forest of Gloom.
Panoramia of the Jade Order
[ ] Help her blow bottles and flasks for her to perform her potion-making.
[ ] Guard her as she ventures into the Forest of Gloom to hunt for useful ingredients.
Maximilian de Gaynesford of the Gold Order
[ ] Ask him to reforge your sword into a superior one.
[ ] Introduce him to the dwarven smiths so he can try to convince them to teach him.
[ ] Ask the smiths to teach him as a favour to you (-2 favours)
Johann of the Gold Order
[ ] Help him find a place with the dwarf artillery crews so that he can supplement their abilities in combat.
[ ] Keep tabs on his interactions with the dwarves, making sure he's not fishing for information that the dwarves want to keep for themselves.
- If there's anything else you want to do with your journeymanlings, let me know and I'll add them.
- The journeymanlings have been added to the Dramatis Personae page, including the spells known by each of them and descriptions of those spells.
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