Yeah, just noting that, for instance, if you shaved out 10 of the manufactories and one of the shuttlebases out of the second construction of your proposal, you'd free up enough BP to make 6 orbital (or 2 deep space) manufactories instead, giving only a little less output while saving almost two more manufacturing sites worth of CP.Just mentioned above, but the construction plan was built around ground factories since those are the most BP efficient and thus faster to build. I imagine after our ship we would use the ground factories to build space ones at the same rate we hand over the ground factories.
There does seem to be a lot of potential behind Large scale void manufacturing, but it wouldn't be fast enough. Currently the desire is to get our ship built in two turns.
The CP costs you're attributing to the manufactories here don't seem to account for the factory improvement discount that you were assuming? So you should be expecting another 900 CP left over, no?We are currently using 6,045 CP of 12,500. If we get the factory improvement (and it give a 20% reduction like void) that puts us at 5385 CP before construction. After reserving the 1775 CP our flagship needs we have 5340 CP left. This would let us build 90 more manufactories (with spaceports and shuttles) and have 165 CP leftover.
-[]Construction 1 (4850 BP):
--[]48 Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP) --- (4800 BP, 2400 CP)
--[]Trade goods (50 BP)
-[]Construction 2 (7250 BP):
--[]42 Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP) --- (4,200 BP, 2100 CP)
--[]9 Spaceport (100 BP, 25 CP) --- (900 BP, 225 CP)
--[]90 Shuttle (20 BP, 5 CP) --- (1,800 BP, 450 CP)
--[]350 leftover