Or we might get LSVM, which is just as in the wheelhouse of what we asked them to do.

Sure! I bet we'll get that too. But that's just another reason to go back to Denva - and once we go back to Denva for it, it just makes more sense to build out on Primus rather than come all the way back here to build stuff.

Not sure if anyone mentioned this but we get this bonus on Denva Primus exclusively.

My point exactly! Thank you for digging up the exact post, though.
Again, we start from a better position with ground manufacturies, so anything that applies to both will widen the gap, not shrink it.

As for Denva, I want to work on primus - and we can negotiate with the Vellkar for space on the surface, they all live underground anyway, and we have a lot to offer them.

And for manufacturing capacity, we have a boon for them to lend us a substantial portion of theirs when we get back, including the stuff they've built out, so we can get a significant headstart. Even a mere 1000 BP would get us an extra 750 BP per turn built out on Denva Primus, and I think we can expect at least twice that, if not more.
Look it's super late on my end so i leave at that.
I don't think this is the best of the ideas because someone will bring up the idea of giving this industry away. For better or worse the Denva sytem are not out subordinates and have their wants and interest.
Building anything there will get some ownership discussion.

Primus specially will bring some paralles of colonization on indigenous lands that tend be sensitive for the USA crowd on SB and brings unnecessary drama.

If we and more industry to start off we can trow bongo into the sun and get the shipboard manufactory upgrades in place. That and the labs we can make the spark become a industrial seed ship relatively quickly.
I mean, if we're talking long term, I'd prefer all our manufacturing to be in the form of extremely stealthy but still well armed and defended factory cruisers.

Preferably those cruisers would also include living space into which we'd evacuate everyone we like who currently lives on anything that isn't mobile. Stationary populations are a losing game in a galaxy with belligerent necrons, dark eldar, and inquisitors any of which could wake up on the wrong side of the bed and destroy your planet to make themselves feel better.
Look it's super late on my end so i leave at that.
I don't think this is the best of the ideas because someone will bring up the idea of giving this industry away. For better or worse the Denva sytem are not out subordinates and have their wants and interest.
Building anything there will get some ownership discussion.

Primus specially will bring some paralles of colonization on indigenous lands that tend be sensitive for the USA crowd on SB and brings unnecessary drama.

If we and more industry to start off we can trow bongo into the sun and get the shipboard manufactory upgrades in place. That and the labs we can make the spark become a industrial seed ship relatively quickly.

We gave our industry away the first time because we couldn't use it remotely. Once we have Warp Comms, that won't be a problem anymore.

As for Primus, yes it will, and I think that will make for a fascinating story, and would love to figure out how we handle that kind of situation *well*. And I don't think 'run way and pretend it's not our problem' is the correct answer.

As for tossing Bongo, again, less efficient than just building out on the surface of a planet, especially if that planet is Denva Primus. And also throws away all the benefits we can get from Bongo, which I think is a mistake, but that's a whole nother conversation.

I mean, if we're talking long term, I'd prefer all our manufacturing to be in the form of extremely stealthy but still well armed and defended factory cruisers.

Preferably those cruisers would also include living space into which we'd evacuate everyone we like who currently lives on anything that isn't mobile. Stationary populations are a losing game in a galaxy with belligerent necrons, dark eldar, and inquisitors any of which could wake up on the wrong side of the bed and destroy your planet to make themselves feel better.

Factory cruisers simply aren't very efficient, especially well defended stealthy ones. Some industry that way, sure, but all of it? No way, don't be silly.

Besides, Denva is a useful asset in many other ways - we could get a research institute with them for bonus RP, for example, and gain it's benefits while exploring via Warp Comms. So we want to defend them anyway.
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I could be wrong but I feel like the thread in general is expecting more out of warp comms then we're likely to get. I expect them to be good for sending messages and coordinating with agents or allies in other systems but feel doubtful that they'd have sufficient and sufficiently reliable bandwidth to do anything really complex without quite a few additional unlocks, if it's possible at all.
I could be wrong but I feel like the thread in general is expecting more out of warp comms then we're likely to get. I expect them to be good for sending messages and coordinating with agents or allies in other systems but feel doubtful that they'd have sufficient and sufficiently reliable bandwidth to do anything really complex without quite a few additional unlocks, if it's possible at all.

Oh I think we might need some additional unlocks, but so be it, it's a worthy goal. And I'm quite certain it'll be possible, I don't expect Neablis to screw us on this. Warp comms is a necessary step to progress to doing things on a larger scale, and as Neablis has said:

This game will scale hard. We're going to start off dealing with individual shuttles to lift things built on the ground to space (or "convert ground build capacity to space build capacity"), and then will zoom out as your capabilities grow, changing and replacing mechanics as it makes sense.
If we and more industry to start off we can trow bongo into the sun and get the shipboard manufactory upgrades in place. That and the labs we can make the spark become a industrial seed ship relatively quickly.
The space Bongo's vault takes up is significant relative to the very modest production capacity of the Spark, but not relative to any actually substantive industrial base. Spark isn't remotely big enough to replace an actual heap of factories.
As for Primus, yes it will, and I think that will make for a fascinating story, and would love to figure out how we handle that kind of situation *well*. And I don't think 'run way and pretend it's not our problem' is the correct answer.
Not doing the thing isn't running away and pretending it's not our problem, it's deciding the way to handle the situation well is to not turn their world into an industrial hellscape...
Not doing the thing isn't running away and pretending it's not our problem, it's deciding the way to handle the situation well is to not turn their world into an industrial hellscape...

It's specifically noted that our factories have comparably little environmental impact - Vita was worried that she might eventually get found out because she *wasn't* polluting the local river as much as a Denvan factory would have. And the imperium has been mining Kultrinium for thousands of years, so what damage can be done probably has been. If anything, having some BP to offer out for environmental remediation would probably improve Denva Primus, not make worse.
I could be wrong but I feel like the thread in general is expecting more out of warp comms then we're likely to get. I expect them to be good for sending messages and coordinating with agents or allies in other systems but feel doubtful that they'd have sufficient and sufficiently reliable bandwidth to do anything really complex without quite a few additional unlocks, if it's possible at all.
Oh I think we might need some additional unlocks, but so be it, it's a worthy goal. And I'm quite certain it'll be possible, I don't expect Neablis to screw us on this. Warp comms is a necessary step to progress to doing things on a larger scale, and as Neablis has said:
Yeah we actually absolutely know, from the very beginning of the thread, that warp comms can let us have directly controlled units operating in other systems, though it does have some issues I hadn't remembered that might be prohibitive for building a giant factory and then running it by remote control:
-[] Warp Communication Circuits (-3 shinies) You have a prototype technology that can communicate digital signals across interstellar space through the warp, though it has several significant limitations. This will let you send your units to other systems and remain in control of them, though there will be a CP tax for each unit s outfitteed. I will also note that the alternative is to build yourself a ship and go yourself. Or send minions.

It's specifically noted that our factories have comparably little environmental impact - Vita was worried that she might eventually get found out because she *wasn't* polluting the local river as much as a Denvan factory would have. And the imperium has been mining Kultrinium for thousands of years, so what damage can be done probably has been. If anything, having some BP to offer out for environmental remediation would probably improve Denva Primus, not make worse.
How many factories are you planning on stopping at?
Yeah we actually absolutely know, from the very beginning of the thread, that warp comms can let us have directly controlled units operating in other systems, though it does have some issues I hadn't remembered that might be prohibitive for building a giant factory and then running it by remote control:

We might need some additional unlocks to reach that point, but again, so be it.
How many factories are you planning on stopping at?

I have no idea. Whatever makes sense. We can talk it out with the Vellkar - they'll want some manufacturing capacity for themselves, too. Once we reach that point, we can use the existing factories to start building more factories on Denva, or in orbit, or wherever else makes sense.

We don't even have warp comms actually on our available list, just marked precursors, so yeah. We know it's there, we don't know how far away.

We have a pretty good idea- it's exactly one step past Empathy at Range and Shouting into the void. Albeit only for the first version, but still. We've done things like this before lots of times.
We have a pretty good idea- it's exactly one step past Empathy at Range and Shouting into the void. Albeit only for the first version, but still. We've done things like this before lots of times.
Honestly tangential, but have we actually done things like this loads of times?

We have multiple examples, (nova cannon and vortex cannon spring to mind) but which ones have we actually executed?
Honestly tangential, but have we actually done things like this loads of times?

We have multiple examples, (nova cannon and vortex cannon spring to mind) but which ones have we actually executed?

Warp understanding is the one that comes to mind immediately, from the abacus and the psy shields. Pretty sure there are other examples, lemme go looking for them.

Oh, there were a couple of improved psy shields things that also worked this way, IIRC?

Yeah, there were:

-[] Combat cybernetics (50 RP) Your limb cybernetics are fine for most purposes, but they're not strong enough or durable enough for use in combat situations. You also could figure out how to do things like integrate internal weapons or cutting edges to make them more dangerous. (Unlocks basic combat augments. Half of the technology for advanced combat augments, the other half is Really good Robotics)

-[] Improved Psychic shielding: (300 RP) Your "no" shielding seems to have worked to protect you from attack so far. But the design is really just a first-generation version. You could develop the second generation, make it capable of more complex and powerful thoughts? (Gives you the ability to build improved psychic shielding, and further upgrades down the path to make it even stronger, half of the research towards using this as some kind of attack against warp beings, as well as half of the requirements to integrate machine spirits with psychic shielding).

Of those, the first lead to advanced combat cybernetics, visible here:

-[] Advanced Combat cybernetics (150 RP) Your cybernetics can easily contain light and some medium weapons, but they're not really suited to heavy combat. Yet. You could make them tougher, beefier, and figure out how to fit the power sources for larger weapons inside. (Unlocks advanced combat augments. Half of the technology for excellent combat augments, unlocks further cybernetics/research). Locked behind Really good Robotics.

And the second lead to Alternative Shielding Meanings and MS CPS, visible here:

-[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP) Your current shielding says "No" at all times, which seems to work against most warp threats. You think you might be able to modify it for a different meaning, which may have different effects. You're not sure exactly what, but you'd kind of like to try "Aboslutely not" or maybe even "You're not real" and see what happens. (Unlocks new types of psychic shielding with different/improved effects, as well as further research into more powerful psychic shielding - some of which may be less "shielding" and more of an offensive weapon.)

-[] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP) You think it's possible to integrate machine spirits into your chaos shielding, which would probably make it more effective in almost every way except cost. (Unlocks new kinds of psychic shielding that are more resistant to damage, potentially self-repairing and more) Requires Machine Spirit Chaos resistance.

Not things we've actually picked up yet, but we progressed through their requirements and revealed them just fine.

Though now that I think about it, the psychic attack we were promised *did* get shoved a tech back behind Alternative Shielding Meanings, arguably? Unless that was the result of a poor success or something, I don't know.

Also, the vote tally isn't describing 'Plan: Kick Chaos in the shins, grab the loot, transport ship later' properly for whatever reason, most of the research actions are getting cut off. Here's the full thing:

[X] Plan: Kick Chaos in the shins, grab the loot, transport ship later
-[X] [Free] Fix damage to psychic shields. Vita Core (75/135->135/135 @ 300 BP), Bongo Oubliette (303/540->443/540 @ 700 BP) [1000/1000BP repair bay expended, 485BP of damage left]
-[X] [Free][DATA] Do i have to feel bad for blasting chaos stations?
-[X] Exploration: Go over all the stations (including the dead ones) searching for loot/info with our sensors. For any stations that seem special/interesting use bots for throughness. While doing this note down any Chaos presence. If we have the time take any spare parts and preserved rations we can find on the stations, for later redistribution to people we like. (90% of the stations are dead and most will have either died of some system failure or starvation not both at the same time)
-[X] Order: With the help of our gathered intel blast the useless chaos stations with our ship and search/cleanse the ones with potential loot with our bots and Cia (prototype Psy-Shield included). If we are wildly successfull and still have time take over the ship by force/hacking aswell.
-[X] Research x2 (400 RP + 70 Anexa RP + 42 Tech-Priest RP)
--[X] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP)
--[X] Help Cia's Training (50 RP)
--[X] Empathy at Range (200 RP)
---[X] Anexa assist
--[X] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (100 RP)
--[X] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[X] Basic Active Stealth (22->34/75 RP)
-[X] Anexa active Action: Research
-[X] Victan passive action
-[X] Cia Active Psyker improvement
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What I think this system would be great for eventually is as a giant shipyard complex basically, either eventually getting warp comms/daughter ai/automated manufactories and slowly building it out in the background. Once fully scaled up it's a frankly ridiculous amount of industrial capability that more importantly is fully ours. We won't need to negotiate with Denva every time we want to commandeer some of their factories - which is very much not a insubstantial burden for them.

I have considered factory ships so that we could simply bring an industrial base along with us but well taking this from the proposed designs,
Foundry Factory Ship (15,625 BP), Heavy Cruiser, 100 RP, 300 CP, Hull 6000 BP, 6000x1200 meters, Engines: 3 gravities for 400 BP, Shields: medium for 400, Armor: medium for 400, Warp Drive (600 BP), Void Abacus (600 BP), Psychic Shielding (240) for (1200 BP), Troop compartment (25 BP), Manufactory (5000 BP), Repair Bay (400 BP), 2x Light Lances (200 BP), 2x Shuttles (200 BP, 100 CP, 1000 Lift Capacity), 4x Point Defense (200 BP)

This is 15500BP(plus shipyard space) and would provide 1000bp/turn with upgraded ship manufactories vs 3100bp/turn from the same bp spent on orbital manufactories. Now admittedly an advantage is this ship only takes 300CP vs 2500 thoughh one might argue that 3x the price isn't that bad of a deal for the advantages it provides. Certainly wouldn't hurt having a few such ships in a fleet but back to the point, building up this system would still be more cost-effective if we want a manufacturing base independent from Denva.

Still don't think this system is a major priority to build up IMMEDIATELY but the option is there for sure.
@Neablis I've been meaning to ask since the description of the repair bays says it can be used on friendly ships would it be too much of a stretch for it to be useable in fixing the stations and ship in this system?
Nope. It's explicitly supposed to be the simplest possible repair bay. I've let you stretch it so far mostly for the sake of simplicity. But you can assume that anything that's not something you built, unmodified and still largely intact it can repair. If a ship is no longer functional it's also probably unfixable by the repair bay either.

Plus if I've understood correctly, integrated void shields in a new bot design would be just more powerful than just the amulet. Probably more powerful the more powerful/bigger(?) the unit. So going to ask: @Neablis, would heavy bots have stronger integrated void shields than medium/light bots, and even light bots would have stronger integrated shields than just the welded-to-the-bot amulet version?
Yes, yes and kinda. The welded-to-bot amulet version would be decently fine, since that's the same design you use for people. What the desing-integrated one would get you is cost. You'd try to standardize it as much as possible to make something you can mass-produce. They wouldn't be cheap, but they'd be a lot cheaper than making 1000 of the personal units, and for the heavy bots they'd be about as strong or maybe a little stronger. Then weaker for the smaller bots. But - note that the lighter bots aren't completely useless. You want them for tight spaces fighting or against small, agile foes. The heavy bots are specced out to fight heavy foes, and won't be able to do things like catch light infantry in jungle.

Would putting it in space or on a planet be safer. If put in Denva, any raiding party might run into the Denvan fleet. Or maybe we want it to be more out of the way like in this system, whereas Denva is a sub sector crossroads. I don't have a huge preference either way
Generally speaking the most defensible is deep-space, though that's mostly because it's all distributed and anybody who wants to attack it will need to spend a ton of time and attention chasing it all down. Least is orbital, since all you gotta do is get close to the planet. Ground is sort of in-between. It's all in one place but easiest to defend, though if somebody decides to exterminatus the planet then it's all gone.

Generally speaking ground manufactories are the most efficient to bootstrap, but are less CP-efficient because of the lift capacity requirement. There's also the "hidden" cost that most planets capable of holding ground manufactories are already occupied, and the local inhabitants will either fight you or charge you rent. Real estate's a lot freer in space.
What I think this system would be great for eventually is as a giant shipyard complex basically, either eventually getting warp comms/daughter ai/automated manufactories and slowly building it out in the background. Once fully scaled up it's a frankly ridiculous amount of industrial capability that more importantly is fully ours. We won't need to negotiate with Denva every time we want to commandeer some of their factories - which is very much not a insubstantial burden for them.

I have considered factory ships so that we could simply bring an industrial base along with us but well taking this from the proposed designs,
Foundry Factory Ship (15,625 BP), Heavy Cruiser, 100 RP, 300 CP, Hull 6000 BP, 6000x1200 meters, Engines: 3 gravities for 400 BP, Shields: medium for 400, Armor: medium for 400, Warp Drive (600 BP), Void Abacus (600 BP), Psychic Shielding (240) for (1200 BP), Troop compartment (25 BP), Manufactory (5000 BP), Repair Bay (400 BP), 2x Light Lances (200 BP), 2x Shuttles (200 BP, 100 CP, 1000 Lift Capacity), 4x Point Defense (200 BP)

This is 15500BP(plus shipyard space) and would provide 1000bp/turn with upgraded ship manufactories vs 3100bp/turn from the same bp spent on orbital manufactories. Now admittedly an advantage is this ship only takes 300CP vs 2500 thoughh one might argue that 3x the price isn't that bad of a deal for the advantages it provides. Certainly wouldn't hurt having a few such ships in a fleet but back to the point, building up this system would still be more cost-effective if we want a manufacturing base independent from Denva.

Still don't think this system is a major priority to build up IMMEDIATELY but the option is there for sure.

In the shorter term we can just build stuff in Denva, they have private property I'm pretty sure, we can own our own factories there. In the long term we'll probably want shipyards elsewhere, and this is an okay system for it? I still think we could get better elsewhere, but we can figure that ojt when we get to it.
Generally speaking the most defensible is deep-space, though that's mostly because it's all distributed and anybody who wants to attack it will need to spend a ton of time and attention chasing it all down.
How do deep space industries get their feedstock? Or would we need to assign them mining ships to ferry inner system resources?
There's also the "hidden" cost that most planets capable of holding ground manufactories are already occupied, and the local inhabitants will either fight you or charge you rent. Real estate's a lot freer in space.
Is that because we can't put our factories on the likes of (modern, unterraformed) Mercury or Venus for whatever reason, or because the IoM is so fucking stubborn they colonized those places too?

EDIT: Answered by other questors

Hm… how much BP per turn would it take to provide for five million people a Civilized level of comfort?
EDIT2: Hol up, I found the blueprints and will do my own math.

A few questions about IoM industrial capacity:
1. How difficult would it be for the average AdMech to manufacture and maintain psy-shields if they had the schematics like we gave Denva?
2. Supposing we got good enough at hacking to subvert a Forge World with minimal damage, how much BP would that net us?
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You've slightly misunderstood the troop allocations there Dmol8 the shielded bots are just Cia's bodyguard squad as shown here:

it won't be just one squad but waves of bots with Cia in the second wave.

Oh? Well that's better , but I'm already voting for that plan.

This isn't true, though. Most Imperium tech doesn't get corrupted when used against Chaos, and our bots have machine spirits.

They can be corrupted, certainly, and (lacking shields or tripwires) might require some work to fully sanitize after (short of a general purge, which is an option with how cheap they are.)

I mean, we took on Bongo successfully with unshielded bots! These people probably have less specifically counter-tech assets.

Also, we cannot actually add shields to our existing bots, or at least would need a construction project to refit, AIUI.

I'm more concerned about the fact that they are going to be engaging in melee with Chaos tainted enemies. That always gets the corruption chances drastically up.

I would like to second this point. A dedicated scrap code generator could not prevent a force of first gen heavy bots from rolling it up.

Our tech research is definitely differences of degree, not keys to binary win/lose games.

In the short term. I want cognition filters so that in the long term the damage from fighting Chaos doesn't accumulate as easily.

We're not going to be able to do any long term relief without going back to Denva and mustering additional resources. So, my plan focuses on immediate relief efforts - quick repairs, quick supplies, shooting the worst offenders, etc. After that, do a bunch of research so we can get warp comms, necessary to muster the long term relief efforts necessary to actually fix the system. And also progresses towards wrapping up Bongo, so we have one less loose end.

Like, there are 8 million people here, a large portion of them chaos cultists, scattered over hundreds of stations. We can't sort that out ourselves in anything less than like, 2 decades, even if we dedicate all our actions to it. But we could sort it out in about that same time frame if we go back to Denva, cash in our check for industrial resources, and start scaling there, then come back with a relief fleet, while also being able to do a bunch of other stuff. Which is a much better way to go about things, IMO.

I'm open to getting a relief fleet, but only after we've stabilized this system, otherwise we could come back to it being fully a Chaos system.
How do deep space industries get their feedstock? Or would we need to assign them mining ships to ferry inner system resources?
For the purpose of bookkeeping that is included in their cost/cp upkeep. Narratively the deep space stations are placed in the asteroid/kuiper belt(s).

Is that because we can't put our factories on the likes of (modern, unterraformed) Mercury or Venus for whatever reason, or because the IoM is so fucking stubborn they colonized those places too?

We need Ground Manufactory Efficiency Improvements plus follow ups to place basic ground manufacturies on non habitable planets.

-[] Ground Manufactory Efficiency Improvements (50 RP) You dramatically improved the efficiency of your void manufacturing by stripping out the dumb stuff that was required by stellar federation bureaucracy. There's probably some stuff like that in your ground manufactories too. (Reduces the CP cost but not BP cost of your ground manufactories. Unlocks follow-on tech to build ground manufactories in more challenging conditions such as extreme temp/pressure planetoids).
So from reading the general conversation I have a few questions for the thread.
1. Why are we putting Cia into 'ground' combat against Chaos without the implants that protect against corruption when we could just blast the stations.
2. Why do people want to loot Chaos artifacts? We have no place to safely store them (putting them in the Vault seems like a particularly bad idea).
Alert: Some users have been removed from the thread for violations of Rule 3 - Be Civil
some users have been removed from the thread for violations of rule 3 - be civil
Please remember that this is only a story, and there are other people behind the accounts you are arguing with - there is no cause to be unkind.
So from reading the general conversation I have a few questions for the thread.
1. Why are we putting Cia into 'ground' combat against Chaos without the implants that protect against corruption when we could just blast the stations.
2. Why do people want to loot Chaos artifacts? We have no place to safely store them (putting them in the Vault seems like a particularly bad idea).

The current winning plan does actually research the implants and puts Cia in the second wave of combat troops.

Only a few of the plans are about getting loot immediately. The rest are just about fixing the stations and/or the ship in some way.
[X] Plan: Immediate Relief efforts

[X] Plan: Kick Chaos in the shins, grab the transport ship

[X] Plan: Kick Chaos in the shins, grab the loot, transport ship later

[X] Plan: Humanitarian Triage v3