Voting will open in 1 day, 21 hours
Flagship/Fleet page

Flagship - Spark of the Ancients

Grand Cruiser, 9Km x 2Km in size. Reference Image. 1700 CP Cost, 12,000 BP space budget.
2.5 Gravities of Acceleration, Medium Armor, Medium Shields
Warp Drive, Warp Abacus, Repair Bay (1000 BP repair & refit/turn), Outer Hull psychic shielding 240 HP, Vita Core psychic Shielding 135 HP
Combat equipment: Tuned Shields, Alloyed Armor, High Maneuverability Thrusters, Melta Macrocannon Payloads, Medium Boarding Preparations, Improved Sensors
Weapons: 2x Heavy Plasma Cannons, 1x Heavy Lances, 4x Light Lances, 2x Medium Macrocannons, 2x Light Macrocannons, 4x Point Defense, 2x Fighters, 1x Shuttles (500 lift/action), 2x Assault Shuttles (2000 troop capacity)
Modules: 23 slots, 23 of which are filled with 10x Machine-spirit Manufactories (600 BP/action), 1x Crew Quarters (23/500 capacity) (135 HP), 1x Basic Juvenat Production Facility (3/50 capacity), 1x Observatory, 1x Basic Technological Research Lab, 1x Basic Biology research lab, 1x Troop Compartment (8,177/10,000 soldiers, tanks count as 20), 1x Medical facility (0/500), wrecked Basic Psychic Experimentation Lab (135 HP), Scrapcode Generator Oubliette (540 HP), 1x Captive Holding cells 32/500 (50 HP)

To modify your flagship, do a construction action and spend BP to change the existing design. The hull size, armor, and hull equipment can't be modified. You can redistribute items (i.e. it would be valid to halve the size of the repair bay for 5 more modular slots, remove a light lance for 1 more modular slot, or turn 1 modular slot into a new Light Teleportarium, or High Maneuverability Thrusters into 3 medium lances. Etc.

Refits can be paid for with the repair bay's automatic BP.

To edit weapons and combat equipment, refer to the
ship design section page. To edit installations refer to the following list of valid installations:
In general, these are based on the ground installations page, though with added # of slots. However, I probably won't update this list as the quest continues, so refer to the linked page for improvements/new additions and prompt me if rulings need to be made (such as for # of slots for a new installation).

Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot) Enough crew space for 500 crew to live in comfort with all necessary amenities.

Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) Will allow you to process basic biological samples, such as flora & fauna. Or captives.

Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) Will allow you to process basic technological samples, to understand their electronics, materials, etc.

High-Energy Physics Research Lab (500 BP, 100 CP, 3 slots) Will allow you to conduct research on more... excitable branches of physics. Maybe don't put it close to anything you want to keep. (Rolling a 1 while researching something here might turn out badly)

Captive Holding cells (25 BP, 10 CP, 1 slot) will allow you to hold 500 captives and keep them fed and watered while you interrogate/indoctrinate/talk to them.

Medical facility (200 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) 500 treatment rooms with autodocs capable of dealing with light injuries.

Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP, 1 slot) Allows long-distance surveying of a system.

Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot.) More manufacturing capacity and the raw material harvesting to use it. +50 BP/action.

Troop compartment (25 BP, 5 CP, 1 slot) Can carry 10,000 soldiers or 500 medium tanks across the stars.

Basic Juvenat Production Facility (250 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) A set of carefully-managed vats capable of supplying 50 people with a perennial supply of Juvenat.

The "Budget" you have for the ship is given at the top, and is consumed by:
-Repair Bays: 1000 BP
-Combat Equipment: 4600 BP
-Weapons: 4900x0.9= 4410 BP
-Modules: 1940 BP = 19 modular slots.

[X] Plan: Spark of the Ancients
-[X] Reference Image
-[X] Hull: Grand Cruiser (12000 BP, 500 CP)
-[X] Engines: 2.5 Gravities (1100 BP)
-[X] Shields: Medium (800 BP)
-[X] Armor: Medium (800 BP)
-[X] FINAL HULL COST: 14700 + 2500 (No Shipyard Tax) = 17200. Total Cramming Budget: 12000 BP
-[X] Non-Combat Equipment (Does not contribute to Cramming)
--[X] Warp Drive (1200 BP)
--[X] Warp Abacus Mounting (600 BP)
--[X] Psychic Shielding (2400 BP)
--[X] Repair Bay (1000 BP) (Counts as combat equipment for space budget)
---[X] Hull + Non Combat Equipment Cost: 22400 BP
---[X] Total Cost: 22400 BP, 1000 in the Cramming Budget
-[X] Weapons:
--[X] 2x Heavy Plasma Cannons (2000 BP)
--[X] 1x Heavy Lances (400 BP)
--[X] 4x Light Lances (400 BP)
--[X] 3x Medium Macrocannons (600 BP)
--[X] 2x Light Macrocannons (200 BP)
--[X] 4x Point Defense (200 BP)
--[X] 1x Medium Teleportarium (200 BP)
--[X] 4x Fighters (400 BP, 200 CP)
--[X] 2x Shuttles (200 BP, 100 CP)
--[X] 2x Assault Shuttles (300 BP, 100 CP)
---[X] Total Cost: 27300 BP, 5410 in the Cramming Budget
-[X] Combat Equipment:
--[X] Tuned Shields (800 BP)
--[X] Alloyed Armor (800 BP)
--[X] High Manueverabilty Thrusters (1200 BP)
--[X] Melta Macrocannon Payloads (600 BP)
--[X] Medium Boarding Preparations (1200 BP)
---[X] Total Cost: 31900 BP, 10010 in the Cramming Budget
-[X] Installations: 12000-10010 = leftover BP means 19 modular build slots.
--[X] 10x Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) (1000 BP, 500 CP)
--[X] 1x Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Basic Juvenat Production Facility (250 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Troop compartment (25 BP, 5 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Medical facility (200 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1x Captive Holding cells (25 BP, 10 CP, 1 slot)
--[X] 1 Empty modular slots (free)
-[X] Final Cost: 33650 BP, 1775 CP
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So our new ship is going to essentially be an absolute monster of a ship?

How long is it up to? Being a Grand Cruiser means its one of the biggest in space, up there with Imperial Grand cruisers? Or am i mistaken?
Ok, I think I've got the dice:
1st: Monastery Diplomacy, 85+18 = 103. Critical success!
2nd: Miniaturized psychic shielding, 39+20=59. Success. (Anexa)

Man, Victan's had some good darned rolls. Hmm. I think you're going to get one candidate offered from each monastery in addition to access to their domes. You've got things they want, after all, and they have a good impression of you thus far,. I think the crit is going to be Victan dangling the psytech you have as a carrot and get them fighting to send their best candidate. There'll be a vote on next update to choose between the characters generated here:

Can I get some more dice rolled? I need 3 people to each roll 4d6. They represent, in order:
#1 - Psyker Gender. Male-to-Female.
#2 - Psyker personality. 1's are less stable, 6's are more personable.
#3 - Psyker Discipline. Biomancy, Divination, Pyromancy, Telekinesis, Telepathy & Jack-of-all-trades. (They'll start at level 0 regardless. This is where they go)
#4 - Psyker power. Iota-Epsilon. If you roll a 6, reroll for Epsilon-Delta. If you get a 6 again, reroll until you stop getting 6's. It's going to take about 5x 6's in a row to get an Alpha. You won't get an alpha-plus unless somebody hacks the dice roller.

The next update's going to take a bit, since I'm doing some holiday travel the next few days.
'ere we go! Bean time!

Edit: At least it's just the gender ratio.

Edit: apparently, I'm supposed to roll four dice, so there.
Insult Everyone! threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: BEAN BEAN BEAN BEAN Total: 18
2 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 3 3
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4 is still Zeta rank, that's comfortably in the "Powerful Psyker" level, getting highly personable and Pyromancer specialty is winning the god damn lottery.
Ok. Psyker candidates are in:
#1 - Slightly asocial Delta-level telekinetic guy.
#2 - Friendly and personable zeta-level pyrokinetic tomboy.
#3 - Somewhat twisted and very quiet eta-level diviner woman.

They'll be described in somewhat more detail in the update.
Ok. Psyker candidates are in:
#1 - Slightly asocial Delta-level telekinetic guy.
#2 - Friendly and personable zeta-level pyrokinetic tomboy.
#3 - Somewhat twisted and very quiet eta-level diviner woman.

They'll be described in somewhat more detail in the update.
Is there anything stopping us from grabbing all of em for Vitas fun time quick 20 minute in and out interstellar adventure?
As the individual is able to control abilities with effort, subjects of Iota level and higher are true psykers and upon discovery are immediately put under the care of the Inquisition[1] and the League of Blackships.[6a]
Very high level of mental psychic activity.[1]
Occurring in approximately one-per-billion human births.[1]

Grabbed this off a 40k wiki for a comparison of psyker ratings. (We have a Delta, a Zeta, and an Eta psyker.) Disclaimer: I don't know how accurate/modern this is, and it's not the full table.
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Is there anything stopping us from grabbing all of em for Vitas fun time quick 20 minute in and out interstellar adventure?

I bet the risks from hanging out with psykers scales nonlinearly as you add more... Then again, the monasteries seem to handle it fine, so maybe not? :/
Well, out of all of these, #2 is the least likely to do something dumb while on our ship (poking our psy-shield, snorting chaos kool-aid, etc) so she's a good choice for the crew.

#1 Is also fine if I'm remembering my greek alphabet correctly, if we can grab both him and #2 then that's great, they could probably bounce well off eachother.

#3 Gives me "Would lick the suspicious chaos artifact without even being tempted" vibes, nope.
I agree that #2 would be a great personality fit and would likely become a great combat asset over time....

But I think the diviner is the most useful/unique specialty.
Is there anything stopping us from grabbing all of em for Vitas fun time quick 20 minute in and out interstellar adventure?
You're only going to get to pick one right now. You'll need to do another diplomatic action to get another one, and remember that your crew size is limited - and these people will undoubtedly be crew.

And yes. I need to think on their personalities. It might not be so cut and dried.
Voting will open in 1 day, 21 hours