Voting will open in 1 day, 14 hours
Proposed Design List
unresearched defense platforms
Orbital strike port cost 1440 BP, 160CP Light defense Platform, (400 BP, 500x500 meters.) Engines: (none) for (0) Shields: (medium) for (100 BP) Armor: (medium) for (100 BP) 3x Fighters (300 BP 270 size 150 CP) 2x Point Defence (100 BP 90 size) Repair Bay (40 BP) Psychic Shielding (400 BP) for (80 Psy Shield)
unresearched void installations
10RP Orbital Spaceport (800 VBP, 210CP) orbital shuttles to convert 2000BP from Void to Ground or Ground to Void due to the limitation of orbital structures can't be converted to handle other types of strike craft

Watchtower (300 BP), 10 RP, 10 CP, (150 BP, 200x200 meters.) Engines: none. Shields: none for 0, Armor: none for 0
Low-emission Systems (50 BP), Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP)
unresearched ground installations
50 RP - Uplift campus (1000 BP per 10,000 students) This is a school designed to raise a society up to spacefaring technology. It combines a gorgeous campus with living areas, lecture areas and all the laboratories necessary to efficiently teach the necessary concepts to any group. Will work better under your direct control but can run automatically assuming local leadership. No defenses.
unresearched units
unresearched trade goods

Destroyers 25 RP
Candle (1450 void BP, 1 ship construction slot) Destroyer, (Hull 450 BP) 1600x350 meters. 8 gravities of acceleration. Armor Medium (100BP). Shields: Medium for (100BP). Living Space (100BP). Psychic Shields:20 for (100 BP) 2 Light Macrocannon batteries (200BP), 2 light lance battery (200BP). High-maneuverability thrusters (50BP).

Veles (1150 void BP, 50 CP, 1 ship construction slot) Destroyer, Hull: (350BP, 1500x300 meters).Engine: 8 gravities of acceleration for (150BP) Armor: Medium for (100BP), Shields: Light for (50BP). Living Space (100BP), Psychic Shields 10 for (50 BP) 2 Light Macrocannon batteries (200 BP), 1 Light lance battery (100 BP). High-maneuverability thrusters (50BP)

Veles Mk III - Destroyer (1600 VBP, 50 CP, 25 RP), Hull: (500, 1600m x 400m), Engines: 8 Gravities, Shields: Medium, Armor: Medium, Hull Equipment (200 BP): Warp Drive, Void Abacus, Psychic Shielding: 20 HP, Weapons (500 BP, 450 Size): 2x Light Macrocannon, 1x Medium Lance, 2x Point Defense, Combat Equipment (50 BP, 50 Size): High-maneuverability thrusters

Lizer Destroyer, 25 RP, 50 CP Manned, 1 ship construction slots Hull: (500 BP, 1600x400 meters) Engines: 8 gravities for (150BP). Shields: light for (50BP) Armor: light for (50BP). Living Space (100BP). Psychic Shielding 10 for (50BP). 3x Light Lances (300BP), 1x Medium Lances (200BP), 1x Point Defence (50BP).

Prospector Factory Ship (1,350 BP, 50 CP), Destroyer, 25 RP, 50 CP, Hull: 500 BP, 1600x400 meters, Engines: 6 gravities for (50 BP). Shields: light for (50BP), Armor: light for 50, Warp Drive (50 BP), Void Abacus (50 BP), Psychic Shielding (20) for (100 BP), Manufactory (500 BP) Generates 50 VBP (100 with Large Void Installations)

Peltast – Heavy Missile DD (1,540 VBP, 50 CP) Destroyer, 25 RP, Hull: (500 BP, 50 CP, 1600x400 meters.) Engine: 8 gravities of acceleration (150 BP). Armor: Medium for (100 BP). Shields: Medium for (100 BP). Warp Drive (50 BP), Void Abacus (50 BP), Psychic Shields 20 for (50 BP). 4 Light Missile batteries (200 BP), 1 Light Lance Battery (100 BP), 2 Point Defense Battery (100 BP), High-maneuverability thrusters (50BP), Low-emission Systems (50BP), Repair Bay (40BP))
Frigates 50 RP
Assembler Factory Ship (2,925 BP), Frigate, 50 RP, 100 CP, Hull 1000 BP, 2200x600 meters, Engines: 7 gravities for (225 BP), Shields: medium for (150 BP), Armor: medium for (150 BP), Warp Drive (100 BP), Void Abacus (100 BP), Psychic Shielding (40) for (200 BP), Manufactory (1,000 BP)

Cargo Frigate (1515 BP, +500 BP to load) Frigate, 50 RP, 100 CP Hull 600 BP, 2200x600 meters, Engines: 7 gravities for 255 BP, Shields: Light for 75, Armor: Light for 400, Warp Drive (600 BP), Void Abacus (600 BP), Psychic Shielding (48) for (240BP), Shuttles (100 BP, 50 CP, 500 Lift Capacity), Cargo (0 BP, 500 BP Cramming & Storage Capacity)

Brawler-class frigate 50 RP, 100 CP, 2 ship construction slots (1,000 BP, 2200x600 meters)
Engines: (7) for (225BP). Shields: (medium) for (150BP) Armor: (medium) for (150BP)
Combat equipment(250BP): High-maneuverability thrusters (100BP), Medium boarding preparations (100BP), Plasma Macrocannon payloads (50BP), Weapons(800X0.9=720BP): Prow Ram (50BP), Medium Macrocannons (200BP), Light MacrocannonsX2 (200BP), Light Melta weapon (200BP), Medium missiles (100BP), Point defense (50BP), Hull equipment(400BP): Void Abacus (100BP), Warp Drive (100BP), Psychic shielding (40) for (200BP)

Haruspex - Frigate (2975 VBP, 100 CP, 50 RP), Hull: (1000, 2200m x 600m), Engines: 7 Gravities, Shields: Medium, Armor: Medium, Hull Equipment (400 BP): Living Space, Warp Drive, Void Abacus, Psychic Shielding: 40 HP, Weapons (500 BP, 450 Size): 2x light missile, 2x point defense, 1x medium torpedo, Combat Equipment (550 BP, 550 Size): Low-emission systems, high-maneuverability thrusters, Medium Machine Spirit Jammers, Light Sensors

Okula - Frigate (2775 VBP, 100 CP, 50 RP), Hull: (1000, 2200m x 600m), Engines: 7 Gravities, Shields: Light, Armor: Light, Hull Equipment (400 BP): Warp Drive, Void Abacus, Psychic Shielding: 40 HP, Combat Equipment (1000 BP, 1000 Size): Superb Sensors
light Cruisers 75 RP
Fabricator Factory Ship (5,600 bp), Light Cruiser, 75 RP, 200 CP, Base Hull 2000 BP, 4400x800 meters, Engines: 5 gravities for 300 BP, Shields: medium for 300 bp, Armor: medium for 200 bp, Warp Drive (200 BP), Void Abacus (200 BP), Psychic Shielding (80) for (400 BP), Manufactory (1800 BP), Light Lances (100 BP), 2x Point Defense (100 BP

Dauntless (Imperial Design) – (4,300 BP), Light Cruiser, 75 RP, 200 CP, Hull 1500 BP, 4500x500 meters, Engines: 5 gravities for 300 BP, Shields: light for 150, Armor: medium for 200, Warp Drive (150 BP), Psychic Shielding (60) for (300 BP), Troop compartment (25 BP), Medical bay (25 BP), 6x Light Macrocannons (600 BP), 3x Point Defense (150 BP), 1x Heavy Lances (400 BP), High-maneuverability thrusters (150 BP),Alloyed Armor (200 BP), Light Boarding preparations (100 BP)
Heavy Cruisers 100 RP
Dominator Troop Ship – (15,700 BP, 2,300 CP), Heavy Cruiser, 100 RP, 300 CP, Hull: (6000 BP, 6000x1200 meters). Engines: 4 gravities for (500 BP), Shields: medium for (400BP). Armor: medium for (400BP). Warp Drive (600 BP), Abacus (600 BP), Psychic Shielding 240 for (1200 BP), 2xTroop compartment (100 BP, 20,000 soldiers or 1,000 medium tanks), 2xMedical bay (50 BP, treat 2000 moderately injured people at once), Repair Bay (350 BP), 2x Light Lances (200 BP), 20x Fighters (2,000 BP, 1,000 CP), 20x Assault Shuttles (3,000 BP, 1,000 CP, 20,000 troops), 6x Point Defense (300 BP).

Foundry Factory Ship (15,625 BP), Heavy Cruiser, 100 RP, 300 CP, Hull 6000 BP, 6000x1200 meters, Engines: 3 gravities for 400 BP, Shields: medium for 400, Armor: medium for 400, Warp Drive (600 BP), Void Abacus (600 BP), Psychic Shielding (240) for (1200 BP), Troop compartment (25 BP), Manufactory (5000 BP), Repair Bay (400 BP), 2x Light Lances (200 BP), 2x Shuttles (200 BP, 100 CP, 1000 Lift Capacity), 4x Point Defense (200 BP)

Lunar (Imperial Design) – 9,750 BP, Heavy Cruiser, 100 RP, 300 CP, Hull: 3,740 BP, 5000 x 800 meters, Engines: 3 gravities for 400 BP, Shields: medium for 400 BP, Armor: medium for 400 BP, Psychic Shielding (150) for (750 BP), Troop compartment (25 BP), Medical bay (25 BP). 4x Medium Macrocannons (800 BP), 4x Medium Lances (800 BP), 6x Medium Torpedoes (1,800 BP), 4x Point Defense (200 BP), Alloyed Armor (400 BP), Light Boarding preparations (100 BP)

difese - Hvy. Cruiser (16200 VBP, 300 CP, 100 RP), Hull: (6000, 6000m x 1200m), Engines: (500 for 4 Gravities), Shields: (400 BP for Medium), Armor: (400 BP for Medium). Hull Equipment (2400 BP): Warp Drive (600 BP), Void Abacus(600 BP), Psychic Shielding: (1200 BP for 240 HP). Weapons (5000 BP, 4500 Size): 2x Heavy Lance(800 BP), 4 Medium Lance(800 BP), 8 Light Lance(800 BP), 1x Heavy Macro(400 BP), 2x Medium Macro (400 BP), 4x Light Macro(400 BP), 4x Medium Torpedoes(1200 BP), 4x Point Defense(200 BP). Combat Equipment (1300 BP, 1300 Size): Heavy sensors(1000 BP), Light Boarding Preparations(300 BP). Non-Combat Equipment (200 BP, 200 Size): Troop compartment (50 BP), Repair Bay (150 BP)
Grand Cruisers
Spark of Ancients


So I want to make things a bit easier on @Neablis and everyone for keeping track of posted blueprints if you post a design give me a shout and I'll copy it here I'll only update it when I'm at home on my computer though so don't be surprised if it takes ages I'll do my best to get it done before I go to bed

Update: ok so I've been thinking about it and in case of people using a blueprint from the lists here I will put it under its own spoiler for the duration of a vote I won't accept updates on a ship being voted for.

also regarding spaceship designs please for the sake of space and ease of copying use

(Basic System Monitor) Destroyer chassis. Base BP 350 (1500x300 meters) Engines: 7 gravities for 100 BP. Light Shields for 50 BP. Medium armor for 100 BP. 2x Light Macrocannon batteries for 200 bp, 1x Light Lance battery for 100 bp, High maneuverability thrusters for (1/10 base, round up to nearest 50 =) 50 bp.

If you want a ship design spreadsheet @Nightlord256 created this one

Vox Vitae Ship Design

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Voting will open in 1 day, 14 hours