You turn your attention back to the outermost ring, and uncountably many dots flare up in. "There are thousands of artificial mining stations throughout the ring. Almost every asteroid is within range of one of them, and there's every sign that they've been steadily mining away for thousands of years. The ring has enough metal for many thousands of years more, but in my estimate the stations have extracted about a trillion tons of metal over the millennia."

"However." You let the word drop, and then more than 90% of the stations dim into a darker color. "Most of those stations didn't have fully self-sufficient and stable systems for food, waste, water and air. So when the Imperium abandoned Vorthryn and pulled all of their tech-priests out, most of the stations died out. And I mean died. The vast majority of them are cold and dark, and appear to have been so for at least a hundred years.
How much effort would it be to secure some/many/most of those stations and how much BP would they give us?
They would likely take some BP to fix, but give us more than simply building manufactories of our own, I guess?
There's an argument to be made that it's possible, or even likely, that this system has fallen far enough that the stations openly flouting Chaos livery are only doing it because all they know about Chaos is "It's the enemy of the Imperium" and all they remember about the Imperium is "They're those guys who repaid our millenia of service by fucking off and leaving us to our current fate of a slow agonizing death as our stations waste away around us, also those assholes in the ship who come around and raid us every once in awhile."

With that said, I'm still extremely unhappy that they're here. I'd be fully supportive of spending a few turns trying to sort out this system, but if nothing else I'd like to blow up the Chaos stations before we leave.

As far as what "spending a few turns fixing this system" would look like...

How difficult would it be to build a fairly lightly defended station (capable of standing off the transport ship) suitable for quartering at least two of our tech priests, with a machine-spirit manufactory that they can control, a communications setup capable of reaching the entire system, a squad of labor robots to do remote reconstruction, two squads of combat robots for security on the station itself and when doing deliveries to the locals, a "normal" shuttle with plenty of defenses to do those deliveries and the stealthiest shuttle we can make so that the tech-priests have something they can retreat to the outer system in and hide in stasis until the next time we come through if some total disaster strikes?

Then we just need at least two (for mental health reasons) of our tech squad to volunteer to try and uplift the system for us.
Blow up chaos factions, send supplies to stave off the current scarcity, give the locals manufacturing + science primers + a limited blueprint set to stabilize their tech base. If they can get their tech working again, they have a massive excess of resources, they just lack the ability to get to any of it currently. Get rid of the scarcity driving all the conflict, and they have a chance to build themselves up again.

Also, I think we never got a good look at the inhabited planet here? If we didn't, that would cost another Explore action.
Stabilizing the current situation wouldn't be that hard for us except for the Chaos issue, it also gives us time to get some repairs/retrofits going if we want. We can decide after if we want to raise them up or just leave them be.

I'm not sure what the plan is for research, but maybe we could pivot a bit more towards materium focused sciences? I feel like getting a headstart on building an actual fleet wouldn't go amiss.
Alternatively, set our immediate priority to Reliable Void Shields and Abacus Manufacturing then go straight back to Denva to give them that technology and try to organize a full-on humanitarian aid mission to this system as the Denvanners first big step out of their own system.
Aboout expected
Cost increases and action increases for inmunity combined with demonology getting locked on behind said increases

Tho narratively is good to know our shield is able tp keep up with bongo so far

I repeat that we should do the psichic trip wires and the machine spirit on shielding
A proposal on Orks - [Non-canon Ideation]
Proposal on Orks.

Sam woke up groggy.
Slowly sitting up, he blindly grasped the glass besides his bed and drank it in a single gulp.
Tiredly, he went through his morning rites,trying to remember the last time he felt like this.

His new implants afforded him more resistance to the dangers of overwork, but working fevershly on his first important project, and the celebrating the success with a huge ceremony, was apparently still too much.

He dragged himself to a chair and sat down heavily.

With a thought, he requested a status update.

Apparentl, there are humans here.
Loyalists, cultists, and unknown.

"Uuuurgh. Not my problem."

He remembered the message he read a few years ago. Changing the galaxy.
Building a new future.

Important, but thankfully diplomacy was not his job.

It had been good idea, requesting information on the meetings between the Crew. And what themes vita was looking into.

Obviously, he only got a few notes. Scraps, really.
Which was fine, he had a long way to go and he was finally helping anyway.

"Using the methods of all factions..."

He mused to himself.
In a way, the machinespirits were their own faction.
One born from huminty, sure.
But very different and not nearly as subservient as many would wish.

He still remembered trying to calm an isulted door that hadnt been chanted to oftwn enough, back in the bad old days.

But still, once you understand them, you can try to make them understand. And once you can?

"Whats this?"

Vita had been looking into orks before the last round of research.
He remembered the lectures on them.
Despoiler of technology.
But, so much he learned was wrong.
"What does she think.."

Apparently, she didnt know how powerful they could be.
This would be more concerning, if they werent actively increasing their knowledge through research.
But after reading the archives, she came to the conclusion that they were an artificial creation.

"He. Thats like...
Wait. Let me just-"

Sam spend the next month researching all information on orks he had access to.
The culture.
The biology.
The technology.

It was not even close to enough. They would need samples to do anything.


"Psychic phenomena. Not ties to chaos. Not lingering after the orks are dead. No KNOWN crosscontamination with chaos. Still need to research more.A lot.
But this has potential. A lot of potential.
If we could harness their violence, their waaagh?
Thats osychic power without chaos. Psychic power that can be turned off by shooting some orkheads.
And the squigs. There seens to be no end to variables and uses.
Even if we can only use a squig or orc shaman once before we have to kill them, they just grow from the earth. And they have been designed to see violence as a positive result. Not the hardest mechanism to subvert. I think. Probably harder the machinespirits. But still..."

He looked down on his datapacked, titled:

"Proposal on feasability studies on the usage of Orkoids in industrial, research, psychic and military projects"

"Here goes nothing."
He send it out to Anexa.
He would probably be ignored. Or maybe scolded.

Still. Building a new future will need lots of materials. Maybe this will help.
Great update @Neablis, I really like how you handled that nat 1. Gave a very believable result.

I'd like to study some of the abandoned stations and the automated ship while we are here. I think both will give some really good insights. I also don't want to leave chaos festering here.

With Chaos tom-foolery afoot, I think we need to grab better psy sensors, Empathy at Range (200 RP), so we can see if there are any bad rituals or the like going on.

As the price of all our techs rise, I'm less worried about spending 450 RP on Daemonology if we want it. So I'm leaning towards Destructive Investigation this turn while he is weak.

Also, we should include the Help Cia Train (50RP) action in every plan for the next few turns.

Those are my initial thoughts, will put together a more detailed effort post in a bit.
Honestly, I'd say we toss the scrapcode generator into a star. We can find a possessed weapon to use for banishing practice, it's overstayed it's welcome and we've gained all we can from it.... or rather all that we should, given the potency of it's attacks and it's a direct line to Chaos in our house.... not to mention if it decides to attack, say, something other then us when we land somewhere. Like a Space Marine world, or some ancient space station, or anything else really.
I am trending towards intervening, probably with 2 actions.

Conquer and repair some of those currently chaos-faction infested stations for our own use?
1 action for the attack, 1 for building stuff for repair/in support of the attack.

This would leave us 512RP for research.

Finish up the active stealth, get the empathy at range to get forewarning if any chaos factions go to summon shit and help cia's training are 303RP.
209RP left.

Would be enough to destructively analyze the scrapcode daemon.
@Neablis I'm starting to fear that Bongo may not have our best interests in mind.

Maybe they have a Vitamin D deficiency. I kind of want to lob them into the sun.

On another note, the easiest thing to do would be to blow up a few of the most chaos-y stations before leaving.
Just pew-pew them with lances.

I can't think of anything we can do quickly that will help the people here rebuild but also prevent them those helped from just imperium-ing their neighbours.

Involved idea on how to help, haven't given it as much thought as I should have yet:

Maybe Victan can try an outreach action to try and find those who aren't super shitty. If he finds some:

We send wave after wave of bots onto the auto-ship and non-lethally disarm the people on it, and pack them up onto a station[1] that's off the auto-ship's route. Get the some non-shitty people from various stations to come take their place, so they can act as a trading group for the area.

Design and manufacture easy repair hydroponics and other basic sustainability stuff, and make a few super-basic manufacturies for those things, with a focus on ease of maintenance. Try to wrangle an agreement where on their honour (as in, big cultural ideal) they'll make peace with neighbouring non-shitty habitats and not try to exploit them.

With those who agree, share those manufactories and hydroponics. Also make sure they have reliable and redundant comms tech so they can communicate.
"The Decentralised Habitats of Vorthryn". They can have their primary seat of government/meeting place be on the auto-ship. :)

[1] Maybe fix up an empty one. Give them food tech as well, but nothing that can be used to easily make advanced weapons.
Blow up chaos factions, send supplies to stave off the current scarcity, give the locals manufacturing + science primers + a limited blueprint set to stabilize their tech base. If they can get their tech working again, they have a massive excess of resources, they just lack the ability to get to any of it currently. Get rid of the scarcity driving all the conflict, and they have a chance to build themselves up again.
If they do, I think they'll just rebuild in the structure of the imperium. I think we should get Victan to try and put his finger on the scales.
Conquer and repair some of those currently chaos-faction infested stations for our own use?
1 action for the attack, 1 for building stuff for repair/in support of the attack.
I expect that'll result in us taking further shielding damage, and we're still below full after this turn's repair. I'd prefer to avoid risking taking more damage until it's back up to full.
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Ok. It's time to start expanding the fleet. While we can talk to the inhabitants on the station, We're trying to cram everything onto the Spark of the Ancients and that is not viable long term. I say one Diplomacy action talking to the non-chaos factions in the system while another action is spent researching the ship designs while the last two are used to start building orbital manufactories or take over the abandoned stations, whichever is more viable. @Neablis are we able to take over the abandoned stations or would it end costing about the same?
I am going to argue for a thorough and detailed exploration of this system right after we invent those thought filter implants. And not for the reasons you think. Humanitarian aid is wonderful, purging Chaos is important and setting up a mining base for Denva is important.

But all of that pales compared to what we could find here: Ghast. Wild Ghast specifically. Yes Necromunda is the only place where a full Ghast trade network formed, but Ghast itself as a drug is a result of decaying Corpse-Starch in isolated artificial conditions of the Imperium.

If we roll well enough on exploration and get lucky on top of that we could find it as far as I am aware. So @Neablis a question:

Is Ghast on the loot table for this system?
Another point on potential loot from this system. Its entirely possible that the Chaos stations may have samples of corrupted or tainted materials and technology, research or destructive analysis of which could have with our warp studies and psycic materials and such. I think smashing a Chaos station or two to sift through the wreckage should be worth it.
This update was a reminder about the danger of the Chaos. Luckily, however, it was only a reminder with some material costs that can be slowly but automatically be repaired away. Alectai's approach to just stacking shielding after shielding after shielding for Bongo's prison, with additional shields on vital portions of the ship proves to be enough to contain the daemon once again.

Still personally considering how to approach either further researching containing the daemon, or just destroying it's container and kicking it temporarily back to the warp with all that it has learned.
Blow up chaos factions, send supplies to stave off the current scarcity, give the locals manufacturing + science primers + a limited blueprint set to stabilize their tech base. If they can get their tech working again, they have a massive excess of resources, they just lack the ability to get to any of it currently. Get rid of the scarcity driving all the conflict, and they have a chance to build themselves up again.

Also, I think we never got a good look at the inhabited planet here? If we didn't, that would cost another Explore action.
On giving the locals our manufacturing tech: I think it might end up being an incredibly bad move. Because that is early DAoT -level manufacturing, like I keep saying again and again. And unless we are willing to stay to root out the Chaos totally in this system, and then further securing them against outside forces taking the technology... I'm gonna say that sounds a bit too costly to me.

Besides, I'd like to remind you that some of these are clearly Imperialists. Not exactly friendly towards us or the newborn Stellar Ascendancy. I don't think that propping up Imperials too much would be a good idea for either us or the Stellar Ascendancy. So we would need to also work in making them not Imperials if we give them our manufacturing tech. At the very least.
Is Ghast on the loot table for this system?
Why should we, the players, know this? Why should Neablis tells us anything about what is on the table as OOC information? They've kept the loot tables hidden before, at least before they are actually rolled.
I don't think we can spare the actions to uplift the people here ourselves, but what if we send Cia with some bots to take out the Chaos-aligned stations?
It'd give her some active experience with fighting, and it'd help by ensuring 'falling to Chaos' is no longer one of the potential routes for the system to go (barring more outsiders coming in).
I don't think we can spare the actions to uplift the people here ourselves, but what if we send Cia with some bots to take out the Chaos-aligned stations?
It'd give her some active experience with fighting, and it'd help by ensuring 'falling to Chaos' is no longer one of the potential routes for the system to go (barring more outsiders coming in).
If we go for that option, I would strongly suggest first researching personal-level psychic shielding for Cia and the bots. And also Chaos resistance for the machine spirits in the bots. And taking the action of sending Cia on an away-mission on a turn after the research, to ensure that the tech is good enough.
So... a very rough initial plan for the system (Not in vote format because it'd be several turns and I expect it to change drastically as it's refined.)

Step 1 - Somehow stop the automated ship from continuing to dock with inhabited stations. The battles which occur when this happens are probably a significant percentage of the ongoing death and suffering in the system.

Step 2 - Survey the ship and stations with an initial eye towards establishing communications with all of them and setting up a system wide communication network if one doesn't exist already. Even if one does we can almost certainly make a vastly better one for fairly trivial effort, even if that just means sticking stealthy com-buoys in strategic orbits and delivering one each of the sturdiest tablets we can build to every polity.

Step 3 - Establish communications with the ship and all still inhabited stations... depending on whether any or all of them retain working communications as-is... and whether we want to either allow the Chaos stations to retain their communications, install communications for them, leave them isolated if they already are, or destroy any communications equipment they already have... This could be a more or less involved process.

Step 4 - Probably destroy all the Chaos stations. How is up in the air. A lance strike or shuttle-delivered really-big-bomb each would probably do it, or an assault shuttle of combat bots if we decide to preserve the stations themselves... which I'd be wary of. This is maybe step 1.5 honestly.

Step 5 - Begin delivering humanitarian aid to the stations most in need while establishing local production infrastructure. Include educational materials with all aid provided, with an aim towards stabilizing the technological situation as much as possible.

Step 6 - Build some kind of local habitation for as many of our tech priests as are willing to volunteer to oversee the situation. Volunteers should be advised that they may be left nominally in control of the system to continue our work for potentially several turns until we come back with a relief force from Denva. Currently thinking the fastest, stealthiest, and best defended system monitor we can put together by the time we leave as a local command post.

Step 7 - Leave the tech priests in charge while we continue the quest... probably we should get back to Denva soon with Reliable Gellar Fields and Void Abacus Production... probably also improved abaci... to organize a relief effort after visiting one more system at the most.
If we go for that option, I would strongly suggest first researching personal-level psychic shielding for Cia and the bots. And also Chaos resistance for the machine spirits in the bots. And taking the action of sending Cia on an away-mission on a turn after the research, to ensure that the tech is good enough.
I am not keen on sitting in the system for 1 turn/5 years doing nothing?

What could we do under those constraints? Probably get some of those inactive stations going and explore, but that'd be it.
If we go for that option, I would strongly suggest first researching personal-level psychic shielding for Cia and the bots. And also Chaos resistance for the machine spirits in the bots. And taking the action of sending Cia on an away-mission on a turn after the research, to ensure that the tech is good enough.
If we did it those are two of the researches I'd want, though I don't think we need to wait a turn to implement them.
Our current capabilities should be enough to take them out, even if we rolled a poor success on these that calculus won't change.
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What could we do under those constraints? Probably get some of those inactive stations going and explore, but that'd be it.

Disable any communications, external weapons, scanners, etc that we can see on the Chaos stations, do something to the imperial ship to stop it from docking with everyone and continuing the constant cycle of warfare, try to establish communications between everyone who isn't chaos, deliver humanitarian aid... There's lots to do, if we decide to do it.
Disable any communications, external weapons, scanners, etc that we can see on the Chaos stations, do something to the imperial ship to stop it from docking with everyone and continuing the constant cycle of warfare, try to establish communications between everyone who isn't chaos, deliver humanitarian aid... There's lots to do, if we decide to do it.
There seems to already be no communications going on at all.
Or scanners.
Or external weapons.

They are clubbing each other with sticks.

The "imperial" ship has an unknown amount of factions on it, we won't be getting anywhere with it without sending troops.

Also I was saying under those constraints aka without involving Cia in a fight, in which she will involve herself in if we send bots.