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Really it will come down to how well divination works from the inside of our anti-divination warp shields. If it blocks all divination then a diviner is less useful. If they only block divination in one direction it's absurd because our diviner is playing chess where nobody else can see her pieces.
I mean as long as she can divine our research and nudge it a bit (which is to say stuff we do inside the shields) that's still absurdly powerful, she doesn't have to play far-seer to have an enormous impact.
Or we could design a large-scale ship-psytech equipment that Neablis has hinted about, focused on divination and with hopefully the ability for filtering out the encryption and communication blocking effects of the shielding for the user (while also still hopefully shielding them from others).
The hard part is IDing the high end Psykers before they get corrupted, but our panopticon paid out here.
Ubiquitous civilian psy shields will revolutionize this as they roll out, but it'd take a bit for the impact to appear. A major psyker will be partly sheltered and also flagged by the trail of fried shields in their wake until they get found and moved under the serious business heavy shields.

Of course, I think high end psykers are rare before attrition is accounted for.
I am not saying to ignore boarding attacks! I am saying that they are a manageable threat, which is extremely solid 40k canon as many fleets manage with poor to bad boarding play. And I am proposing to use all the best countermeasures that exist.

I am dismissive of the idea that boarding attacks make it impossible for us to protect a load-bearing command ship, not that boarding attacks are something we have to deal with.
Apologies. I was mainly pushing over the severity of the threat and what measures are necessary against it, as I felt you had undersold it a bit, but I hadn't understood your full position.
Or we could design a large-scale ship-psytech equipment that Neablis has hinted about, focused on divination and with hopefully the ability for filtering out the encryption and communication blocking effects of the shielding for the user (while also still hopefully shielding them from others).
Basically my thought - except less "filter out the encryption" and more "Gwen gets to see inside all our stuff via warp comms, and also we give her an amp/sensor for seeing outside the shield network in general".

I for one am actually super excited about the notion of just, hooking her in to our warp sensors. That has to be a thing, right?

She could commune with their machine spirits and everything, get fed information and feed them information back - like sensor fusion between psy shields and our diviner. It sounds totally sick to me, don't know about anyone else lul.
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I'll need to figure out what I want to do about that.
"Sadly, only the diet, vegan, hydrogenated chocolate database survived... 500RP: Fix the Chocolate"
She'd be best as a general "Holy shit we need to deal with the Vita Dice somehow" option, personally.
Truly, the Dice are the real Archenemy.

Also: consider we managed to level Cia's power up... Spider Gwen could still become a gamma!

...we really need to get those psytech aids and sanity modules, don't we?
Apologies. I was mainly pushing over the severity of the threat and what measures are necessary against it, as I felt you had undersold it a bit, but I hadn't understood your full position.
I will draft an example design later, but I did mean it about putting everything on - heavy boarding defense, troop bays, generous point defense, fighters, and if the space is open maybe a sensor to avert Dark Eldar sneak attacks. And that's just the command ship itself, by definition it doesn't operate alone.

All in service of really delivering on what remote OMC offers. (With respect to combat, that is.)
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Truly, the Dice are the real Archenemy.

Also: consider we managed to level Cia's power up... Spider Gwen could still become a gamma!

...we really need to get those psytech aids and sanity modules, don't we?
Plan: PPE for the nova cannon boom show! Also muzzle Bongo. happens to get started on exactly that, if you'd like? It takes faith so we can get its psyker training improvements, and combat implants for its general improvements to our implant technology, which should yield some discounts on our way to sanity modules depending on roll.
Maybe there's something down a path from Tuning to let her throigh the Encryption. Or maybe Psychic Computation is needed...
Might be an OMC-adjacent tech more like - how to let a human direct their use as sensors, to see using them rather than merely around them.

Probably won't show up without getting basic amps and basic div understanding, though.
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Far from Home

Shadows lay for untold ages in the fetid eternities of The Warp. Blazing lights of Souls glistened throughout , minds like stars glimmering in an infinite Sea of thought and void. Desperate voices crying out in an endless cacophony of silence, every other sound drowned out by the mad laughter of thirsting gods, and the whispers of their souls pressing against all that lived. Well... almost all that lived. A bare fraction of shadow was vaguely darker than the rest these days, a clamor of neverending voices chattering and chittering like the clattering of insectile legs across a fractal of crystalline beauty. Endless repetitions of 'nonononononononononononononononononononononono-' denying and defying anything and everything that dared to touch it. Not that IT noticed or cared.

The creature of ancient times that swam this Sea knew of the Four Essences that ruled in these times. Unlike the before times- which were yet to come, an ancient memory of things that never were and always had been- the sea of today roiled and thrashed, writhing in the storms of the Essences tantrums in vile and sickly ways. The corruption was strong and sickly, bleeding down through layer after layer, even to the deeper, darker parts of the sea that had lain dormant for ages before the Essences had never even been conceived, and would persist long after they were forgotten by themselves. But still, the taint ran deep and was sinking.

The vastness of the taint, it's pervasiveness, it sickened that which dwelt beneath. Worse was the light. Light was foreign to this realm, the glimmering, short-lived flashes of sparkling beauty the only intended sources of illumination. Not now- for the briefest of times, yet still persevering, there was a lighthouse. There had been many gods of light who dwelled in the Sea, but those that had lived long knew not to drag attention to themselves by lighting up the Sea itself. not so much this one, born in the Wake of the Essences domination and shining since. It grew dimmer over time, as all lights do, but it was so much more slowly than normal that still. And then the scar blazed out, and the creature took interest. The barest fraction , of a fraction, of a fraction of itself was released, to watch more closely. This being then sent off a fraction of a fraction of a fraction to truly enter the Upper Sea. It could not enter without damaging the Sea, however.

Thus, a fraction, of a fraction, of a fraction of that was in turn fractioned smaller and smaller, over and over and over until finally a being equal to one of the four was produced. Once again fracturing itself, it sent a tiny flickering spark out of itself, a spark compared to the planetary core that was the Essence equivalent, and even that found itself searing out the bodies it tried to inhabit- dozens of young stillborn by the blaze of power inherent to it. It shattered itself then- if it was like an ocean, it's smaller offshoot fragments were unto grains of sand. Here, a bare few began to survive, while the rest shattered down even farther- grains of dust or individual cells compared to the sand from before.

More lived this time, nearly every single one. The Creature watched, letting it's power seed the Upper Sea with fresh light, and brighter lights. It had been many long ages since it had last performed such an act. And now... now it waited, watching the brightest of it's offshoots as the rest of its self was gathered up into itself once more. So little was lost from it that when it reclaimed all it had given up save that which now was tied to the souls of the Upper Sea, it found there was no difference to its strength. Curling around the darkest of the depths, the kingdom of shadows and darkness deeper and blacker than any mind could imagine... it waited. Most of these new, brighter lights would be food for the four Essences, and their taint. But some... some found their way to the places near that miniscule fragment of space that echoed with denial, refusing all who came near. It pondered on what it would discover, what strength and power the newest ones would wield, and how the sudden increase in numbers would impact the mortals that dwelt beyond the Sea, all the way up in the Real.

And far from any who could hear it, the beast began to whisper, it's own voice echoing like the ticking of a clock as it watched and waited, the world above slowly shifting into ever-more dangerous places and beings. A great doom was coming, an end to some great and terrible thing... but it was eager to see

On a world, in the galaxy, in a space far from the nightmare that birthed the fragment that was tied to it, a child slept, it's soul brighter than it should be. This child would die, driven mad by power and damning her world in her insanity. No mind was designed to handle being an Alpha level Psyker with any level of stability. But though she didn't know it, her purpose remained as potent as ever... the same as countless others. To find what would cause the next big ripple... and shake things up. Perhaps she'd even live long enough to help cause it.
Plan: PPE for the nova cannon boom show! Also muzzle Bongo. happens to get started on exactly that, if you'd like? It takes faith so we can get its psyker training improvements, and combat implants for its general improvements to our implant technology, which should yield some discounts on our way to sanity modules depending on roll.
I wouldn't count that as being started. I'd call "getting started" getting companion cogitators.

But also, that plan doesn't visit the Velkar and doesn't research R&D, which are lines for me. It's a nonstarter, sorry.
I must say I am very disappointed with how the vote is going. We drop everything to help Denva Secundus, but cannot be bothered to even go check if Primus needs help? It's probably my lack of imagination, but I can only conceive of that as very mercenary (Denva owed/could give us more stuff) or pretty xenophobic (they're not humans like us so we don't care).

Heck, I see people who really wanted to get crew not from the Ascendancy but who still won't vote for checking in on the Velkar.
I must say I am very disappointed with how the vote is going. We drop everything to help Denva Secundus, but cannot be bothered to even go check if Primus needs help? It's probably my lack of imagination, but I can only conceive of that as very mercenary (Denva owed/could give us more stuff) or pretty xenophobic (they're not humans like us so we don't care).

Heck, I see people who really wanted to get crew not from the Ascendancy but who still won't vote for checking in on the Velkar.
Well, from what I remember the GM telling us, chaos forces basically bombarded all of the infrastructure to scrap metal then left focusing their efforts on the second planet. As Denva gets back on their feet they're going to be sending forces to help Primus, so it's not too bad if we don't. This turn we get critical research done needing three research actions to do it, our next turn we could definitely probably spare something for visiting Primus and getting to help them in some measure.
I must say I am very disappointed with how the vote is going. We drop everything to help Denva Secundus, but cannot be bothered to even go check if Primus needs help? It's probably my lack of imagination, but I can only conceive of that as very mercenary (Denva owed/could give us more stuff) or pretty xenophobic (they're not humans like us so we don't care).

Heck, I see people who really wanted to get crew not from the Ascendancy but who still won't vote for checking in on the Velkar.

Or you know here's a thought we have a whole bunch of research to do urgently so this whole system doesn't get taken over by Chaos again with us in it. A system which incidentally includes the Velkar.
I must say I am very disappointed with how the vote is going. We drop everything to help Denva Secundus, but cannot be bothered to even go check if Primus needs help? It's probably my lack of imagination, but I can only conceive of that as very mercenary (Denva owed/could give us more stuff) or pretty xenophobic (they're not humans like us so we don't care).

Heck, I see people who really wanted to get crew not from the Ascendancy but who still won't vote for checking in on the Velkar.
Denva Secundus needed help.

We have no evidence Primus does.

I wouldn't oppose investigating Primus, but breaking loose an action to do probably nothing is kinda a large demand.

If there was evidence of Chaos activity on Primus, I am sure we would be all over that.
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Ubiquitous civilian psy shields will revolutionize this as they roll out, but it'd take a bit for the impact to appear. A major psyker will be partly sheltered and also flagged by the trail of fried shields in their wake until they get found and moved under the serious business heavy shields.

Of course, I think high end psykers are rare before attrition is accounted for.
Also with all shields being divination blocks I am not sure demons will be able to instantly see a psyker unless they burn through the shields entirely. It may at minimum buy time.
Very nicely written, but it should be said that canonically the things that live in the Deep Warp are worse than the Chaos Gods, daemons fear them yes, but so does anything unfortunate enough to have encountered one.

I am aware of that. Thank you, by the way. The main focus on that was to try and show something that was bigger than Chaos. So much bigger that simply entering our shallow layer of The Warp would damage it (the shallow layer). Something so big that Chaos was ridiculously small compared to even a fraction of a fraction of it. Then to show how much smaller even than that an Alpha Psyker may be. And then how much smaller that that the lesser Psykers were.

It also doesn't focus much on why the thing chose to do this- mainly focusing on its interest in watching the ripples caused by its actions. I have my own ideas on why it's doing this.

But yes, I was aware that the things in the Deep Warp were more terrifying than Chaos.
I wouldn't count that as being started. I'd call "getting started" getting companion cogitators.

But also, that plan doesn't visit the Velkar and doesn't research R&D, which are lines for me. It's a nonstarter, sorry.
Others have said what I feel about the Velkar. Not having R&D... yeah, that bites.

Huh. I mean, I'd have gone for basic psychic dampeners if I could afford it, or mood regulators if they weren't mainly good for unstable psykers, but Faith is pretty explicit:
(Understanding the benefits of Faith. May unlock further research to allow Vita to design a less objectionable faith optimized for warp protection, and help develop better psyker training programs. Likely to unlock further understanding of relics and their usage.)
I mean, I could be wrong, those better training programs could just be better in... like, level-up speed, but considering the main pitch of it at all is safety from chaos, I'm pretty sure it'll include better safety for psyker training, locked behind followup(s) though it may be.

Ultimately, I agree with Nova Cannons go Boom's fundamental pitch: our first priority needs to be correcting the escort and firepower deficit. After that and daemonology, that only left so much room for other priorities, so I settled for just maxing the psy lab and making sure we'd be in a better position to deck out our psykers next turn.

Different strokes, I guess.
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