[X] Plan: Spring Cleaning with Construction!
Of Haganeko's plans, I opt for this one for the reasons I stated much earlier: We are only able to create research infrastructure in the places and with the people we trust, and until Denva is clear, I believe this limitation would exacerbate the Two Denva's split. It's not unlikely that it'll be clear enough this turn, but it's not a risk we have to take either when the
With Construction version of plan uses the RP on EaR instead, which puts us closer to warp comms.
Even if the worst comes to pass in terms of wayfarer or some other fire we have to put out, we can still share new OMC and cybernetics tech over said warp comms, so while getting more RP flowing sooner is nice, it's not
essential nor likely to pay itself back while we're here even if we got it going full blast this turn.
I'm not voting for any of Angle's plans this time. While I sympathize with his desire for Warp Comms Now, I still disagree with the build order choice of taking Alternate Shield Meanings before EaR, and in general these plans don't really do much to fulfill the
4 counter-insurgency development goals I laid out.
It could turn out fine regardless if we roll well, but y'all know how I feel about depending on the favor of the dice gods.
[X] Plan: The Eye of Vita V4
Kyle's plan fulfills the basic idea of "get empathy at range, use satellites everywhere", and uses the RP left over for various odds and ends we were waiting for the right time to get to such as the warp abacus, while finally putting the Faith iron in the fire.
Notably, it reframes the cultist cleanse as a diplomacy action. Victan was a spy before he was a diplomat, I believe his bonus will apply whether we're doing counter-insurgency personally or helping Denva set up theirs, but it has a neat flavor to it.
MSH's plan doesn't meet the 4 goals test for me. Pass.
[X] Plan eyes in the skies
F0lklore is going ham on his plan - EaR
and SSDIPS, with spy sats! They seem to be planning around the assumption that SSDIPS rolls below a great success, as the RP allocated to the satellite design is using current rates and mentions the increased BP cost, so I have to assume SSDIPS is being taken with the assumption that it rolls under Great Success and won't apply to the sat.
Neither of the bot redesigns appear to try and reach for an SSDIPS-shielded version, which is a bit of a disappointment, but not a dealbreaker since Neablis said Denva would likely make sensors-in-a-box that could be carried by patrols, placed in cities, etc in place of bespoke shielded designs.
@F0lkL0re , you may want to consider finangling your production numbers some so we hit round numbers on those bots - CP requirements round up to the nearest batch size, so you might be able to trade out some of that bot production for tanks, which surprisingly Neablis also said would be useful.
And then there's the
NightLord/LightLan/Meianmaru conga line plan.
It makes me wince, because it's so close to being exactly what I wanted out of a ground-focused strategy, but falls short of committing the RP needed to guarantee the ground army will receive the SSDIPS BP savings, and overflows to intelligence coding instead of boosting Denva's implementation of SSDIPS.
And then instead of embracing the ground unit sensor spam, it clamps unit production to a meager 10 thousand! The horror! Don't they know that Denva can use OMC on the ones we can't hold with Vita's stubby little AI arms?
The only reasonable answer is, of course, for me to make The Bride of The Son of I Am Frankensteining Our Plans Once Again.
My original idea was to research drones, but it's getting long into the night and I'm not sure I've got the gas left in the tank to refactor the force composition to include them - or switch the design entirely to them, especially not when we arguably need a new bot for less-than-lethal combat and I do not know if drones can shoot gas at people.
Such is life.
[x] Plan: G-1st Counter-Insurgency featuring shields for literally everybody
The Big Idea: Shielding. Shielding
everywhere. I'm making Xon's dream come true, and because
every shield is a warp sensor not only will people in their fancy new shielded apartments be safe from chaotic attack, cultists won't go anywhere near them for fear of being immediately discovered before they can do anything. And then a couple dozen thousand shielded robots find them anyways.
-[x][Repair Bay]: spent in Construction
Construction (600 VBP + 5340 Aetherion MS manus + 1,100 VBP (Voidforge Miners) = 7040 / 1000 Repair Bay / 500 Lift Capacity):
--[x] Repair the Spark's structure damage (110 VBP) (15/125 -> 125/125 BP of structure damage repaired)
--[x] Psychic Shielding: Outer Hull 221/240 -> 240/240 HP (95 VBP)
--[x] The Spark: Basic Psychic Experimentation Lab 1000/1215 -> 1215 (215 VBP, 50 CP)
--[x] Fix up 41 Orbital Manufactories to MS-manufactories (4100 BP)
--[x] 4520/7040 BP
--[x] Build 2000 BP worth of Blueprint Seeker bots. (Estimated 25k bots, give whatever we can't personally operate to Denva)
--[x] Aetherion Shipyard repair (All remaining BP)
Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 56 (Anexa staff, 20 Cogitare assigned to design) = 545 RP)
--[x] The Taste of Chaos (100 RP)
---[x] Anexa assist
--[x] Small-scale design-integrated psychic shielding (aka "SSDIPS") (150 RP)
--[x] Hardware Psychic Encryption (50 RP)
--[x] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (
Boost: 75 base * 1.25 = 93.75 ->
94 RP)
--[x] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[x] Blueprint: Seeker Light Infantry Bot [>=10 RP, 80 BP, 20 CP] (originally at least 20 RP, reduced due to 20 assigned Cogitare, research to completion regardless of cost)
---[x] 10 RP - Light infantry bots (25 BP, 200 CP)
---[x] Humanization - (+15 base BP cost for combat bots)
---[x] Machine-spirits - (+0.5x base BP cost, -0.9x base CP cost)
---[x] Psychic Shielding - (+9x base BP cost for bots, +1x base RP to design blueprint)
---[x] Less-than Lethal armament - (+0.5x base BP cost for vehicles and small craft & bots.)
Assist Denva with SSDIPS-based designs such as shielded housing and personal shielding (
Orders: Help Denva cleanse the planet of hidden chaos cults
Idea: Could use psy-shield equipped forces for search and patrol, while stationing reserve forces of unshielded bots/tanks on shuttles that can rapidly insert from orbit onto the scene of a detected cult or cultist attack to reinforce local responders.
Idea: Shielded housing isn't just for safety - build outwards from major population centers they could rapidly make these areas impossible to operate for cults because omni-present warp sensors risk catching them immediately even if they don't do anything. The targeted use and expansion of "safe zones" and shield-equipped patrols can be used to direct and limit undiscovered cultist cells' movement to make finding them easier.
-[x] Anexa active Action: The Taste of Chaos
-[x] Victan passive action: Assist with chaos cult clean up
-[x] Cia: Deployment on chaos cult clean up
Tech Transfer:
--[X] Everything we researched and designed this turn.
There's a lot more refinement I could, and should do here. But I'm pretty much about to drop so I think I'll leave it at this and just make edits later.