It saddens me that there's no Hardware Psy Encryption in your plan
If it helps, the research I'll be proposing for next turn definitely includes it! And if the need for some design work hadn't come up, I might have swapped out superconductor shenanigans for it, but we did get our shields some amount more resistant to information-transfer even without it and Bongo seems to once again be the only immediate worry on that front, so it fell slightly down the priority list.
really want to get Chaos dealt with and Denva back on track industrially so that we can keep trusting them and they can build themselves a navy as quick as possible.
My locked-in research intentions for next turn, which splits focus between the three goals of continuing work at Aetherion so that we can build our own fleet, helping Denva setup R&D and getting the boon for that, and continuing down the path for warp comms...
--[] Collaberative Computational R&D (250 RP)
---[] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action. Will level on a successful roll, scaled by the importance of the tech.
--[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP)
--[] Hardware Psychic Encryption (50 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (Some amount?)