[X] Plan: G-1st Counter-Insurgency featuring shields for literally everybody

Don't know why the leading plan doesn't just give all our tech to Denva.
@KyleDaScourge, you seem to spend a total of 525 RP in your plan; additionally, you have Intelligence Coding going 170 -> 180, but count it as 20 RP.
@Prime 2.0, you seem to have a small mistake in your total RP—you list 545 but the total should be 541. Doesn't affect the plan overall but should make the QM's life easier if corrected.

I can see the plans I most favour are going to lose, so I might toss some more approval voting soon the way of anyone who does Hardware Encryption. My line has generally been getting collab R&D and/or Demonology, but I am prepared to fall back to that.
While I'm a bit worried about giving this techology before we roll for cultist hunting... If you are doing it, you should also include our advancements in the gellar field technology.

Thanks for pointing that out, it slipped my mind that we developed the improved gellar field just after leaving the first time, and so hadn't given it to them with our initial tech-transfer. I've added it to the vote.

It's maybe a slight concern, but given that as far as I can tell literally no one in the system has a single functional ship construction slot right now, I can't see the cultists managing to get away. Particularly given the detection net we're throwing up.

@KyleDaScourge, you seem to spend a total of 525 RP in your plan; additionally, you have Intelligence Coding going 170 -> 180, but count it as 20 RP.

Thanks for pointing this out, my math got thrown off in the final shuffle adding designs for the Diviner and Warden, then discounting those designs and removing some Cogitare from RP generation, etc... I believe it should be corrected now with the extra explicitly moved into Intelligence Coding, and the math on that has been straightened out as well.
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Thanks for pointing this out, my math got thrown off in the final shuffle adding designs for the Diviner and Warden, then discounting those designs and removing some Cogitare from RP generation, etc... I believe it should be corrected now with the extra explicitly moved into Intelligence Coding, and the math on that has been straightened out as well.
It saddens me that there's no Hardware Psy Encryption in your plan :(
It saddens me that there's no Hardware Psy Encryption in your plan :(

If it helps, the research I'll be proposing for next turn definitely includes it! And if the need for some design work hadn't come up, I might have swapped out superconductor shenanigans for it, but we did get our shields some amount more resistant to information-transfer even without it and Bongo seems to once again be the only immediate worry on that front, so it fell slightly down the priority list.

I really want to get Chaos dealt with and Denva back on track industrially so that we can keep trusting them and they can build themselves a navy as quick as possible.

My locked-in research intentions for next turn, which splits focus between the three goals of continuing work at Aetherion so that we can build our own fleet, helping Denva setup R&D and getting the boon for that, and continuing down the path for warp comms...

--[] Collaberative Computational R&D (250 RP)
---[] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action. Will level on a successful roll, scaled by the importance of the tech.
--[] Alternative Shielding Meanings (150 RP)
--[] Hardware Psychic Encryption (50 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (Some amount?)
can I convince you to do some approval voting? I threw approval votes at all your plans, maybe see if there are any you want to throw around.

Sure, I like them both. Will add more approval votes as the magic go go juice (delicious bean water) does its work.

Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (Boost: 75 base * 1.25 = 93.75 -> 94 RP)
@Prime 2.0, What is this Boost mechanic? I've not seen it used before.
...and they can build themselves a navy as quick as possible.

If the goal is for Denva to get a navy up as quick as possible, could I interest you in "Lower OMC Implant Specs (150 RP)" and "Gameified OMC (75 RP)"? If we give them to Denva it will apparently result in:

Gamified OMC does that on its own, no need to write in. Both of those together would definitely unlock some officer candidates after a generation or so. You'd just pick the best gamers on the planet and offer them a slot. (half serious).

Which I take to mean they will develop a naval officer tradition quicker. They have the people to train into naval officers, but they don't really have the shipyard infrastructure to build a navy yet anyway, so sowing the seeds to get naval officers 40-50 years into the future now helps a lot, instead of making them great ships that they can't really use to their best effect.
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@Prime 2.0, you seem to have a small mistake in your total RP—you list 545 but the total should be 541. Doesn't affect the plan overall but should make the QM's life easier if corrected.
@Prime 2.0, What is this Boost mechanic? I've not seen it used before.
You probably have, but just don't remember or didn't think much of it - in the past, people have added an extra 50RP to projects that they want to protect from the malus of a poor success.

Recently, Neablis put some hard numbers to what you'd actually have to pay to do that:
@Neablis what kind of ratio of extra RP would a research item require to avoid a critical fail?
Negating a poor success is like 25%. Can't negate a crit fail.
Naturally, we really don't want chaos resist to poor success.

I considered doing it for SSDIPS too, but the numbers didn't work out for making it a net benefit this turn, and anything short of the good success "same RP cost as psy shielding was to put in designs before" is something we're probably going to circle back and fix with follow-up research anyways. At least, that's the rationale - if we think a poor success may have other effects in addition to going from a 3x psy shield design cost for SSDIPS to 5x compared to a normal success, that may change my mind on whether or not to boost it.

'cause like, taking the ~106 RP earmarked for bots and Denva and finding the added value from that delta is... only...

Thinks in not-a-tired-asshole-at-2am

Cost to boost: 0.25 * 150 SSDIPS RP = 37.5 RP
Savings on poor success: (1 - 5/3) * 100 Denva-assist RP = 66.666¯ RP

Beats the pants off of it, but only on poor success. Uh.

Chance of poor success: 13%
0.13 * 200/3 = 8.666¯ expected value of savings

Odds say the boost is a net RP loss if I have to pay it on non-poor. But do I have to pay the surcharge if it isn't a poor success?

But won't Denva need less help if SSDIPS is cheaper to implement? Maybe??? And also isn't there that one guy who won't vote for it without intelligence coding progress who I might win back if Denva says "nah we good" after X RP so I can 2nd order overflow to IC?

I am hereby open to calls for a plan edit to boost SSDIPS.
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If the goal is for Denva to get a navy up as quick as possible, could I interest you in "Lower OMC Implant Specs (150 RP)" and "Gameified OMC (75 RP)"? If we give them to Denva it will apparently result in:

Which I take to mean they will develop a naval officer tradition quicker. They have the people to train into naval officers, but they don't really have the shipyard infrastructure to build a navy yet anyway, so sowing the seeds to get naval officers 40-50 years into the future now helps a lot, instead of making them great ships that they can't really use to their best effect.

So, my thinking is that they do have a significant number of OMC Operators and they are training more right now, but they are totally lacking in ship-building capacity and LS-OMC makes building and operating shipyards significantly easier. That gets researched immediately, because the sooner they get people trained in it and at least one yard built and working at maximum capacity the better.

My tentative goals for the next two or three turns research-wise are to get warp comms figured out (Alternate Shield Meanings, Yelling Into The Warp, Warp Communication?) and get Denva into what I consider to be the best position for future research and industrial/naval expansion (Collaborative R&D, Improved OMC, Lower OMC Implant Specs, Companion Cogitators), that latter basically means designing GitHub-but-for-Science and then a full range of brain implants from an entry-level one-or-two CP version with Lower Specs through to a fully redesigned and streamlined version of the basic model up to full-on knockoff-Cybran with Companion Cogitators. At that point, all the hardware is taken care of (and a diplomacy action will hopefully have the Denvan Research Industry off to a good start) and the rest of the OMC techs are software issues that they can work out themselves.

Edit - Also, just hit on a great name for the research institution I'll be trying to establish next turn -> The Stellar Ascendancy Research Project Association -> STARPA!
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If we are sticking around for a few turns (which I think we should, our hold is filled with random oddities that we should research and then throw into the sun) then I think we can delay getting warp communications up, and if you are getting all of those OMC improvements anyway then we should really fit gameified OMC in there somewhere just cause it's cheap and great for hero generation.

Also I'm messing around in ship design for fun, do every ship in a fleet need a void-abacus/waro drive to traverse the warp or is it just the flagship and it can bring others along? Also is there any problems bringing along ships without living quarters through the warp? As in can we controll them remotely through the warp?
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If we are sticking around for a few turns (which I think we should, our hold is filled with random oddities that we should research and then throw into the sun) then I think we can delay getting warp communications up, and if you are getting all of those OMC improvements anyway then we should really fit gameified OMC in there somewhere just cause it's cheap and great for hero generation.

I imagine it'll be one of the first things Denva tries to research once STARPA is up and running, and like you said it's cheap so it shouldn't be too hard for them.