Voting will open in 1 day, 13 hours
I like the reference image on Plan: Magellan but am worried about what happens if an enemy gets in close. I like most of Plan: Spark of the Ancients, but would happily ditch at least the tuned shields for more manufactories and troop capacity. I can't decide and don't have time to make my own plan, so I guess I'll just take either.

[X] Plan: Spark of the Ancients
[X] Plan: Magellan
Do we have a ruling on adding stealth afterwards?
Depends on the type of stealth. The low-emissions systems can be added afterwards, but the stealth unlocked by starship stealth likely can't, since it has to do with hull shape & armor composition.

@Neablis how will upgrading modules work, will we just have to pay the full cost of the higher tier to replace it?
Probably. Also note that the high-energy physics lab requires 3 slots. That's likely to be true for some of the other facilities as well.

Sorry I had a brain fart what I meant with my question is how would changing a strike bay say from Fighters 100 BP, 50 CP To Assault Shuttles 150 BP, 50 CP work because it's a weapon so BP cost impacts modular build caps

so my thought is instead of having the strike bay cost based on the units it contains instead have the bay itself cost a specific amount and then have the unit inside as a combat equipment expense.
Too complicated. Unfortunately I'm going to just say they're different things and if you want to swap from one to another you have to strip out the entire bay. This isn't the best solution but I'm hitting a limit on how complicated we're going to make these systems.
I am wondering if we drop high maneuverability thrusters from Spark of the Ancients, and then use the extra space for say a couple of point defense missles and a bunch of empty slots/ a few crew spaces, troops transport etc... as we will want to expand out and just don't have the space to grow
High maneuverability thrusters are more survivablity and can't be offloaded onto a different ship; you can make PD destroyers and troop transports.
Looks like Spark of the Ancients is going to win. I actually had hope my design would. Also, @Neablis would it be better to just have regular hangers and instead decided what ships get stored in the hanger? Like the Spaceports only you can't store shuttles or fighter in the ship.
Plan: Magellan but am worried about what happens if an enemy gets in close.

Short answer, that is what the Plasma Cannons are for.

Long answer, as a a grand cruiser there are two types of enemy we will face, Lesser (heavy cruisers and below) and Peer (grand cruisers and battleships), that will each have two preferred engagements (Closing or Distanced). Which gives us 4 very broad types of engagements. I will start with the lesser encounters since that is what the Magellan is built to primarily deal with.

-Lesser, closing - Any ship built for a closing encounter will have better engines than us at this weight bracket, given the 3D nature of space encounters this makes it all but impossible to prevent them from getting close if they want to. With a primarily long ranged arsenals we can start to damage them as soon as they enter range, given the volume of fire we can destroy or ward off large quantities of these ships. If they do make it to medium range the plasma goes to work, strips their shields, and then we either alpha strike with the lances or teleport a boarding party.

-Lesser, Distanced - These enemies want to engage at long range, which is fine for us. We almost every weapon we have can reach them to answer the duel. Of the three long distance weapons (Torpedos, Lances, and Small Craft) or compliment of PD weapons makes us heavily resilient to two of them. Given the increased HP, armor, and shields of a grand cruiser we are likely to win any battle of attrition here even against a large force.

-Peer, closing - a peer ship will likely be as fast as us or maybe have .5 Gs acceleration over ours. This means we do stand a great chance of controlling the range and keeping away from them. The strategy is boils down to kite them and shoot. This would take awhile and only works if we don't have a strategic object to protect. If one of these gets into range we are going to get seriously hurt, but with the plasma we can churn through their shields and then teleport over boarders. Likely can win a 1:1 with a some wounds, more then one is run away.

-Peer, distanced - a peer ship designed for long ranged combat is probably our worst match up since they will have more long ranged hvy weapons than us. Our point defense will hamper some of their attacks, but this would be a rough fight. We might win a straight 1:1 with heavy injuries, but it would be dicey. Our hidden ace is once again the teleporters, which have a long range allowing us to board the enemy from extreme distance.

Some closing thoughts. As a grand cruiser we will not have the luxury of controlling the distance in most of our fights, so we need to be prepared for enemies that don't want to get close to us. As a fleet flagship we need to be prepared to fill a variety of support roles and serve as a back stop of the fleet. Long range weapons give the largest zone of control creating a threat in being, something the enemy has to respect even before the battle starts. This can be used to shape and control enemy fleet deployments and movements before the first shot is even fired.

Edit: @DecaffeinatedOwl , I love it!

@Derpmind, stay strong this will likely be the most complicated ship we ever design
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This is a spaceship designed to take a beating from other space ships. I do not think there is any space debris in the galaxy sturdy enough to be an issue.
Big rock is still a big rock. Even scraping against something like that could be catastrophic. I'm assuming this based on the fact they are mentioned in the first place as danger to be avoided in the description of the high-maneuverability thrusters.
Big rock is still a big rock. Even scraping against something like that could be catastrophic. I'm assuming this based on the fact they are mentioned in the first place as danger to be avoided in the description of the high-maneuverability thrusters.

I do think the thrusters would help use avoid things, like big rocks, but let's remember our size we are not turning on a dime here. More importantly if we are needing to dodge an asteroid in a tight amount of time something has gone seriously wrong. With the amount of kinetic weapons the Spirit has we should be able to blast a path of rubble through most asteroid fields.
Big rock is still a big rock. Even scraping against something like that could be catastrophic. I'm assuming this based on the fact they are mentioned in the first place as danger to be avoided in the description of the high-maneuverability thrusters.

Space is very very big and big rocks, literal floating mountains are very rare in that volume. We would see them at a minimum hours in advance. The 'asteroid field' is a Hollywood invention that bears no resemblance to anything one would encounter in even the most crowded parts of a solar system.
I do think the thrusters would help use avoid things, like big rocks, but let's remember our size we are not turning on a dime here. More importantly if we are needing to dodge an asteroid in a tight amount of time something has gone seriously wrong. With the amount of kinetic weapons the Spirit has we should be able to blast a path of rubble through most asteroid fields.
Well, in these kind of cases, its always the best to ask for a clarification on how it really performs. @Neablis, how useful would the high-maneuverability thrusters would be in a Grand Cruiser in my build (max. size 1200 BP; engines 2.5 gravities)?
Space is very very big and big rocks, literal floating mountains are very rare in that volume. We would see them at a minimum hours in advance. The 'asteroid field' is a Hollywood invention that bears no resemblance to anything one would encounter in even the most crowded parts of a olar system.
Yeah, I know, but do we have Hollywood asteroid fields in this quest? Because again, the description speaks about "dense asteroid clusters" in high-maneuverability thrusters. Which is probably an another question from me to Neablis, now that I think about it. Are there Hollywood asteroid fields in this quest, @Neablis ?
Well, in these kind of cases, its always the best to ask for a clarification on how it really performs. @Neablis, how useful would the high-maneuverability thrusters would be in a Grand Cruiser in my build (max. size 1200 BP; engines 2.5 gravities)?

Yeah, I know, but do we have Hollywood asteroid fields in this quest? Because again, the description speaks about "dense asteroid clusters" in high-maneuverability thrusters. Which is probably an another question from me to Neablis, now that I think about it. Are there Hollywood asteroid fields in this quest, @Neablis ?
They certainly do things. They'll be helpful for things like dodging torpedoes, keeping small ships inside weapon firing arcs and yes, hiding in high-density asteroid clusters, which are pretty much only found in planetary ring structures. Not actual asteroid belts, which are much sparser.
Never going to get the rest of the questers to sign off on it, but I want to see what happens if we get one of these that says YES, or MAYBE.

Circling back to this, I think this would be exactly how we make a demon trap once we figure out nested shields. A smaller inner shield broadcasting YES as a lure, with a deactivated outer shield ready to turn on and broadcast NO when the inner shield takes X % damage. Could be an interesting line of research.... once we are much better shielded against chaos
Circling back to this, I think this would be exactly how we make a demon trap once we figure out nested shields. A smaller inner shield broadcasting YES as a lure, with a deactivated outer shield ready to turn on and broadcast NO when the inner shield takes X % damage. Could be an interesting line of research.... once we are much better shielded against chaos

An inner shield that goes 'PSSST, HEY KID, YOU LOOKING FOR SOULS?'
I am not sure what use we get from trapping random demons, even if we somehow figure out true killing them there are way too many for that to be useful. True killing major demons is good but I doubt this is an effective trap for them.
I am not sure what use we get from trapping random demons, even if we somehow figure out true killing them there are way too many for that to be useful. True killing major demons is good but I doubt this is an effective trap for them.

Well obviously we just need to figure out some way to burn them for power. This is clearly a good idea, and will accomplish only good things. :V
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I made a quick and dirty spreadsheet. Took like a half hour to make and most of that was data entry, but it makes shipbuilding in general far easier and less error-prone.

It's here, if anyone wants it.
Voting will open in 1 day, 13 hours