[X] Plan: Magellan
Reference Image
-[x] Grand Cruiser, 12,000 BP for base hull, 9000 x 2000 meters. 500 CP base
-[x] Engines: 2 gravities for 800 BP
-[x] Shields: medium for 800
-[x] Armor: medium for 800
-[x] Empty ship cost 16,900 BP, 12,000 BP "budget" available to fill the hull.
-[x] Non-combat equipment (5,200 BP):
--[x] Warp Drive (1200 BP) This ship can jump to the warp. Navigation systems sold separately.
--[x] Warp Abacus Mounting (600 BP) This ship can mount a warp abacus, sold separately.
--[x] Psychic Shielding (2400 BP) This ship has a neural network integrated throughout the whole thing, that thinks "no" as hard as possible, answering the question for any warp-corruption for any beings or objects within the hull. HP scales with ship size.
--[x] Repair Bay (1000 BP). Repairs damage across friendly ships equal to its cost in repairs.
-[x] Weapons (8,000 BP 300 CP Cost, 7,200 Size):
--[x] 16x Light Lances (16x 100 = 1600 BP). Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
--[x] 6X Heavy Lances (6x 400 = 2,400 BP). Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
--[x] 2x Heavy Plasma Cannon (2x 1000 = 2,000 BP), Medium range, high-fire rate with incredible damage potential. Extremely effective against shields, less effective against armor.
--[x] 2x Fighters (2x 100 BP, 50 CP = 200 BP, 100 CP). Parasite craft with short-ranged guns and some missile capability.
--[x] 2x Shuttles (2x 100 BP, 50 CP = 200 BP, 100 CP). 10 Shuttlecraft, combined capacity of 500 lift to or from a planet.
--[x] 2x Assault Shuttles (2x 150 BP, 50 CP = 300 BP, 100 CP). 10 Assault shuttles, with combined capacity of 1000 troops or 10 tanks in one trip. Not equipped to cut through ship hulls.
--[x] 10x Point Defense (10x 50 BP = 500 BP). A series of turrets on the hull to shoot down enemy fighters, missiles and torpedoes.
--[x] 2x Heavy Teleportarium (2x 400 = 800 BP). Can teleport a large number of organics or robots onto enemy ships from long range. Enemy shields must be down.
-[x] Combat Equipment (1800 BP):
--[x]Light Boarding preparations (600 BP) Bulkheads are reinforced, extra hatches seal all decks and turrets guard key chokepoints, making boarding annoying.
--[x]Medium Machine Spirit Jammers (1200 BP) Banks of cogitators with code to disable machine spirits. Same as light jammers, plus will also effect total thrust, weapons firing rate. Primarily effective against ships of the same weight class or smaller.
-[x] Number of modular build slots & their installations 19 / 20 Slots (1,775 BP, 760 CP):
--[x] 1x Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot) Enough crew space for 500 crew to live in comfort with all necessary amenities.
--[x]1x Basic Biology Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) Will allow you to process basic biological samples, such as flora & fauna. Or captives.
--[x]1x Basic Technological Research Lab (50 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) Will allow you to process basic technological samples, to understand their electronics, materials, etc.
--[x]1x Captive Holding cells (25 BP, 10 CP, 1 slot) will allow you to hold 500 captives and keep them fed and watered while you interrogate/indoctrinate/talk to them.
--[x]1x Medical facility (200 BP, 50 CP) 500 treatment rooms with autodocs capable of dealing with light injuries.
--[x]1x Observatory (100 BP, 25 CP, 1 slot) Allows long-distance surveying of a system.
--[x]10x Manufactory (100 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot.) More manufacturing capacity and the raw material harvesting to use it. +50 BP/action.
--[x]2X Troop compartment (25 BP, 5 CP, 1 slot) Can carry 10,000 soldiers or 500 medium tanks across the stars.
--[x]1x Basic Juvenat Production Facility (250 BP, 50 CP, 1 slot) A set of carefully-managed vats capable of supplying 50 people with a perennial supply of Juvenat.
-[x] Final Cost: 33,675 BP, 1,560 CP