Voting is open for the next 3 hours, 50 minutes
Researching (100RP) and refitting (500BP+250BP(done with repair bay)) the Advanced Technological Research Lab is now also something to think about.
If we aint got anything to repair, refits are essentially free.

And while we shouldn't refit all or even most of our weapons at once, we can't do that anyway. We only have 1000BP repair bay per turn.
So at most we can refit 666BP (due to the 50% BP cost increase applies to repair bay refitting) of weapons per turn, with refit costs being:

We can (and should) split that both between weapon types and our other equipment to never have too much offline.
I would not have thought the repair-to-refit deal included the flagship's 'basically just ground installations' slots, but maybe? Certainly it'd make it easier to do some things we want to.
I would not have thought the repair-to-refit deal included the flagship's 'basically just ground installations' slots, but maybe? Certainly it'd make it easier to do some things we want to.
Additionally, sorry to make changes this late in the game, but I've changed the text of the Repair Bay:
Repair Bay (Any cost up to base cost of hull). Repairs damage across friendly ships equal to its cost. Can be used to refit the ships as well with a +50% markup. Cannot be used to make new ships, bots, manufactories.

Notably - it can be used for refits now. I thought it would be silly to say you could replace the damage macrocannons but not replace them with anything else.
I see a blanket statement to allow for refits, no mention of an exception for our modular slots. Only can't do new ships, bots or manufactories.
Neablis has also clarified that we can't use the repair bay to do non-ship refits. Or at least, nothing that can't be reasoned to use ship parts. Shuttles might count under that logic, I suppose?
Probably not, I would think. Bots, tanks, fighters, shuttles, bombers, etc., all of these are not really part of the ship. Because if you say that the repair bay can make or refit shuttles... Well, they are not different from normal shuttles. So logically, you should be able to refit and/or make new ones not as the part of the ship.

So while the decision is ultimately up to Neablis, I would suggest tempering your expectations.
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Initially announced this as an edit, but it was like, over 12 minutes after the initial post so it was probably a bit easy to miss.

Anyways, I added a foreward to my plan for additional clarity of its intent.
[X] Plan: Hunting Glasses
-[X] THE BIG IDEA: Chasing after Xylaris and her pirates, and finding the webway or eldar to trade with have many required tasks in common! The webway gate is the best place to search for trade partners or Xylaris, and any eldar we can find, we can reasonably try to trade with OR hire to help us find and kill the dark elves. So why not both? This plan puts emphasis on tracking down Xylaris as our plan A, hiring Eldar for their superior mobility and stealth while tying them to us as a trade partner in the process, in such a way that if we make no headway on Xylaris we can still find the webway gate and just do trade as normal. Research priorities are likewise in support of this goal, while completing HSI as first priority for the extra RP.
---[X] Why not just use one action? Because in general, with AP you get what you pay for. The more things you split your AP between, the less effort Vita can spend on each. Using 2 AP for trade+hunting for extra oomph is one of the chief differences this plan has from 3x research plans* like Plan: No longer blind and Plan: Woman of Fire and Steel. Whether that tradeoff is worth it or not is, of course, up to you.
-[X] *At time of writing. Other people's plans are subject to change, read them to know what's in them instead of taking my word for it.
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[X] Plan: Hunting Glasses

I don't like all the formatting clutter in this plan. That aside, spending two actions on our goal here means two rolls instead of one. Doubling our chances of success and doubling how much we can gain from our attempt. I think this is the most likely path to success, and I like the trick with improving our combat bots immediately.
[X] Plan: Hunting Glasses

I don't like all the formatting clutter in this plan. That aside, spending two actions on our goal here means two rolls instead of one. Doubling our chances of success and doubling how much we can gain from our attempt. I think this is the most likely path to success, and I like the trick with improving our combat bots immediately.

It's also doubling our chance of failure. Assuming we get two rolls and not one roll with just double weight all two rolls would do is skew to the average a little more.
-[] Efficient Equipment Distribution (100 RP) Let's see if you can apply the benefits from weapon packing to equipment (Equipment costs count as 0.9x for ship capacity packing.)
I assume we could use this to reduce the amount of space the repair bay takes up, but could we actually use the repair bay BP to refit the repair bay itself @Neablis? Or would we need to use Construction actions or repair bays in other ships?
It's also doubling our chance of failure. Assuming we get two rolls and not one roll with just double weight all two rolls would do is skew to the average a little more.
I really think more effort and thought should go into a statement where you claim the core premise of somebody else's plan - in this case, that we can use two actions to get more oomph - is 100% wrong. Particularly when that premise is backed up by a QM statement linked directly in the plan itself! That's a level of convenience you usually don't get for understanding somebody else's plan, you know.

Like, stop and think about this for a sec. Say we succeed at the exploration action and fail at diplomacy or no eldar show up - well, then we'd find the webway gate, run into Xylaris if she's there (most likely place and all that), and otherwise continue searching for her on our own.

Say we do poorly at the exploration and succeed at diplomacy - well, evidently we've not found the webway gate on our own, but if any eldar entered the system as evidenced by last turn they can find us if they want to, so the diplomacy does happen, and now we have somebody who can show us around, boosting the hunt - which may or may not involve going to the gate anyways.

Say Xylaris is just completely gone. Poof. We either go on a wild goose chase but still have a trading partner from the eldar we found followed by enticing them to continue trading next turn, or we give up on it and just trade normally with the eldar.

Fail both? Well gosh, nothing to do about that, the dice just hate us today. Pray Xylaris tries for round 2 on her own because of some separate mechanic I guess, lol.

I don't outline each of these scenarios explicitly in the plan because I don't have to. Neablis commits to interpreting plans benevolently, and in any given sequence of events where we do or don't find eldar, do or don't roll good on searching for Xylaris or the webway gate, do or don't do well on diplomacy with Eldar who come out of the gate and find us this turn, there is a really obvious next best thing to do.

Which is to say, the exploration and diplomacy actions I wrote are not only mutually supportive of each other, any given failure at Plan A has a common sense Plan B. Those Plan Bs... just aren't worth pointing out. They are common sense, and all fall under the expressed goals of the plan and the individual actions.

So it's kind of concerning that I had to lay it out explicitly for you anyways, to be honest. Could you at least show your work next time you cast that kind of shade on somebody?
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[X] Plan: Hunting Glasses
[X] Plan: Woman of Fire and Steel

Approval voting cause hunting is cool. Dark Eldar killed some of are crew and so we shouldn't let them get away.
Do those need a different equipment slot or do they get integrated into the sensory equipment as an upgrade?
I don't think we have an answer to that.
@Neablis input please :)
Depends on rolls. I'm not kidding - if you crit on it, or do decently on it and crit on sensors I may integrate the packages together so that your shipboard sensors can "see" warp shenanigans. Otherwise it'll be a separate research thing, or even something so bulky and short-ranged it's useful for research but not for sensors.

I assume we could use this to reduce the amount of space the repair bay takes up, but could we actually use the repair bay BP to refit the repair bay itself @Neablis? Or would we need to use Construction actions or repair bays in other ships?
That sounds like annoying bookeeping to me, so I'm not going to object if you won't.

Neablis has also clarified that we can't use the repair bay to do non-ship refits. Or at least, nothing that can't be reasoned to use ship parts. Shuttles might count under that logic, I suppose?
under a similar idea of "reducing paperwork," I'm going to say that part of installing a shuttle bay/fighter bay/assault shuttle bay is the ability for it to rebuild its parasite craft, but not to build ones beyond that. They don't replenish immediately, but on a turn-basis

I'm probably going to close the vote and call for rolls in about half an hour.
Turn 23 vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Neablis on Jan 15, 2025 at 5:05 AM, finished with 146 posts and 53 votes.

  • [X] Plan: No longer blind
    -[X] [Free] Replace damaged medium macrocannon with light anti-stealth sensors and repair all remaining damage (covered by repair bay)
    -[X] [Free][DATA] The Eldar. More specifically the ones you ran into just now. ...You are dreading what you will find when you open their files.
    -[X] Research x3 (600 RP + 65 Anexa RP)
    --[X] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (45/50 RP -> 50/50 RP)
    --[X] Human Simulation Implants (150 RP)
    ---[X] Anexa 65 RP
    --[X] Better Sensors (200 RP)
    --[X] Empathy as Sensors (100 RP)
    --[X] Improved combat Machine spirits (100 RP)
    --[X] Basic power armor (100 RP)
    ---[X] Give Cia the prototype armor, if we manage to make a functional one.
    --[X] Improved Gellar Fields (10/100 RP)
    -[X] Explore: Eldar Webway Gate at Oladeer
    --[X] Highest priority are scans of the gate.
    --[X] Secondary priority is trade with non-asshole Eldar.
    --[X] Tertiary priority is finding a lead on that Drukhari Raider, probably via talking to other Eldar. If you're lucky you won't have to search for her and she'll run into your newly improved sensors.
    -[X] Anexa active Action: Research
    -[X] Victan active action: Diplomat-Spy (Eldar negotiations if available)
    -[X] Cia Active Psyker improvement
    [X] Plan: Hunting Glasses
    -[X] THE BIG IDEA: Chasing after Xylaris and her pirates, and finding the webway or eldar to trade with have many required tasks in common! The webway gate is the best place to search for trade partners or Xylaris, and any eldar we can find, we can reasonably try to trade with OR hire to help us find and kill the dark elves. So why not both? This plan puts emphasis on tracking down Xylaris as our plan A, hiring Eldar for their superior mobility and stealth while tying them to us as a trade partner in the process, in such a way that if we make no headway on Xylaris we can still find the webway gate and just do trade as normal. Research priorities are likewise in support of this goal, while completing HSI as first priority for the extra RP.
    ---[X] Why not just use one action? Because in general, with AP you get what you pay for. The more things you split your AP between, the less effort Vita can spend on each. Using 2 AP for trade+hunting for extra oomph is one of the chief differences this plan has from 3x research plans* like Plan: No longer blind and Plan: Woman of Fire and Steel. Whether that tradeoff is worth it or not is, of course, up to you.
    -[X] *At time of writing. Other people's plans are subject to change, read them to know what's in them instead of taking my word for it.
    -[X] ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀•
    -[X] [FREE] Replace damaged medium macrocannon with light anti-stealth sensors (see improved sensors) and repair all remaining damage to the spark (covered by repair bay)
    -[X][FREE] Database Dive: Okay, what do we know about the Eldar?
    -[X] •⠀⠀•⠀⠀•⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀•⠀⠀•⠀⠀•
    -[X] Research x2⠀(400 + 65 Anexa RP = 465 RP)
    --[X] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (5 RP done)
    --[X] Human Simulation Implants (Anexa, 150 RP)
    --[X] Improved combat Machine spirits (100 RP)
    -----[X] Because it automatically applies
    --[X] Better Sensors⠀⠀⠀⠀ {see refit} ⠀ (200 RP)
    --[X] Empathy as Sensors⠀(surplus + 10 RP/100)
    -[X] •⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀•⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀•⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀•
    -[X] Explore: Find the Webgate (+ eldar) & start tracking down Xylaris.
    --[X] Keep on the lookout for good ambush locations - to use against the pirates, or as bait for the pirates to use against us. Since they don't know about our upgrades, the pirates may overestimate their chances, providing us the element of surprise.
    --[X] Any eldar we hire from Diplomacy should help us search for the pirates.
    -[X] •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀•
    -[X] Diplomacy: Hire eldar from the webway gate to hunt the Drukhari.
    ---[X] Suggest a hammer and anvil approach where allied eldar ships pin Xylaris against the Spark.
    -------[X] OOC Note: Eldar ships are faster than us, so they're key to preventing a retreat. They're stealthy, so we might even be able to set a trap.
    ---[X] Our budget is 250 trade goods up front and splitting the loot.
    ------[X] ...Except Xylaris's head, and anything (and anyone) stolen from Ascalon Primus. That's ours.
    ------[X] We're open to trade in general, too! Let eldar know there's more we can make after this.
    ---[X] Victan should handle the details of trade and manhunt coordination.
    -------[X] He's a spy, not just a diplomat. He'll know best how and if to be flashy or down-low about hiring, whether to pretend to be trading normally to play dumb, any considerations for setting traps, etc.
    -[X] •⠀⠀•⠀⠀•⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ •⠀⠀•⠀⠀•
    -[X][VICTAN] Diplomat-Spy (Assist Manhunt / Eldar hiring/trade)
    -[X][ANEXA] Human Simulation Implants (+65 RP)
    -[X][CIA] Active Training
    [X] Plan: Woman of Fire and Steel
    -[X] [FREE] Replace damaged medium macrocannon with light anti-stealth sensors (see improved sensors) and repair all remaining damage to the Spark.
    -[X] [Free][DATA] The Eldar. More specifically the ones you ran into just now. ...You are dreading what you will find when you open their files.
    -[X] Explore: Eldar Webway Gate at Oladeer
    --[X] Go after the Drukhari. If they have already escaped, try to find and hire a Corsair or Corsairs at the Webway Gate to bring you the head of Xylaris Moiryth, as well as the taken people and any stolen goods if they are retrievable. If this is not acceptable, try to buy information about Xylaris. Besides this, signal that you are willing to trade later for any kind of interesting technology (next turn Diplomacy action) after this issue has been solved. (Budget for Victan: 250 BP worth of trade goods, negotiable up to an another 250 BP of trade goods on top of that on the next turn).
    -[X] Research x3 (600 RP + 65 Anexa RP)
    --[X] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (45/50 RP -> 50/50 RP)
    --[X] Human Simulation Implants (150 RP)
    ---[X] Anexa 65 RP
    --[X] Improved Armor Articulation (50 RP)
    --[X] Basic power armor (100 RP)
    ---[X] Give Cia the prototype armor, if we manage to make a functional one.
    --[X] Combat Neural Implants (50 RP)
    --[X] Better Sensors (200 RP)
    --[X] Improved combat Machine spirits (100 RP)
    --[X] Blueprint: 10/100 RP - Advanced Technological Research Lab (500 BP, 100 CP)
    --[X] Anexa active Action: Research (Human Simulation Implants)
    --[X] Victan active action: Diplomat-Spy (Eldar negotiations if available)
    --[X] Active Psyker improvement
    [X] Plan: Upwards And Outwards
    -[X] Repair Bay (Repair Spark 800 BP)
    -[X] Research 2x 400 + 65 RP
    --[X] Human Simulation Implants (150 RP) (Anexa)
    --[X] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (5 RP)
    --[X] Basic power armor (100 RP)
    --[X] Scrapcode Immunity (100 RP)
    --[X] Improved Gellar Fields (100 RP)
    --[X] Miniaturized antigrav (10/50 RP)
    -[X] Explore
    --[X] Find Ascalon Webway Gate
    -[X] Travel
    --[X] Caldereth
    -[X] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action. Will level on successful roll, scaled by the importance of the tech.
    -[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building - Defends against hostile covert action and improves relations with existing allies, as well as gathering information for making new allies. Will only level if something interesting happens.
    -[X] Active Psyker improvement: Cia will actively attempt to practice her powers. Roll two d100s. Take the higher roll for determining level-up, but take the lower for perils of the warp.
    [X] Plan: A deeper look
    -[X] [FREE] Replace damaged medium macrocannon with light anti-stealth sensors (see improved sensors) and repair all remaining damage to the spark (covered by repair bay)
    -[X] [Free][DATA] The Eldar. More specifically the ones you ran into just now. ...You are dreading what you will find when you open their files.
    -[X] Research x2 (400 RP + 65 Anexa RP)
    --[X] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (45/50 RP -> 50/50 RP)
    --[X] Human Simulation Implants (150 RP)
    ---[X] Anexa 65 RP
    --[X] Better Sensors (200 RP)
    --[X] Empathy as Sensors (100 RP)
    --[X] Improved combat Machine spirits (10/100 RP + overflows)
    -[X] 2xExplore: Eldar Webway Gate at Oladeer
    --[X] Highest priority are scans of the gate.
    --[X] Secondary priority is trade with non-asshole Eldar.
    --[X] Tertiary priority is finding a lead on that Drukhari Raider, probably via talking to other Eldar. If you're lucky you won't have to search for her and she'll run into your newly improved sensors.
    --[X] Fallback activity if gate scans are complete and Eldar don't appear is searching for other anomalies around Oladeer, perhaps near the mining traces.
    -[X] Anexa active Action: Research
    -[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
    -[X] Cia Active Psyker improvement
    [X] Plan: No longer blind + repair update
    [X] Plan: Hey Xylaris C'mere I Just Wanna Talk
    -[X][FREE] Fix combat damage (Covered by repair bay)
    -[X][FREE] Database Dive: Okay, what do we know about the Eldar?
    -[X] Research *2 (400 + 65 Anexa RP)
    --[X] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (45/50 RP -> 50/50)
    --[X] Human Simulation Implants (85 RP + 65 Anexa RP)
    --[X] Improved combat Machine spirits (100 RP)
    --[X] Better Sensors (200 RP)
    --[X] Boarding Capabilities (10/100 RP + Any surplus)
    -[X] Explore: Find the Webgate and start trying to track down those Drukhari. Get what scans of it we can in the meantime.
    -[X] Diplomacy: Start talking with any group around the Webgate we can find and try to get some information on this 'Bleeding Web', stating our willingness to trade for that information if necessary. And our willingness to trade in general, if only for some interesting technological samples.
    -[X][VICTAN] Diplomat-Spy (Assist with Eldar communication)
    -[X][ANEXA] Human Simulation Implants (+65 RP)
    -[X][CIA] Active Training (I really hope she doesn't get too into improvement via pain)

Ok, vote closed. d100 rolls needed, by separate people please.
1st: Eldar database investigation, flat roll.
2nd: Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school, +20
3rd: Human Simulation Implants, +30 (Anexa)
4th: Better Sensors, +20
5th: Empathy as Sensors, +20
6th: Improved combat Machine spirits, +20
7th: Basic power armor, +20
8th: Explore Oladeer, +10
9th: Cia Active Improvement 1, flat roll.
10th: Cia Active Improvement 2, flat roll.
Then, I'm likely to need a couple of other rolls this turn depending on how I decide to write it, so can I get another 2-3 rolls to plan around?

All told, I'm asking for 12-13 dice. No need to do these instantly, I don't need them for a few hours.

And then there's going to be a mystery roll, which you might be able to guess about.
Neablis threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Mystery Die Total: 51
51 51
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So, Perils on Cia, but she levelled up, and Good Successes across the board, with a crit on Exploration.

I'll take it.

EDIT: Wait, shit roll was on Power Armor, nevermind! Let me redo this real quick.
Alectai threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Dunno if we need more but barg Total: 51
51 51
Voting is open for the next 3 hours, 50 minutes