Angels' Judgement
Sergeant Cyras dropped into the chair with so much force that even its frame specifically reinforced to bear the weight of a Space Marine groaned. Passing a hand through his hair in exasperation he looked towards the the man across from him. Like him Brother Tychus bore the countenance of akin to their gene-father, but by some quirk of the implantation his hair had been bleached silver giving his face an almost luminous quality that sat oddly with the winsome smile he so often wore, the mark of a jesting disposition that had seen him reprimanded more or less gently by superiors since they had taken their trials together. Probably the reason why Cyras was sergeant rather than the other way around, he had thought more than once
"The guns performed as she said they would and the magus has found no fault with the machine spirits..." he began, though as was often the case when they were alone his brother interrupted.
"You did ask for a miracle, I
distinctly recall you asking for one, several times in fact."
"Say you that this is a miracle Brother?" In his heart of hearts Cyras hoped for nothing more than for it to be so, but half a century wandering the Void had taught him painful lessons of caution. "If so it is a strange one."
"The Emperor is not obliged to move his hand as we would expect," Tychus said, growing serious. "Nor does he only give us the burdens we expect, but those we must bear."
"What of her then? What do you make of this explorer? She is either the boldest mortal I have ever met or..." Truth be told he could not think of what to say after that.
"Why would she not be, we are not the Angels of the Emperor to her. She does not know the Emperor, instead she is like some tribal chief come to meet the Thunderhawk as it lands, only she was on the bridge of a Grand Cruiser and we upon a Frigate. Little wonder she did not tremble in her boots. Truth be told I'd rather she be bold than timid given the galaxy she found compared to the one she must have left behind."
"One full of heathens?" Cyras asked needled, but then he stopped and shook his head. "No, that is beneath me. I see what you mean, a galaxy at peace, one in which humanity was
ascending in the midst of the Stellar Exodus... but also one in which man did not know the Emperor not because they had become lost by chance but because He had not seen fit to reveal himself at all. The thought is... unnerving. I find it hard to imagine what must be going on behind those green eyes of hers."
"One should be careful assigning motives to Him on Tera who is above us all, but in this case let us consider,
why? Why did he show himself when he did and not before?"
"Because it was humanity's darkest hour," Cyras recited instantly, knowing there had to be more to what his Brother had to say.
"Which would imply that the hours before that were less dark, that He perhaps saw fit to allow Mankind to find its own way like a proud father might for a child who had newly learned to walk."
The sergeant nodded, but he also added diligently: "They failed, they Fell, the Age of Strife came upon the galaxy..."
"It was
inflicted upon the galaxy, upon mankind by the wickedness of the Aeldari," again an interruption, this time thoughtful. "And in that time of tribulation some of the ancients fell and were destroyed while others rose to the challenge and here we are. We are of the same stock as them Cyras across the gulf of years. They as we have their vices and their virtues, even if they might not be quite the same as ours. Perhaps we need more of that unbridled optimism now of all times, just as we might need whatever technology she brings and she needs faith in the God Above All."
"Tychyus if I recommend an alliance to the Chapter Master on the strength of the woman's
optimism he will have me do nothing but train Serfs for a year," he laughed, but they both knew there was a seed of truth to it.
"How about this then?" he flicked on a data-slate that held the image of a deadly serious Vita seen though some kind of tech priest auspex saying: 'If you make one more servitor I will
shoot you.'
"No servitors? What did she..." Confusion had grown to be a familiar feeling when it came to what they had found in Denva, but this was an entirely new piece of the puzzle.
"Automata apparently, she has STCs for high quality robotics and finds it offensive that any man should be reduced to such a pitiful state as a servitor."
"Through the craft of Mars may even those lowly and debased find use in his Holy Edifice rather than be send to their deaths unforgiven," Cyras recounted from the Canticle of Salvation.
"And also we need them to run the factories." Something ugly passed over the face of his brother like a shadow over the sun. "Would you say Zentara is more pious and righteous in the Light of Faith than it was when we were granted it six centuries past?"
"Yes, of course," Cyras frowned, not sure where this was going and even less sure if he wanted to get there.
"And yet the industry upon her surface requires more servitors now, not less. Did the nature of sin change brother?"
"No..." he trailed off into uneasy silence. "What does Mars say about this conundrum?"
"The mechanicum teaches that all those who are made servitors are so by the will of the Omnimessiah as he perfects mankind to an ever higher standard."
"That seems..." he didn't quite want to say it. It was not as though all later doctrine was held in as much reverence as the Lectitio Divinitatus, the revealed word of the Emperor by the Knights of the Crimson Vigil, but still, something this wide ranging?
Tychus had no such qualm. "Very
fucking convenient," he took a deep breath. "As though the Emperor is some petty tyrant in the Administratum ever-tightening the screws rather than handing down clear and immutable law. If this were not so what would that mean? That the Adeptus Mechanicum should produce more servitors from cloned tissue, but doesn't. Do you think that failing, that vice beyond them?"
"So you're saying we need someone to give us an alternative for servitors so He sent the explorer to us?" It was a strange thought, but not an unwelcome one.
"I would not presume to know His mind brother," Tychus replied with a shrug that attempted to hide the depth of his feelings poorly. "But I confess I would find a galaxy with fewer humans condemned to that fate a better one."
OOC: Welp that was a fun little exploration of character. Hope you guys like it.