Why would OMC need to allow 1 Crew to do 100 CP?Yes but the thing with OMC and future is how many people will get it because for it to effective for us OMC needs to allow one crew to effect say 100CP to be actually useful for us that's multiple manufactories under one person plus how does someone without OMC check what is being done? All in all it's just too dangerous for others right now we'd to be providing personal psy shields at minimum before I would agree.
There is Staff. If each Staff member with OMC adds 2 CP then 1 ship slot of people (500) would give 1000 CP.
And it would take 25 people for 1 manufactory.
Could be more without getting into your "multiple factories per person hypothetical.
Like 20 CP per person -> 2.5 people needed for one manufactory (2 full time, 1 half-time employee).
And give 10.000 CP per filled
Which would be almost what we spend in CP currently.Crew Quarters (50 BP, 15 CP, 1 slot) Enough crew space for 500 crew to live in comfort with all necessary amenities.
And it would be perfect for hiding our AI-ness from people like the SM if they ever realize our voidfactories are all unmanned:
"Why is all that unmanned? Is it Abominal In..."
"Its remote controlled. Controllers live on Denva II. No need to pay for livingspace etc on the void manufactories. And the operators get to see their family everyday."
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