Voting will open in 2 days
That's some Relatively Reasonable Marine there.

(Interesting to see the relationship with the faith, though. I seem to recall some Space Marines remember that the Emperor wasn't supposed to be a god?)
It was a long conversation, but barely a minute has passed since you received the message, and you open a channel back to the frigate. The image you present is entirely digitally generated - but it's of your blue-haired avatar, sitting in a futuristic chair with a blurred background that hints at a cavernous space full of blinking lights and movement.
Shouldn't that be green-haired?
That's about as good of a start as we could ask for, frankly.

And they're the nice sorts! Given they're Blood Angels descendants, maybe that should've been expected, but good to see it confirmed.

...Oh, I hadn't expected this. They're not just zealots, they're true believers. Like, full on, 'humanity needs this to be safe and healthy' true believers, rather than the 'DO NOT QUESTION, OBEY' type. That's... interesting. I don't think we'll ever be able to fully trust these guys, but I respect them, and I think if nothing else we'll be able to find common ground as long as there's a common enemy to fight.
It seems they focus on the root of Emperor Worship, that being him being Anathema to chaos. Something that, to be honest, he actually does. If we look at examples of the miracles and acts of faith of the Imperium. Holy symbols to the Emperor do in fact repel the daemonic. And prayer has tangible power.

Even our Psi-Shielding could probably be improved by adding a layer or two of sanctified silver warding runes, hexagrammic wards, and Aquilla's on the outside :p
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I'm tinkering with the idea of this for our research for turn 21:

-[] Research x2 (400 RP + 55 RP)
--[] Immaterium Investigations (200 RP)
---[] Anexa +55 RP, +10 speciality (Warp)
--[] Further Scrapcode research (150 RP)
--[] An Introduction to Human Genetics (45/100 -> 100/100)
--[] Streamlined ship design (50/150 RP)

Immaterium + Scrapcode is something that would be useful mostly for us, not sure if I even want to share even most of our other warp/psytech/etc. beyond the psychic shielding with Denva. But basic genemods, and more importantly giving them an improved and accelerated way of designing ships? Probably much more useful than just researching baby's-first-tiny-manned-monitor for them (even if considerably more costly). I'm hoping that we can complete it on the next turn before we (finally) leave Denva.
They also have very solid material reasons to work with us, specifically the kind of tech that dwarfs the worth of this whole sector and everything in it. Even if we do not tip our hand fully they know we can make plasma weapons and they know we made this ship in a matter of decades.
Returning to this matter. While at first I thought that all our plasma guns were Phased Plasma-fusil -quality, so exceptionally stable? We apparently are not exactly there yet for mass-production (unless one of our research projects afterwards unlocked it as a background detail).
"I do." You remove a box from under your robe. It's not small, and had to be strapped to your back to fit. But now you flip open the cover to reveal the final piece in your manipulation of Thalya. Inside the box rests a Phased Plasma-fusil. You don't fully understand the blueprint, and you had to spend extra resources making up shortcomings, but it's a statement. Well, the existence of the weapon is half the statement, the other half is the state it's in. Which is clearly new, and fresh off the manufacturing line.
So the guns on our bots that we gave as a gift probably weren't on this level of quality. However, they likely still are "mastercrafted" by the standards of the Imperium. The design is probably somewhat more stable than normal plasma guns (or just put together with better quality control and tools), which is very desirable in a high-energy weapon like this. Meaning that when they are later examined by the tech-priests / tech-marines on the ship and then their fortress monastery (almost guaranteed to happen), I believe the marines might be even more impressed than they initially were.
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You can get it either way, but it'll look different. Champion is better for doing it earlier and killing smaller numbers of tougher enemies, keeping her general is better for making battleship-scaled psytech that could scourge a planet.

Basically, do you want her to kill bloodthirsters or demon planets.
Demon planets.
Very much demon planets.

Oooo, guesses in the chance for a space marine bean?
More likely friendly relations with Spacemarines.
Denva is now ambitious and active. They want to go to space, and will start up void manufacturing, research, ship design, better education, moving population off-world. You can dramatically accelerate any of that by spending actions.
"You can dramatically accelerate any of that by spending actions"

Lets do it!

Once we have OMC, can we also borrow them our infrastructure while we aren't using it?

Hypothetical: while we are away talking to the SM chapter, let Denva use our Void infra to bootstrap their own.

Or we build a big honking spaceshipyard and in turns we aren't using it, they can build ships there?

Would that be automatic?
A free Action?
A diplo AP to set up the Vita-Denva resource sharing agreement?
[ ] Plan: The Great Handover
-[ ] Diplomacy
--[ ] The Great Handover: Begin the process of handing everything you can't take with you to the locals. Its not like you can use it while you are exploring in another star system so they might as well have it. And if they are going to have it, you can help them learn to use it! Give out Organic-Machine Control implants and teach people how to operate them. Supervise the transition to human control and make sure everything runs smoothly. While you are teaching, make sure to offer the best candidates a spot on your crew. (Basically recruit skilled people that Vita and Co gel well with to help fill out our crew without taking up 'Bean' slots.)
---[ ] Victan assists
--[ ] Construction: (7850 BP or VBP)
---[ ] Aerithon repairs (1500 BP)
---[ ] Klyssar's Nest Void Academy (2000 BP)
---[ ] Handover Assistance (1000 BP)
---[ ] 2x Tiny System Monitor (1900 void BP, 100 CP)
---[ ] 4x Caltrop - Basic Defense Satellite (location: Klyssar's Nest) (1400 BP)
---[ ] Heavy Infantry Weapons x2 (40 BP)
---[ ] Medium Infantry Armor (10 BP)
--[ ] Research x2 (400 + 55 Anexa RP)
---[ ] Further Scrapcode research (150 RP)
---[ ] Organic-Machine control (150 RP)
---[ ] Introduction to Human Genetics (45/100) (55 Anexa RP)
---[ ] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (20/50) (30 RP)
---[ ] Immaterium Investigations (70 RP)
-[ ][ANEXA] Research (Introduction to Human Genetics)
-[ ][VICTAN] Diplomacy (Listed Above)
-[ ][CIA] Active Psyker improvement
-[ ] Denva: All of it.
-[ ] Aerithon installations: Give them to Denva Secundus

Put together a Draft plan focused on handing over our everything we can't take with us to the locals using OMC tech. The Idea is to basically finish Denva's uplift and get the locals self sustaining this turn so we can head out and start exploring next turn if we want. Though I would like to take a Diplo action next turn to pick up Ker and some more pykers from the monasteries before we leave. For Construction the plan repairs Aerithon for industry, Builds a research academy for science, and then sets up some defences. I used the leftover BP to build some weapons and armor as they seem to be pretty good trade goods and having an armory for our crew if we need it seems like a good idea.

For research I did OMC for the handover and Further Scrapcode research so we can hopefully squeeze out the last of Bongo's secrets and get rid of him. Put Anexa on Genetics in the hope she can grab a bio specialty and to work towards getting our Navigator Bean. Gave Denva all the tech and Aerithon cause that synergizes well with the handover. What do you guy think?
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The Great Handover: Begin the process of handing everything you can't take with you to the locals. Its not like you can use it while you are exploring in another star system so they might as well have it. And if they are going to have it, you can help them learn to use it! Give out Organic-Machine Control implants and teach people how to operate them. Supervise the transition to human control and make sure everything runs smoothly. While you are teaching, make sure to offer the best candidates a spot on your crew. (Basically recruit skilled people that Vita and Co gel well with to help fill out our crew without taking up 'Bean' slots.)

Jesus fuck no are we handing out OMC I'm not kidding without checks and balances OMC is a back door into any tech base for chaos.
[ ] Plan: The Great Handover

This would not work, OMC alone isn't enough for them to run manufacturing, that is the next tech in the chain

Jesus fuck no are we handing out OMC I'm not kidding without checks and balances OMC is a back door into any tech base for chaos.

Chaos can corrupt everything all the time right down to rocks in the ground, it does not need backdoors, the best thing you can do is keep networks separate and use machine spirits just like with maned tech.
Hey, if whoever makes a plan is unsure what to look into the archives for, i suggest looking into rogue traders. Even if you dont want to join and take over one, knowing about the closest thing the imperium has to an explorer should be useful.

Some ideas:

- we are not good at fighting, so having someone else do it is a solid strategy for now
->just watching a fight may give us some info on how to defend ourselves from their enemies

- they shouldnt learn about the local xenos.

->But if they dont have old info about them, and find them, we may be able to sell them as a biologis experiment let lose a long time ago.
Its something. Not a lot, but better then nothing.

-necrons teleport their tech away, making scavenging difficult
->but if we get our hands on a single piece that should give us lots of options
-->imperials love trophies, so maybe we get lucky and can trade at some point

-being found out by:
->mechanicus for tech
->psykers for no soul
->inquisition everything
-->would be really bad, we need some defences for each.

- Also, if the imperium starts winning,they have more ressources to look into us.

- defenses to pretend to be human i know are:
->hiding our tech as imperial and hacking machinespirits
->advancing machinespirit and immaterium to give us a soulequivalent
->using psytech(to block all psykersight or give the illusion of a soul)
-> putting some guy in stasis and building our chassis around them and pretend their soul is ours
->beong protected by an inquisitor. (Or pretending to be)

These are some ideas. Feel free to take them, leave them, correct them, etc.
> (Cia) We shouldn't fight them. We'd lose. [Veneration]

> (Anexa) Cia, let's go into a separate room for a bit and let Vita and Victan figure out the diplomacy. I want to explain a few things about Imperial technology, and we can chat a bit about the Imperial Cult. [Mildly annoyed]

Maybe I should be worried about that. Oh well, matter for later. After we deal with the superhuman killing machine staring us down.

We need to nip this in the bud. Now. Spend a Diplomacy action on it to get both our crew and Denva Secundus to understand that the Imperial Cult is not a faith that needs to be shunned out of some misplaced rebellion or atheism. Get our people to understand that Faith itself is not a bad thing, but only has bad directions that should be avoided.

Add to that, they arent entirely WRONG about Faith being one of the best weapons the typical human has against the Warp when lacking Vitas technological solutions.

This also. You don't throw a gun away as an option because the only people who you know use them do so by the way of mirror guided ricochets that keep hitting their own people at least as much as the enemy. You learn how guns works and then use them where you think it is appropriate.
What gives you that impression? Nothing in the description mentions making people more venerable to chaos.

Right here's how the majority of the imperium handles manufactories by having multiple people on each level of the chain OMC and it's future research decrease the amount of people involved in production the fewer people the fewer needed to be corrupted before the manufactory starts pumping out tainted materials.
Technically there is also 'become a psychic AI to fake the appearance of a human soul', but that is long term

yes, i meant the same with:

->advancing machinespirit and immaterium to give us a soulequivalent

Most of the things i wrote are longterm. But we can maybe start on the local xenos now? I would hate to see them squished when we just got positive contact
Right here's how the majority of the imperium handles manufactories by having multiple people on each level of the chain OMC and it's future research decrease the amount of people involved in production the fewer people the fewer needed to be corrupted before the manufactory starts pumping out tainted materials.

Yeah, but that is inherent to being more efficient. You could make that argument all the way to 'lets have slaves load the torpedoes manually, they will be harder to corrupt', which some imperials do, it's a self-defeating mentality.
[ ] Plan: No Ker left behind
-[ ] Diplomacy
--[ ] Monastery Diplo: Open negotiations with the monasteries for the right to recruit additional pykers. Ideally we could get an agreement to allow as to recruit any pykers who want to join us but prioritize getting Ker, and then Kezathi and the minor talents. In exchange offer our new and improved shielding as well as 1000 BP worth of construction spent on whatever the monasteries want.
---[ ] Victan assists
--[ ] Construction: (7850 BP or VBP)
---[ ] Aerithon repairs (1500 BP)
---[ ] Klyssar's Nest Void Academy (2000 BP)
---[ ] Monastery Bribes (1000 BP)
---[ ] 2x Tiny System Monitor (1900 void BP, 100 CP)
---[ ] 4x Caltrop - Basic Defense Satellite (location: Klyssar's Nest) (1400 BP)
---[ ] Heavy Infantry Weapons x2 (40 BP)
---[ ] Medium Infantry Armor (10 BP)
--[ ] Research x2 (400 + 55 Anexa RP)
---[ ] Further Scrapcode research (150 RP)
---[ ] Organic-Machine control (150 RP)
---[ ] Introduction to Human Genetics (45/100) (55 Anexa RP)
---[ ] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (20/50) (30 RP)
---[ ] Immaterium Investigations (70 RP)
-[ ][ANEXA] Research (Introduction to Human Genetics)
-[ ][VICTAN] Diplomacy (Listed Above)
-[ ][CIA] Active Psyker improvement
-[ ] Denva: All of it.
-[ ] Aerithon installations: Give them to Denva Secundus

New plan, better than the old plan cause the new plan (should) work. Idea is we research OMC 2: Electric boogaloo next turn and do the handover then while recruiting pykers right now.
I like Ker, but personally I'm against any plan that recrutis any more Crew. since I want more diversity of origins, if not species. Granted I also dont care for the navigator taking up a slot but that seems like its pretty much certain at this point.
Yeah, but that is inherent to being more efficient. You could make that argument all the way to 'lets have slaves load the torpedoes manually, they will be harder to corrupt', which some imperials do, it's a self-defeating mentality.
Yes but the thing with OMC and future is how many people will get it because for it to effective for us OMC needs to allow one crew to effect say 100CP to be actually useful for us that's multiple manufactories under one person plus how does someone without OMC check what is being done? All in all it's just too dangerous for others right now we'd to be providing personal psy shields at minimum before I would agree.
Yes but the thing with OMC and future is how many people will get it because for it to effective for us OMC needs to allow one crew to effect say 100CP to be actually useful for us that's multiple manufactories under one person plus how does someone without OMC check what is being done? All in all it's just too dangerous for others right now we'd to be providing personal psy shields at minimum before I would agree.

1000 CP is 20 factories, I really doubt any one person who is not also a heroic arch-magos equivalent can do it, you are overestimating how automated it will be. It will not take millions of people, but it also won't take dozens.
Meanwhile, the Iron Zeal is accelerating around you on a curving path that will take it past Klyssar Station into orbit of Denva Secundus.

The Iron Will is scanning local space carefully, and you'd be shocked if they weren't also intercepting every transmission they can as well as focusing telescop

But they don't, and after precisely three orbits of Denva the Iron Zeal breaks off and sets course back towards the outer system, and specifically the mandeville point for the warp jump back to Kethraxis.

Damn, they have a second ship, so stealthy that Vita forgot about it, it is called the Iron Will.
Voting will open in 2 days