Voting will open in 1 day, 16 hours
-[][Boon] Expanded Technology Focus/sharing (write-in two tech trees)
They're still researching the General design/various Industry focus you gave them before, and will share techs & designs from those trees occasionally. Pick two more tech trees for them to start investing in and they'll share techs from those trees when they get them. This isn't a zero-sum game. Invest into their research capabilities to get more out of this.
On a different topic.

Is there interest to spend the boon on this?
And which trees would we want?

On a different topic.

Is there interest to spend the boon on this?
And which trees would we want?

Gonna be honest dude.
Can't see shit.
But once we set up OMC colaborative research?
Probably they knock out the OMC simplification tech for us as well as large scale void manufactories.
Updated the draft.
I am finishing the Nova Cannon.
I am doing stuff to earn three boons (Diplomacy Vellkar, Diplomacy Stellar Ascendency to kickstart their military, Research (LS-Machine spirits, Improved OMC) for Stellar Ascendency for CP-check ships.
I am finishing Intelligence Coding, the AI research.
Also having just enough left to finish Faith is my Shield?

Spending the boon we have for more Technology sharing, currently trending towards Cybernetics (because that includes OMC) and Biology.
But I am also considering Ship Design and Physics for the category.
Come and make your case which you prefer :)

[] Plan: Nova cannons go boom. Boonhunting edition. [Draft]
-[] Idea: Boons! Hunt boons. Earn three boons with this plan. Also get Nova Cannons and Intelligence Coding.
-[] Diplomacy: Ensure that the Vellkar & the Stellar Ascendency come to a profitable arrangement for both of them. Stretch Goal: get basing rights for yourself on Denva Primus. Put all the tech you gave the Stellar Ascendency on the table
-[] Diplomacy: Build the Stellar Ascendency a military academy with Victan's bonus (and at least a normal success)
-[] Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 545 RP)
--[] Improved Large-scale Machine spirits (100 RP)
--[] Improved Organic-Machine control (75 RP)
--[] Nova Cannon! (100 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (210 RP)
---[] Annexa attempt to gain AI specialty
--[] Faith is my Shield? (60 RP)
-[][Free] Turn over Improved Large-scale Machine spirits and Improved Organic-Machine control to the Stellar Ascendency
-[][Boon] Expanded Technology Focus/sharing (write-in two tech trees: Cybernetics, Biology)
-[][Free] Construction (1,500 VBP (Voidforge Miners) = 1500 BP / 1000[666.6 refit BP] BP Repair Bay / 500 Lift Capacity):
--[] Refit the Spark of the Ancients
---[] Add to Non-Combat Equipment (reduce left cramming from 70 BP to 2.5 BP:
----[] Troop compartment (50*1.5=75 BP, 45 Cramming)
----[] Medical bay (25*1.5=37.5 BP, 22.5 Cramming)
---[] Replace Troop compartment modular slot and Medical facility modular slot with 2x Juvenat Production Facility (750 BP)
---[] High Maneuverability Thrusters, refit to only take 1080 BP cramming space [2.5 BP Cramming free -> 122.5 Cramming free after partial refit => one additional slot] (1200 BP)
--[] 104 BP left
-[] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action. Will level on a successful roll, scaled by the importance of the tech.
-[] Victan: active action: Diplomat-Spy - assists any diplomacy action you take, granting +Level to the dice to the action.
-[] Cia: Passive Psyker improvement
-[] Gwendolyn: Passive learning action
[] Plan
-[] [Repair Bay]
--[] cramming refits of the Spark
-[] Construction (630 BP base + 8190 BP Orbital Manufactories + 1500 BP Voidforge Miners = 10320 BP)
--[] convert 4 destroyer hulls to Candle mk 2 5000 BP
---[] turn over all the candles to Denva Secundus
--[] 750 BP to replace the oubliette with two Basic Juvenat Production Facilities
--[] 3620 BP (+ 1000 BP from repair bay) to cramming refits of the Spark
--[] Replace Technological Research Lab with Advanced Technological Research Lab (750 BP)
--[] 200 BP discretionary fund for Victan
-[] Research X 2 (400 RP base + 85 Anexa RP + 60 Anexa staff – 4 (20 Anexa staff doing design work) = 541 RP)
--[] Collaberative Computational R&D (250 RP)
--[] Nova Cannon! (100 RP)
--[] Improved Large-scale Machine spirits (100 RP)
--[] 25 RP (50 RP without Anexa's staff) to design Advanced Technological Research Lab (500 BP, 100 CP)
--[] design Candle Mk 2 Destroyer, 25 RP
---[] Chassis: Base (450 BP) Engines: (8 gravities) for (150 BP). Shields: (medium) for (100) Armor: (medium) for (100) total: 350 BP
---[] Hull Equipment: Machine Spirit (50 BP) Warp Drive (50 BP), Void Abacus (50 BP), Psychic Shielding (250 BP = 50 HP) total: 400 BP
---[] Weapons: 1 x Light Macrocannons (100 bp), 1 x Medium Lances (200 BP), 1 x Point Defense (50 BP) total 350 BP (315 with camming modifier)
---[] Equipment: High-maneuverability thrusters (50BP), Medium Boarding preparations (50 BP), Cargo Bay (15 BP), Repair Bay (40 BP) total 150 BP (135 with camming modifier)
---[] total design build point cost: 1700 BP
--[] Intelligence Coding (41 RP)
-[] Diplomacy: Collaborate with the Stellar Ascendency and Vellkar to create a mutually beneficial alliance for all three parties
--[] check to see if the Vellkar need help with construction/uplift
-[] Anexa active action: Research
--[] Collaberative Computational R&D
-[] Victan active action: assist with Stellar Ascendency/Vellkar alliance
-[] Cia Passive Psyker improvement
-[] Gwendolyn Passive learning action

Current plan aiming at getting the Stellar Ascendency/Vellkar diplomacy squared while also refitting ships for the fleet refit boon, improving our ship machine spirits for the single person controlled light cruiser boon and getting Collaberative Computational R&D so that we can work on the R&D set up boon next turn.

Any questions or thoughts?
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And since the most variability is in military rolls, where we have no mitigants at all, that's where it should be!

Here are the chances Gwen can improve a research roll with Anexa assigned: Not how much she improves it by, just whether or not she improves it at all.

Vita rollsToo high to beat: 41%←cont.>2: 58%←cont.nat 1: 1%←cont.←cont.
Gwen Rolls
OutcomeImproveDoesn'tImprovesDoesn'tImprovesDoesn'tDouble Nat 1
Gwen Does not improve:
Gwen improves:

30%. She has about a 30% chance.

Strategist Gwen has a 100% chance of improving military rolls - and I haven't even really gotten in to the narrative factors that come from her being a strategist diviner that a strategist taking advice from a diviner just will not have.

Strategist-diviner is an absolutely incredible opportunity we should not miss. Generalist seer otoh is a poor fit for our existing build.
Its not about improving the roll its about mitigating the failures.

Lets look at 10 hypothetical turns and be VERY generous to the Strategist and say in those 10 turns we have 3 planned military actions and we have 2 instances where we get ambushed/suprise visited.

Turn 1:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Nothing
Turn 2:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Nothing
Turn 3:
Seer: Diplomancy | Strategist: Military(Surprise!)
Turn 4:
Seer: Military | Strategist: Military
Turn 5:
Seer: Diplomancy | Strategist: Military
Turn 6:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Nothing
Turn 7:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Military(Surprise!)
Turn 8:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Military
Turn 9:
Seer: Diplomancy | Strategist: Nothing
Turn 10:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Nothing

In those 10 turns the Seer is actively helping us in 100% of turns compared to the 50% of the strategist.

On Turn 5 and 8 the Military rolls are trivial and the worst that can happen is that we get nothing from a loot roll, so the Seer is able to focus on saving Diplomancy and Research rolls.

Some research that would not get Anexas bonus and could REALLY use some rerolls:
Intelligence Coding, Necron Bots, Advanced Materials, Nova Cannon!, ...

Also Military rolls are not more important for our survival than Diplomancy and Research rolls.
A reroll with first contact with necrons for example can be the difference between a new warfront opening up and them just saying "get of my lawn" and shooing us out of the system they are in.
The same is true for Research, imagine us 1 turn away on wayfarer finishing Warp Comms just in time... and then rolling a 1.
Or, you now, building a general 2 turn plan to integrate Nova Cannons into our fleet and then failing and having to compromise.

Seer is just way better especially if we get a dedicated strategist in the next few turns.
Most of the plans seem to be missing something, namely aiding Denva in developing their R&D sector/department. Something that we have been saying we want to do and have not been doing. If I did not know better I would think we were procrastinating on that.
But there is no physical way they could have encountered ten thousand bots. Small elite forces are better countered by better bots not more bots.
What are you even arguing with? Better bots isn't in the discussion and costs 600 RP. The question is bots or no bots.

I think I have been quite clear, the reason I want bots isn't to make boarders not do damage, which I have inferred is impossible, but to absorb the damage that boarders will inevitably inflict so that it doesn'tspillon things that are important.
We could do that if we pass on any Construction this turn, which might actually be a decent idea.

I'll do some rejiggering in a bit, I just finished all of my work on my own Quest so I'll have some time.
I just want to chime in and say anything with In Vitro research is fine by me.

It would be a good idea to build a Cloning lab before Cia explodes/vitrifies/disintegrates one of her limbs irreparably, and she's come awfully close. My impression of her so far is she'd rather go without one entirely than have something cybernetic. I don't know enough to know if that's a psyker thing, or just her personal thing.

Planning ahead for the Navigator is also good, but longer term.
Abacus Manufacturing is still in the research list.
Basic Divination mentions Cia instead of Gwen.
I also cant find Study the Strange Seed in the research list but maybe i am just looking in the wrong section. Nevermind: its under Biology

What is the difference between Abacus Optimization(150RP) and Improved Void Abacus (125 RP) ?
Fixed! I hadn't realized I'd already made a tech for that. Removed the new one.

Now that we know this sort of thing IC, will it narratively affect battles, or is this effectively fluff text from player/mechanical POV?
Probably narrative, but depending on rolls. If you know somebody's trying to set up a ritualistic narrative then you can refuse to engage properly. But that may not always be possible.

So @Neablis does this mean that we no longer need the oubliette?

EDIT: or at the very least that we can reduce it to a single slot rather then the current three
Right. I meant to change it. Yeah, you can stack Bongo with your other Chaos artifacts now if you want and use the Oubliette for something else, such as a new psychic lab. But you can't subdivide it and keep the shielding intact.

Re: trading with imperials: @Neablis would it be within Vita's capabilities to construct STC fragments to pass any of her more fundamental tech off as pre-imperial?
Yeah, probably. At the very least valid-looking outputs of STCs.

Aw the sentence cuts off :(((

How broad is action here. For example, if we pick research, does that mean we get rerolls on 1 action worth of research capacity, or one piece of research?
I think one roll - clarified in the vote. It'll get broader if you keep developing it.

So my question is would they be unlocked in the background with The Promise of Superconductivity or would they need their own tech? Or do they not matter in this fic at all?
We'll see once you research it. I'm not as well versed in superinsulators, but it might be something interesting to read about.

@Neablis typos! Typos! Get your typos here!


Missing a " between reply and I.

Seems like a pretty clear hint to finish Intelligence Coding, so that's a must have this turn for me.
This isn't a hint, it's a reminder that the capability exists and where it is. If I wanted to hint I would have put in an author's note like I did about weapons.

@Neablis , what do think of these two ideas I had above? Would the magnetic fields generated be strong enough to be useful as an upgrade, but not enough to damage other ship systems? I envision them as external swivel batteries, not inside the ship, if that helps.
Hmm. I'm of the general thought that you've got enough military techs for now, and if you wanted to build something like that it would be more effective to build novacannon-equipped defense platforms instead of invent an entirely new type of weapon for the purpose?

- I'm not entirely sure what the utility of Nuclear Warheads is, @Neablis . We already have Plasma Warheads for our torpedoes, and I thought they can be used on planets. Is there some specific benefit to Nukes that I'm not getting?
Not really. They were intended for when you were stuck underground with a small number of manufactories. In most cases a ship with a plasma gun or lances can achieve the same effect with orbital bombardment - but I could also imagine you building a stealthy destroyer with a bunch of nukes to go blow up strategic targets instead of trying to give it the guns for it. Or using them with strike teams of bots to sneak under shields and blow up other targets, so I'm leaving them in.

- I definitely want to manufacture a dozen Exterminatus Warheads ASAP just to have in need of extreme emergency. Do we need specialized launchers to fire torpedoes with those outfitted, or would normal launchers work? Can they be outfitted as Nova Cannon ammunition, or developing that is another research bit?
Don't need specialized launchers. Kick them out the hanger door in low orbit and you're good. There's probably a follow-up research for specialized nova cannon rounds.

---[ ] Cramming Refit (5,600 x 0.9 = 5,040, 4/5 Modules opened up, depending on how that .8 of a slot rounds)
Rounds down. Though you might want to do the math on the entire ship, I think there was some space floating before.

---[ ] Reduce Oubliette size to 1 Module (+2 Modules), Shield reduced from 540 to 270 (135 x 2 from the Machine Spirit Integrated versions)
If you do this you lose the entire oubliette. You can keep it as-is and stick something new in for just that module's base cost, or you can scrap the whole thing. It's built as a single unit.

--[] Build an Orbital University sized for 50,000 students around Aetherion (1,750 BP * 5 = 8,750 BP)
-[] Diplomacy: Denva still seems to be having issues with internal unity, so let's make use of the Cogitare's status as a neutral organization with members across every border who love science and teaching. We're gonna build a school!
Just to check then... @Neablis

Would it be possible to write-in research, construction, and diplomacy actions to design, build, and have the Cogitare operate an Orbital University Campus similar to the Uplift Campus design you suggested a while ago?

My thinking is that while this probably wouldn't solve everything in one turn, it would give significant bonuses going forward to diplomacy actions that could...

Organize Stellar Ascendancy R&D.

Straighten out their military training issues.

Help overcome their remaining internal divides between the planetary nations.

Deepen ties with the vellkar by way of offering their government(s) a number of scholarships.

Further organize the Cogitare and establish them as a neutral non-governmental organization.

Provide a likely recruitment pool for volunteers to help establish vellkar medical data and adapt our cybernetics and medical technology to their physiology.

I was thinking it would use roughly the same stats you provided for the Uplift Campus you suggested a ways back.

Vox Vitae: Warhammer AI quest Mature - Sci-Fi

Nope, Your crew buffs your actions, they don't replace them. Even when Victan is flavorfully doing a lot, in actuality you're backing him up and it requires your attention. I've read about him, and that led to reading about the whole Arks of Omen shenanigans. Fun! You really can never have...
Hmm. I see you're trying to solve the military & R&D tasks in one action. I like the theme, and with the build investment you'll probably succeed with a crit... and maybe even a good success while losing some Cogitare staff. Hmm. Yeah, that's valid. The benefit might be bigger the more you spend on it.

--[] (Boon) Build: Denva Void Warfare Academy (an Orbital University sized for 50,000 students) around in one of Denva Secundus' Lagrange points. (1,750 BP * 5 = 8,750 BP)
Note that this will require a diplomatic action to set up properly. Victan can be on that action and use his bonus. But inherently this is diplomatic task, not a construction one. If you don't build a campus then Denva will build one planetside as part of it.

The best part? We still get her bonus on important military engagements.
Ah, but a critical difference is that you need to decide ahead of time. A strategist is the person doing your military stuff, so if a bunch of orks jump into the system by surprise and she's on research, she can't help. If that happens but she's a strategist you'll still get it.

At least until one of the higher-level seer bonuses, which will be "looking out for unexpected surprises and providing warning."

This should get them into the ship, if that's legal to do.

With rules as written it should be... I am feeling like Bongo right now. :D

Have we given them juvinate? Because ending aging and returning the elderly to the working population seems like a straight up fix to their demand for intellectual labor.
Your existing juvenat is still expensive and delicate - doesn't really scale well. There's research for that.

I favor strategist Gwen, because for any roll type we have bonuses for, her reroll is very little because not only does she not get vita or anexa or victan's bonuses, Gwen's generalist seer roll has a malus. Contrast to working as a strategist where she gets rerolls with a bonus - and where military rolls happen rapidly in short succession, which her bonus would presumably apply to every last one of.
You can build psytech to counter the malus and maybe even give her a bonus.

--[] (Boon) Build: Denva Void Warfare Academy (an Orbital University sized for 50,000 students) around in one of Denva Secundus' Lagrange points. (6330BP, 200CP (See Notes below))
This is going to go into the bucket of "The more you spend on it, the more you get out." A 6,330 bp academy for 50k people will be a living space & have the defenses listed. A 8,750 will have top-of-the-line facilities. BP spent beyond that mostly just makes it bigger.

Most of the really nasty perils of warp get migrated by psy-shields. Just have Gwen practice in the oubliette. :V
Valid option. It'll go better if you stick another psy-lab in there.

-[] Diplomacy: Ensure that the Vellkar & the Stellar Ascendency come to a profitable arrangement for both of them. Stretch Goal: get basing rights for yourself on Denva Primus. Put all the tech you gave the Stellar Ascendency on the table
-[] Diplomacy: Build the Stellar Ascendency a military academy with Victan's bonus (and at least a normal success)
Choose which you assign Victan to. He can't do both at once.

Don't forget you have a boon!
Right, right, thanks for the reminder, Boon Construction doesn't need an action from us, right @Neablis ?
The way it's phrased is
Grants +15,000 BP from Denvan manufacturing to a single construction action as you ask for material help. (Current usage limit 1/turn - you can pick this multiple times and they'll be banked for future use. The value will increase over time as Denva builds up.)
Though that number is up to 25,000 BP. So I think that it does require an action to organize all of that labor into the desired final product.
You can build psytech to counter the malus and maybe even give her a bonus.
Does this also hold true for her being a strategist? She's using divination for that as well, naturally.

I mean, it says "can be enhanced by psytech" too, but it's not clear she'll be enhanced in the same way, lol.
Yes. When you put her on our best roll and restrict her to only one roll guarded. I don't have the time to produce better stats right now, or maybe even today, but I'll get back to you.
Sure, in theory we could split her and anexa or victan up, but if a roll is important enough that we really care about how well it does, our other crew will always be assigned to it, because they can do more than stop it from going poorly, they can make it go extra good.

And we will always want extra good on our important technologies and diplomacy actions, we basically treat poor successes as failures by another name.

As for doing it to multiple rolls... that's only even a possibility at level 10 for Seer Gwen. How many extra will she even get? How many opportunities will be lost because we had to turtle with our fights instead of being able to act more aggressively? How much will we lose because somebody else picked a fight with us and we stopped getting lucky?

Here's the numbers for non-anexa research action:

Gwen modCrew modVita mod
Vita rolls
Too high to beat: 31%​
Improvable: 68%​
Nat 1: 1%​
Gwen Rolls
ImproveDoesn'tImprovesDoesn'tImprovesDoesn'tDouble Nat 1
Gwen Does not improve:
Gwen improves:

It's... a pretty insubstantial difference. Removing Gwen's malus doesn't even budge the "gwen improves" chance by a full percentage point. And if we give her a second chance, now with no malus because level 10 - her likelihood of influencing an outcome goes up to... 64%.

This is still a bad deal.
Its not about improving the roll its about mitigating the failures.

Lets look at 10 hypothetical turns and be VERY generous to the Strategist and say in those 10 turns we have 3 planned military actions and we have 2 instances where we get ambushed/suprise visited.
Hm. Going to stop you right here.

First of all... we don't have failures outside of military, exploration, and the so far theoretical "turn we do two diplomacy actions at once". Poor successes yes, nat 1s yes, but not failures. Our dice mods make it literally impossible.

Perhaps that's semantics, but the point stands that Seer Gwen will modify the result of non-miltiary project rolls only about 30% of the time. But failures? Like, actual no-shit failures of non-military rolls? She will stop one of those 00.89% of the time. She must roll a (12 - level) or above after Vita's nat 1.

A DC of 12 sounds pretty sweet... but it's for an event that happens 1 out of 100 times. Not 1 out of 100 rolls, because Seer Gwen doesn't get to protect every roll, 1 out of 100 turns. But sure, if that happens, she has a good chance of averting it.

In exchange for not being prepared to avert military catastrophe that can injure or kill our crew, damage or destroy our ship, or corrupt Vita.

So let's go on to your idea about how often that's a risk, because while I chose to talk semantics first, the real, serious error in your analysis is here:
Lets look at 10 hypothetical turns and be VERY generous to the Strategist and say in those 10 turns we have 3 planned military actions and we have 2 instances where we get ambushed/suprise visited.

Turn 1:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Nothing
Turn 2:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Nothing
Turn 3:
Seer: Diplomancy | Strategist: Military(Surprise!)
Turn 4:
Seer: Military | Strategist: Military
Turn 5:
Seer: Diplomancy | Strategist: Military
Turn 6:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Nothing
Turn 7:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Military(Surprise!)
Turn 8:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Military
Turn 9:
Seer: Diplomancy | Strategist: Nothing
Turn 10:
Seer: Research | Strategist: Nothing
Hypotheticals are only as good as what they're based on. How likely are they to resemble the truth?

When I first saw your post, you estimated 1/3 instead of 1/2 turns. You didn't seem to... base this on anything, you just insisted it was generous. But you did bump it up later, so even if you're going by vibes, you're at least holding yourself to trying to be fair about it - props for that, and I appreciate the effort!

But we have an actual 10 turns we just went through we can compare to. Let's do that - how many military rolls did we have?
23168Defending yourself from the Drukhari boarding action
25175Military takeover of Transport ship
261100Blow up any Chaos-tainted stations you find and detect.
27191Governer's Mansion Expedition*
28.5178Ork Combat
Hacking roll**;
Bongo-Chaos Signal interception***;
Spark of the Ancients vs. Echo of Apotheosis;
Repelling the Boarding Action
Aetherion void combat
The last spiteful move of the Aetherion cultists
Klyssar's nest invasion
Cia intervention****
Attempts to Suss out the Cultists*****;
Baiting the Trap;
The Trap Springs Closed
320-No combat (unless you count Cia vs bongo)

Ah yes, 16 out of 10 turns... wait, 16!?

Yes, that's right, we can have multiple military rolls in one turn, even ignoring sub-turns! And Gwen's skill as a commander/strategist doesn't just go away after one exchange, she would continue commanding and strategizing throughout all of it. Nor does she have to do her military related divination in advance - in her debut, the canon omake by Avatar, she forsaw the results of individual acts in combat, and individual choices about which direction to run in all in real-time!

So with that in mind, let's get those asterisks... there are 5 rolls I've flagged as needing explanation, but even if you struck every last one of them, you'd still have 11 rolls left. But still, let's get to it!

  • Governer's Mansion Expedition*
    • This one got our exploration bonus, and was indisputably a combat action: We had to sneak in, and then fight all the staff! Strategist Vita's action would stack with Vita's exploration bonus here, Seer Vita's reroll would still be at disadvantage.
  • Hacking roll**
    • Electronic warfare is perhaps a stretch to call warfare... unless your strategist can see that you're about to get clapped back because she's a diviner, that is. Much like Gwen made her decisions in those alleys by the consequences she saw seconds ahead, she would likewise probably have been able to see the corrupt-OMC counterattack, even if she didn't just say "as your strategist I recommend against connecting to chaos infected things, or at least terminating the connection the moment something unusual happens".
  • Bongo-Chaos Signal interception***;
    • I think Seer Gwen would get a free shot at this too, actually! Diviners are good enough at noticing other diviners at work that I think that regardless of specialty Gwen would have a chance to weigh in on this, if not directly roll against it to disrupt the connection. I figure Strategist Gwen would be the one who could say "prepare for shield attacks/a breakout" afterwards even if she didn't stop the comms, Seer Gwen would probably take a stronger swing at stopping the comms.
  • Cia intervention****
    • Cia would be under Gwen's command, so I figure it counts.
  • Attempts to Suss out the Cultists*****
    • This was a military operation, and it was Vita's action - as a strategist, Gwen could advise on better search patterns, traps/bait, etc, while as a strategist-diviner she could even check what some search patterns find and then adjust the search pattern to capture the ones found in her vision while searching everywhere else more thoroughly.

And you know, maybe seer gwen gets opportunities to intervene besides the project we assign her to-
Ah, but a critical difference is that you need to decide ahead of time. A strategist is the person doing your military stuff, so if a bunch of orks jump into the system by surprise and she's on research, she can't help. If that happens but she's a strategist you'll still get it.

At least until one of the higher-level seer bonuses, which will be "looking out for unexpected surprises and providing warning."
...Maybe she still gets to do stuff besides what we directly assign her to, but in more narrow circumstances like sub-turns!

But then one more thing rears its head:
[][Gwendolyn] Seer
She will focus on her divinatory capabilities, giving her some capability to manipulate the dice. Active option will become to pick a specific roll to roll twice, with the second die getting no other bonus but Gwendolyn's level - 10 as a modifier. Has the potential to be enhanced via psytech. High risk of perils of the warp if she rolls low, and passive action also has perils of the warp.
[][Gwendolyn] Strategist
Her active action will apply her level as a bonus to military rolls, with the strong narrative flavor of divination, and the potential to be enhanced by psytech. Passive roll will be training, with minimal risk of perils of the warp.
Seer Gwen has wildly higher perils of the warp chances than Strategist Gwen. I suspect that, in any scenario where they get to roll again and again in a single turn, a bad enough roll that it triggers a perils will knock her out of the situation... at minimum for the rest of the battle, if it's a single one.

It's not even clear if Strategist-gwen has perils of the warp on her active action. I assume so, she's still using divination, but... we've never seen Cia get a perils while she's on her active, either! So even if Seer-gwen can do chain rolls, Strategist-Gwen is still likely to do more of them because she isn't as likely to get KO'd mid-way through.

And also featured among our last 10 turns were situations in which we had to put Cia on passive training because our psy lab was too damaged for it to be safe... Including during the opening subturns of the battle for Denva, where so many of those chain rolls happened all at once.

Meaning, that 10 rolls helped out of 10 turns you forecasted... wouldn't have actually happened, either. Not even if we assume she rolls to positively influence every single one.

And as we move out of the early game and the other factions get their boots on - as the threats Neablis has been hinting about for over a real life month come to pass, the number of military rolls we do is only going to go up. There is a reason "man of iron" was a chargen choice alongside "(wo)man of stone". It's because bonuses to military are a big deal.

This is warhammer, after all. It's in the name.

Strategist Gwen just helps us more. It's that simple.

(Also no, military rolls are absolutely super important for our survival, they're literally the ones that decide whether we live or die, I'm sorry what-)
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Yes and? The point was make this is not our decision to make. Our actions could help them but we are in the buisnnes of robbing sovering parties their choice. We could had made Deva our direct subordinates but chose not to so we honor it now.
How is giving them stuff robbing them of choice? Especially when it's stuff they have basically stated they need. I have not been arguing for fusing Primus and Secundus. I have been arguing for giving them tech (esp medicine and manufacturing) so they can negotiate with Denva from a more equal position.
If they were, why did we lose hundreds of bots and have Cia blow up part of the hull and have three cogitare butchered? All while having several thousand bots.
Because 1. having that many bots doesn't add that much 2. our ship is huge for the number of bots 3. you're still going to lose bots in combat, no matter what part of the ship they're manning.
[] Plan
-[] [Repair Bay]
--[] cramming refits of the Spark
-[] Construction (630 BP base + 8190 BP Orbital Manufactories + 1500 BP Voidforge Miners = 10320 BP)
--[] build an orbital High-Energy Physics Research Lab in a safe orbit (500 BP)
--[] build an orbital Advanced Technological Research Lab (500 BP)
--[] convert 4 destroyer hulls to Candle mk 2 5000 BP
---[] turn over all the candles to Denva Secundus
--[] 4120 BP (+ 1000 BP from repair bay) to cramming refits of the Spark
--[] 200 BP discretionary fund for Victan
-[] Research X 2 (400 RP base + 85 Anexa RP + 60 Anexa staff – 4 (20 Anexa staff doing design work) = 541 RP)
--[] 25 RP (50 RP without Anexa's staff) to design Advanced Technological Research Lab (500 BP, 100 CP)
--[] Collaberative Computational R&D (250 RP)
--[] Nova Cannon! (100 RP)
--[] Improved Large-scale Machine spirits (100 RP)
--[] 25 RP (50 RP without Anexa's staff) to design Advanced Technological Research Lab (500 BP, 100 CP)
--[] design Candle Mk 2 Destroyer, 25 RP
---[] Chassis: Base (450 BP) Engines: (8 gravities) for (150 BP). Shields: (medium) for (100) Armor: (medium) for (100) total: 350 BP
---[] Hull Equipment: Machine Spirit (50 BP) Warp Drive (50 BP), Void Abacus (50 BP), Psychic Shielding (250 BP = 50 HP) total: 400 BP
---[] Weapons: 1 x Light Macrocannons (100 bp), 1 x Medium Lances (200 BP), 1 x Point Defense (50 BP) total 350 BP (315 with camming modifier)
---[] Equipment: High-maneuverability thrusters (50BP), Medium Boarding preparations (50 BP), Cargo Bay (15 BP), Repair Bay (40 BP) total 150 BP (135 with camming modifier)
---[] total design build point cost: 1700 BP
--[] Intelligence Coding (41 RP)
-[] Diplomacy: Collaborate with the Stellar Ascendency and Vellkar to create a mutually beneficial alliance for all three parties
--[] check to see if the Vellkar need help with construction/uplift
-[] Anexa active action: Research
--[] Collaberative Computational R&D
-[] Victan active action: assist with Stellar Ascendency/Vellkar alliance
-[] Cia Passive Psyker improvement
-[] Gwendolyn Passive learning action

Current plan aiming at getting the Stellar Ascendency/Vellkar diplomacy squared while also refitting ships for the fleet refit boon, improving our ship machine spirits for the single person controlled light cruiser boon and getting Collaberative Computational R&D so that we can work on the R&D set up boon next turn.

Any questions or thoughts?
1. The research station for military organisation + research seems like a great idea given Neablis's comments. Since it gets so many boons you can almost certainly cash in a boon for insta BP for it.
2. Use some BP to refit the Spark. At least some of those labs we want to take with us.

Idea for all: could such an academy be placed at some smart orbit in between the two planets and be open to both species? It would provide neutral ground and contact (and said contact would happen especially among the leading scientific and military experts of both polities).
Voting will open in 1 day, 16 hours