Okay, more modifications (now that I have my PC back from my daughter).
[ ] Plan: Working On Some Steel Feelings
-[] Diplomacy:
--[] (Boon) Stellar Ascendancy-Vellkar Relations: Ensure that the Vellkar & the Stellar Ascendency come to a profitable arrangement. Stretch Goal: get basing rights for yourself on Denva Primus. Put all the tech you gave the Stellar Ascendency on the table.
-[] Construction (8,820 + 1,500 (Voidforge) + 1,000 (Repair Bay) = 11,320 BP)
--[] (Boon) Build: Denva Void Warfare Academy (an Orbital University sized for 50,000 students) around in one of Denva Secundus' Lagrange points. (1,750 BP * 5 = 8,750 BP)
--[] Spark Refits:
---[] Cramming Refit (5,600 x 0.9 = 5,040, 4/5 Modules opened up, depending on how that .8 of a slot rounds)
---[] Reduce Oubliette size to 1 Module (+2 Modules), Shield reduced from 540 to 270 (135 x 2 from the Machine Spirit Integrated versions)
---[] Replace Technological Research Lab with Advanced Technological Research Lab (750 BP, -2 net Slots)
---[] 2x Juvenat Vats (-750 BP, -2 Slots)
-[] Research x2 (400 + 136 (Anexa + 60 Cogitare Staff) = 545 RP)
--[] Blueprint: Advanced Technological Research Lab (-20 Cogitare, 25 RP)
--[] Improved Organic-Machine control (75 RP)
--[] Medium Defense Platforms (50 RP)
--[] Miniaturized antigrav (50 RP)
--[] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (100 RP)
--[] Improved Engine Designs (100 RP)
--[] Improved Large-Scale Machine Spirits (100 RP, Anexa Assists) 500
--[] Overflow: Intelligence Coding (190/400RP + 45 remaining RP = 235/400)
-[][Free] Turn over all completed research from this turn to the Stellar Ascendency.
-[] Anexa active Action: Research - Improved Large-Scale Machine Spirits
-[] Victan: active action: (Boon) Stellar Ascendancy-Vellkar Relations
-[] Cia: Passive Psyker improvement
-[] Gwendolyn: Passive learning action
[] [Gwendolyn] Strategist
NOTES (Void Warfare Academy):
- Use records from the Dark Age of technology on potential tips on building a more efficient academy, but do also take advice from Denva's advisors if they need anything specifically.
External Features: Armor Plating, Tuned Void Shields, Plasma Reactor, Point Defense systems, Psychic Shielding, Machine Spirits, Improved Passive Stealth, Low-emission Systems, Medium Boarding preparations
Reasoning: Not only does it have to educate the Ascendancy's future generations of military students, it has to protect them and hide them.
Internal Features: Designed with education and military training in mind, a University Campus in space with military flavor. Half is Voidship officers, half is dedicated to Void Marine training. Includes: x4 Living Space (should be enough for both halves), various simulation Chambers (both), Zero G Training (both), Zero G Combat Training (Marines), Counter-Boarding Training (both), x1 Medical Bay (provides for both; teaches how to heal crew members during simulated combat), x2 Cargo Bay
Here's the revised plan so far.