@Neablis question regarding warp comms and commanding remote locations would say having our tech priests set up in a station here require us to spend actions to get them to do stuff every turn or could we treat them as an auto action only needing us to spend an action to change their orders.
They wouldn't be completely inactive if that's what you mean, but they also wouldn't be as productive as you are. You could set them up with a mission and they could do it even if you weren't around or in contact. You wouldn't even need to spend an action to change their mission. Just get in touch with them.

Just have a reasonable expectation for what they can get done. Keep in mind that each tech-priest has a command limit of 20 CP, and can't split their attention the way Vita can. They can't independently build things (well they can, but slowly), but if you captured the ship, put ten tech-priests on it with a few thousand combat bots they could probably keep it running just to the stations you liked and start uplifting them or something over the course of 50 or so years.
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@Neablis do you want to hear some of my ideas? Most are ridiculous, but some could be interesting.
Probably wont do anything in that diections for at least 20 turns, but i just like to throw stuff at the wall. Also i like magical biology and trying to apply it to stuff.
Alright, given word of the DM that we can probably take control of the ship's route fairly easily and save a lot of lives (It is my position that anyone who dies because their station didn't get an opportunity in the immediate future to battle the ship factions for resources didn't have much of a chance anyway), I believe doing that this turn is a very good move.

Furthermore given confirmation that we are in an invisible race against time until the sector turns into a serious warzone between the various big factions, I consider researching necessary technologies to mass-empower human agents and establishing infrastructure in this system where we have the perfect environment for it to both be vital processes to start on.

Fleshing out the Organic-Machine Control branch of the tech tree will let us put Denva into a position where they will be able to employ each individual member of their population to an extent that massively surpasses any other faction. They'll be able to have one man sprawled on a couch run a factory that compares favorably to an enormous manufactorum manned by hundreds of imperial slaves. Ten men will be able to run a shipyard that produces better ships than the mechanicus could with an army of servitors and produces them faster as well. A hundred men will be able to crew a ship that would take the imperial navy tens of thousands. A single man in orbit will be able to control a thousand heavy combat robots on the ground and best ten times that number in guardsmen, orks, or tyranids at zero risk to his own life.

Researching this technology and giving it to Denva along with all the anti-Chaos stuff we can manage will bootstrap them into a sixth side in the coming conflict. One that will be massively more ethical than any of the others and more positively disposed towards us than it would even be possible to get the imperials.
I must say I am kind of stumped this turn. I feel like the correct course of action is to just pack up and leave, but that's a bit boring.
Then again, we can't just go into this ready to commit like 12 turns to it. There is a clock ticking. I feel like we need to at least get the cognition filters and personal sized shields for Cia, though.
Then maybe hacking the ship to make sure it can't spread corruption and go have a look at its people?
@Neablis would equipping everyone on the ship with the filters just in case require a build action?
They wouldn't be completely inactive if that's what you mean, but they also wouldn't be as productive as you are. You could set them up with a mission and they could do it even if you weren't around or in contact. You wouldn't even need to spend an action to change their mission. Just get in touch with them.

Cool considering it would just be numbers do you want one of us to manage a post for any detachment things so that you don't have to do the book keeping for it.
I know I am a bit late to the navigator baby debate, but I just wanted to ask everyone: of all the happy memories from your childhood, how many of them could be summarized in you and your friends doing something wacky and/or stupid? Because my answer would be most of them, and I was not a particularly sociable kid. Having peers of your age is a vital part in the development of a healthy person, and while sometimes life get in the way of ideal circumstances, in this case we can easily fix this.

We can even kill two birds with one stone: we go back to Denva, enroll a diplomatic staff as help to Victan, prioritize people willing to bring their family aboard in the selection process and that's it, now we have a healthy community to raise our three-eyed bean without the need to spend 20 years stuck in one place.
Ummm, I'm not sure if bringing family in a galaxy as violent as 40k is a good idea. I mean for God sake even in Star Trek setting having families aboard led to entire generations gone like the Battle of Wolf 359.
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We can even kill two birds with one stone: we go back to Denva, enroll a diplomatic staff as help to Victan, prioritize people willing to bring their family aboard in the selection process and that's it, now we have a healthy community to raise our three-eyed bean without the need to spend 20 years stuck in one place.
Kid will still be a psyker. We need to have the experience of a few more aboard the vessel, and possibly some psyker suppression tech, before I'm comfortable with even beginning to talk about how to raise him.
Ummm, I'm not sure if bringing family in a galaxy as violent as 40k is a good idea. I mean for God sake even in Star Trek setting having families aboard led to entire generations gone like the Battle of Wolf 359.
I mean, it's common practice in 40k, to the point that ships as big as the Spark of the Ancients have entire civilizations inside.

Not saying we should go that far, but bringing the equivalent of a small village around on the ship wouldn't seem weird for anyone in univers.
I mean, it's common practice in 40k, to the point that ships as big as the Spark of the Ancients have entire civilizations inside.

Not saying we should go that far, but bringing the equivalent of a small village around on the ship wouldn't seem weird for anyone in univers.
Being fair, the reason that's the case for Imperial ships is because they're so hideously reliant on manual labour and so labrynthine that entire populations can sometimes just never be officially noticed. The Spark is probably extremely compact by comparison, especially since most of it doesn't need an atmosphere.

Now if we ever build a flagship the size up I'm absolutely arguing for a large population capacity, because the idea of handing off a hundred expert techpriests like candy and saying we have more at home is hilarious to me, but that's probably something we'd have to build for.
This plan intends to begin solving the problem we have in this system sufficient enough we'll be able to leave within three turns at most. Maybe 2, if things turn out well.

First we bombard any obvious chaos stations from our ship to reduce their presence in the system. That won't get everyone, but it will get most of them.

Then we take over the transport ship either by diplomacy or violence. They do not seem to have any other significant transport between stations, so that'll nicely isolate the stations from each other and leave them to deal with at our leisure.
Or more likely whoever we decide to prop up.
Victan will have a lot of vetting to do.

Cia will get some active experience in combat relatively safe. She is well armored with power armor, a personal void shield and a psychic weapon. The imperial iconography sporting ship is also the least likely thing to have active chaos influence in this system.

[X] Plan: Kick Chaos in the shins, grab the transport ship
-[X] [Free] Fix damage to psychic shields. Vita Core (75/135->135/135 @ 300 BP), Bongo Oubliette (303/540->443/540 @ 700 BP) [1000/1000BP repair bay expended, 485BP of damage left]
-[X] [Free][DATA] how do the inquisitors deal with chaos infiltration?
-[X] Orders/Diplomacy x2: Blow up all stations being obviously aligned with chaos with your ship. Get the transport ship under your control by diplomacy or violence (or a combination). Try to get the people on the transport ship to surrender. Send troops against anyone not willing to surrender. Send bots in the first wave, but let Cia go with the second wave of bots so she can get some experience in. Find out who could be propped up against chaos with the information gained from the transport ship, iconoclasts highly preferred, imperials willing to learn might have to suffice. Cause you won't stay here forever. The goal is to only prop them up enough against chaos, not nearly as much as the Denvans, especially if besides chaos there are only hardcore imperialists left.
-[X] Research x2 (400 RP + 70 Anexa RP + 42 Tech-Priest RP)
--[X] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP)
---[X] Give prototype to Cia on success
--[X] Psychic tripwires (50 RP)
--[X] Empathy at Range (200 RP)
---[X] Anexa assist
--[X] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (100 RP)
--[X] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[X] Basic Active Stealth (22->34/75 RP)
-[X] Anexa active Action: Research
-[X] Victan active action: Help with diplomacy.
-[X] Cia: Deployment in combat
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Thanks for the very detailed answers @Neablis!

I've switched my plan around to taking over the transport ship, copying LightLan's action for doing so. I think getting the tactics upgrade will be important for our bots in the tight areas of the ship. Since there is Chaos in the system I want Cognito Filters for Vita and her Crew, much better to get this in place before someone sees something unfortunate.

[x] Plan: Something Hinky is afoot, let's kick its shin
-[X] [Free] Fix damage to psychic shields. Vita Core (75/135->135/135 @ 300 BP), Bongo Oubliette (303/540->443/540 @ 700 BP) [1000/1000BP repair bay expended, 485BP of damage left]
-[x] Research 2x (400 + 70 + 42)
--[x] Machine Spirit Ground Tactics (150 RP)
--[x] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP)
--[x] Cognito Filters (250 RP)
---[x] Anexa Assists
--[x] Overflow to Basic Active Stealth then Machine Spirit Hallucinations
-[x] Construction
--[x] Build Personal Psychic Shields for all Crew
--[x] Build an elite squad of 4 Light, 4 Medium, and 4 Heavy machine spirit humanoid bots all with Void Shields
---[x]This squad will be assigned to Cia as bodyguards
--[x] Remaining BP spent on mission gear / repairs to the transport as needed.
-[x] Orders/Diplomacy: Get the transport ship under your control by diplomacy or violence (or a combination). Try to get the people on the transport ship to surrender. Send troops against anyone not willing to surrender. Send bots in the first wave, but let Cia go with the second wave of bots so she can get some experience in. Find out who could be propped up against chaos with the information gained from the transport ship, iconoclasts highly preferred, imperials willing to learn might have to suffice. Cause you won't stay here forever. The goal is to only prop them up enough against chaos, not nearly as much as the Denvans, especially if besides chaos there are only hardcore imperialists left.
--[x] Victan and Cia assigned
--[x] use Avatars for diplomacy where possible
--[x] Stretch Goal: After we take control of the transport ship use the psy shielding of the elite squad to sweep for chaos.

@LightLan, your plan researches Personal Psychic Shielding but doesn't have a construction action to build it. Are you hoping the research will yield a prototype for Cia?
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[x] Plan: Something Hinky is afoot, let's kick its shin

Already said I'll endorse this plan. Let's see what we can do with this ship.
[x] Plan: Something Hinky is afoot, let's kick its shin

I do like this plan however I am still going to throw my own hat into the ring.

[X] Plan some chatoic clean up
-[Free] Repair the Spark of the Ancients (1000BP in repairs, first Vita's core shield then Bongo's prison)
-[Free] If you're going to clear out the stations of the taint of the four, it might be a good idea to study how the Inquisitors go about it, just to make sure no trace is left behind.
-[X] ResearchX2 (400+42(tech Priests)+70(Anexa)=512RP)
--[X]Machine Spirit Ground Tactics (150 RP):This will give the combat bots and Cia a better chance when board the chaos aligned stations.
--[X] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (100 RP): ensuring they can resist the taint on the stations will be important
--[X] Basic Active Stealth (22+53/75 RP): Wrapping this up
--[X] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (30+70(Anexa) RP): The first part of, hopefully, getting the Navigator for better exploration.
--[X] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP) If everyone is so worried about Chaos, this should help assuage fears.
--[X] Psychic Shield Tuning (9/200 RP) To help against more general threats of Chaos since scrapcode isn't their only weapon in their arsenal, among other things.
-[X] Construction (350BP)
--[X] Personnel Psychic Shielding for everyone then as many personnel void shields with priority given to our Crew
-[X]Command: Cia is getting rather frustrated with how you interact with Chaos, which is fair in all honestly. Clearing out the stations with chaos cultists with some bot backup should help her vent her frustrations after some improvements are made to their coding.
-[X]Anexa active Action: Research Does in vitro have something to do with wine?
-[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
-[X] Cia Active Psyker improvement
Based on the plan from @LightLan but more focused on loot this turn diplomacy next turn, where we destroyed chaos for them and have potential stuff for them without using a construction action. Also not convinced we need better bots for a bunch of barbarians with one or two guns as holy relics.

[X] Plan: Kick Chaos in the shins, grab the loot, transport ship later
-[X] [Free] Fix damage to psychic shields. Vita Core (75/135->135/135 @ 300 BP), Bongo Oubliette (303/540->443/540 @ 700 BP) [1000/1000BP repair bay expended, 485BP of damage left]
-[X] [Free][DATA] Do i have to feel bad for blasting chaos stations?
-[X] Exploration: Go over all the stations (including the dead ones) searching for loot/info with our sensors. For any stations that seem special/interesting use bots for throughness. While doing this note down any Chaos presence. If we have the time take any spare parts and preserved rations we can find on the stations, for later redistribution to people we like. (90% of the stations are dead and most will have either died of some system failure or starvation not both at the same time)
-[X] Order: With the help of our gathered intel blast the useless chaos stations with our ship and search/cleanse the ones with potential loot with our bots and Cia (prototype Psy-Shield included). If we are wildly successfull and still have time take over the ship by force/hacking aswell.
-[X] Research x2 (400 RP + 70 Anexa RP + 42 Tech-Priest RP)
--[X] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP)
--[X] Help Cia's Training (50 RP)
--[X] Empathy at Range (200 RP)
---[X] Anexa assist
--[X] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (100 RP)
--[X] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[X] Basic Active Stealth (22->34/75 RP)
-[X] Anexa active Action: Research
-[X] Victan passive action
-[X] Cia Active Psyker improvement
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*Stares at the options* I'm going to vote later when you're done refining the plans. Again.
-[x] Research 2x (400 + 70 + 42)
--[x] Machine Spirit Ground Tactics (150 RP)
---[x] Anexa Assists
--[x] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP)
--[x] Cognito Filters (250 RP)
--[x] Overflow to Basic Active Stealth then Machine Spirit Hallucinations
Would you be open to switching Anexa to Cognition Filters? Brain cybernetics for selectively blanking out and storing memories against info-hazards is something I want to be done with as little side-effects or actual problems in the process as feasible. And potential greater protection against those hazards would be nice too.
[X]Fix a ship, feed (some of) a system
-[X] Free Repair: psychic shielding; Vita Core: (60 HP = 300BP)= 135/135, Bongo vault: (140 = 700BP) = 443/540HP
-[X] 2xReaserch 400RP
--[X] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP) = (Complete 300 RP left)
--[X] Mechanized agriculture (150 RP) = (Complete 150 RP left)
--[X] Machine Spirit Shipboard Manufactories (75 RP) = (Complete 75 RP left)
--[X] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (100 RP + Anexa 112 RP) = (Complete 87 RP left)
--[X] Faith is my shield? (75 RP) = (complete 12 RP left)
--[X] Basic Active Stealth (22/75 RP) = (44/75 0 RP left)
-[X] Construction 350BP cap
--[X] Deep Space Manufactory (300BP/375BP)
--[X] Trade goods 50BP
-[X] Diplomacy/Orders Victan assists Cia Assists
--[X] time to talk to 4 factions of apparent barbarians on board the only method of traveling the system for the locals and convince, bribe, or threaten them to become a supplier of food and manufactured goods to the rest of the system but you're not in the mood to screw around so they either get with your program or Cia gets to practice boarding operations via OMCing Bots in a teleport assault and before she complains remind her that it's not worth sending her in person to every battle you fight so learning how to command bots from your ship is an important skill to have and you'll have personal PS soon.
-[X] Anexa active Action: Research
-[X] Victan active Action: Diplomacy
-[X] Cia Active Action: Orders

right so I redid my plan to have a construction action (fun fact we can't rebuild any of the Deep space manufactories in one turn we don't have enough BP) and 50 BP of trade goods to bribe the barbarians to listen to us

For the Research I have set personal PS and MS chaos resist for defense, faith shield to try and figure out healing corruption exposure finally agriculture and MS shipboard manufactory to get the things needed for turning the ship into a proper capital of the system
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Would you be open to switching Anexa to Cognition Filters? Brain cybernetics for selectively blanking out and storing memories against info-hazards is something I want to be done with as little side-effects or actual problems in the process as feasible. And potential greater protection against those hazards would be nice too.
I completely spaced on her cybernetics speciality, will absolutely make that swap.

Edit: done, thanks for catching that @meianmaru
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[X] Plan: Kick Chaos in the shins, grab the loot, transport ship later
-[X] [Free] Fix damage to psychic shields. Vita Core (75/135->135/135 @ 300 BP), Bongo Oubliette (303/540->443/540 @ 700 BP) [1000/1000BP repair bay expended, 485BP of damage left]
-[X] [Free][DATA] Do i have to feel bad for blasting chaos stations?
-[X] Exploration: Go over all the stations (including the dead ones) searching for loot/info with our sensors. For any stations that seem special/interesting use bots for throughness. While doing this note down any Chaos presence. If we have the time take any spare parts and preserved rations we can find on the stations, for later redistribution to people we like. (90% of the stations are dead and most will have either died of some system failure or starvation not both at the same time)
-[X] Order: With the help of our gathered intel blast the useless chaos stations with our ship and search/cleanse the ones with potential loot with our bots and Cia (prototype Psy-Shield included). If we are wildly successfull and still have time take over the ship by force/hacking aswell.
-[X] Research x2 (400 RP + 70 Anexa RP + 42 Tech-Priest RP)
--[X] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP)
--[X] Help Cia's Training (50 RP)
--[X] Empathy at Range (200 RP)
---[X] Anexa assist
--[X] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (100 RP)
--[X] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[X] Basic Active Stealth (22->34/75 RP)
-[X] Anexa active Action: Research
-[X] Victan passive action
-[X] Cia Active Psyker improvement

As an aside, Navigators are really neat even aside from their, you know, nagivation. They're fully immune to passive cognitohazards and have access to a bunch of not-technically-psyker techniques including but in no way limited to:
  • Reduce corruption gain from any source for any target, including themselves and/or allies for several minutes before needing to be reapplied
  • Detect if a target person or object has psychic powers or statistically significant amounts of corruption (admittedly subject to concealment) and track powerful warp signatures like footprints. Higher levels of mastery allow the detection of warp rifts in a large radius and active use of psychic powers in a tenth of that radius.
  • Force target psyker or daemon to do a contested roll every time they try to use a power and make daemons more vulnerable to being rejected by reality (ranging from "takes double damage" at novice level to "literally any instability instantly destroys and banishes them" at mastery)
  • Forcibly calm the warp, creating an AoE where Psychic powers are way harder to use and Daemons both get stunned and take damage, which in turn forces Warp Instability.
  • Teleport by way of timeline hopping
  • Haste, by way of getting jiggy with the weft of spacetime
  • Slow, by way of stripping away the illusion of linear time
  • Soulgaze to learn armor weaknesses, invisible protections or a list of known warp powers (psychic or navigator) depending on mastery
  • Bad Luck Curse, making weapons unreliable and Perils unavoidable
  • Ocular flamethrower that does bonus damage vs chaos.
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[X] Plan getting Cia ready to kick the door in
-[X] [repair bay] [Free] Fix damage to the psy shields
-[X] Exploration: give the system a more though examination to see if what the various factions of the system are actually like, which stations have actual chaos shenanigans going on and thus acceptable targets, the status of the ship and if anywhere in this systems has anything interesting.
-[X] Research x3
--[X] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP)
--[X] Basic Psychic Suppression Devices (150 RP)
--[X] Basic Cognition Filter: (250 RP) 138 + Anexa support
--[X] Armor Device Integration (200 RP)
--[X] Basic Active Stealth (22/75 RP) 12RP
-[X] Anexa's and the Tech Gremlins Research
--[X] Basic Cognition Filter: (250 RP) 112
-[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
-[X] Cia Active Psyker improvement
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The reason is that we will find resources at the stations to support people. And we don't give chaos 5 years to prepare and spoil the artifacts. It is dangerous to leave stations active.

[X] Plan some chatoic clean up

[X] Plan: Kick Chaos in the shins, grab the loot, transport ship later
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