Again:Kid will still be a psyker. We need to have the experience of a few more aboard the vessel, and possibly some psyker suppression tech, before I'm comfortable with even beginning to talk about how to raise him.
We have basically QM confirm that we can try raising the kid. We also know that getting a navigator is vital to the whole exploration part of the quest.The thing is, if you're generally do a good job raising a person they end up aligned with your interests. Then you promise them eternal youth, infinite exploration, free medical care and good companionship and... they typically don't want to leave. Don't get me wrong, it's a possibility, there will be rolls, but them wanting to leave and never return would be very much a nat 1 followed by a recovery roll below a 10 or something.
I'm trying not to weight the scale too hard here, but I want to emphasize that Vita will come at this from the perspective of "I'm raising a person and want them to live a full and complete life," and if you spend actions commensurate with that then more likely than not its going to turn out alright. Yes you want something from them - but most parents want something from their kids, even if it's to take care of them in old age. Not too long ago the thing they wanted was "help working the farm."
Sure, I love a stack of crazy ideas. As long as you're ok with me picking and choosing and revamping them to fit my personal headcanons.@Neablis do you want to hear some of my ideas? Most are ridiculous, but some could be interesting.
Probably wont do anything in that diections for at least 20 turns, but i just like to throw stuff at the wall. Also i like magical biology and trying to apply it to stuff.
Depends on rolls but probably not. It's just an adaption of implants.@Neablis would equipping everyone on the ship with the filters just in case require a build action?
Hmm. I'm gonna say I'd prefer not to track it with that level of detail. We'll probably do what I'm planning to do for Denva, which is not actively track it and then roll dice when you return to see what happened while you were gone. That gets complicated by FTL communicators, but we'll deal with that when we get there.Cool considering it would just be numbers do you want one of us to manage a post for any detachment things so that you don't have to do the book keeping for it.
--[X] Machine Spirit Shipboard Manufactories (75 RP) = (Complete 75 RP left)
Point of Information @MSH and @michaell8000, the manufactories on our flagship function as and receive the benefits of ground manufactories. So if you want a tech to improve our flagship BP production you want:
-[] Machine Sprit Production Improvements (75 RP) Your machine spirits seem to be able to suggest more optimal choices than the default under some situations, but you're not confident enough to standardize it. Investigate that, and figure out how to encourage that behavior. (Improves productivity of machine-spirit manufacturing systems, may unlock further boosts to manufactory production or CP discounts).
Point of Information @MSH and @michaell8000, the manufactories on our flagship function as and receive the benefits of ground manufactories. So if you want a tech to improve our flagship BP production you want:
Much as I would love to, the voter base has decided this is Denva's responsibility. This system is using space manufactories, so the function will be of value here.
Not if we're building Deep Space Manufacturies or similar. Shipboard means shipboard.Much as I would love to, the voter base has decided this is Denva's responsibility. This system is using space manufactories, so the function will be of value here.
Much as I would love to, the voter base has decided this is Denva's responsibility. This system is using space manufactories, so the function will be of value here.
Point of information:If we're going to stay here we had better seriously boost the Sparks manufacturing capabilities because right now it will take three actions just to build a single Deep Space Manufactory.
Deep Space Manufactories cost half price in this system so it would take two actions to build oneYou cannot build ground or orbital manufactorys in Vorthryn. However, deep-space manufactories are 25% more productive and cost half as much because you'll be repurposing abandoned Imperial mining stations. That will be true up to about 1500 of them.
Without getting into more serious refits, for build time we could certainly get rid of the observatory and the (non-psy) basic labs. They're cheap to re-install and not needed for a heavy construction cycle.If we're going to stay here we had better seriously boost the Sparks manufacturing capabilities because right now it will take three actions just to build a single Deep Space Manufactory.
That is indeed the hope.@LightLan, your plan researches Personal Psychic Shielding but doesn't have a construction action to build it. Are you hoping the research will yield a prototype for Cia?