Correction. We know that there were them, at least among those working for or just being the Navigators. Or maybe not actual cultists, but possibly some fools among the Navigators who were willing to use daemon-possessed device. Which is just as bad.

However, as all the Navigators evacuated and along with almost everyone from AdMech, and then there was a violent uprising purging most if not all of the existing nobility and likely quite many high-ranking officials... It might be that they are not just there anymore. And Denva as it is should not be very fertile ground for the chaos cults, unlike the Imperium.

No. Every page of this thread for weeks now has been gripping the omnipresent cognition hazard ready to soul-steal anyone at a moment's notice, such that we cannot even fight cultists without the dreaded gaining of a Corruption Point. Don't get cold feet now.
No. Every page of this thread for weeks now has been gripping the omnipresent cognition hazard ready to soul-steal anyone at a moment's notice, such that we cannot even fight cultists without the dreaded gaining of a Corruption Point. Don't get cold feet now.
Counterpoint: they're there unrelated to Bongo.

Because when I thought physical isolation meant they wouldn't be, it was provided that Denva psyker management isn't perfect and at a pinch Chaos can just inject artifacts without mortal hands.

Which is a good thing, to some extent, since it means Denva's survival so far isn't predicated on having been inaccessible.
No. Every page of this thread for weeks now has been gripping the omnipresent cognition hazard ready to soul-steal anyone at a moment's notice, such that we cannot even fight cultists without the dreaded gaining of a Corruption Point. Don't get cold feet now.
What are you talking about? I gave you clear examples why there likely wouldn't be a problem at Denva. We, however, have a psyker who is actively using their powers. As well an AI piloting a ship. And we have an actual daemon caged inside the ship behind anti-chaos shielding, trapped inside a Scrapcode Generator.

So I think those concerns make us a bit more vulnerable and a bit more tempting target for the forces of Chaos. Just a tiny bit.
Yeah, as meianmaru said, we are a much better target for Chaos attacks as we are much easier to access (see Bongo and an active unsanctioned psyker) and are a much shinier lootbox if they manage to corrupt us (see self-replicating AI warship). With regards to Denva, there was no evidence of Chaos corruption, we stole the only known Chaos item without letting anyone outside of Psychic Shielding even look at the thing, and the only access point to Denva that Chaos has access to (that we know of) are the psykers in the temple compound thingys, and those psykers spend all day every day pushing the Warp as far away from themselves as possible, staying away from the 4 main emotions of the Chaos Gods, and they get shot if they start doing spooky shit. Denva is reallistically only gonna have Chaos issues if a Chaos ship/fleet turns up, and the Demon World is at least several jumps away and there are probably worlds that the Demons want to eat first in some of those systems so theres several roadblocks before Chaos gets near Denva, even if they beeline straight for it.
We need ~2 Turns to repair our psychic shields.
Gotta stay that long anyway.

Though I also intend to not stay long, just long enough to tip the situation so the locals can take care of what chaos/cultist problems remain. Which is why I am tackling it with 2 actions going towards that.
We can finish repairing, maybe do some more stuff, and blast off next round. I just don't want this to turn into a super long term project where we don't have the resources we need yet.

Re: Chaos
Having Cia with a personal shield and everyone on filters will help, but I, personally, also want the Faith and demonology research before I go "okay! Time to go whole hog on manufacturing/ships/navigators!"
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Yeah, as meianmaru said, we are a much better target for Chaos attacks as we are much easier to access (see Bongo and an active unsanctioned psyker) and are a much shinier lootbox if they manage to corrupt us (see self-replicating AI warship). With regards to Denva, there was no evidence of Chaos corruption, we stole the only known Chaos item without letting anyone outside of Psychic Shielding even look at the thing, and the only access point to Denva that Chaos has access to (that we know of) are the psykers in the temple compound thingys, and those psykers spend all day every day pushing the Warp as far away from themselves as possible, staying away from the 4 main emotions of the Chaos Gods, and they get shot if they start doing spooky shit. Denva is reallistically only gonna have Chaos issues if a Chaos ship/fleet turns up, and the Demon World is at least several jumps away and there are probably worlds that the Demons want to eat first in some of those systems so theres several roadblocks before Chaos gets near Denva, even if they beeline straight for it.
I agree Denva isn't in real substantial danger, but.

The psykers go to the monasteries, mostly, but nobody's especially able to find them if they don't or if they listen to Chaos before they do. It's a pretty okay system, but not a perfect system. It's reasonable to think in a planet of billions that there may be some in touch with Chaos.

However, if Chaos has that kind of pervasiveness it cannot also be an irresistible memetic attack where they can put up some evil graffiti and suddenly an entire city turns. Which, really, is necessary for 40k to work at all. If basic Chaos insignia were a basilisk attack, they'd roll up a majority of the Imperium by accident in a year.
[X] Plan: Immediate Relief efforts
-[X] Explore:
--[X] See what immediate help can be offered, maybe salvage some advanced tech if any jumps out at us or blow up any particularly unpleasant cultists, but avoid long term entanglement.
-[X] Research x3 (600 + 70 Anexa RP + 42 Tech-Priest RP)
--[X] Faith is my shield? (75 RP)
--[X] Psychic tripwires (50 RP)
--[X] Basic Active Stealth (53 RP)
--[X] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (100 RP)
--[X] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[X] Psytech Machine spirits (100 RP)
--[X] Empathy At Range (90 + 110 Anexa RP)
--[X] Help Cia's Training (50 RP)
--[X] Improved Passive Stealth (34 RP + Overflow)
--[X] Alternative Shield Meanings (Extra overflow)
-[X] Anexa Active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action.
-[X] Victan Active action: Diplomat-Spy - assists any diplomacy action you take, granting +Level to the dice to the action.
-[X] Cia Active Action: Active Psyker improvement

And some approval votes:

[X] Plan: Kick Chaos in the shins, grab the transport ship

[X] Plan: Kick Chaos in the shins, grab the loot, transport ship later
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However, if Chaos has that kind of pervasiveness it cannot also be an irresistible memetic attack where they can put up some evil graffiti and suddenly an entire city turns. Which, really, is necessary for 40k to work at all. If basic Chaos insignia were a basilisk attack, they'd roll up a majority of the Imperium by accident in a year.
Tbf, symbols related to Chaos are memetic attacks. But most often just minor ones that can be staved off with sufficient willpower and/or faith. Probably requires some serious warp-juice and/or dedicated attention from an actual daemon(s) backing them up to be truly dangerous, unless you are subjected to them again and again.

However, while it is true that even a tiny bit of corruption or knowledge about Chaos can easily lead you into a path of falling totally into chaos... But this is much more likely to happen in the Imperium. Because any alternative to you horrible, miserable life can seem like a good deal. Why would you resist, when worshipping a distant God-Emperor has only brought you suffering without any tangible rewards in your life? Not necessarily an instant basilisk hack that spreads everywhere in a Hive City, but still damn dangerous.

Or maybe you are some corrupt noble who is bored, so you think you are above the law and consequences. And so blindly wander into true damnation after you get the first hint of it. Maybe, possibly, you know this and don't even care.

Anyway, Imperium is horrible even at fighting its sworn archenemy, who sees it more as an endlessly giving cornucopia of desperation, madness, corruption and so on, news at 11.
@Neablis, did the Navigator Station include any Navigator Lore? Because they need training too, so it may be an issue having to reinvent the wheel once we decant the kid.
IIRC, they took their records with them, then wiped or otherwise destroyed the rest of the data on the station. I think we got some star maps from the station, but that is about it.
If we find a Navigator facility that likely means we found a Navigator. Given our industrial output we could probably hire them as a mentor.
Tbh, the price the Navigator will demand is likely for us to destroy all knowledge of void abacuses we've got. Navigators are very particular about their monopoly on warp travel.
If we find a Navigator facility that likely means we found a Navigator. Given our industrial output we could probably hire them as a mentor.
Yeahno. The Navis Nobilis freaking sucks. Admittedly, part of why they suck is because they're mutants and if they didn't maintain an absolute monopoly over FTL travel they would be slaughtered in pogroms like all the other mutants, except worse because everyone hates them personally for how brutally they maintained their monopoly.

If we could contact an actual Rogue Trader, it's possible their Navigator would be a bit more radical, but dealing with any official House location is an absolute nogo.
Psychic Tripwires, Combat Neural Implants or Remote Organic-Machine control?
CNI is the most applicable to this turn (Cia buffs, woo), but ROM is a must-have for any "leave behind techpriests" next turn plan.

Psychic Tripwires seems like a good nice to have for a next turn plan as well, depending. Putting them directly in civilian stations this early might present an opsec risk (We'll have a better assessment of that at end-of-turn, I'm not ruling out putting them there), but for security aboard cogitaire-controlled facilities they'd be a good bargain bin substitute for, say, large-scale integrated psy shield design.

But by the point we have tech priests refurbishing void manufactories we may as well just get LSIPSD, though trip-wires would stack with that so it wouldn't be a waste, either.

Also, if tripwires can be applied to Cia's implant, that'd be p sick too. During a boarding action both her personal shield and the implant tripwire could be active at once, good stuff.

For next turn utility, see also:

Machine Sprit Production Improvements (75 RP)
Large-scale Void Manufacturing (100 RP) (might require a design action after, unsure)
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Hm... I wonder how far down the tech tree an astral beacon would be. Because while Navigators are way better than Void Abacus, they're still crippled by the shrouding of the astronomicon. We could probably buy out a Navigator House if we could provide them with a new reference point. We also might be able to negotiate with any rogue houses we find, though those are almost all Chaos aligned.
[X] Plan: Something Hinky is afoot, let's kick its shin

Good training for Cia and testing our bots with their upgrades in what should be a relatively low-risk environment, with enough corruption mitigating measures for me to feel satisfied. Should also open up a path towards letting Anexa to study more safely warp-related lore, as I think it is bound to start touching on Chaos the deeper you go. Hard to avoid with the current state of it.
[x] Plan: Something Hinky is afoot, let's kick its shin

I don't love this plan, but I'll accept it I guess.
Tbf, symbols related to Chaos are memetic attacks. But most often just minor ones that can be staved off with sufficient willpower and/or faith. Probably requires some serious warp-juice and/or dedicated attention from an actual daemon(s) backing them up to be truly dangerous, unless you are subjected to them again and again.

However, while it is true that even a tiny bit of corruption or knowledge about Chaos can easily lead you into a path of falling totally into chaos... But this is much more likely to happen in the Imperium. Because any alternative to you horrible, miserable life can seem like a good deal. Why would you resist, when worshipping a distant God-Emperor has only brought you suffering without any tangible rewards in your life? Not necessarily an instant basilisk hack that spreads everywhere in a Hive City, but still damn dangerous.

Or maybe you are some corrupt noble who is bored, so you think you are above the law and consequences. And so blindly wander into true damnation after you get the first hint of it. Maybe, possibly, you know this and don't even care.

Anyway, Imperium is horrible even at fighting its sworn archenemy, who sees it more as an endlessly giving cornucopia of desperation, madness, corruption and so on, news at 11.
There's one nit I want to pick - which I think is actually critical for Vita. We have evidence that chaos "cognitohazards" aren't precisely that. When we were thinking about that stuff, it didn't corrupt our delicate machine mind - as far as we know, but I do trust that. What it did was trigger an attack on our psy shields.

To the average unshielded mortal that's perhaps an unimportant technicality. But for us it's critical - the emblems of Chaos don't get to slip in as pure data and then attack our mind from within.

(I would guess the more powerful enchanted emblems add a direct psychic attack from the empowered artifact on top of the universal cognition-targeted attack.)