Decided to drop the scouting action:
[] Plan: Improved Manufactories and building the ship
-[] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[] Look for information on nearby xenos, both friendly and hostile.
-[] Research 1 (Completed before building Manufactories, hopefully discounting their CP)
--[] Ground Manufactory Efficiency Improvements (50 RP)
--[] Manufacturing Machine Spirits (60 + 40 RP)
---[] Anexa assists
--[] Improved Psychic shielding: (60 RP, unless needed to boost results for earlier research)
--[] You don't need no stinkin' medical school (30 RP, unless needed to boost results for earlier research)
-[] Construction 1 (3500 GBP, 1350 VBP, 3500 Lift, 4850 BP total):
--[] 48 Manufactory (100 GBP, 50 CP) --- (4,800 GBP, 2,400 CP) (4055 left, barring CP discounts from tech)
--[] 2.5 Shuttles (20 GBP, 5 CP) --- (50 GBP, 15 CP) (570 CP left, barring CP discounts from tech) (+150 Lift capacity, pending spceports)
-[] Construction 2 (5900 GBP, 1350 VBP, 3500 Lift, 7250 BP total):
--[] 67 Manufactory (100 GBP, 50 CP) --- (6,700 GBP, 3,350 CP) (705 CP left, barring CP discounts from tech)
--[] 2 Spaceport (100 GBP, 25 CP) --- (200 GBP, 50 CP) (655 CP left, barring CP discounts from tech)
--[] 17.5 Shuttle (20 GBP, 5 CP) --- (350 GBP, 85 CP) (570 CP left, barring CP discounts from tech) (+1000 Lift capacity = 4500)
-[] Construction 3 (9250 GBP, 1350 VBP, 4500 Lift Capacity, 10,600 BP total)
--[] 10 Spaceport (100 GBP, 25 CP) --- (1000 GBP, 250 CP) (320 CP left, barring CP discounts from tech)
--[] 95 Shuttle (20 GBP, 5 CP) --- (1900 GBP, 475 CP) (-170 CP left, barring CP discounts from tech) (+4750 Lift capacity = 9250)
--[] 500 GBP for Psy-shield upgrades
--[] 1250 GBP for various bribes, uplift assistance, and other forms of commercial lubrication, including refitting manufactories for machine spirits to reduce CP costs.)
--[] Trade goods (100 GBP)
--[] Ship!: 5850/33,650 VBP
-[] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action. Will level on successful roll, scaled by the importance of the tech.
-[] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & communication - Defends against covert action, as well as gathering information on your foes and keeping communication channels open with any allies present. Will only level if something interesting happens.
This plan comes out a bit behind Alectai's on current ship progress, but has almost 50% more BP per turn going forwards. It relies on getting CP discounts from GMEI and/or MMS to handle the CP cap, but it's less than a 2% chance of us getting a poor success or worse on both of those - and even then, I would expect at least a 5-10% CP discount for our manufactories, between the two of them. If necessary, we can spend some of our production next turn to refit manufactories for machine spirits or manual control to clear up the CP cap for the ship, but I don't think that will be necessary.
Edit: Repeatedly fixed various math errors. And removed psytech, which is 40 RP lower than I thought it was.