Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.

I have stolen treasures from Weilu Tombs. I have watched cities burning in the face of the Mountain Barbarians while saving all whom I could. I have spent the night at a Dreaming Moon Revel and left with my sanity, my life, and its favor. I killed a barbarian at a younger age than most will see one. I received a reward for my failure during an Elder's Trial. I tread paths of moonlight that cannot be spoken of during the day. I have looked into the face of a demi-god and she recalled my name. I, from a family of no renown, called the scions of dukes and counts my peers during the Outer Argent Sect Tournament. I am the elder sister to a Guardian of the North. I have been sworn to silence on a matter by an Elder of the Argent Sect. I destroyed the operations of my enemy within a single night. I have broken through three realms of immortality in a single year. I have communed with Great Spirits, received the instruction of a living blizzard, and have composed melodies that make the Bai weep.

You may have heard of me.

This would be an excellent synopsis to put before the start of this sequel quest.
EPC bonus still exist.

-When passing stealth and larceny challenges during adventure mode the user receives bonus successes equal to 5x the letter rank of the challenges passed to spiritual or physical cultivation, or Moon or Yin aligned arts, as selected at turn start. Bonus successes cap at 90.

We could take some Sect Jobs/Duties.
I would strongly urge against looking into researching new arts right now, for three reasons.

1) We don't have time to work on additional combat arts right now. As it is, between advancing our cultivation arts, Physical, and Spiritual, we have most of our time committed already - and these things are points that would directly increase our cultivation rate, and therefore put is in a better situation if we get them done early.

2) Picking up arts narrows our future options, and the later we do it the less chance there is of us regretting our choice later on. Aside from the chance that we run into something useful somewhere like we did on multiple occasions last year, even the arts we have already are going to be gaining new techniques. If we know what those techniques are, we would be able to make a more synergistic choice of follow-up art.

3) Our current arts (or the ones among them that we actually want to cultivate, anyways) take precedence. FVM, SCS, TRF, and FSS are some of the core arts in our build, and we KNOW that we want to finish them ASAP. We can't cultivate most of them NOW because they are capped, but they won't stay capped for long, and once that happens it behooves us to focus on them instead of divert our efforts to something more peripheral.
Ok, Improved Bad Idea/Bad Idea Mk. 2-

[] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free)
[] Very High resource expense
[] Physical Cultivation x2 (Stamina x1/Dexterity x1)
[] Spiritual Cultivation x2 (Composure)
[] Eight Phase Ceremony x4 (Stealth x2/Perception x2)
[] Sable Crescent Step x3 (Dance x2/Dexterity x1)
[] Argent Current x4 (War x2/Presence x1/Unarmed x1)
[] Argent Storm x1 (Dodge)
[] Perform Sect Duties x2 (Government)
[] Research Arts in Sect archive x2 (Intelligence)
It's really cool, but I feel like it conflicts with the voice we get from LQ's thoughts.
That's true and the suggestion was mostly hyperbole. However, I feel that if you're reading the second quest you would be aware of the conflict and it serves as a cool trip down nostalgia lane that leads into a sequel nicely.
I would strongly urge against looking into researching new arts right now, for three reasons
We're not getting new arts. We're researching what our options there. This way when we get around to actually getting new arts we'll know what we have available.

Otherwise we'll get there and suddenly want yrsillar to think up all our options at once.
@yrsillar question, if we do an archive dive do we HAVE to pick up arts that month, or can we simply note arts we'd want to come pick up later?
[ ] Plan Sect missions
-[ ] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[ ] Attribute EPC successes to Physical Cultivation
-[ ] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -10 reserves)
-[ ] Cultivate Argent Genesis x4 (Resolve x2, Composure x2)
-[ ] Cultivate Spiritual Cultivation x4 (Presence x2 , Wits x2)
-[ ] Cultivate Physical Cultivation x4 (Strength x2, Stamina x2)
-[ ] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness x2, Stealth x2)
-[ ] Cultivate SCS x2 (Dance)
-[] Take Sect Jobs(Earns Sect Points 11-20 per AP)
--[] Waiting on Sect Job board
-[] Perform Sect Duties (Earns Contribution Points 1-4 per AP)
--[] Waiting on Sect Duties board

Switching Archive run for some, hopefully, stealth based missions. Both to fuel our drug addiction and for the sweet free EPC successes, which i'll sink into physical cultivation that is currently behind spiritual by ~600.
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I mean, the only difference between the two scenarios is having a free cultivation roll, so....
Well, since going to the archive trains academics/int, I wanted to keep the action rather than precommit to job board without seeing what the job board has. Unless, of course, we need to choose the action in order to see the Job board in the first place :p
[ ] Plan More dice
-[ ] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[ ] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -10 reserves)
-[ ] EPC bonus to EPC
-[ ] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence x2 , Wits x2)
-[ ] Cultivate Phys x4 (Strength x2, Stamina x2)
-[ ] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness x2, Qi x2)
-[ ] Cultivate Argent Genesis x4 (Resolve x2, Composure x2)
-[ ] Research Arts in Sect Archive x2 (Academics)
-[ ] Take Sect Jobs(Earns Sect Points 11-20 per AP) x2 (Stealth x2)
I very much doubt missions would train Stealth. At the very least it's not noted in the vote options.
[ ] Plan More dice
-[ ] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[ ] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -10 reserves)
-[ ] EPC bonus to EPC
-[ ] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence x2 , Wits x2)
-[ ] Cultivate Phys x4 (Strength x2, Stamina x2)
-[ ] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness x2, Qi x2)
-[ ] Cultivate Argent Genesis x4 (Resolve x2, Composure x2)
-[ ] Research Arts in Sect Archive x2 (Academics)
-[ ] Take Sect Jobs(Earns Sect Points 11-20 per AP) x2 (Stealth x2)
Yeah, no. Dropping SCS for sect job is a terible idea, not to mention we NEED to boost Dance for PLR to be relevant

Plus What Ayashi said.
Looking at the numbers, seems like 2 AP in SCS is the lowest we can go if we want to be able to level it up on next turn.
And that's assuming we drop 4 AP and EPC bonus into it next month.

This is relevant because next month we should reach Green 2 and have quite a lot more arts to train up.
Note: next level of SCS should not unlock at green 2 due to our physical cultivation lagging behind.
A temporary bonus will be applied to the cultivation of arts involving themes of motion in the next thread.

Exact details remain in flux at the moment

Yo, @yrsillar, anything up with this one? It applies to PLR, SCS, and AS, and is reasonably important, especially as we can only cultivate SCS at the moment.

I very much doubt missions would train Stealth. At the very least it's not noted in the vote options.

It says 'Any', and remember how many times our Sect missions allowed us to use Stealth? Quite frequently. Not all the time, no, but a lot of the time; most notably against Heizui.
I very much doubt missions would train Stealth. At the very least it's not noted in the vote options.

Missions train anything. It's what's stated. As for a make up plan:

[ ] Plan setting up for the grind
-[ ] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[ ] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -10 reserves)
-[ ] EPC bonus to EPC
-[ ] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence x2 , Manip, Wits)
-[ ] Cultivate Phys x4 (Dex x2, Stamina x2)
-[ ] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness x2, Stealth x2)
-[ ] Cultivate SCS x3 (Dance x2, Wits)
-[ ] Cultivate Argent Genesis x2 (Resolve x2)
-[ ] Take Sect Jobs(Earns Sect Points 11-20 per AP) x2 (Larcenyx2)
-[ ] Research Arts in Sect Archive x1 (Academics)

I am still waiting for site/elder info though. This would let us have SCS as fast as possible while also grinding EPC successes via Sect Job/EPC training, and would let us learn more about arts.
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Yeah, I'd be leery of putting less than 3 actions into SCS. Bad luck could cause problems for us.

Also I'm not sure if we still control where EPC successes go?