Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
My clean build. :cry:

Good bye any hope to clean ourselves of wind. Ugh.

Wood got a severe debuff too. Which make me sad because I love zhengui.

And I hope Sixiang didn't change too much, because they are one of my favorite character. At least wind doesn't change her as much as darkness would have, which is a good thing.
So, some discussion time outside of the mechanics!
Ling Qi thought hard on her answer, floating there is the dissolving dream. It was a difficult question. She knew that elements were, in the end just simplifications. Shorthands to understanding of the world. They could be divided or added together in an endless number of ways and as such, deciding which one was the best was in many ways an exercise in futility. Yet there was still value to the question, because despite their differing natures, she and Sixiang were both young and small, and that shorthand was their only way of understanding.

Ling Qi did not miss her past. She had no desire to go back to the way she was. There was nothing of value in the scrabbling, desperate, starved thing she had been… but some of the things that had arisen from that state held some meaning. The instinct to come at problems from odd angles, to avoid direct clashes, was one of them. There was nothing wrong with using the strength she now had Ling Qi thought, but forgetting that there were and could be other options was a mistake. She loved the power she had gained, but there were times when she might have been better served by less direct approaches.

Here, in this place, her thoughts were open to Sixiang, her muse, and so the spirit understood even as she reached her answer. Wind, adaptability and cunning, though it had been born of a time she never wished to return to it was a tool that she did not want to let grow rusty.

I really liked this internal discussion Ling Qi had regarding the elements. Acknowledging that choosing a "most important" element is folly and an exercise in futility. However, choosing which themes we want to use going forward is still important, and something to consider.

I appreciate the distinction between the past and the present and acknowledging that there are tools and mindsets that were born from the past Ling Qi that should still be used and honed for use in Present Ling Qi. The mindset to come at problems from odd angles and avoid direct clashes is a powerful tool in the hands of the truly skilled. And Ling Qi could become truly skilled. There will always be people stronger than Ling Qi, either politically, economically, or through cultivation, and learning to work around those people and achieve our goals at the same time will be vitally important. Especially when Ling Qi is the retainer of Cai Rexiang, and Ling Qi will be dealing with people stronger than her in a multitude of ways regularly.

This also is consistent with the answer that we gave the King in the Forest. That even though we are small, our actions can affect the mighty. And if we are clever about it, our actions can have a disproportionate reaction amongst the mighty despite our weakness.

Power is all well and good but subtly has its place. So too does recognize that there may be options to solving a problem not currently being discussed or thought about. Furthermore, the chosen element of wind fits well with the idea of having a more open mind, of knowing that there is more going on around the world than your little corner, and understanding that what happens in those places could affect the corner you call your own. Ling Qi has been narrowly focused, and broadening her horizons a bit should yield a lot of fruit.

So I really liked this update, and given that one of my most cherished scenes was when Ling Qi sucker stabbed a competitor down the well because she thought outside of the box, I'm happy to see a return of clever ploys and subtle actions.
My clean build. :cry:

Good bye any hope to clean ourselves of wind. Ugh.

Wood got a severe debuff too. Which make me sad because I love zhengui.

And I hope Sixiang didn't change too much, because they are one of my favorite character. At least wind doesn't change her as much as darkness would have, which is a good thing.

A pure, clean element spread is kind of out of the question by this point. Even if you ignore the fact that Ling Qi familiars, mentors, patrons, and potential familiars with different elements, you have to consider hivemind. It seems like you'll get 6 different opinions about the ideal build for every five different people, and nobody ever seems to give up.

We're just going to have to find a way to, hopefully, combine elements down the line.
A pure, clean element spread is kind of out of the question by this point. Even if you ignore the fact that Ling Qi familiars, mentors, patrons, and potential familiars with different elements, you have to consider hivemind. It seems like you'll get 6 different opinions about the ideal build for every five different people, and nobody ever seems to give up.

We're just going to have to find a way to, hopefully, combine elements down the line.

Don't twist the knife into wound. I am so salty it hurt. :V

More seriously, there is probably a better chance at limiting the concept we get from the various elements (for exemple infinite vitality from wood, emptiness from darkness and so on). As said in the text element are just training wheels for concepts.
@TehChron says he pledges 2 omake points to give FVM 20 successes @yrsillar

Didn't do it himself because he doesn't wanna lose his unfinished omake.

@yrsillar I would like to spend two omake points from 'A scholar meeting a fisherman' to give FVM 20 success.

Alright. That said can anyone else who wanted to assign omake points this turn remind me if so? It's likely that I've forgotten by now
Alright. That said can anyone else who wanted to assign omake points this turn remind me if so? It's likely that I've forgotten by now
I assigned them a long time ago, but here it is again.
Alright, given that FVM has around a 66% chance to complete this month under the winning Plan, I'm going to go something about it.


I would like to trade in 4 of my omake points for 40 successes in FVM.

This should significantly help FVM's chances of completing this month.
Don't twist the knife into wound. I am so salty it hurt. :V

More seriously, there is probably a better chance at limiting the concept we get from the various elements (for exemple infinite vitality from wood, emptiness from darkness and so on). As said in the text element are just training wheels for concepts.
Not trying to twist the knife - I was never a huge fan of wind, myself. But you know, it is what it is.

Like we all agree we want a more coherent build, but there are like 4 different plans for a coherent build, and each has 15% support, with the other 40% of voters either undecided, or have their own pet ideas.

It's like this:
xkcd: Standards
Some thoughts:
There was nothing wrong with using the strength she now had Ling Qi thought, but forgetting that there were and could be other options was a mistake. She loved the power she had gained, but there were times when she might have been better served by less direct approaches.

Here, in this place, her thoughts were open to Sixiang, her muse, and so the spirit understood even as she reached her answer. Wind, adaptability and cunning, though it had been born of a time she never wished to return to it was a tool that she did not want to let grow rusty.
Going from one thing to the next without pausing to look back… that wasn't wind though, not really, was it? After all, the wind touched and connected all things, she had learned that much from her tutor Bian Ya well back into the previous year.
I'm quite happy that this was the view though which the Wind choice was presented here (though LQ should also accept being powerful instead of just enjoying having power, but the time for that will come later on).

This is a great segue to better integrate Wind in narrative like we're planning to do build-wise; HDW (connections, insight), ENM (memory), likely MNO (secrets, misdirection), and now even more likely AFL (Flight, revelry), maybe DLS. These can comprise a very powerful utility/adaptability suite and establish Wind as the backbone of those categories.

Now, Sixiang. They're Appraisal now which is good, but these 3 new techs make Six ridiculously good for us in combat (on top of their A social perception and great sense of humor and style):
Phantasmal Revel's Regret's: C
(offensive dispel on 5 targets within close (100m) range)
So remember when I said LQ sucks at dispels? Well now Sixiang is giving us the last cornerstone of the attrition monster build. With this we're basically only missing strong finisher-style moves but then FSS6 is just around the corner.
Passage of Rustling Breeze: C (long)
(stealth buff to LQ which may be used in a small area (10m))
not huge but spirit support to something we want to be very good at is always nice.
Cheerful Muse's Accompaniment: C
(Hit, Effect, Duration, or Resist buff to non-damaging music/wind arts)
This is so hideously good for us; more potent perception (HDW), longer flight (AFL), better resist when we need it (SES), more potent stealth (ENM/MNO, AFL)... just. It's the sort of core effect I would expect Cai is running with Liming.

If symbiote spirits tend to have something like this then it's no wonder we're seeing them more and more. Awakened Zhengui has a high bar set for him here. Also when we get Hanyi at 3d realm too we'd become absolutely unfair to fight.
Awakened Zhengui has a high bar set for him here. Also when we get Hanyi at 3d realm too we'd become absolutely unfair to fight.
Zhengui does have a high bar, but it will probably be a completely different bar. His armor and defensive features were absurd already for his level, and if they keep getting better it will be almost impossible to take him down quickly.

Which is perfect for us because we can use that time to set up our death field with the help of Sixiang!
One thing that I have noticed is that linq qi is growing more and more experienced with learning from other people's memories. There were the shades from the tournament in thread 1 that gave us some brief memories when we killed them and now Six's dream space and the memories in that. Then there is ENM which I am seeing several people interested in. Dealing with memories could be a very interesting space for us to explore in the future. I am looking forward to it!
Bear in mind that even as a yellow Zhengui was monstrously tough. I don't think he ever actually got beaten - even in the fight against Liling, Ling Qi was the one who fell first while Zhengui was still going strong.

I expect that green Zhengui is going to be a ludicrous force multiplier if we ever get to bring him into a fight.
Zhengui is hilariously tanky. I don't think any of our compatriots in our year have the sheer damage to knock him out.

He's a damage soak, and even if he was taken close to 0 health, he has that rebirth explosion thing. (Whether that should be used is another thing - not sure I like narrative implications to Ling Qi if she uses a spirit like a Pokemon trainer using Self-Destruct)
Interesting; that's dramatically different from many settings and not what I'd thought was going on.
Reread Elder Su's lecture, then...she states that categories of qi are merely labels that cultivators use to describe different qualities.
So I really liked this update, and given that one of my most cherished scenes was when Ling Qi sucker stabbed a competitor down the well because she thought outside of the box, I'm happy to see a return of clever ploys and subtle actions.
It's a promise to return to clever ploys. Voters are extremely predictable and straightforward, though. We haven't voted especially to do anything sneaky since Sun's fortress, I think. Long time hence. Promises are just words. I don't expect players to actually perform as they promise. There's a (now correct) perception that Ling Qi's stealth is lagging, so Ling Qi doesn't do much stealth, so her stealth hasn't improved, etc.
I expect that green Zhengui is going to be a ludicrous force multiplier if we ever get to bring him into a fight.
His problem has never been toughness, but actually doing anything meaningful/drawing aggro. Tankiness has a sort of anti-synergy with itself. If you're tanky then you're discouraging people from hitting you, which means that your tankiness points are nearly wasted.
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I am kind of laughing about those being salty about elemental bonii changes.

Ach, to be so bound to temporal mechanical rules when the narratives mentioned a different insight.
When I see people saying we might do the the Zeqing action this turn I'm kind of befuddled.

Like, we're mastering 2 music arts she's strongly associated with and learning a few others.

Unless it's not an option, or there's something like a multiSL action or the Xiulan/Meizhen level 5s on offer, I truly don't see why we would do anything else.
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Reread Elder Su's lecture, then...she states that categories of qi are merely labels that cultivators use to describe different qualities.
You're gonna have to point that out to me because I'm only seeing sections like the one quoted below that, while not contradictory, point to opposite conclusions given genre conventions.
Heaven, lake, fire, thunder, wind, water, mountain, and earth; these are but a few of the many aspects qi can conform to.
'conforming to aspects' implies qi naturally tends to fall within elemental bounds, rather than just being names for a freeform continuum of qualities. I really think it was a valid reading until more recent evidence that elements had real, fundamental meaning - especially given how much importance they are given IC.
You're gonna have to point that out to me because I'm only seeing sections like the one quoted below that, while not contradictory, point to opposite conclusions given genre conventions.

'conforming to aspects' implies qi naturally tends to fall within elemental bounds, rather than just being names for a freeform continuum of qualities. I really think it was a valid reading until more recent evidence that elements had real, fundamental meaning - especially given how much importance they are given IC.

If it comes up, I think it's after that lecture. That talk was before the first winnowing, so most of the people in it would be expected to be career Yellows/ post middleaged Greens.

They lie about Gravity and Electrons in Phys 1107.
Six gave wood bonuses before and do not anymore.

God, I see it now. Had to go back to the previous thread to find it. That's a shame. On the other hand though, I do not want Sixiang to be affected by Dark (as much as I want Ling Qi to go Dark)

One thing that I have noticed is that linq qi is growing more and more experienced with learning from other people's memories. There were the shades from the tournament in thread 1 that gave us some brief memories when we killed them and now Six's dream space and the memories in that. Then there is ENM which I am seeing several people interested in. Dealing with memories could be a very interesting space for us to explore in the future. I am looking forward to it!

I see people interested in it as well. At the same time, some are also reluctant due to the implications of the themes. It doesn't exactly mix well with being a bard. Like, I want stealth too, but I don't know what the term Memory along with Fade cost us. On the other hand, in the upcoming training session we'll be getting a few more Yang arts (SES, HDW) so I want to get a few more Yin for Ling Qi (AFL, MNO).

Phantasmal Revel's Regret's: C
Releasing a pulse of chaotic qi into the environment at Close range to Ling Qi, Sixiang disrupts the flows and constructs of their foes. Soaking their meridians in qi designed to emulate the fogging effects of heavy inebriation, she causes their control to of their techniques to slip. Attempts to dispel a single effect on up to five enemies within range.

This one caught my attention. Aside from being an enemy dispel, it reminds me a bit of Shen Hu's second spirit's Languid Summer Art, with it being an offensive (dispel)

Dodge: C (0/25)
Sable Grace: B (1/35)

So if I'm understanding it correctly, everytime a skill reaches max advancement and progresses, it resets back to base C until we invest in it again and gain another skill.

Do we want to invest repeatedly in Stealth so our specialties will each gain a rank? Do we also invest in Music since it's close anyways to gain Vocals a rank?
Isnt it the reverse though? Elemental bounds are used to classify certai. Ways Qi is expressed (in the most general sense) and more specific you get, the more complex said general apelation becomes since there are different classifications even on the most general of elements. Like the 5 elemental basics (fire water wind wood metal) and then the one the Empire uses which has Earth and Heaven.
One thing that I have noticed is that linq qi is growing more and more experienced with learning from other people's memories. There were the shades from the tournament in thread 1 that gave us some brief memories when we killed them and now Six's dream space and the memories in that. Then there is ENM which I am seeing several people interested in. Dealing with memories could be a very interesting space for us to explore in the future. I am looking forward to it!
And Yrsillar already agreed that dreamscape exploration and spying was possible. Which brings me to my next point
At the same time, some are also reluctant due to the implications of the themes. It doesn't exactly mix well with being a bard.
Think "Skald", bard and lorekeeper in one. Music as a medium for memory and cultural legends.
Eventually leading to stuff like Dnd Bardic Knowledge.

I can also see it as the counterpoint to what Six showed of muses: dipping into the Dream to enrich the Real through the avenue of music.

As far as domains go:
-"Home" providing us a way back so we don't get lost in the Dream
-Argent Mirror providing a greater discernment but also the ability to hold a mirror up to others and make them see themselves through our music
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