Bai Mingzhu glowered down at the floor of the hall from the balcony above, standing in the shadow of the pillars. Imperiously, she swept her gaze over the gathered individuals, the young generation of the Empire gathered here in the capital with only a few minders from their elders. She was thoroughly sick of it.
Sick of the cool dry mountain air of the peaks, sick of the miserable trash of lesser provinces chasing after her skirts and offering naught but dull obsequience, and sick of blundering idiots who made her look like a fool…!
She took a deep breath, shooting a waspish look at the shock of red hair she could see towering over the crowd. It infuriated her, the way that woman simply ignored her castigations. She arranged for her to be publicly caught in compromising positions? Laughed off. Minor poisons to spoil wine and induce humiliating bodily functions? Detected or dismissed with a disgusting belch. Arranging a discovery of some personal correspondence unflattering to other important figures. Shrugged off, apologies made without even a hint of injured pride.
She hunched her shoulders, frowning fiercely as she stepped back into the shadows, avoiding the returning gaze.
Worse was the chiding she had gotten from her Mother.
"Hmph, do you think your little tantrums escape my sight daughter? You edge upon spreading your embarrassment to the clan." Cold yellow eyes and acid words in the sitting room, backed only by the quiet sound of fountain arranged in the Bai clans chambers to give the air a more comfortable moisture.
"I am trying to ensure that the Zheng cannot think they can get away with insulting us," she had said, casting her eyes low.
"What insult, precisely, child?"
"Do not lie."
She had swallowed her cover story, the embarrassment at the ball where they had met.
"You are fortunate that half of the reason we allow these gatherings is to let you children get such youthful indiscretions out in a place of little harm," mothers voice had cut through the shadowed air like a whip.
"...I cannot just accept being treated like a common trollop Mother."
"Then you should have never taken one of those idiot beasts to bed," was her reply, along with a cold snort. "They have their magnetism obviously, but what did you imagine would happen?"
She had lowered her head even further, shame coloring her cheeks. "I thought she could be a useful cudgel, if manipulated by her interest."
She tried her best not to think other thoughts surface, the way her own heart had been sent pounding by the looming figure and aggressive grin.
"At least you chose a woman, such childishness is more excusable than the alternative. Mingzhu, your mistake is the same as all who fall for the charms of those apes. A Bai should be better."
"How can they be so carefree?" frustration and humiliation brought the words boiling out. "It is as if all the world is a joke."
"It is. The Zheng are power without discipline. Without responsibility. They walk where they will, rut where they will, fight where they will. They allow their vassals to do as they please, only interfering when some slight personally offends some grinning wanderer. They call this freedom, and imagine that it is the true desire of all, that there are none responsible for the trampled lives in their footsteps. So it was with Zhi and the stone ape. Conquering and fighting and leaving the mortals and commoners behind them to scramble amidst the rubble without the strong hand that is needed for rule. Do not seek commitment or reason in the actions of a Zheng. Their birthright is anarchy and irresponsibility."
"But how can they function at all then?" Mingzhu had asked.
"Foolish, you know the one true law of the world."
"Power forgives all sins."
Bai Mingzhu took a deep breath, shaking away the memory. She was lucky that her Mother was not a truly harsh woman, her only demand that Bai Mingzhu be more discreet. But so too had she refused any further advice on the matter. This left Bai Mingzhu at an impasse, nothing she had been able to inflict on that creature was accomplishing anything, nothing to match…
The feeling like a dagger thrust in her heart, when she had looked into those eyes and realized that nothing of the day and night before had meant a single thing to Zheng Lei.
The unfulfilled grudge roiled like a furious serpent in her stomach, and Bai Mingzhu stalked away from the light and sound of the gala below, moving out onto the balcony that overlooked the mist shrouded foot of the peak below the palace.
She folded her arms in front of her hands vanishing into her sleeves as she strode of to the bannister, sending a scathing look at the shadows which scattered from the artfully arranged hedges. Hmph, idiot children.
She turned her eyes back to the faint lights in the mist of the town below the palace. She wished, not for the first time, that she had her Viper, her Xiao Yin, along, but she had been assigned training with her Mother's viper for the duration.
It was a bit childish, Xiao Yin was good for two things, Killing and listening, and while she might have liked to indulge the latter, it would have been empty. The girl only said what she wanted to hear. She wondered sometimes at the advice of her seniors towards one's Viper. They were useful but hardly confidants. One might as well be whispering secrets into a teapot, like a children's tale.
No, Bai Mingzhu thought, she would have to work through this problem on her own, find a way to resolve her mistake and her grudge.
"Yo, thought I saw you slither on out here."
Bai Mingzhu stiffened at the sound of that woman's voice, and whirled about to see a tall silhouette standing outlined by the light of the gala.
"How did you…"
"We're a lot sneakier than folks give us credit for," Zheng Lei replied with a lopsided grin. "You'd be surprised how often that comes up."
Bai Mingzhu narrowed her eyes. She did not fear violence, 'quiet' or no such a thing would be felt by the chaperones. "I have no words for you ape, why not return to the tables and resume guzzling all of our hosts wine."
"Well it's kinda sweet for my tastes," Zheng Lei replied. Her footfalls carried her closer.
Bai Mingzhu drew herself up, but it hardly matched the barbarous woman's looming height. "I do not care. As I said, I have no words."
"Well, I have words," Zheng lei said crossing her arms. "So hear 'em, and if you still don't like 'em I won't bother you again."
Bai Mingzhu glared imperiously, and considered brushing past, leaving Zheng Lei standing alone in the dark.
But, what words could she possibly have to speak?