Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group.

We have disarmed the practically fool-proof primary detonator and spooked Yan Renshu underground. If that does not give us time to work in an organised manner, nothing will.
You know, now that we know that Renshu is alive and pursuing his vendettas, I think that our time with Shu Yue learning the grudge-based eye technique that I can't remember the name of is going to be a whole lot more entertaining…and personal.

Edit: It was literally called The Eye of Grudges lol
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Adhoc vote count started by EternalObserver on Jun 29, 2022 at 7:20 AM, finished with 295 posts and 122 votes.
We are trying to be seen as a stable, powerful and trustworthy leader. The best way to do so is to work with the local government. Now is not the time for "fun and games", we have a serious attack on a city that must be dealt with. Considering how fast we are, we lose very little in getting the ministry and others to come down with us. They get to see with their own eyes what is going on and how good a fighter/leader we are. This political stuff matters!

[X] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group
My knee-jerk reaction is to go for the solo-delve option. To go down there and single-handedly take out Yan Renshu's entire operation. Just like the good old times at the Outer Sect.
But we are not outer disciples any longer. If we fail or get caught here, we can't just make a dashing escape and fly back to our house with Meizhen. Innocent lives are at stake here.
Ling Qi's cultivation has been about learning the strenght of cooperation to achieve tasks that no one could achieve alone, and this is the moment where that can shine through. So

[X] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group.

There has been much talk comparing this situation to either a planted bombs terrorist attack or small fires that are going to grow exponentially faster. I think that it's a mix of both. We have to take into account that a single Cyan menace is far more dangerous and destructive than a handful of Green ones.
Not only that. Even if the blooming seeds are week at first, they are going to have caretakers and guards, ranging from the second to the third realm, to protect them while they grow. Likely to sacrifice themselves to force a growth spurt if the need arises. In the case that there are a seed/bomb at each of the five locations, I don't see Ling Qi reaching and neutralizing all of them before they grow beyond the scope of what she is able to handle, even with all her abilities.
It's much safer an effective to simultaneously put down 5 mid-green terrorist seed/bombs than it is to stop 2 mid-yellow and 2 mid-green ones but allowing the last one to reach Cyan. Even more, if Ling Qi goes in alone is all the more likely for any of the Ith at any of the locations to pull off a self-sacrifice trick and retain her there just long enough until the other cells are ready. The way to avoid that is to crush them with numbers and overwhelming force.

So I think that regrouping is the right choice from a strategic point of view, but it's also beneficial from a political angle. This will prove the Ministries than we are a trudtworthy partner than they can actually collaborate and work with, instead of an arrogant newcomer who thinks she knows better and so will ditch them each time the chance to go solo presents itself.
And this the seat of power of a viscount family. If we help and collaborate with them to safe the city from a Shishigui attack, we could secure their support for future enterprises.

Then there is this bit
"You have done well, but with the target in place, your role has come to an end. Your gift will flower and activate the party favors. That girl will be removed from the board, ending the farce in the south, and the wretches of the Emerald Sea destabilized. Hail to the Twilight King, live in death, disciple."

The purpose of this operation wasn't just to kill Ling Qi, she is Yan Renshu's personal target, but to damage the credibility of our diplomatic effort with the White Sky. If we go solo, we would actually be helping Renshu with that part of the plan. However, we can also use that.
It's already known that the Ith tried and failed to ally with the White Sky, so now we can advertise how the underground enemy wants to sabotage our own alliance with them, which means they are afaid of it succeeding. That should grant us some margin with the more belligerent factions and gather support for our project.

In that line, we should suggest our Diao contact to employ the help of Li Suyin and Su Ling in case they perform a comb through other possibly targeted cities. Li Suyin has her underground access location talisman, and Su Ling's divination works better with underground related threats than more modern and imperial aligned methods. That would immensely improve both of their standing, as well as strengthen our allied Diao faction's claim of the place of old traditions in this new age.

Lastly, I don't want to kill Yan Renshu. I want to drag him all the way to the base of the throne at Xiangmen's top so our dear duchess can scourge him with some radiant Truth and learn everything he knows before being reduced to mere ash.
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[X] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group.

Incidently Yan clan is going to get wrecked thanks to this. Not one but two traitors in short time means censure at least.
Aunty grinning next time we see her with a look of disgust on her face holding the worm by two fingers: "wtf is this?"

Nah, Grinning is resourceful, she would know exactly what to do with it.

We better start working on our poker face for the next time we see Dreaming and she starts complaining about this disgusting impurity worm she found in her socks though, I mean really, she's a Moon Avatar for goodness sake, how did an underground critter even get there?

..Grinning knows better than to try that shit on Hidden, of course.
[x] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group

Wasn't as clearcut for me as the vote may seem thus far; the other option doesn't necessarily exclude keeping communications open with the Ministry. Nor do we really know the nature of the "bombs", ditto the Ministry and Viscount's level of cooperation and competence, or how easy the sewers will be to navigate.

Am hoping it doesn't take too much or too long to convince the folks into action.
[ ] Descend down into the sewers yourself and seek to put an end to any continuing operations while the city awakens.

There's a lot we don't know right now. What we do know is there are 4 primary locations spread out at opposite ends of the city, and they are defended -or at least staffed- by ith-ia. We don't know if they're already alerted and putting things in motion, but the risk of hitting one location tipping off the others is too high to risk a solo operation.

It's true that the Ministry of Law is jumping into action over this, but we're probably the only person in the city with first-hand experience fighting ith-ia. We need to pass on the necessary warnings effectively, and preferably centrally.

[ ] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group.

Then there's the issue of the ruling family. The Ministry branch seems competent and is probably at a somewhat heightened state of readiness at the moment just because of the politics that came to their door. But with the ruling family, well, we saw the city in the dream; it's a sleepy place, apathy and idleness are the norm. The Viscount clan is where the biggest muscle is, and that's what we need to spur into action if we want to be prepared for how bad this could get. It's great that we're already in remote contact with the Ministry, it's saving us time, but our asks are going to be straining the cachet of the middlemen in the chain of communication to the Viscount clan.

What we need is for a titled noblewoman, veteran of frontline combat with ith-ia, and left hand of the heir to the province to stride into the halls of power and speak directly to their masters. To whatever extent we can manage quickly. And ideally with the most senior Ministry of Law staff we can rope into the face-to-face at hand. Our status and clout opens doors, but so does the trust of a familiar face, and we don't have time to go exploring for doors to knock on, either. We arm ourselves with a bureaucratic guide and arm the city with a kick in the pants to put down this crisis HARD.

[X] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group.

Fingers crossed Zhengui doesn't have to rip up a road or anything, but heh.
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You know I'm just waiting for the moment when LQ takes a moment and thinks and puts together what Yan Renshu actually did. It's not hard logic to follow either. Yan Renshu is found working with the Yith, last known location is the formation that blew up when trying to setup a FOB in the underground so he should have been killed in the explosion, so he was either directly or indirectly responsible for the explosion (either he caused it or him not being there caused it), this explosion caused one of our friends/acquaintances to be killed and endangered one of our closest friends. Yan Renshu may actually make it on our shitlist now.

LQ's shitlist
1. Madame Grey (endangered our friend, killed a bunch of kids, BROKE OUR FLUTE)
2. Yan Renshu (endangered our friend, killed our friend, killed a bunch of people, messed with our FAMILY)