Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
We've talked about efficiency and we've talked about politics, so let's talk about cultivation.

The Way that LQ's putting together hasn't fully cohered yet, but we do have some important pieces we can point to already. For one, LQ's increasingly understanding the importance of connecting different parties together to accomplish things nobody could do on their own, which, you know, obviously relevant. Another key piece, though, is LQ's rejection of Tonghou and its apathy and isolation it represents, and, well, would you look at that?
She saw for a moment a grey expanse, a misty city in twilight, quiet streets where nothing ever happened, where the grand troubles and intrigues of the world were far away. A place where inspectors and criminals alike had an understanding that nothing was truly worth getting worked up about.

And she saw the black rot beginning to set in at the foundations. Apathy, stagnation.
LQ can already see the beginnings of the institutional rot which begets Tonghous right here, largely because the local law enforcement is too apathetic about their jobs.

And what if LQ could just cut out that apathy? What if LQ could beat those apathetic inspectors over the head with the weight of their failures and force them to care? What if LQ could rip out the institutional rot which would otherwise produce another failed city, before that rot could create more miserable street rats like her?

Just walking up to a city's administration and telling them about all the ways they're failing is unlikely to accomplish anything. But recognizing the administration's jurisdiction while informing them that they allowed an enemy state to grow a city-killing ritual under their noses? And getting the local Viscount involved to help deal with the tragic extent of their failings?

That is a bit more difficult to argue with. That's the sort of failure and wake-up call that forces an organization to get their shit together, because nobody wants an eaten city on their record.

That might be an affirmation for LQ that the thread of Connection she's cultivating genuinely can stop the tragedies she's built herself to oppose. And wouldn't that be a nice way to cap off this little plot?
Just walking up to a city's administration and telling them about all the ways they're failing is unlikely to accomplish anything. But recognizing the administration's jurisdiction while informing them that they allowed an enemy state to grow a city-killing ritual under their noses? And getting the local Viscount involved to help deal with the tragic extent of their failings?

That is a bit more difficult to argue with. That's the sort of failure and wake-up call that forces an organization to get their shit together, because nobody wants an eaten city on their record.

That might be an affirmation for LQ that the thread of Connection she's cultivating genuinely can stop the tragedies she's built herself to oppose. And wouldn't that be a nice way to cap off this little plot?

And incidentally, this is the sort of thing that our Duchess and Shen Yue would highly approve of - meaning more bonus points to Renxiang and Ling Qi. Gonna suck to be the vicomital clan and the city officials though.
"You... you can't be here! This room is impenetrable without the power of a fourth realm! And what did you just do to my masterpiece!"

She cocked her head to the side, her eyes narrowing into viscous slits. "Have you ever considered that you're just not very good at security."
Not only did we loot his weird bug and a relative, we stole both his fake death and his revised expectations of security from him this time too. :rofl:

[x] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group.
[x] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group.
Incorrect. They are bombs.


They are corpse eaters, ratmen, and other types of dangerous agents with growth potential.

They don't just go bang, cause damage, and stop immediately.

So the better metaphor is fires, not bombs.

And we didn't do anything to the detonator except let the guy holding it know we are here.

This argument makes no sense. Because you dont go lone wolf and trying to stop more than dozens of small fires all across a city by yourself. You get the city's entire firefighting reserves active and get them organized to put out fires in teams across the city.

By which time you are fighting a smaller number of MUCH LARGER fires that do way more damage and are much harder to put out.

Basically I think if we spend time gathering forces then the threat will scale as fast or faster than our reinforcements.

We are in communication with the ministry of law currently, and there's nothing we can do in terms of gathering or coordinating that they don't already have people whose job it is to do. They brought us in as the muscle, to minimize the collateral damage of brining in a cultivator.

So let's fufill the role we agreed to.
[X] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group.

The entire point of working with the Diao was to foster positive working relationship
And we didn't do anything to the detonator except let the guy holding it know we are here.

We sacrificed the primary detonator to the Grinning Moon. It was the 'damaged lung meridian' inside of Yan Shenyi:

Your gift will flower and activate the party favors.
She felt a pulse of something corrupt and impure, like the energies of the ith'ia, gathering in the now ranting Yan Shenyi's chest.
"My offering," Ling Qi said, cocking her arm back, fixing her eyes on the lunar crescent as she hurled the worm skyward.

There might be secondary detonators, we don't know, and we don't know who might have one. The guy who might manage a 'primary ignition' anyway currently thinks he's been made and is running faster than he ever thought he could.
[X] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group.

We're part of official government action at the moment, we should do things the official government way. Also as Nesh said hours ago there is value in allowing the ruling family to save some face by being part of the cleansing rather than hoarding all of the glory to ourselves. Also LQ has shown as in the last two updates that she is very much committed to cooperating with the operatives working with her at the moment so it would be strange to deviate from that now.
[X] Withdraw, seek cooperation with the Ministry and the ruling family, go down as a group.

I can acknowledge that this is an uncertain vote, I can see a universe where this is actually a decision for whether Ling Qi sacrifices her head start to be safe and polite, at the expense of the enemy getting ramped up enough that collateral damage becomes inevitable. But that is not certain, very possible for Qi to either fuck something up or get tangled in a fight she can't handle alone. So for me, Qi should default to working with the authorities unless we are much more sure that going cowboy would work.

This one might be rough. Really hope we aren't saddled with a good report card and a triple digit death toll.