"Some family named the Weilu or something. Buncha scrubs who aren't around anymore. Kind of embarrassing to be related to them, huh Mom.""Well one of my companions helped me do a genealogy, technically the makers of these are ancestors, even if it's really distant and they're not really acknowledgeable," Ling Qi said, her eyes wandering over the spread. It was a small thing, but she supposed she understood Meng Dan's words.
She didn't put any great stock in ancestry still, but maybe future Ling's would find them inspiring. She didn't think that would be a bad thing.
I'll add this to the main post too, but neither option is going to reduce or remove the current functionality of the wisps.
Take a moment to think back to every time you said something you thought was funny, and then saw someone else take it the wrong way a second later. With precog, you can make sure that never happens again. Think back to when you said something, and then found out someone else was actually leading you into a verbal trap. Think back to the time someone said something really sweet, but you weren't expecting it and didn't react as well as you would have liked.Per Xin, precognition beyond a second or so is intensely difficult.
Xin, a being of the seventh realm, can manage only a minute. I don't think "see one second ahead" is useful in a social setting; that's a few words at most, and what's that going to get you in terms of advantage?
Seems like the kind of thing we'd get from training and upgrading perception, not from modding an art.Will we be getting passive Music perception regardless of which vote wins?
While I can't speak for everyone, from what I'm seeing being discussed both now and during the plan vote (and also dimly remember from discussions months ago), what's wanted isn't "better options," it's one (1) single option.I'm sorry guys suspending the vote. I'll get back to you with better options tomorrow
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
While precog is an interesting choice, and potentially very powerful with further investment, it just doesn't offer the immediate synergies and thematics as untethering our physical location from our Music arts.
A fully ramped up Ling Qi isn't just the concertmaster at the center of the Carnival, she IS the Carnival.
The vote has been suspended for now, Yrs is gonna give us new options tomorrow.[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
Yrs is going to make some new options but this really clears up what my opinions now that I've had time to think. I don't want our wisps to be little grenades or create blizzards. I want them to be little sprites that flit around and find what others might overlook. Not active parts of our offense, not blanket awareness. I want them to be focused on hidden secrets, focused on focus itself in that they let us notice things others might miss, little pieces of our attention that aren't omnipresent but allow us to split our Intensive Focus skill on multiple things rather than noticing everything.Yrsillar on Discord said:that is just a wording thing, your not losing any wisp functionality here
rather I picture it as you still using the wisps as you do but then when things go sideways you can burst a hoarfrost out of one like a grenade/ voltron the wisps into the cornerstones of the 'pain zone'
yeah I'm gonna be honest here, I need to reduce the complexity of your abilities guys
I seriously can't keep track of all the random crap you can do in a scene
so yes, I'm going to end up working on fusing or combining techniques a lot
I think it's a very simple mechanic? It lets me play around and have Ling Qi sneak techs around to blindside people with. That's pretty easy to remember and write
and the other one basically lets me write 'and then ling qi focused, and the possibilities came into sharp relief' or something
On the one hand, yes, this is entirely sensible, on the other, I like to imagine cultivator diplomacy is as sped up as cultivator combat. They're belting out 5 paragraph essays in the time it takes a mortal to choose how to start their next sentence. In that silly case, single digit second precog may be a bit more useful.Xin, a being of the seventh realm, can manage only a minute. I don't think "see one second ahead" is useful in a social setting; that's a few words at most, and what's that going to get you in terms of advantage?
[X] Auditorium of Secrets: Transforms wisps into focal points for a modular zone around the user enabling limited combat precog within. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
Voting has been delayed.[X] Auditorium of Secrets: Transforms wisps into focal points for a modular zone around the user enabling limited combat precog within. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.