[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
The thing to note, with her new Insight, is that I'd expect she'll now never see just one future outcome, no matter how likely it is. As a result, she can't use many of the offensive uses of combat precognition
I think you're reading way too much into that insight, imo the future has much more to do with long term stuff. Ling Qi is not gonna start questioning if her foot is certain to hit the ground with every step.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
"It was easier for Biyu, once I understood that the room that young man installed blocked out what was happening outside, she was able to sleep again. She did become a little agitated with the enclosure as time wore on."
Ling Qi glanced up to see a red faced older woman huffing and puffing her way up the hall where Biyu had come from. She felt a little bad for her, she had a feeling the power of her domain gave Biyu a certain energy that made her hard to keep up with for a mortal. The staff had probably noticed this too, given the lack of surprise on the woman's face as she stopped near the entrance to the room.
AN: Now the final part of the Successor options. This will be different from last time, because things are going to be changing soon. At the end of turn 13 at latest, the quest is going to be receiving a mechanics overhaul, stripping out most of the fiddly little numbers and simplifying the character sheet. To that end, I am going to give you a few thematic options with a clear singular mechanical point to choose from. The point of this is to make arts be less about numbers and more about a clear picture of what it does when used in a scene. For the new Songseeker's Eye Art...
I appreciate that we don't seem to have as much power to create our own techs like with the HDW Mod, which just felt chaotic. Write-ins never feel good, and these abilities feel like things Yrs will actually use.
I like the [] Moonlight Accompaniment for all the reason others have listed. Plus if we ever actually manage to get a proper Combat Stealth ability it'd be really cool to be able to play our Music from our wisps to distract while we ourselves hide in the mist. But I doubt it'd be that useful, it does say it allows centering an (1?) aoe music technique's origin on a wisp which I read as not allowing stacking. Ling Qi's Music is very personal and she should be at the center of her performance.
But I don't really love turning the wisps into powerhouses, projections of our mist, snow and shadowy beasts. I don't want them to play music, I want them to listen and that's what the auditorium is for. They feel better as subtle observers, the kind of things we send out to find secrets or who come together to listen to hidden things like the war drums of the Shishigui. Precog in this setting just means prediction, noticing things and predicting their trajectories. To be aware of threats before they strike is much more in line with out Hidden Moon cultivation and desires than power projection, and if we don't get precognition now I don't know if we ever will, even after practically putting it into our Domain last vote.
[X] Auditorium of Secrets: Transforms wisps into focal points for a modular zone around the user enabling limited combat precog within. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
We shall become the ultimate battlefield nightmare.
[X] Auditorium of Secrets: Transforms wisps into focal points for a modular zone around the user enabling limited combat precog within. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
Hmm, now I'm wondering, if something like Hoarfrost Refrain was used both by the wisp and us at the same time, could an enemy be hit by both at the same time and suffer double the qi drain?
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
It feels like a better fit with our other skills and a more natural progression for the art. If we want to add precog I'd rather we added a separate art for that.
Bring on the Dolby Atmos
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Auditorium of Secrets: Transforms wisps into focal points for a modular zone around the user enabling limited combat precog within. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
They are both so good I can't bear to take sides on this one.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Auditorium of Secrets: Transforms wisps into focal points for a modular zone around the user enabling limited combat precog within. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
Because Ling Qi alongside her family are a mobile fortress, and this doubles down on it by starting her down the path of getting combat precog within that region, which should reduce attrition.
Furthermore developing it down this route fits Ling Qi being hurt when her family is injured in battle, and her desire to reduce the lists of the honored dead even if only by a little bit.
[X] Auditorium of Secrets: Transforms wisps into focal points for a modular zone around the user enabling limited combat precog within. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
Peering into the future stretches a human compatible mind to it's limits. It's true enough that battle precognition can be reliable, presuming the enemy does not counter or obfuscate your sight. Peering forward a second or two into your immediate surroundings involves a mere few million relevant factors after all. I might manage as much as a minute, barring interference.
Xin, a being of the seventh realm, can manage only a minute. I don't think "see one second ahead" is useful in a social setting; that's a few words at most, and what's that going to get you in terms of advantage?
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[X] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
I really hope that either of these will also give us Music-based passive perception.
AN: Now the final part of the Successor options. This will be different from last time, because things are going to be changing soon. At the end of turn 13 at latest, the quest is going to be receiving a mechanics overhaul, stripping out most of the fiddly little numbers and simplifying the character sheet. To that end, I am going to give you a few thematic options with a clear singular mechanical point to choose from. The point of this is to make arts be less about numbers and more about a clear picture of what it does when used in a scene. For the new Songseeker's Eye Art...
[] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
[] Auditorium of Secrets: Transforms wisps into focal points for a modular zone around the user enabling limited combat precog within. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
Both choices will alter the fluff of Initiates Viewing Pool
1082x3.2=3462 Successesmean: 3409.92 standard deviation: 99.1
Overflow 86 to Physical cultivation
Roaming Moon's Eye Mastered
890 successes to physical cultivation
Passive Effects:
+20 to Combat Perception
+15 to Social Perception
+20 to both Perceptions when using remote viewing techniques
+15 to Spiritual Avoid
+15 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+15 to Academics
Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Persistent or Upkeep 2
The user's eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for up to two tests in a single scene, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.
Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Persistent
Conjures five reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviner's curiosity, these wisps seek their parents' interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles and spiritual ones below the techniques rank adjusted for potency, but cannot travel further than Very Far distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisp's position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception and grants a bonus to avoid in the areas within which this sight overlaps.
Health: C
Speed: A, Initiative: B
Avoid: A, Armor F
Watchful Moon Analysis: C
Duration: Immediate
Used in tandem with an damaging art, allows the users thoughts to far outspeed their limbs, greatly slowing their perception of the world, and allowing the user to pick out minute details that might otherwise be missed in the flows of an enemy or obstacles qi, and adjust the course of their blow. Through this the user ignores the effects of a single defensive technique of C rank or lower, or if none are active, penalizes the targets armor or avoid at the users discretion.
Initiate's Viewing Pool: B
Requiring a surface of calm water or a mirror at least two handspans wide, the user concentrates on a familiar person or place within fifteen kilometers of their current position. The user is able to view the person or location in clear detail with both sight and hearing with perception equivalent to their own base Perception. This viewing may be opposed by arts or talismans of various types, in which case the user's combat perception is used to determine success. With sufficient surfaces, the use may view up to three targets with a single use of this technique. The user may attempt to look upon an unfamiliar location or person(such as one merely described or seen in passing to the user), however the user receives one ranks down on their Perception when doing this, and only receives visual information even on success. Targets are not considered familiar until seen in person.
Alternatively the user may generate a surface of their own to use on the fly, but using the technique this way causes all perception checks to be made at one rank down.
I don't like either of these options. As far as what I want the art to "[do] when used in a scene", it's perception. Owing to the fact it's a perception art. The primary function of the art should be bringing us more information. And both of these are awkward in that sense.
[] Moonlight Accompaniment: Transforms the wisps from pure observation to focal points. This will allow centering an aoe music techniques origin on a wisp. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
This is not a perceptive function. Picking this means the main thing our perception art is doing is piggybacking music arts. That barely has anything to do with the inquisitive/knowledge themes of the art! It's a weird mutant distraction from the art having any kind of actual personality or advancing our perception, which again should be the primary function of the art. Mechanically, it's pretty similar to the changes we made to Harmony that haven't gotten use even when they should have, which suggests a similar outcome here.
It also continues the trend of us having arts that only work with music. This excludes Dance, again, meaning PLR, again. It also excludes our primary team-defensive art, SNR. The only things that can actually be used through this are one tech of WHR, maybe some part of Harmony but honestly probably not because we modded it to mostly have direct peer-to-peer effects instead of AoE, and every offense/attack art we have.
I don't want RME's role to be an attack art. When we picked it as the successor art we were going with, one of the reasons we skipped the other choice was because that focused on an offensive tech, and we wanted to focus on a perception art actually focused on perception/information gathering. This choice plays absolute havok on RME having a clear narrative role/purpose, which is supposedly the objective behind condensing things down like this. It's self-defeating.
[] Auditorium of Secrets: Transforms wisps into focal points for a modular zone around the user enabling limited combat precog within. Combines Inquisitive study, Seeking Moon's Eye and Watchful Moon Analysis.
Cool name! But not a lot better. This also shifts focus away from gathering information or inquiry, because of the way combat precog plays out in practice. I also really don't care about combat precog, partly because it's something we explicitly chose not to pursue previously, instead focusing on broader observational abilities through both scrying and the wisps themselves.
I don't understand why both of these options are choices to dilute/change the clear focus of the art. Stacking more hats on top of the perception focus does the exact opposite of "make arts be less about numbers and more about a clear picture of what it does when used in a scene." The first option morphs RME into a de facto attack art, because that's most of what the ability allows it to be, which undermines both the perceptive purpose of the art itself and the broader support role we continually aim for and fail to realize because we're too busy hitting things. The second option morphs RME into a de facto defense art, because that's most of how precog manifests with the kit that we have, which again undermines the perceptive theme of the art itself(being reactive instead of proactive/prominent use on defense instead of seeing shit) and precedent is that this doesn't extend past personal defense reliably.
Neither of these choices advance the structural-narrative goal behind this exercise, and both shoehorn us into abandoning the clear and primary focus behind RME as a chiefly perceptive art.
I would like to go over something that make this vote very strange.
Roaming Moon eyes is a successor art of Curious diviner's eye :
Between turns 6 and 7 RME was chosen against CDP, the combat precognition variant of this art has already been passed up so Auditorium of Secrets feels like double dipping without drawbacks.
Can we get a song perception option ?
I want Ling Qi to listen to the song of the world and dance in rythm with it. not boomboxes or spidey sense