Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
So the options here are to either:
A) Wake CRX up by mentioning Liming which would be traumatic or
B) attempt to avoid that, but if we fail Liming will take over which is much more traumatic, and may harm our diplomatic efforts if Liming murders an ice spirit
I'm probably gonna pick option 1, I think that a sure thing is with going for in this case.
I don't think Liming can murder her. This is a 4th realm spirit, in a place where she is at her strongest. More likly that she will freeze CRX solid or devour her
I genuinely believe using her most traumatic memory to break her ideal fantasy is a bad idea. I think it should be saved as a last resort, not as an opening. And using the tools that *she herself* taught to us shows a great deal more about our relationship and trust.
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AudaciousToday at 2:03 AM
also on reading the options, doesn't option 2 failing immediately mean we just say option 1?


YrsillarToday at 2:04 AM
well the implication is that you're on a timer and you get to try one or the other before Liming assumes direct control

I don't think Liming can murder her. This is a 4th realm spirit, in a place where she is at her strongest. More likly that she will freeze CRX solid or devour her
Liming can absolutely murder anything at least up to Indigo if not violet and beyond. Has done so before.
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This is the sort of vote that has me hating the "narrative" argument. We start with a reminder about Liming so obviously there's narrative setup for mentioning the fitting, but as someone who prefers Quests as a game then some sort of thematic narrative the idea of jumping into more goddamn trauma just because it's been set-up pisses me off. Who gives a shit if it's been setup? Ling Qi is making a choice here and her choosing to further traumatize someone who she either is or trying to be friends with just because it's thematically appropriate makes her a fuckup. If you think the situation is dire enough that we need to go for the sure thing then that's one thing, but the narrative weight of a choice should not be how Ling Qi makes her decisions. She's still a person, and her thoughts at the end of the update are literally that of all people Cai Renxiang is someone who could be woken up by logic and harsh rational so I really don't think it's necessary to traumatize her and Ling Qi doesn't seem to either. She has another option and she should take it instead of the sure and safe thing that hurts her friend.
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Exhibit #137 of why Cai Shenhua was and is a Bad Mother.

The fingers are probably Renxiang's work, from her continued severing of Liming's influence, but the facial transplant and mouth binding are definitely Cai Shenhua's doing.

In other words, the animalistic growling we saw in the past from Liming and Cifeng aren't natural; Cai Shenhua deliberately mutilated them to silence them!

I mean, it's really not surprising considering that A) Lite Brite has been consistently shown to be a special kind of insane, B) consistently shown to have harsh treatment and expectations towards Renxiang/Liming, and C) who she's been based off of from Kill La Kill. I, for one, fully expected something on this level, but considering who she is, I also expect it to get worse.
I don't think Liming can murder her. This is a 4th realm spirit, in a place where she is at her strongest. More likly that she will freeze CRX solid or devour her
No, Liming can destroy the fourth realm spirit, even when the 4th realm is in the seat of their power. Liming is completely different than normal bound spirits where they can only be so strong before the binding can't be maintained. My understanding is that Liming can duke it out with 5th realms and can defend Cai Renxiang from 6th realms.
LQ, who caused a Heart Demon on Meizhen, is about to cause another one in Cai Renxiang.

*Grabs popcorn*

I do think exposing heart demons is something better happening now, than on the 4th realm or later. It is good for them to go through these things now, rather than later.
This is pretty much a Do-or-Die scenario. One of those where we're uncertain which one has the best chance of obtaining good results.

To which at that point, my approach to that is "fuck optimal results, fuck worries on succeeding or not, fuck fears of failure, it's do or die, doesn't matter if we fail. At this point, it's about committing to a path."
Thing is, I'm not so sure they are friends. Neither views each other as a friend.

For that matter... neither chose to come together and join in a spirit pact. It was forced upon them, by Cai Shenhua.

This isn't a matter of "You can't just ignore the person you befriended and partnered up with!" Because these are people who were forced together, by an outside party.

They aren't friends, they are sisters. With all the pain and abuse from Shenhua that entails.

CRX needs to acknowledge that truth, her perfect society cannot be built on illusion. No matter how pleasant those illusions might be.
This is the sort of vote that has me hating the "narrative" argument. We start with a reminder about Liming so obviously there's narrative setup for mentioning the fitting, but as someone who prefers Quests as a game then some sort of thematic narrative the idea of jumping into more goddamn trauma just because it's been set-up pisses me off. Who gives a shit if it's been setup? Ling Qi is making a choice here and her choosing to further traumatize someone who she either is or trying to be friends with just because it's thematically appropriate makes her a fuckup. If you think the situation is dire enough that we need to go for the sure thing then that's one thing, but the narrative weight of a choice should not be how Ling Qi makes her decisions. She's still a person, and her thoughts at the end of the update are literally that of all people Cai Renxiang is someone who could be woken up by logic and harsh rational so I really don't think it's necessary to traumatize her and Ling Qi doesn't seem to either. She has another option and she should take it instead of the sure and safe thing that hurts her friend.
The lessons Ling Qi has already learned work well enough though. Look at her relationship with Renxiang as a source of sometimes excessively honest advice. Look at what she learnt from Argent Mirror. Look at what she learned from her own Tribulation and experiences. Look at what she learnt when she blinked in the face of the King of the Forest. And ask yourself - given all this, what does she know is the correct course of action?

It's narrative precedent, yes, but it's also what she's learnt in character.
Thing is, I'm not so sure they are friends. Neither views each other as a friend.

For that matter... neither chose to come together and join in a spirit pact. It was forced upon them, by Cai Shenhua.

This isn't a matter of "You can't just ignore the person you befriended and partnered up with!" Because these are people who were forced together, by an outside party.
even if they're not friends now, i would like to see them become so. That's kind of my point.
It's literally the opposite of surmounting the past. It's not her dreaming that she can fix it, it's dreaming that it never happened.
It's surmountable because Liming isn't there. Just like with logic and reason if we make Renxiang question how Liming isn't attached to her she won't be able to ignore it but until then its-her absence is like the blurred townspeople and why Shanhua would retire, a detail happy to be ignored.

We can either say "This is going to be harder than this" but leave the dream itself as a beautiful idea, or we can say "Nothing will ever be this perfect" and force her to come to terms with that. And I think Renxiang's ideals are the core of what makes her happy, powerful, and a force for good. I want her to keep believing deep down that a perfect world is possible. Maybe not realistic, but worth building towards.
They aren't friends, they are sisters. With all the pain and abuse from Shenhua that entails.

CRX needs to acknowledge that truth, her perfect society cannot be built on illusion. No matter how pleasant those illusions might be.
In the sense that they were both made by Shenhua, they're sisters. In the sense that they've both been abused by their parental figure, sure. But in the emotional, interpersonal sense? They're not sisters at all. They consider each other a cage that they are being forced to wear. They are trapped together, body and soul. Maybe once they empathize with one another more, that can change but right now they're the furthest thing from sisters.
If we're going for purely in character options Ling Qi is consistently described as blunt, she has promised to give Renxiang blunt advice, and option one is the blunt option.
The lessons Ling Qi has already learned work well enough though. Look at her relationship with Renxiang as a source of sometimes excessively honest advice. Look at what she learnt from Argent Mirror. Look at what she learned from her own Tribulation and experiences. Look at what she learnt when she blinked in the face of the King of the Forest. And ask yourself - given all this, what does she know is the correct course of action?

It's narrative precedent, yes, but it's also what she's learnt in character.
I could also argue it's backsliding hard for Ling Qi. Here's what I think might well be the most important part of the update for this choice.

Ling Qi was silent for a moment, a sinking feeling in her stomach. She knew, knew for certain a way to break this fantasy. Cai Renxiang had already been fitted for coronation-and everything else. She had met Liming after all, and she remembered Cai Renxiang's words regarding the fitting.

She hesitated to bring it up here though, in this land of memory and dream. It would be painful.

Yet it would be certain. There were other lines of attack, true. She could prod her liege about this coronation, did she really believe her Mother would retire when they were both still so young? She could prod her to look outside, to really look and see the gaps in the illusion. She could point out to her how easy this was, that she had achieved such change in so short a time when they both knew that their path was going to be hard and arduous.

Yet they were all arguments of logic, and logic was a soft and easy thing to mold and twist, to shape into rationalization for what you wanted.

All the same, she knew Cai Renxiang. If anyone could be pulled from their dreams by harsh rationale, it was her.
Bringing up Liming and the fitting? That's the safe certain way that hurts her friend. Relying on logic and reason to wake up Renxiang? That's taking a risk and trusting in what's she's learned of Renxiang while forming a bond with her. One falls more in line with the how Ling Qi sees her past self, sacrificing friends for safety, and one lines up with the person she wants to become by sacrificing the surety of safety for the well being of those she cares for. I think that's way more relevant than shining a light on a temporary lie she's under due to dream shenanigans. It's not like Renxiang is going to forget her first fitting if we choose the second option and she wakes up afterall.
Liming approached, gown and hair settling, and Ling Qi held very still as it looked her over. There was a deep inhaling of air, and Ling Qi felt her hair flutter as the shadows behind Liming deepened into the vague shape of something far larger. It reached toward her with bleeding fingers, fingers she now noticed marked by rougher stitching at their tips. It was as if they had been chopped off and replaced. She felt a flush of heat, emanating from her gown and Liming's hand stopped short as the spirit let out a low hiss, less enraged than its other exclamations.
Huh so this is probably due to the thread of Liming CRX gave to her retainers, and/or the fact that she uses Liming threads for her alpha strike.
Something I've been wondering is why spirits like Liming are in such short supply. I only recall reading that they are basically priceless and only a handful have been produced. Came up with a few ideas. Any thoughts?
1. Material expense - They are made from some ultrarare material with limited supply
2. Labor expense - Takes a great deal of time and energy for the duchess to produce them.
3. Social expense - Requires some sort of taboo ritual or crime to make, and the duchess can only cover up so much.
Something I've been wondering is why spirits like Liming are in such short supply. I only recall reading that they are basically priceless and only a handful have been produced. Came up with a few ideas. Any thoughts?
1. Material expense - They are made from some ultrarare material with limited supply
2. Labor expense - Takes a great deal of time and energy for the duchess to produce them.
3. Social expense - Requires some sort of taboo ritual or crime to make, and the duchess can only cover up so much.
Object spirits are naturally occurring in talismans that have been passed down across many generations of cultivators, but those are rare because many talismans don't last that long. Shenhua's object spirits are special because she can make them quickly, powerfully and to specification. We don't know Shenhua's techniques, but it's probably some combination of Material expense, because all high level cultivation stuff requires those, and Labor expense, because only Shenhua and her direct disciples can do the work.
Bringing up Liming and the fitting? That's the safe certain way that hurts her friend. Relying on logic and reason to wake up Renxiang? That's taking a risk and trusting in what's she's learned of Renxiang while forming a bond with her. One falls more in line with the how Ling Qi sees her past self, sacrificing friends for safety, and one lines up with the person she wants to become by sacrificing the surety of safety for the well being of those she cares for. I think that's way more relevant than shining a light on a temporary lie she's under due to dream shenanigans. It's not like Renxiang is going to forget her first fitting if we choose the second option and she wakes up afterall.
Yes, as you say - she's going to remember anyway.

Option 2 then doesn't actually hide it - it just allows Ling Qi to absolve herself of personal responsibility for any suffering. It allows her to dance around the issue and fail to address things to the best of her ability for the sake of pretending that it's not her fault. Because yeah, let's be honest, this plot is going to tie heavily into Renxiang's arc and character development one way or the other, and it's not going to be easy for her no matter what.
Yes, as you say - she's going to remember anyway.

Option 2 then doesn't actually hide it - it just allows Ling Qi to absolve herself of personal responsibility for any suffering. It allows her to dance around the issue and fail to address things to the best of her ability for the sake of pretending that it's not her fault. Because yeah, let's be honest, this plot is going to tie heavily into Renxiang's arc and character development one way or the other, and it's not going to be easy for her no matter what.

I agree, this doesn't feel to me as a "Tell her the truth about liming" vs "Spare her feelings, she doesn't need to remember anyways.".
It feels more like "I should be the one to tell her about it" and "Eeeehhh, I don't want to be the one that tells her."