The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Using the Word Bearers makes it more likely that they'll try and talk the rebellions down instead of merely gunning them down. Might get a few noble's panties in a twist, but well... eh, fuck em.
[] Plan: Fuck it democracy time
-[ ] The Word Bearers: More than any other Legion, the Word Bearers, Sons of Lorgar Aurelian, creator of the Imperial Creed and the First Heretic, were masters of spreading ideals. Any Chapter born from them is likely to spread the teachings of their home planet far and wide. Beyond this, they were a generalist Legion, practicing all forms of war, though their investment in promoting their own philosophy and ideology makes them skilled at countering those who attempt the same.
-[ ] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in its orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).
--[]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
--[]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.

Edit: My reasoning: crushing the revolt is a temporary job and would probably need a planet to be re-pacified in a few centuries. A change of leadership style is more likely to bring long-term stability to the planet, i.e. pay their taxes on time.

I was going to suggest a chapter who stomped out rebellions via reforms, but it seems you beat me to it.

if we just make a chapter of brutal enforcers, it won't change much. The underlying cause of the rebellion will still be there, the world will rebel again in a few generations unless they kill everyone. To stomp out rebellions we need a chapter willing to force systemic changes that get to the root of the problem.
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The Word Bearers are too prone to fanaticism for my liking.

I'd rather do Ultramarines, then give them Chaplains, Politics and Counter-Intelligence training.

The Ultramarines know more about what a cohesive and stable state looks like and needs.

Chaplains and Politics will help them make a splash upon arrival in the right way to inspire and affect change without as much bloodshed.

Politics and Counter-Intelligence will keep the local governments from easily pulling the wool over their eyes.

Counter-Intelligence and Chaplains keep the chapter itself better shielded against the more mundane sorts of corruption and infiltration.

I'm torn on whether a home planet would help or hurt. Democracy is good, but if they get a reputation for that, not many nobles will be asking them to come help them.

Our one fleet based chapter got pretty spread out and decentralized, but that also allowed its size to swell, and I think it was more effective for it.
I think them being fleet based is good. With addition that we don't exactly know what traits they can get, only fleet based chapter were Dark Pereginers and they navy admirals or something?
Um, do we have Word Bearers geneseed unlocked? If so, Ultramarines primary and Word Bearers as secondary geneseed would be fun. Since uh, Ultramarines don't provide any traits when used as secondary geneseed, if I recall correctly.
That could have changed. Undead Frog was asking for suggestions and said he will change that, but he might have or might have not forget it. Basically the idea was for Ultramarines to have fewer traits of their own in comparison to other Chapters but get more traits from planets. If Chapter has secondary Ultramarines, there's 50% chance the Chapter will also get extra traits.

The Word Bearers are too prone to fanaticism for my liking.
Word Bearers don't have to be fanatical, they more prone to it, but it's not certain, for example Keepers of Truth rolled zeal and stubborness but this Chapter doesn't have to roll it but different traits. Also, Word Bearers were good at organizing worlds and creating stable societies, like Ultramarines,they perfectly servicable administrators.

Also, for people saying we should use mixed geneseed, reminder that we need to buy the charge to use it, before hand, we have zero charges of secondary geneseed to use, let alone specific ones like Alpha Legion.
[X] IRS - Part 2 VA
- [X] Ultramarines
- [X] Atherena
-- [X] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed
-- [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed

[X] IRS - Part 2 VB
- [X] Ultramarines
- [X] Fleet Based
- [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed

Can't pick between these. I'll just vote for both.
If Chapter has secondary Ultramarines, there's 50% chance the Chapter will also get extra traits.
No, when Keepers of Truth were made, the plan was Word Bearers primary and Ultramarines secondary because at the time, we didn't know that Ultramarines don't have any traits and they get 2 traits from the world. And secondary gene-seed is that it gives traits of the Astartes, not the homeworld.
[X] Plan: Covert Revolutionary Operations Wing
-[X] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
-[X] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in its orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).
--[X]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
--[X]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.

Basically the Democracy Time plan, except with Raven Guard instead of Word Bearers.
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[] IRS - Part 2 VB
- [X] Ultramarines
- [X] Fleet Based
- [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed

[] Plan: Covert Revolutionary Operations Wing
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The Word Bearers are too prone to fanaticism for my liking.

I'd rather do Ultramarines, then give them Chaplains, Politics and Counter-Intelligence training.

The Ultramarines know more about what a cohesive and stable state looks like and needs.

Chaplains and Politics will help them make a splash upon arrival in the right way to inspire and affect change without as much bloodshed.

Politics and Counter-Intelligence will keep the local governments from easily pulling the wool over their eyes.

Counter-Intelligence and Chaplains keep the chapter itself better shielded against the more mundane sorts of corruption and infiltration.

I'm torn on whether a home planet would help or hurt. Democracy is good, but if they get a reputation for that, not many nobles will be asking them to come help them.

Our one fleet based chapter got pretty spread out and decentralized, but that also allowed its size to swell, and I think it was more effective for it.
The correct thoughts, alas, are fanatically configured to democracy, not understanding that they are even more dusking the situation in the Imperium, because of course the ideas of democracy will find a positive response from the elites of Imperium (sarcasm). The maximum that this creation of the kingdom come out of this as those guys that are turned on imperial truth. By the very fact of its existence, it will lead to the radical actions of imperial elites up to a certain orthodox inquisitors Puritan weakening the Imperium even more. But does it matter?! People see "democracy" and all thoughts disappear from their head.
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[X] Plan: Covert Revolutionary Operations Wing
-[X] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
-[X] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in its orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).
--[X]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
--[X]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.

[X] Plan Penant Birds
- [X] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
-[X] Penancia II: During the Heresy the planet of Penancia II sent a great many soldiers to aid in the loyalists' cause. However, most of them wound up killed in transit, and the people of Penancia felt it was their fault. Despite the fact no one in the Imperium even slightly blames them for it - it's not like they were the ones flying the blasted ships - the people of Penancia II have taken to flagellation and ritual scarring of themselves en masse, to atone for failing the rest of humanity.
--[X]1 Charges of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
--[X]1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.
No, when Keepers of Truth were made, the plan was Word Bearers primary and Ultramarines secondary because at the time, we didn't know that Ultramarines don't have any traits and they get 2 traits from the world. And secondary gene-seed is that it gives traits of the Astartes, not the homeworld.
I say that Ultramarines should have their own traits, both normal and legendary if less than other Chapters to show their adaptability. For example, you could make them rolling for extra planetary trait a 50/50 kind of thing. For every Chapter with Ultramarine geneseed, primary or secundary, you roll if they get the extra traits, if yes, Ultramarines roll for another planetary trait, if not, they roll as normal.
@Dlan the Wizard that is a very good idea (Assuming I don't forget like a dummy) I'll need to Remeber that next turn. Going to leave things as they are for this one though since those were the rules when I posted the update.
Here's the discussion we had at the time of Keepers of Truth. I given the 50% suggestion and Undead Frog said he will think about it. Unless he forgotten or changed his mind, this should be the case now.
[X] IRS - Part 2 VB
- [X] Ultramarines
- [X] Fleet Based
- [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed

[X] IRS - Part 2 VA
- [X] Ultramarines
- [X] Atherena
-- [X] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed
-- [X] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed
[] Plan: Covert Revolutionary Operations Wing
He he, C.R.O.W.

[] IRS - Part 2 VA

I feel this has a higher chance for the reforms to stick than Fuck it democracy time. The ultramarines are known for their administrative abilities after all and this seems like it would let them take the best parts of their home planet and spread them to the stars without necessarily becoming too fanatical
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