The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Big E didn't want to create a race of humans descended from the Astartes after all. Think of them like Khan's people from Star Trek and they have a huge superiority complex of how they're better than the average humans.
Its also important to remember that keeping the Astartes depending on normal human populations also serves as a good control mechanism and way of making sure they at least give human life some value, even if it's not still next to none in most cases and for the wrong reasons.

I'm going to go back to being annoyed that the doc appointment to scedual my chemo had to be canceled due to the doc being sick now.
Its also important to remember that keeping the Astartes depending on normal human populations also serves as a good control mechanism and way of making sure they at least give human life some value, even if it's not still next to none in most cases and for the wrong reasons.

I'm going to go back to being annoyed that the doc appointment to scedual my chemo had to be canceled due to the doc being sick now.
Are you f**king serious now?! Of all the time the doctor had to be sick, it has to be before your chemo. Great!! Just f**king great
Small update, I got back from my appointment and it looks like I'll be able to start chemo next week cuz I need to do stuff like get the port put in this week. Bad news is it turns out that it was more then a few swollen lymph nods (Small tumers behind my neck/heart/lungs and a big one in my lower back behind my gut) so I'll be suffering the full 9 weeks instead of three like it was hoped.

I might try to update depending on how I feel during that time period. Depends almost entirely on how I react to the treatment since I'll be stuck at home either way but even if I do expect it to be slowed and almost certainly not on the weeks I get it daily.
Small update, I got back from my appointment and it looks like I'll be able to start chemo next week cuz I need to do stuff like get the port put in this week. Bad news is it turns out that it was more then a few swollen lymph nods (Small tumers behind my neck/heart/lungs and a big one in my lower back behind my gut) so I'll be suffering the full 9 weeks instead of three like it was hoped.

I might try to update depending on how I feel during that time period. Depends almost entirely on how I react to the treatment since I'll be stuck at home either way but even if I do expect it to be slowed and almost certainly not on the weeks I get it daily.
Oh shit I hope you get better and that you get well soon
I might try to update depending on how I feel during that time period. Depends almost entirely on how I react to the treatment since I'll be stuck at home either way
Don't force yourself either, but feel free to if it's fun and/or a good distraction. We can all wait, and hope you get better soonest ❤️
As I've heard from other people. When you have cancer your job description has exactly two words.
Cancer Patient.
It's the main overriding thing and all else is secondary. Including us. So don't worry, we'll wait.
Adhoc vote count started by RedWake on Jan 15, 2025 at 1:40 AM, finished with 226 posts and 57 votes.
  • 59

    [X] Plan: Black Armory.
    -[x] The Great Library: The Inquisition has recently come across a vast archive of ancient knowledge. They obviously want it preserved and guarded as thoroughly as possible, but they do not wish to store it near important planets such as Terra just in case (you shudder at the memory of the utter disaster the Hereteks unleashed when they let out all of the horrors stored under the surface of Mars, you STILL haven't got all of the things they let out). Hence, you.
    -[X] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the Traitor Legions. Each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
    --[X] Thousand Son
    -[X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a Legion's Gene-Seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion. 2x.
    -[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
    -[x] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given Legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a Legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
    [X] Plan: Guardian of Harvest
    - [X] Breadbasket
    - [X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge
    - [X] Adaptive Gene-Seed x2
    - [X] Extra Trainers
    [X] Plan: Redemption and Prepariations.
    -[X] Do as you will: You will not be taking any requests at this time.
    -[X] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the Traitor Legions. Each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
    --[X] Night Lords.
    --[X] Thousand Sons.
    -[X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a Legion's Gene-Seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion. 2x.
    -[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait. 2x.
    [X] Plan: Subtle as Lightning
    - [X] Codex Experiments - Goal: Create a Chapter with Alpha Legion Gene-Seed and place it in a homeworld with the (Ultramar) tag. Troll Guiliman.
    - [X] Lightning Pattern Power Armor: A very powerful piece of technology from Forge World Vhalkem, the Lightning Pattern is extremely powerful, though it can only be produced in enough numbers for deployment by a single Chapter . You will still need to handle smoothing things out between Vhalkem and the Forge World providing the rest of the Chapter's equipment, however - they don't get the free pass Murphius does. 10 Points.
    - [X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a Legion's Gene-Seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
    -[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
    -[x] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given Legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a Legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
    - [X] Extra Predators: The Chapter has access to more Predator Tanks, allowing them to engage in armored warfare with better facility. 5 Points.
    -[X] Ork Hunters: As one may expect, the increased awareness of the Ork threat after the War of the Beast has led to quite a few new proposals crossing your desk recently.
    -[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait. x2
    -[X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
    -[x] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given Legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a Legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
    -[X] Latch Boots: A superior counterpart to the regular mag-boots in Power Armour, these fascinating devices gives the Chapter's armor the ability to 'stick' itself onto any surface at will - letting the Astartes of the chapter fight on vertical surfaces, or even while upside down. 10 Points.
    -[X] Ork Hunters: As one may expect, the increased awareness of the Ork threat after the War of the Beast has led to quite a few new proposals crossing your desk recently.
    -[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
    -[X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion. x2
    -[x] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given Legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a Legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
    -[X] Latch Boots: A superior counterpart to the regular mag-boots in Power Armour, these fascinating devices gives the Chapter's armor the ability to 'stick' itself onto any surface at will - letting the Astartes of the chapter fight on vertical surfaces, or even while upside down. 10 Points.
    [X] Plan: Redemption Squad.
    -[X] Do as you will: You will not be taking any requests at this time.
    -[X] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the Traitor Legions. Each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
    --[X] Emperor's Children.
    --[X] Thousand Sons.
    --[X] Death Guard.
    --[X] Night Lords.
    [X] Plan: Library card
    -[x] The Great Library: The Inquisition has recently come across a vast archive of ancient knowledge. They obviously want it preserved and guarded as thoroughly as possible, but they do not wish to store it near important planets such as Terra just in case (you shudder at the memory of the utter disaster the Hereteks unleashed when they let out all of the horrors stored under the surface of Mars, you STILL haven't got all of the things they let out). Hence, you.
    -[x] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given Legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a Legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
    -[X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a Legion's Gene-Seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion. x2
    -[X] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a Chapter. 10 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the Chapter.
    [X] Plan: So, how about the snow-covered library
    [X] Plan: Sons Of Alexandria
    -[x] The Great Library: The Inquisition has recently come across a vast archive of ancient knowledge. They obviously want it preserved and guarded as thoroughly as possible, but they do not wish to store it near important planets such as Terra just in case (you shudder at the memory of the utter disaster the Hereteks unleashed when they let out all of the horrors stored under the surface of Mars, you STILL haven't got all of the things they let out). Hence, you.
    -[x] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the Traitor Legions. Each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.(Thousand Sons)
    -[x] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialized training before proper deployment. 15 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option.
    -[x] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given Legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a Legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
    [X] Plan: Sons Of Alexandria V2: Book Bangers
    -[x] The Great Library: The Inquisition has recently come across a vast archive of ancient knowledge. They obviously want it preserved and guarded as thoroughly as possible, but they do not wish to store it near important planets such as Terra just in case (you shudder at the memory of the utter disaster the Hereteks unleashed when they let out all of the horrors stored under the surface of Mars, you STILL haven't got all of the things they let out). Hence, you.
    -[x] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the Traitor Legions. Each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.(Thousand Sons)
    -[x] Secondary Gene-Seed (Word Bearers): The key component for creating Chimeric Gene-Seed. You're honestly surprised Guilliman approved of this one - then again, you did hear him grumbling about some idiots who were suggesting mixing Night Lord and World Eater templates, so maybe he just wanted to make the concept your problem before somebody did something completely moronic. 25 Points for one charge, choose 1 legion to be the donor for the secondary Gene-Seed. Burn 1 charge and traits from the donor chapter are added for a roll, or a separate charge of potent gene-seed can be spent for a separate roll on the donor legion's trait list as well as an acquisition of the secondary legions 'base' traits.
    -[x] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a Legion's Gene-Seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent Legions.
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