Hmm. What would happen if we mixed Blood Angels with Luna Wolves?
Sounds like great idea for future Chapter!
Sounds like great idea for future Chapter!
Or Dark Angel and Night Lord.Hmm. What would happen if we mixed Blood Angels with Luna Wolves?
Sounds like great idea for future Chapter!
Or even better Space Wolves and Thousand Sons
-One of the greatest threats to the Cadian Gate is halted when the Silver Owls single handedly crush a massive cult uprising that had threatened to take over a planet key to keeping the fortress world properly supplied.
I now have the funny image of the Deathkorps been fanboys of the Silver Owls because of putting down the rebellionAnd speaking of Vraks, the Death Corps of Krige. Did the Silver Owls ever get involved in the Krige rebellion?
No to everything. Frog mentioned it multiple times but we don't change the timeline. Everything ultimately stays the same. No matter what Cadia gets destroyed, this Chapter falls to Chaos, this Craftworld gets destroyed etc. We only change details, like what factions exist within Imperium.Doing a re-read of the chapters we founded.
Did the Silver Owls nip the Sige of Vraks in the bud?!
And speaking of Vraks, the Death Corps of Krige. Did the Silver Owls ever get involved in the Krige rebellion?
Well, I heard that theres a sweet deal for only 7.77 a month that allows you to tolerate any and all pain that is being provided by Nurgilite Medical. It even comes with a free set of Nurgle's eternal love for all life to come with it! Order eventually, they are always there!Haven't been able to so much as start treatment because of scheduling and my sleep is currently based on when the pain lets me.
Ceased your heresy!!!Well, I heard that theres a sweet deal for only 7.77 a month that allows you to tolerate any and all pain that is being provided by Nurgilite Medical. It even comes with a free set of Nurgle's eternal love for all life to come with it! Order eventually, they are always there!
Needed to look for few seconds but...heh. That is funny.
The joke is that they suck.Is the joke that Space wolves and Dark angels are never at 100%
First off: funny as hell. Second off: the only thing that sucked more than them is Lucius
I see your Lucius and raise you Erebus.First off: funny as hell. Second off: the only thing that sucked more than them is Lucius
I see your Erebus and raise you one Lion
I see your lion and raise you one Kor Phaeron and one Erebus
One Lorgar, One Kor Phaeron, and One Erebus
The Dustborn Symbol- A knife held in a fist Motto- From Little Much/ We will reposes you - chapter that works with minimal resources, as trailblazers, due to the fact that systems that they go into are fortified often they have managed to bypass them by slipping under the galactic disc in order to enter at a unexpected angle. On their homeworld instead of a massive fortress monastery they instead lay low so low in fact that the planetary population has no idea that an Astartes chapter is on their planet. They have no specific colors for their armor instead they keep the ceramite unpainted to preserve resources for more useful things than paint, they customize them with carvings of their own design. They have developed their own language system/ hobo code that is so unique and personalized to each marine that it is next to impossible to infiltrate them. They are one of the chapters most in tune with regular people, by living among them instead of in a monastery as hobo/ friendly gang. A major part of their training is being left with nothing but a knife on a planet with Necromunda being a favorite of theirs, so much so that their exist a full sized gang started and maintained by their scouts, they infiltrate so well that sometimes they end up in imperial guard regiments with people not knowing they were aspirants. When returning to their homeworld they spend their leisure time by crafting songs of crasser nature, making custom beverages of varying quality and most importantly crafting a patchwork cloth covering with each being wholly unique based on the planets they visited. When not on the frontier they work with the Administorum as tax collectors giving them the nickname "Taxman/ Repoman" with the nobility despising them because they prefer to focus the tithe collection on them.Astartes that are specialized in working with the absolute minimum of equipment and support from the rest of the imperium, mostly to work in regions where the imperial worlds are sparse to non existent and the possibility of stranding is high.
The Breakers-Symbol A planet being cleaved in half Motto-"Rip and Tear until it is done" A chapter that is basically an exterminatus. Unleashed on planets that are almost lost but with infrastructure too valuable to lose to regular methods. A combination of Death Guard, Salamanders, Space Wolves and Blood Angels. Due to the finicky nature of the geneseed they supplement their numbers with cloned aspirants. A vast majority of them spend the time between deployments in stasis with their minds being constantly exposed to imperial indoctrination and battle scenarios to keep them sharp. The upper echelons are made of marines that have managed to regain a measure of their higher faculties over time. In order to have an easier time keeping their tempers they keep Gyrinx as "therapy pets". An interesting tech option for them would be Psycho Armor from Space King modified certainly. They mainly use lightning claws and any derivatives of inspired by reading about Exterminatus methods and saw that one of the options is called "Release the Krourk" so I had a mind worm of what would a Exterminatus in chapter form look like; and the equation I came up with is Death Guard toxic resistance + Salamander flame resistance/mutability+ Blood Angel Black Rage+ Space Wolves Wulfen= Rip and Tear Until it is don
Female space marines for these I found some conflicting info some said they are impossible because Emp and Primarchs are male so It wouldn't take, then that it is just too expensive to do or that Big E deliberately didn't create them even if it were possible to prevent a race of super soldiers from supplementing humanity, especially seeing how female custodies apparently exist and have always existed so I thought of this- The Amazons symbol a spear wielding woman in armor motto "We are the lance of the emperor" based on Equartaz they use their power armored cavalry to great effect, with their charges being the lance tip that breaks armies. They often haggle with other chapter with exotic mounts in order to gain access to them and bolster their ability. Capable lance and polearm wielders they have channeled some of that skill into a series of dances/plays depicting the history and culture of theirs that also double as useful exercises for themAdjusting the Space Marine procedure and creating a half Chapter at most so the females could survive the process; mainly for the pragmatic reason of not excluding half of human population when you constantly need more bodies for the constant wars and they can already participate in every other branch of the Imperium so other than tradition there is really no reason not to at least attempt it.
The Abhuman chapter is tricky to create a unified culture due to variety of them, but at least to my mind a potential reason in universe for their creation would be this- the public/political reason would be as a reward for the loyal servants of the imperium that serve faithfully even while "cursed" with deviations from the divine human form so by the Emperors grace they are given this honor to better the imperium, the Navigator houses would gobble this up. The secret reason would be as a form of future proofing the geneseed, with the passage of time genetic drift plus whatever forces that Imperials are constantly exposed to would induce changes to the DNA to such an extent that rejections would become more and more common, with the knowledge how the geneseed would need to be adjusted to accommodate those that have already drastically drifted it would give Imperials the tools needed ahead of time to correct as needed for the wider imperium. Plus there is precedent with psykers already being a kind of an abhuman and they are accepted into the ranks of the astartes.A Abhuman Chapter, many of the disparate strains of humanity have fought and bled for the Imperium even while they are barely tolerated, this could be used as a political tool to pacify dissenters among them as the ultimate dangling prize and provide a tactical edge where they are deployed with the characteristics that made them valuable in the regular military enhanced by the process.
The Mongrels symbol a human skull with each subdivision of the chapter having it customized by adding elements of the Xeno they specialize in Motto "Know thy foe". There exists a tech option without which the chapter as I envision it would not work; which is the Soulkiller and engrams from Cyberpunk; and I am 60% sure a version of exists already in 40k canon with Cawl having personalities and knowledge scanned and put into him, but I might be wrong. This chapter was born from the Imperial need to understand the strategic, tactical and exotic properties of the minds of their opponents, orks in particular who seem to be able to on a seemingly arbitrary reason switch between extreme competence understandable to humanity and sheer madness that somehow gets them even better results by blindsiding the more conventional Imperials. So a proposal has been put forth, to use the "Soulkiller" on wide variety of orks of all clans and positions in their hierarchy in order to create an engram which contains the quintessential essence of orkdom. After the undertaking was complete only a full astartes was able to handle the downloading of info, with it proving very useful in dissecting the battle paradigm of orks. All appeared relatively normal until some quirks have started manifesting in marines that underwent this gradually adopting orkish speech, mannerisms and esthetic choices with it being further amplified after a battle with orks some spores entered open wounds and influenced them with slight greenish tint to the skin, pronounced teeth development and musculature growth being the most immediately noticeable and later discovered all of them developed some psyker ratings in accesing the WAAGH field. Normally this would entail immediate Emperors mercy but they proved too useful in war to be immediately discarded and they despite all their changes were fiercely loyal to the imperium. A novel use that was discovered for them in addition to everything else was that they could entice a mini WAAGH among leaderless orks and direct them to an extent to attack things beneficial to the Imperium like a Chaos Warband or a true WAAGH.( This was inspired by the concept of Digganobz with mods to make it interesting)I am pretty sure you already had a thought about this with the Hybridis request but a chapter dedicated to xeno pacification that splices with xeno material in order to coopt their strengths, with maybe some influences from the Callidus temple for long term infiltration of Xeno civilization to sabotage, spy and see whether something of theirs can be of use to the Imperium like the Jokaero. Got to admit my starting point when envisioning this was to see if its possible to create reverse genestealers and reverse digganobz.
Oh this one is the most heretical, a chapter that is meant to strike chaos where it hurts, in the Warp where they can actually permanently die, this ones will almost certainly mutate into something closer to a warp entity then human but also have the biggest chance to harm the forces of chaos where it matters. Main inspiration for this Legion of the Dammed and the Stormcast Eternals
Glad you liked them it warms the hearthA lot of awesome ideas there man. I love them. Not sure we'll get even half of these though.
Minor suggestion: Slaanesh is more the deity of excess than pleasure. An idea might be dulling sensation- not removing it or cutting away only player, as any excess or extreme can feed the Dark Prince. So limiting it, intentionally placing a biological and/or Spiritual cap on how much sensation can be experienced, THAT might actually be for the best. Would castration and nerve dulling agents be used for the Astartes themselves, or maybe insulting heavily in self control practice and possibly Eldar meditation techniques? Anti-viagra? Area denial sound-dampeners, pain inhibiting drugs and tech, pleasure inhibiting drugs and tech, etc…?
Beyond that, the anti-Nurgle chapter… I feel like there should be two. One specializes in anti-disease, the other in anti-despair/hope.
Khorne… I think you did great on that one, though there's wanna be experts in combat regardless. :3
No anti-Tzeentch corp? Or is that not offered…? Hmm… How would we even do an anti-Tzeentch that's better than the smurfs…? I mean, Guillimans sons are kind of the worst about that- methodical, not very ambitious, 'dull', strict 'follow the rules' types, etc…~