Silver Owls
[X] Plan: Warrior of the Mind V3
-[X]Name: The Silver Owls
--[X]Colors: Cyan and Silver
--[X]Symbol: A White Owl clutching a key upon a Cyan field.
--[X]Creed: The Eyes of Justice are Ever Vigilant
--[X]Warcry: Fiat Justitia! (Let Justice Be Done!)
-[X] Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaissance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved capacity for stealth warfare.
-[X] Politics: This Chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.
-[X] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
-[X] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
Name: The Silver Owls
Colors: Cyan and Silver
Symbol: A White Owl clutching a key upon a Cyan field.
Creed: The Eyes of Justice are Ever Vigilant
Warcry: Fiat Justitia! (Let Justice Be Done!)
Current Traits
-Restless Dreadnoughts (Planetary Mutation/Flaw?): The Dreadnoughts of this Chapter are restless, unable to enter the hibernative slumber such ancients usually do. Though this lack of sleep does not impair them, to your surprise, a lack of anything to do with their minds will eventually cause burnout, similarly to the cases that occur with the likes of the ancient Leviathan Pattern Dreadnought.
-Blessing of Wisdom: This Chapter's Librarians occasionally receive precognitive visions of actionable and shockingly accurate nature, though they do not have any control over when these visions are received.
-Venom of Stone: The venom of a strange snake like creature native to the planet of Atherena, this toxin is capable of transmuting any organic matter it impacts into solid stone. You suspect psychic nonsense is involved, but it clearly isn't outright Psyker powers - the snake doesn't even need to still be alive.
-Owls of Wisdom: This Chapter occasionally receives back up by enigmatic, owl-like entities. They aren't Daemons, but little else is known about them - they don't stick around.
-Ideology Spread: Occasionally, this Chapter will spread its own ideology to another world, instead of simply leaving once their duties are complete.
-Hatred of Word Bearers: This Chapter hates the Word Bearers and everything they stand for with a burning passion.
-Law Masters: The Space Marines of this Chapter are typically educated in the affairs of the law, both on a planetary level and in the vagaries of the Lex Imperialis.
-Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaissance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved capacity for stealth warfare.
-Politics: This Chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.
-Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
-Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
Culture of the Silver Owls
Homeworld: The Silver Owl's homeworld of Atherena is one of the rare Civilized Worlds - planets which have a large population and some form of internal industrial development, yet at the same time manage to avoid becoming the steadily growing list of humanitarian catastrophes that compose the average Hive World - to play home to a Space Marine Chapter. Among the planets of the Imperium, it is said that Atherena was the gold standard of a local planet successfully managing to work the Imperium's arrival to it's own advantage - managing to acquire protection from the wider body of humanity, while at the same time minimizing the need to contribute substantial resources as well as Imperial involvement in it's own affairs.
The people of Atherena are an introspective sort, with a wide variety of vocations practiced - among the more popular ones are law, philosophy, theology, and the arts. In many ways, Atherena has been considered something of a cultural, and to a lesser degree religious, hub within local Imperial Space, so much so that the planet is said to have been the home of a Saint of Wisdom and even hosts a Sister of Battle Order dedicated to said Saint.
The Restless: The Dreadnaughts of the Silver Owls Chapter are restless compared to the norm, unable to enter the hibernation state most Dreadnoughts spend their time maintaining and requiring far more mental stimulation than average in order to keep from burning themselves out. Most Dreadnaughts within the Chapter take up art, while others take to studying the Imperial Law so as to aid their younger Battle Brothers in the complex web of bureaucracy that comes with being a Chapter specialized towards opposing rebellions. Among those who pursue art, a few take to the art of sculpting, but painting is a far more common pastime. Dreadnaughts that take up painting often spend the majority of their time doing so - between their long lives, the freedom they have to wander on Atherena, and their surprising lack of any mental decay, they have quite a few things to paint.
The Saga of Paint: It is a long standing tradition that a Dreadnaught's first few paintings after their entombment be depictions of their own lives as Space Marines, and the great battles they have fought in before the injuries that left them within a Dreadnought's life support sarcophagus. These Sagas are kept within a large gallery within the Chapter Monastery, and are considered crucial parts of the Chapter's history even as the dreadnaughts that had painted them move on to the creation of newer and more varied paintings.
Organization: The SIlver Owls majorly depart from the Codex Astartes in only two regards. The first is that they make usage of full Marines as Scouts rather than their young initiates, most often using them as headhunters when Chaos Cults are suspected to have Chaos Marines or, even worse, Word Bearers supporting them. The second is that the Chapter has a larger than normal number of Chaplains, who are mostly on keeping their brothers safe from the intrusion of subversive elements. While more respected than average due to the famed accuracy of their visions, the Silver Owls Librarians tend to be a quite bunch, many of them actually seeming to prefer the presence of the Chapter's Dreadnaughts and mortal servants over their rank and file battle brothers.
The 24: A series of 24 Planets near the world Atherena that have all embraced the strange and arcane system of governance known as democracy. Though Atherena is the most famous, each of these planets follows a different form of democracy, each brought about by their own culture's different interpretations of the same core principles. Despite their differences, these 24 planets have been known to pool their collective influence when they have felt the need, and the rare democratic planets found elsewhere within the Imperium often look to the 24 for guidance, expanding their 'soft' influence beyond Segmentum Solar.
Fortress Monastery: The Fortress Monastery of the Silver Owls is a large and complex fortress that dominates an island surrounded by Atherena's most turbulent and dangerous sea. Within the Fortress Monastary are all of the standard facilities expected of the home of a Space Marine Chapter, though the Silver Owls have expanded theirs with several facilities not found in other such fortresses.
-The Recordium: The Recordium is filled with all of the Silver Owls notes and observations on a planet that they have visited in the past, kept safe and cataloged in case the Silver Owls are called to return to a planet for any reason. These notes usually include the local law, details of their culture and interpretation of the Imperial Creed, and any known events or difficulties in their past that could lead to rebellious sentiment if left unaddressed.
-The Legatorium: Here lies the Chapter's collection of the many, many, many different interpretations of the Imperial Law, constantly being updated and examined by both the Chapter's Tech-Marines as well as a portion of it's restless Dreadnaughts who make the study of law their vocation. Though the Lex Imperialis is so long and widespread a body as to make forming a single coherent form of it all but impossible, even the Arbites themselves respect the Legatorium as among the most complete and refined form of the Emperor's laws that can be found.
-The Dustorium: The place where the Chapter keeps writings on those laws they have confirmed as being obsolete or directly overwritten by newer laws in case they should somehow become relevant in future.
-The Ancients Gallery: The building that holds the many Sagas of Paint created by the Chapter's Dreadnaughts over the years. The original gallery itself was a single cylindrical structure, but over the years as more and older dreadnaughts came into being it has been since expanded into several such buildings connected by internal walkways. The vast collection of art within is open to visitors, and among the higher class of the Imperium, no visit to Atherena can be considered complete without beholding the beautiful works of it's protectors.
-General Gallery: A larger gallery that holds the art created by the remainder of the Chapter. Given that it holds the entirety of all artistic works created by those not bound to a Dreadnought, it frequently overflows, and due to the sheer need for space the Chapter has often had to sell off a portion of their many creations to private collectors through the usage of mortal intermediaries.
Notable Events of the Silver Owls
-The Silver Owls put an end to many, many, many rebellions over the course of their early career, quickly earning themselves a reputation for swift resolution and a relative lack of collateral damage for the situations they faced... and a reputation for shooting the Planetary Government and Local Nobility for incompetence. This has actually been considered a positive quality by many of the Imperial higher ups (for if the local leaders were so utterly unable to do their duties as to convince the Space Marines supposed to be preventing rebellions from overrunning them of the need for their deaths they probably deserved it), but it has meant that the Planetary Governors themselves fear the arrival of the Silver Owls more than any other Chapter. Because the Imperium considers a planet consistently contributing to the the Imperial Tithe among the most important measures of it's loyalty, the Silver Owls have more than once wound up supporting the rebels they were summoned to defeat upon discovering the government having been embezzling resources intended for the Imperium - not to mention the sordid list of other incompetencies and corruption they have faced over the millenia, and the few memorable occasions a heretical governor attempted to trick the Imperium's rebellion specialists into purging the loyalists attempting to stop them - a plot so deliciously ironic most heretics cannot resist, and one that has never, ever worked.
-In their battles with a vast array of Chaos Cults, the Silver Owls prove to be oddly efficient at tracking down and weeding the followers of the Dark Gods out from their hiding holes. More impressively, they've proven themselves as masters of peeling away the masks worn by cultists that would otherwise have managed to infiltrate prominent Imperial positions, destroying the heretic's information gathering and sabotage efforts.
-The SIlver Owl's role as the premier rebellion crushers comes to haunt them during the Age of Apostasy, as they find themselves increasingly under the watch of agents loyal to Vandire, and in turn are forced to enact far more… harsh penalties upon the populace, lest their refusal to do so be seen as a reason for the extermination of Atherena and the planets around it by the insane Ecclesiarch. This dark era continues on for many years until the rise of Sebastian Thor, when upon finally seeing the chance to free themselves from the tyrant the Silver Owls immediately defect to Sebastian Thor's forces and unleash great vengeance upon Vandire's forces.
-Consumed by shame over the atrocities they had wrought upon innocent people while Vandire had been the de-facto ruler of the Imperium, the SIlver Owls embark on a long and bloody crusade to root out any and all of the former Ecclesiarch's influence from the Imperium. This process would take a great many years, but would redeem the Chapter in the eyes of many of those whom eyed them with suspicion and disgust due to their actions in the Age of Apostasy. Despite this, there are to this day organisations and even entire worlds which continue to remember the Silver Owls as pitiless, mindless murderers, who only prevent rebellion by killing so many there are none left to rebel. The Silver Owls have a standing policy of refusing any and all summons to such worlds, lest their presence merely make matters worse.
-The Silver Owls eliminate a vast number of the early Genestealer Cults, and through the data they gathered, become one of the first Imperial factions to realise the true depth of the connection between Genestealer Cults and Hive Fleets. Their rapid reaction to their discovery and immediate move to disseminate the knowledge would be credited with saving many worlds from the Tyranid menace.
-One of the greatest threats to the Cadian Gate is halted when the Silver Owls single handedly crush a massive cult uprising that had threatened to take over a planet key to keeping the fortress world properly supplied.
-The Tyranid Hive Fleet {REDACTED} is unintentionally diverted into a set of Chaos Corrupted worlds due to the Silver Owls purging the entirety of the Genestealer presence within the region of space that Hive Fleet {REDACTED} had originally been poised to assail, sending the Tyranids completely off course.
Unique Units
-Wise Owls: Enigmatic owl like creatures that often support the Silver Owls on the battlefield. The wise owls are incorruptible, and are masters at finding hidden cultists, Genestealer and Chaos alike. Oddly enough, they seem to disappear entirely when killed, and leave no corpse behind - considering the Grey Knights themselves have confirmed they are not daemons, what exactly they are and where they come from is a mystery.
-Sisters of Battle: The SIlver Owls and Sisters of Battle have... complicated relations with one another. Those Orders of the Sister of Battle whom remember the Order Militants… less-than-stellar origins actually tend to find a form of kinship with the Silver Owls, sharing their burden of guilt for the crimes they committed at Vandire's behest,. However, those who do not recall the history of the Brides of the Emperor tend to have extremely bad relations with the Silver Owls, who themselves tend to be reminded of the Age of Apostasy when dealing with exceptionally difficult Sisters of Battle.
-Space Marines: While the exact relation, as with many things, varies between Chapters, the Silver Owls are widely considered by their fellow Marines to be a cold and bitter lot. Though they have proven themselves to not have the callousness of the likes of the Iron Hands or the Marines Malevolent, and as such avoid the outright hatred of Chapters like the Salamanders, the displeasure the Silver Owls have with their status as the de-facto rebellion crushers among Space Marines is all too apparent to other Chapters.
-Adaptus Arbites: To a member of the Arbites, the presence of the Silver Owls is the ultimate failure state. This is a bad thing for the standard officer on the ground, but at the same time many higher ups within the organization consider the potential for death at the hands of the Silver Owls a fitting punishment for incompetence. Those Arbites who work with the Silver Owls often find them surprisingly competent and reasonable allies, albeit ones that are known to immediately shoot Arbites on the spot if they catch one using 'guilty of wasting my time' or similarly nonsensical charges as a reason to continue harassing someone. In the eyes of the SIlver Owls, such things are at best an excuse given by the incompetent to continue being incompetent, something utterly intolerable among the enforcers of the Emperor's laws.
-Imperial Guard: The SIlver Owls and Imperial Guard fight alongside each other most often when a given planet's rebels are either Genestealer cultists or have direct backing from Chaos, and because of this the Silver Owls tend to deeply appreciated for the assistance they offer on the battlefield.
+20 Reputation
Added New Training Option
Law: This chapter has a greater understanding of the Imperiums laws and regulations.
OOC: Once again thanks to the beta.
-[X]Name: The Silver Owls
--[X]Colors: Cyan and Silver
--[X]Symbol: A White Owl clutching a key upon a Cyan field.
--[X]Creed: The Eyes of Justice are Ever Vigilant
--[X]Warcry: Fiat Justitia! (Let Justice Be Done!)
-[X] Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaissance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved capacity for stealth warfare.
-[X] Politics: This Chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.
-[X] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
-[X] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
Name: The Silver Owls
Colors: Cyan and Silver
Symbol: A White Owl clutching a key upon a Cyan field.
Creed: The Eyes of Justice are Ever Vigilant
Warcry: Fiat Justitia! (Let Justice Be Done!)
Current Traits
-Restless Dreadnoughts (Planetary Mutation/Flaw?): The Dreadnoughts of this Chapter are restless, unable to enter the hibernative slumber such ancients usually do. Though this lack of sleep does not impair them, to your surprise, a lack of anything to do with their minds will eventually cause burnout, similarly to the cases that occur with the likes of the ancient Leviathan Pattern Dreadnought.
-Blessing of Wisdom: This Chapter's Librarians occasionally receive precognitive visions of actionable and shockingly accurate nature, though they do not have any control over when these visions are received.
-Venom of Stone: The venom of a strange snake like creature native to the planet of Atherena, this toxin is capable of transmuting any organic matter it impacts into solid stone. You suspect psychic nonsense is involved, but it clearly isn't outright Psyker powers - the snake doesn't even need to still be alive.
-Owls of Wisdom: This Chapter occasionally receives back up by enigmatic, owl-like entities. They aren't Daemons, but little else is known about them - they don't stick around.
-Ideology Spread: Occasionally, this Chapter will spread its own ideology to another world, instead of simply leaving once their duties are complete.
-Hatred of Word Bearers: This Chapter hates the Word Bearers and everything they stand for with a burning passion.
-Law Masters: The Space Marines of this Chapter are typically educated in the affairs of the law, both on a planetary level and in the vagaries of the Lex Imperialis.
-Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaissance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved capacity for stealth warfare.
-Politics: This Chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.
-Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
-Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
Culture of the Silver Owls
Homeworld: The Silver Owl's homeworld of Atherena is one of the rare Civilized Worlds - planets which have a large population and some form of internal industrial development, yet at the same time manage to avoid becoming the steadily growing list of humanitarian catastrophes that compose the average Hive World - to play home to a Space Marine Chapter. Among the planets of the Imperium, it is said that Atherena was the gold standard of a local planet successfully managing to work the Imperium's arrival to it's own advantage - managing to acquire protection from the wider body of humanity, while at the same time minimizing the need to contribute substantial resources as well as Imperial involvement in it's own affairs.
The people of Atherena are an introspective sort, with a wide variety of vocations practiced - among the more popular ones are law, philosophy, theology, and the arts. In many ways, Atherena has been considered something of a cultural, and to a lesser degree religious, hub within local Imperial Space, so much so that the planet is said to have been the home of a Saint of Wisdom and even hosts a Sister of Battle Order dedicated to said Saint.
The Restless: The Dreadnaughts of the Silver Owls Chapter are restless compared to the norm, unable to enter the hibernation state most Dreadnoughts spend their time maintaining and requiring far more mental stimulation than average in order to keep from burning themselves out. Most Dreadnaughts within the Chapter take up art, while others take to studying the Imperial Law so as to aid their younger Battle Brothers in the complex web of bureaucracy that comes with being a Chapter specialized towards opposing rebellions. Among those who pursue art, a few take to the art of sculpting, but painting is a far more common pastime. Dreadnaughts that take up painting often spend the majority of their time doing so - between their long lives, the freedom they have to wander on Atherena, and their surprising lack of any mental decay, they have quite a few things to paint.
The Saga of Paint: It is a long standing tradition that a Dreadnaught's first few paintings after their entombment be depictions of their own lives as Space Marines, and the great battles they have fought in before the injuries that left them within a Dreadnought's life support sarcophagus. These Sagas are kept within a large gallery within the Chapter Monastery, and are considered crucial parts of the Chapter's history even as the dreadnaughts that had painted them move on to the creation of newer and more varied paintings.
Organization: The SIlver Owls majorly depart from the Codex Astartes in only two regards. The first is that they make usage of full Marines as Scouts rather than their young initiates, most often using them as headhunters when Chaos Cults are suspected to have Chaos Marines or, even worse, Word Bearers supporting them. The second is that the Chapter has a larger than normal number of Chaplains, who are mostly on keeping their brothers safe from the intrusion of subversive elements. While more respected than average due to the famed accuracy of their visions, the Silver Owls Librarians tend to be a quite bunch, many of them actually seeming to prefer the presence of the Chapter's Dreadnaughts and mortal servants over their rank and file battle brothers.
The 24: A series of 24 Planets near the world Atherena that have all embraced the strange and arcane system of governance known as democracy. Though Atherena is the most famous, each of these planets follows a different form of democracy, each brought about by their own culture's different interpretations of the same core principles. Despite their differences, these 24 planets have been known to pool their collective influence when they have felt the need, and the rare democratic planets found elsewhere within the Imperium often look to the 24 for guidance, expanding their 'soft' influence beyond Segmentum Solar.
Fortress Monastery: The Fortress Monastery of the Silver Owls is a large and complex fortress that dominates an island surrounded by Atherena's most turbulent and dangerous sea. Within the Fortress Monastary are all of the standard facilities expected of the home of a Space Marine Chapter, though the Silver Owls have expanded theirs with several facilities not found in other such fortresses.
-The Recordium: The Recordium is filled with all of the Silver Owls notes and observations on a planet that they have visited in the past, kept safe and cataloged in case the Silver Owls are called to return to a planet for any reason. These notes usually include the local law, details of their culture and interpretation of the Imperial Creed, and any known events or difficulties in their past that could lead to rebellious sentiment if left unaddressed.
-The Legatorium: Here lies the Chapter's collection of the many, many, many different interpretations of the Imperial Law, constantly being updated and examined by both the Chapter's Tech-Marines as well as a portion of it's restless Dreadnaughts who make the study of law their vocation. Though the Lex Imperialis is so long and widespread a body as to make forming a single coherent form of it all but impossible, even the Arbites themselves respect the Legatorium as among the most complete and refined form of the Emperor's laws that can be found.
-The Dustorium: The place where the Chapter keeps writings on those laws they have confirmed as being obsolete or directly overwritten by newer laws in case they should somehow become relevant in future.
-The Ancients Gallery: The building that holds the many Sagas of Paint created by the Chapter's Dreadnaughts over the years. The original gallery itself was a single cylindrical structure, but over the years as more and older dreadnaughts came into being it has been since expanded into several such buildings connected by internal walkways. The vast collection of art within is open to visitors, and among the higher class of the Imperium, no visit to Atherena can be considered complete without beholding the beautiful works of it's protectors.
-General Gallery: A larger gallery that holds the art created by the remainder of the Chapter. Given that it holds the entirety of all artistic works created by those not bound to a Dreadnought, it frequently overflows, and due to the sheer need for space the Chapter has often had to sell off a portion of their many creations to private collectors through the usage of mortal intermediaries.
Notable Events of the Silver Owls
-The Silver Owls put an end to many, many, many rebellions over the course of their early career, quickly earning themselves a reputation for swift resolution and a relative lack of collateral damage for the situations they faced... and a reputation for shooting the Planetary Government and Local Nobility for incompetence. This has actually been considered a positive quality by many of the Imperial higher ups (for if the local leaders were so utterly unable to do their duties as to convince the Space Marines supposed to be preventing rebellions from overrunning them of the need for their deaths they probably deserved it), but it has meant that the Planetary Governors themselves fear the arrival of the Silver Owls more than any other Chapter. Because the Imperium considers a planet consistently contributing to the the Imperial Tithe among the most important measures of it's loyalty, the Silver Owls have more than once wound up supporting the rebels they were summoned to defeat upon discovering the government having been embezzling resources intended for the Imperium - not to mention the sordid list of other incompetencies and corruption they have faced over the millenia, and the few memorable occasions a heretical governor attempted to trick the Imperium's rebellion specialists into purging the loyalists attempting to stop them - a plot so deliciously ironic most heretics cannot resist, and one that has never, ever worked.
-In their battles with a vast array of Chaos Cults, the Silver Owls prove to be oddly efficient at tracking down and weeding the followers of the Dark Gods out from their hiding holes. More impressively, they've proven themselves as masters of peeling away the masks worn by cultists that would otherwise have managed to infiltrate prominent Imperial positions, destroying the heretic's information gathering and sabotage efforts.
-The SIlver Owl's role as the premier rebellion crushers comes to haunt them during the Age of Apostasy, as they find themselves increasingly under the watch of agents loyal to Vandire, and in turn are forced to enact far more… harsh penalties upon the populace, lest their refusal to do so be seen as a reason for the extermination of Atherena and the planets around it by the insane Ecclesiarch. This dark era continues on for many years until the rise of Sebastian Thor, when upon finally seeing the chance to free themselves from the tyrant the Silver Owls immediately defect to Sebastian Thor's forces and unleash great vengeance upon Vandire's forces.
-Consumed by shame over the atrocities they had wrought upon innocent people while Vandire had been the de-facto ruler of the Imperium, the SIlver Owls embark on a long and bloody crusade to root out any and all of the former Ecclesiarch's influence from the Imperium. This process would take a great many years, but would redeem the Chapter in the eyes of many of those whom eyed them with suspicion and disgust due to their actions in the Age of Apostasy. Despite this, there are to this day organisations and even entire worlds which continue to remember the Silver Owls as pitiless, mindless murderers, who only prevent rebellion by killing so many there are none left to rebel. The Silver Owls have a standing policy of refusing any and all summons to such worlds, lest their presence merely make matters worse.
-The Silver Owls eliminate a vast number of the early Genestealer Cults, and through the data they gathered, become one of the first Imperial factions to realise the true depth of the connection between Genestealer Cults and Hive Fleets. Their rapid reaction to their discovery and immediate move to disseminate the knowledge would be credited with saving many worlds from the Tyranid menace.
-One of the greatest threats to the Cadian Gate is halted when the Silver Owls single handedly crush a massive cult uprising that had threatened to take over a planet key to keeping the fortress world properly supplied.
-The Tyranid Hive Fleet {REDACTED} is unintentionally diverted into a set of Chaos Corrupted worlds due to the Silver Owls purging the entirety of the Genestealer presence within the region of space that Hive Fleet {REDACTED} had originally been poised to assail, sending the Tyranids completely off course.
Unique Units
-Wise Owls: Enigmatic owl like creatures that often support the Silver Owls on the battlefield. The wise owls are incorruptible, and are masters at finding hidden cultists, Genestealer and Chaos alike. Oddly enough, they seem to disappear entirely when killed, and leave no corpse behind - considering the Grey Knights themselves have confirmed they are not daemons, what exactly they are and where they come from is a mystery.
-Sisters of Battle: The SIlver Owls and Sisters of Battle have... complicated relations with one another. Those Orders of the Sister of Battle whom remember the Order Militants… less-than-stellar origins actually tend to find a form of kinship with the Silver Owls, sharing their burden of guilt for the crimes they committed at Vandire's behest,. However, those who do not recall the history of the Brides of the Emperor tend to have extremely bad relations with the Silver Owls, who themselves tend to be reminded of the Age of Apostasy when dealing with exceptionally difficult Sisters of Battle.
-Space Marines: While the exact relation, as with many things, varies between Chapters, the Silver Owls are widely considered by their fellow Marines to be a cold and bitter lot. Though they have proven themselves to not have the callousness of the likes of the Iron Hands or the Marines Malevolent, and as such avoid the outright hatred of Chapters like the Salamanders, the displeasure the Silver Owls have with their status as the de-facto rebellion crushers among Space Marines is all too apparent to other Chapters.
-Adaptus Arbites: To a member of the Arbites, the presence of the Silver Owls is the ultimate failure state. This is a bad thing for the standard officer on the ground, but at the same time many higher ups within the organization consider the potential for death at the hands of the Silver Owls a fitting punishment for incompetence. Those Arbites who work with the Silver Owls often find them surprisingly competent and reasonable allies, albeit ones that are known to immediately shoot Arbites on the spot if they catch one using 'guilty of wasting my time' or similarly nonsensical charges as a reason to continue harassing someone. In the eyes of the SIlver Owls, such things are at best an excuse given by the incompetent to continue being incompetent, something utterly intolerable among the enforcers of the Emperor's laws.
-Imperial Guard: The SIlver Owls and Imperial Guard fight alongside each other most often when a given planet's rebels are either Genestealer cultists or have direct backing from Chaos, and because of this the Silver Owls tend to deeply appreciated for the assistance they offer on the battlefield.
+20 Reputation
Added New Training Option
Law: This chapter has a greater understanding of the Imperiums laws and regulations.
OOC: Once again thanks to the beta.
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