The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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[X] The Dark Angels: The Dark Angels, sons of Lion El Johnson, much like the Ultramarines have a very stable and mutation free Gene-Seed. They have access to a great deal of highly advanced technology gifted to them by the Emperor, and have formed several of their Companies into heirs of their previous elite forces such as the Deathwing. However, the Dark Angels have also been acting very erratic of late, and are stubbornly insistent about forming 'relations' with their founding chapters regarding matters they refuse to speak of, even to other Astartes. A great number of officials within the Imperium are growing very concerned about this, but with the death of the First Legion's Primarch, it seems unlikely anyone could force them to reveal the reason for their behaviour.
[X] Skaltland: A large planet of lush green forests, the inhabitants are tough and belligerent folk - being extremely prone to excessive swearing, and picking fights at the drop of the hat. And this is without the horrid shrieking caused by the 'bagpipes' that are their most popular musical instrument. (Fenris Region).
[X] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed
[X] 1 Charges of Potent Gene-Seed.

If anybody has recommendation for alt geneseed please let me know
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Alpha Legion's skillset would be useful for finding Rebellions. The Raven Guard would be useful in fighting them without needing to call in other resources.
[ ] Plan: The Blind Crows
-[ ] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
-[ ] Sightless: The rather on the nose name of this planet is due to the fact that a large portion of the planet's population is blind - thanks to the local wildlife, whom seem to consider human eyeballs a delicacy. It a rare individual on the planet of Sightless that keeps one eye late into their lives, let alone both. (Ultramar Region)
[ ] Plan: He's Right Behind Me, Isn't He?
- [ ] The Alpha Legion: The Gene-Seed derived from the traitorous Alpharius is, despite it's origins, very pure as the physical is concerned, with no noticeable mutations beyond the fact that Alpha Legionaires tend to so closely resemble their father as to be able to impersonate him convincingly. On the mental side the Alpha Legion's Gene-Seed seems to create more secretive Astartes with a greater sense of initiative, resulting in them being masters of intelligence gathering, sabotage, and all other forms of indirect warfare.
- [ ] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future.
[ ] Akasha II: In all regards Akasha is a completely standard jungle Death World, with it's main standout 'trait' being the fact that the Imperial Truth seems to have been adopted very quickly and become strongly entrenched in the short amount of time since it's adoption.
Still forget to take it down.
[ ] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in its orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).
Only viable choice I think for what you guys think about.
[ ] Rockheim: A Feral world near one of the few recorded 'Squat' realms, the locals seem to have a fairly good relationship with the short abhumans, with the latter frequently aiding the former with Ork invasions. (Segmentum Solar)
. . .something for later. For Imperial Fists?
[] IRS - Part 2 VA
- [] Ultramarines
- [] Atherena
-- [] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed
-- [] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed

[] IRS - Part 2 VB
- [] Ultramarines
- [] Fleet Based
- [] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed

(@undead frog are the adaptive gene-seed needed on Atherena?)
Combine Word Bearer and Ultramarine geneseeds together? One is super on point with the Imperial Creed/Truth, the other is a living spread sheet document. Perfect for the IRS Marines!

IRSM: "Greeting corrupt planetary governor and/or violent protestors. We of the IRS Recognize your rights as citizens of the Imperium of Man, but also noticed several laws that have been disregarded. Planetary Govenor, we've noticed some discrepancies within your previous Decennial tithe. Based on the amount of luxury goods and renovations we've recorded spent on your Manor alone this year and the revolts all within the lower hives, we and the Administratum deemed you unfit. You are to be fired from your position and repurposed for Servitorial duties. Have a good day. *BLAP!*

@undead frog I don't think IRS marines have been done yet. Can we do that? I recall we can pick /POL/atiks as additional training.
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[ ] Rhodes 77: A planet in the Ultramar region, Rhodes is an important hub world due to it's location along several of the most stable warp routes known to Ultramar. This makes the regions near the world a den of piracy both of the human and xenos variety. (Ultramar Region).
So.. we choose to Do IRS and rebellion crushing.. I gonna suggest this Rhodes 77.

we can utilize trade hub to train these IRS chapter. (pick out pirate (rebel) from civilian as well as connection to governor and upper class if any exist)
Rebellion need to do trade anyway and I believe that this chapter gonna have so many insiders spread across multiples imperial world..

Also do piracy count as rebel? not sure.. but monitoring a flow of trade to detect rebellion seem viable? (not sure if warp travel is really that reliable or not)
As some pirates group may even belong to some planetary governor so we can crack those down too.
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I got three plan ideas that could work

[]Plan Flagellant Birds
- [ ] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.
-[ ] Penancia II: During the Heresy the planet of Penancia II sent a great many soldiers to aid in the loyalists' cause. However, most of them wound up killed in transit, and the people of Penancia felt it was their fault. Despite the fact no one in the Imperium even slightly blames them for it - it's not like they were the ones flying the blasted ships - the people of Penancia II have taken to flagellation and ritual scarring of themselves en masse, to atone for failing the rest of humanity.

Hunters of traitors and rebels made up of of a population that has massive (Unnecessary) Guilt and wishes to prove themselves, seems like a decent group for Raven Guard Successors.

[]Plan Blue Bulls
-[ ] The Ultramarines: The most pure and stable Space Marine Gene-seed, the Ultramarines, sons of Roboute Guiliman, are a lineage that gives no great benefits but in turn does not have great downsides. They are tactically balanced, seeking to practice all forms of warfare rather than master just a few, and stand as the most numerous of the surviving Space Marines. They do seem to have started a minor tradition of maintaining ties with their successor Chapters, however. Whether this is a boon or a curse remains to be seen.
- [ ] Creetaz: A planet near Ultramar with a large number of the Abhumans known as Beastmen, whom have lived in shocking harmony with the human population. Normally Beastmen either fall to Chaos or end up in a mutually hostile relationship with baseline humans, but this world seems to have avoided both fates. Additionally, a stable sub-species of Beastman known as Minotaurs have been confirmed as native to the planet, and according to your records, are as large and powerful as Ogryns. (Ultramar Region).

Chance of Abbhuman Aux folks helping the chapter wipe out rebel forces, not the most adept at stopping rebellions before they get big, but might be good at putting them down

[]Plan Croc Hunters
-[ ] The Alpha Legion: The Gene-Seed derived from the traitorous Alpharius is, despite it's origins, very pure as the physical is concerned, with no noticeable mutations beyond the fact that Alpha Legionaires tend to so closely resemble their father as to be able to impersonate him convincingly. On the mental side the Alpha Legion's Gene-Seed seems to create more secretive Astartes with a greater sense of initiative, resulting in them being masters of intelligence gathering, sabotage, and all other forms of indirect warfare.
-[ ] MizzurI: A swamp planet, populated by an extensive variety of crocodilian xenos species. The locals have taken to wrestling with them, and are expert marksmen… though they do have rather strange accents.

Expert Marksmen and Alpha Legion Sneaky times, sounds like a good chapter to wipe out leaders
[] IRS - Part 2 V.RG
- [] The Raven Guard
- [] Fleet Based
- [] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed

Raven Guard seems like the better option than going into extra bureaucracy.
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Um, do we have Word Bearers geneseed unlocked? If so, Ultramarines primary and Word Bearers as secondary geneseed would be fun. Since uh, Ultramarines don't provide any traits when used as secondary geneseed, if I recall correctly.

And if we don't have WB geneseed, just go with Ultramarines on democracy planet.

Wonder what Ultramarine x Alpha Legion geneseed would give us.
Uhh, fleet based Ultramarines seem like a waste since they have some sort of advantage when it comes to planetary traits? Can't recall what it is though.
Um, do we have Word Bearers geneseed unlocked? If so, Ultramarines primary and Word Bearers as secondary geneseed would be fun. Since uh, Ultramarines don't provide any traits when used as secondary geneseed, if I recall correctly.

And if we don't have WB geneseed, just go with Ultramarines on democracy planet.

Wonder what Ultramarine x Alpha Legion geneseed would give us.
We already did Ultramarine/Word Bearer geneseed with the Keepers of Truth
[ ] Plan: Emperor's Hounds
-[ ] The Ultramarines
-[ ] Gloamaz
--[ ] One Charge of Adaptive Geneseed
--[ ] One Charge of Potent Geneseed

I don't remember why we dont have access to Space Wolf geneseed cause thats who I wanted to use, but the smurfs are also a good fit
[] IRS - Part 2 VA
- [] Ultramarines
- [] Atherena
-- [] 1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed
-- [] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed

[] IRS - Part 2 VB
- [] Ultramarines
- [] Fleet Based
- [] 1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed
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